View Full Version : Has a major nuclear confrontation between Russia and NATO been averted?

24th February 2016, 06:51 AM
Good overview of what has been going on geopolitically the last few years, and the Khazarian Mafia's roll in it...


They brag a little too much over VT's impact IMO, but otherwise a good article!

mick silver
24th February 2016, 08:14 AM
it's still on ................................ got the word from soros there to many people still .... cant have people eating his food and sucking in his air

24th February 2016, 08:46 AM
it's still on ................................ got the word from soros there to many people still .... cant have people eating his food and sucking in his air
Yeah I thought so too, for a while I was almost optimistic. Thanks Mick for taking my mood down to a more realistic state between downright pessimism and utter depression!

May Soros go through a long painful and interesting death process...

Mazel Tov!

mick silver
24th February 2016, 08:52 AM
i am glad I could brighten your day with no hope for living and watching your kids grow up because of mad men ruling the earth

24th February 2016, 08:56 AM
i am glad I could brighten your day will no hope for living and watching your kids grow up because of mad men ruling the earth
Now don't be sexist. There is Hiliary too!