View Full Version : Watch this Girl Kick this Guys Ass, Then Escape by Outrunning a Teacher

23rd February 2016, 11:46 AM
Supposedly it all started after the boy said some not-so-appreciated things on the girl’s Facebook page.
The girl is seen putting the boy in a chokehold and getting him to the ground, then kneeing him in the face and kicking him in the stomach,
before she books it out of there as a teacher yells, “Get that girl, right now,” to which no one responds.
The teacher chases the girl out into the parking lot but can’t keep up, and the girl is cheered by all as she gets away.


Published on Feb 15, 2016
High school boy starts harassing a girl at school but doesn't know shes been studying Brazilian jiu jitsu for 6 years.

This guy didn’t stand a chance.
The girl obviously knew a few jiu-jitsu moves and in just a few seconds had the boy facedown on the pavement. Two knees to the face plus one body slam equals a world of hurt for this guy as she got up and runs away, leaving him humiliated.

The video caught the attention of professional Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter Kit Dale who posted it to his Facebook page.
Dale said he posted the video with a caption of what he was told happened. “It just sort of spiraled out of control,” Dale said.
No doubt things spiraled out of control.

Self-defense is a good skill to have, but this girl may have taken things a bit too far. Consequently, she was charged with battery and referred to the Sonoma Valley Youth and Family Services program.
Share this story on Twitter and Facebook and let us know if you think this girl got what she deserved or if she was justified in taking down this alleged bully.

23rd February 2016, 12:18 PM
The result of the feminist movement - going after women who choose to defend themselves rather than look to Big Brother government who pretends to keep them safe

23rd February 2016, 02:02 PM
second video emerges

The girl will now face charges because we cannot have males hazing girls on the internets with fear of retaliation by their female victims.

The Clifford Durands of this world must be kept safe from women.

Girl who took down boy in HS fight video will be charged


We now know she will be charged with one count of battery on school grounds and will be referred to the Sonoma Valley Youth and Family Services program. If she refuses, she'll go before the Sonoma County Juvenile Court.

Parents were notified by phone and were emailed a letter in English and Spanish stating the district takes all matters involving student safety very seriously.

Regardless, the incident has outraged some parents who say the school can do more to address the issues of bullying and social media. The school district has acknowledged the fight began when a student posted something online which irked the teenage girl.

When asked if she thought the school was doing anything about this fight, parent Vassie Dalakiaris said, "I think they are but not to a big point, but they need to do more."

The district tells ABC7 News they're satisfied with what they have in place and will not make any changes to the school's anti-bullying policy.

23rd February 2016, 03:02 PM
Sticks and stones..........words will never hurt me.

the boy should be charged with being a "pussy", taking an ass whoopin' by a girl. Probably aught to do the "honorable" thing for his parents and off himself. Oh yeah I forgot....they raised him that way.

23rd February 2016, 05:44 PM
The result of the feminist movement - going after women who choose to defend themselves rather than look to Big Brother government who pretends to keep them safe

This "guy" could just as easily been a rapist, so, this is GOOD, a girl who knows how to defend herself!!

Two thumbs way up for her!!

23rd February 2016, 06:07 PM
This chick is an animal who either has a great future as a LEO or will spend the rest of her life smacking around her pussy husband at the trailer park.

24th February 2016, 10:33 AM
This chick is an animal who either has a great future as a LEO or will spend the rest of her life smacking around her pussy husband at the trailer park.

Hillbilly can testify to the later...


24th February 2016, 11:41 AM
Who knows if this was motivated or not, we don't know what the history is. She sure seemed motivated to kick the shit out of him and he didn't look like he was motivated to defend himself...

24th February 2016, 12:00 PM
Who knows if this was motivated or not, we don't know what the history is. She sure seemed motivated to kick the shit out of him and he didn't look like he was motivated to defend himself...

Mabey he was taught never to hit a woman?