View Full Version : THE PRINCIPLE: “Donald Trump” of Cosmology Documentaries

22nd February 2016, 02:51 PM
THE PRINCIPLE: “Donald Trump” of Cosmology Documentaries (http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/02/the-principle-donald-trump-of-cosmology-documentaries-3307526.html)
John Q Public
February 22, 2016

(Before It's News) (http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/02/the-principle-donald-trump-of-cosmology-documentaries-3307526.html)

Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore

Cosmology documentaries are fairly common. Many of us remember the NOVA series hosted by Carl Sagan. Cosmos was a recent series by Neil deGrasse Tyson. These and many other series (such as by Brian Greene, etc.) all toe the establishment science line, namely that the earth is boring speck of dust in a vast emptiness, earth and its inhabitants being of little if any significance. This kind of echos presidential candidates. Jeb Bush is an establishment candidate, and Marco Rubio is currently considered the darling of the establishment candidates. Donald Trump characterizes himslef as an outsider, and is being greeted with enthusiasm unseen in a long time. Even Bernie Sanders, though a 25 year veteran of the Senate, is seen as an outsider, and the establishment Hillary Clinton is struggling to keep up.

The point of all this is that the establishment stinks to high heaven and everyone knows it. We find ourselves in endless wars leading to nowhere. The Republican Party has lost all credibility as it complains on national news that Donald Trump dared to speak the truth- that the rush Iraq after 9/11 was a mistake, that there were no weapons of mass destruction, that the invasion of Iraq lead to a destabilization of the middle east, that created the vacuum (assisted by the toppling of Qadaffi and attempted toppling of Assad) that led to the creation of ISIS. The emperor has no clothes, and John Q. Public knows that, and finally is doing something about it by supporting non-establishment candidates. The public is interested in truth. The establishment only wants to cling to their power and influence.

THE PRINCIPLE is a documentary that dared to challenge the mainstream cosmology establishment. THE PRINCIPLE arranged debates (actually dialogues, but keeping to the analogy…) between Lawrence Krauss, Michio Kaku, George FR Ellis, Max Tegmark, Julian Barbour, and Bernard Carr (the establishment darlings) vs. mavericks John Hartnett (Christian cosmologist), Robert Sungenis (Catholic scholar, author Galileo Was Wrong and Executive Producer), Martin Selbrede (Christian Physicist), and Robert Bennett (Catholic Physicist and co-author of Galileo Was Wrong). George FR Ellis is also a Christian, and this viewpoint is also revealed in the film in an amazing dialog between he and Bernard Carr. Upon release of the film in 2014, many of the mainstream establishment scientists freaked out (http://beforeitsnews.com/science-and-technology/2014/06/top-scientists-freak-out-over-new-documentary-questioning-copernican-principle-which-they-appeared-in-2699776.html) and whined about their own (paid) participation in the film! They realized how much they actually revealed on camera, compounded by the startling observations (http://beforeitsnews.com/media/2014/06/media-colludes-to-hide-astonishing-fact-about-glaring-signal-in-the-cosmos-scientists-scramble-to-explain-away-2482848.html) that occurred with the Planck satellite in 2013 after they interviewed for THE PRINCIPLE (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://theprinciplemovie.com), and could no longer take back what they said.

THE PRINCIPLE truly is the “Donald Trump” of cosmology documentaries, and as people see it, it changes their perspective life, the universe and everything. As Kevin M. Craft recently said on THE PRINCIPLE Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/theprinciplemovie/):

WOW!!!!! I received my copy of THE PRINCIPLE today and I watched it last evening! I don’t exaggerate when I say that I believe this film is perhaps one of THE most important films to come along in a looooooong time–perhaps EVER. …I never expected it to SURPASS my expectations. …I give THE PRINCIPLE my highest recommendation– to Big Bang proponents and Creationists and to you poor theistic evolutionists out there…[THE PRINCIPLE is] well-balanced, chocked full of information from the mouths of leaders in the field…this isn’t Billy Graham, Rick Warren or Ken Ham, or anyone straight from Christendom addressing this issue. These are MAINSTREAM SCIENTISTS, leaders in their field….ORDER IT TODAY. You won’t be sorry…unless, of course, you can’t stand to have your faith tested. And there are those people.

22nd February 2016, 03:00 PM

22nd February 2016, 03:04 PM
so Its all down to you. It says so in the story. Right there John Q Public is not going to take it any more. Getting some traction.

Has Trump watched it? I couldn't be sure from the article.

22nd February 2016, 03:07 PM

22nd February 2016, 03:12 PM

They don't believe in flat earth, but they believe in geocentrism (the Earth is the center of the Universe.)

The idea of the Earth being one of trillions and trillions of worlds ruins the I'm a Special Snowflake Muh Feels.
Pro Tip: This is where Cultural Marxism and SJW beliefs originated from. Jews just manipulated this mindset to their liking.

22nd February 2016, 06:15 PM
and the FES is a controlled op isn't it? I think its run by 3 people. Gatekeeping etc. Don't know.

But the current universe model has some issues. Such as nothing changes.