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mick silver
23rd February 2016, 04:30 AM
Press TV: Trump conducted controlled demolition of Bush candidacy
By Kevin Barrett (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/barrett/) on February 22, 2016 The Donald said "Elect me and you'll find out who really knocked down the Twin Towers" - and Jeb's candidacy collapsed at free-fall speed
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/1-trump-bush-640x390.jpg (http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/02/22/451769/Trump--Bush-candidacy)Watch the interview at Press TV (http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/02/22/451769/Trump--Bush-candidacy)

Jeb Bush was the Republican Party’s favorite presidential nominee but Donald Trump has conducted a controlled demolition of his candidacy over the Bush family’s role in the 9/11 atrocity, an American scholar and political analyst says.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, editor of We Are Not Charlie Hebdo and scholar of Arabic and Islamic studies, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Monday when was asked to comment on Donald Trump’s recent statement about Jeb Bush.
Bush, brother and son to two former US presidents, dropped out on Saturday night after a disappointing showing in South Carolina’s Republican primary.
Trump, who has been credited to ruin the candidacy of onetime party favorite Jeb Bush, on Sunday refused to take responsibility for his opponent’s exit from the 2016 White House race.​
“Is Donald Trump responsible for the destruction of Jeb Bush’s candidacy for the White House?” Dr. Barrett asked. “I think the short answer to that is: Yes, he is responsible.

Donald Trump has conducted a controlled demolition of the candidacy of Jeb Bush. It’s been very clear from the get-go that Trump saw that the weakness of Jeb Bush was his complicity in the atrocities of September 11, 2001, and the wars that those atrocities were designed to trigger.
“These wars have been a disaster for the United States. The majority of the American people understand that the presidency of George W. Bush was perhaps the biggest catastrophe ever to hit the United States in its history, and that’s saying something.
“We had a civil war, we had a number of very unfortunate incidents, but never before the presidency of George W. Bush, did a sitting president allow his vice president to murder 3,000 American citizens in a false flag event designed to launch a series of wars on behalf of a foreign entity, in this case the state of Israel—wars that bankrupted the United States’ treasury, wars that have ruined the reputation of the United States in the eyes of the world, wars that have shredded the American Constitution, wars that have essentially come very close to putting an end to the American experiment.

The presidency of George W. Bush has nearly ended the United States as we used to know it.
“And Donald Trump recognizes this as do many Americans, who half-consciously understand that things have gone terribly, terribly wrong. And where they began to go utterly disastrously wrong was during the presidency George W. Bush with the 9/11 false flag event, which Americans deep in their hearts know very well was an inside job, and with these horrific wars and wars on civil liberties, and wars on the American economy that have followed.
“So this is the elephant in the living room in the American political unconscious. And Donald Trump, a very astute political thinker, much smarter than he appears with some of his ill-considered statements, I think understands it totally, that this is the Achilles’ heel of the Bush family in general, and of Jeb Bush’s candidacy for the White House in particular.

So Trump hammered away at Jeb Bush by repeatedly throwing up 9/11 [allegations] in ways that have more and more directness, targeted the official story and questioned the official story of 9/11, and made that connection between Jeb Bush and the 9/11 war crimes of his brother.
“And I don’t think it’s any coincidence that in the last week we saw Trump going so far to say that ‘elect me and you’ll find out who really knocked down the Twin Towers,’ and then Jeb responded by bringing his brother, George W. Bush, on the stage with him for the first time in this campaign, and then virtually the next day he dropped out. It’s quite an amazing spectacle.”

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23rd February 2016, 08:15 PM
...and I love him for it!

24th February 2016, 12:59 AM
jr shit the bed

next bush will not have same surname

24th February 2016, 03:33 AM
jr shit the bed

next bush will not have same surname

Jeb! ? ;D

mick silver
24th February 2016, 10:30 AM
When It Came To September 11 Charity, Billionaire Donald Trump Actually Had His Hand Out

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Since there seems to still be some confusion as to whether Donald Trump donated money to any of the charities formed in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, TSG http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/djthair.jpgwould like to reiterate:
The billionaire did not make a single contribution to any of the not-for-profit groups that were formed in the wake of the terror attack to provide aid to survivors, rescue workers, or the families of cops and firemen who died trying to save others. Just as we reported (http://thesmokinggun.com/documents/celebrity/donald-trump-empathy-gap-754693) a few months ago.
After our story was published, Trump campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks told the Daily Mail that the billionaire donated more than half a million dollars to “organizations as a result of the 9/11 tragedy.” She then cited $500,000 in donations made to the United Way of New York City, and unspecified contributions to the American Red Cross and the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Fund.
As we have reported for 15 years, Trump’s pitiful philanthropy trickles through the Donald J. Trump Foundation (http://thesmokinggun.com/tags/donald-j-trump-foundation). A review of the group’s IRS returns shows that the organization gave $250,000 to the United Way in both 2004 and 2006--three and five years, respectively, after the Twin Towers collapsed.
In the days after the terror attack, the United Way of New York teamed with The New York Community Trust to form the September 11th Fund, which raised more than $500 million before it stopped accepting donations in January 2002 (http://www.nycommunitytrust.org/AboutTheTrust/OurHistoryAwards/TheSeptember11thFund/tabid/622/Default.aspx) (the fund closed at the end of 2004 after giving away its last dollar).
More than two million individuals, businesses, and foundations were moved to donate to the United Way's September 11th Fund in the four months after Osama bin Laden’s disciples struck.
But Donald Trump was not among that group.
Trump’s spokesperson also cited the Republican presidential candidate’s donations to the American Red Cross. But the Trump tax returns show that the foundation only began giving to the Red Cross in 2008, with the group’s http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/trumpwtc16.jpglargest donation, $100,000, coming in 2010.
In 2013, Trump gave $5000 to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, which is not a September 11 charity. The group says it provides scholarships to “every child who loses a parent serving in the Marine Corps” or a federal law enforcement agency.
The Republican presidential candidate, a son of New York City, claims he watched with his own eyes as victims jumped to their death from the upper floors of the World Trade Center. Trump has said he saw this horror unfold from his Fifth Avenue penthouse, five miles north of the attack site.
So perhaps he was too traumatized to even search for his checkbook in the weeks after 2753 individuals perished in lower Manhattan.
But what makes Trump’s cold shoulder to September 11 victims and their families even more galling is the fact that the tycoon put his hand out when government officials offered recovery money to small companies affected by the attacks.
As reported by the New York Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/feds-gave-donald-quick-bundle-titans-9-11-funds-set-small-biz-article-1.558429) in January 2006, the Trump firm that owns the office tower at 40 Wall Street applied for a grant from the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC), the New York state agency that distributed federal money earmarked for small businesses.
Trump’s company received a $150,000 check to cover losses incurred at the 72-story building, which is several blocks east of the World Trade Center site.
The News reported that Trump got the six-figure handout because the ESDC “ignored the federal definition of a small business and adopted a much looser standard” when it came to approving grants.

TAGSDonald Trump (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/donald-trump), September 11 (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/september-11), Donald J. Trump Foundation (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/donald-j-trump-foundation)

mick silver
24th February 2016, 10:43 AM
Trump Vouched For Cocaine TraffickerCandidate called felon "credit to the community"

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:28 AM
Trump Has Won More Votes Than Romney Had At This Point in 2012Source: Weekly Standard (http://www.weeklystandard.com/trump-has-won-more-votes-than-romney-had-at-this-point-in-2012/article/2001230)

Donald Trump has yet to win an outright majority in a primary or caucus – though he's getting closer, pulling in 46 percent of the vote in Nevada. But he's winning massive numbers of votes. Mitt Romney won Nevada's caucus in 2012 with about 50 percent of the vote. He did so by pulling in roughly 16,000 total votes – roughly the same number that second-place finisher Marco Rubio pulled in this year. Donald Trump, by contrast, more than doubled Romney's total, garnering 34,500 votes.
That pattern has played out across all of the early states, which are seeing huge Trump-inspired (and, at some level, anti-Trump-inspired) turnout.
All told, Trump has now won approximately 420,000 votes. After the first four states had voted in 2012, Mitt Romney had won about 311,000 votes. Back in 2008, meanwhile, eventual nominee John McCain had won a little more than 250,000 votes after Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada had voted.
Read More... (http://www.weeklystandard.com/trump-has-won-more-votes-than-romney-had-at-this-point-in-2012/article/2001230)
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24th February 2016, 11:31 AM
Mic you anti Trump today?

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:33 AM
read it real slow it saying he gave money to help people .......... take your time an read