View Full Version : Drunk Motorist Was Driving Bar On Wheels

mick silver
24th February 2016, 10:27 AM
DOCUMENT: Drunk (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/drunk), Crime (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime) Drunk Motorist Was Driving Bar On WheelsSuspect, 28, had eight open bottles of liquor in car

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FEBRUARY 18--A Minnesota man arrested yesterday afternoon for drunk driving was behind the wheel of a makeshift bar, according to cops who discovered eight open bottles of liquor inside the automobile.
Acting on a tip from another motorist, officers pulled over a vehicle that had been spotted weaving across Highway 12, about 25 miles outside Minneapolis.
According to cops, driver Nicholas Karnes, 28, was alone inside the vehicle, though he was surrounded by “numerous open alcohol containers.” Seen above, a police photo of the seized booze shows bottles of New Amsterdam vodka, Hornitos tequila, Fireball whisky, and Jim Beam bourbon.
Police dumped out the contents of most of the bottles before photographing the liquor atop Karnes’s vehicle. No mixers were discovered.
After Karnes failed a series of field sobriety tests, he took a Breathalyzer that registered his blood alcohol level at .20, more than twice the legal limit. Karnes told police that he had been out drinking until 6 AM Wednesday.
Pictured below in a Facebook photo, Karnes was arrested for drunk driving and booked into the Hennepin County jail (from which he was released Wednesday night). He is scheduled for an April 1 court appearance on a pair of gross misdemeanor charges.

TAGSdrunk driving (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/drunk-driving), Minnesota (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/minnesota)

mick silver
24th February 2016, 10:53 AM
DOCUMENT: Florida (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/florida), Crime (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime) Cops: Boy, 8, Used Mom's Gun In Stickup Bidhttp://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/175xUnlimited/photos/9mmfront16.jpgChild pointed loaded 9mm weapon at cashier
FEBRUARY 5--Pointing a loaded handgun that he took from his mother’s purse, an eight-year-old Florida boy tried to hold up a West Palm Beach grocery store, but was http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/tinyrobber16.jpgthwarted by a worker who snatched the weapon from the child, police report (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/little-pistolero).
According to cops, the boy entered the King Foods & Meat Bazaar Wednesday evening wearing a bicycle helmet and a sweater covering his face. The child is seen in the market's doorway in the adjacent surveillance camera image.
The boy, investigators say, approached a checkout counter and pointed the 9mm gun at a cashier and said, “Give me the fucking money.” (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/little-pistolero) At this point, a second employee pounced on the child and disarmed him.
In a WPBF interview, the boy’s mother, Eboni Alls, 29, said that she realized that her gun was missing when, “I http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/ebonialls16.jpggrabbed my purse, it was so light.” Alls, a mother of five, added, “I said, ‘Where my gun?’ The first thing I thought was, 'I hope Jayden don't have my gun.'”
Alls, a West Palm Beach Police Department noted, “had a legit FL concealed weapons permit.” (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/little-pistolero?page=1)
Seen at left, Alls said that her son claimed he was riding his bike to a local park. It was only after he departed that she discovered her handgun missing.
Investigators today announced that they will not pursue criminal charges against the boy, though he will have to enter into a juvenile diversion program. He has also been barred from returning to the market. (2 pages)

Little Pistolero (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/little-pistolero)
TAGSarmed robbery (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/armed-robbery), little monsters (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/little-monsters), Florida (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/florida), West Palm Beach (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/west-palm-beach)

mick silver
24th February 2016, 10:55 AM
Suspect Nabbed Wearing Perfect Message T-ShirtPerp proves he is adept at making bad choices
JANUARY 29--A Pennsylvania theft suspect was wearing a t-shirt that declared he was “Really Good At Making Really Bad Decisions” when he fled from police in http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/michaelemrick.jpga stolen car as an officer clung to the vehicle’s window, according to investigators.
Responding to a 911 call about a man stealing items (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/really-bad-decisions) from a Sheetz convenience store in Baden, a borough 30 miles west of Pittsburgh, police Tuesday night encountered Michael Emrick, 36, as he was seated inside a pickup truck.
Emrick, seen in the adjacent mug shot, ignored police demands to exit the vehicle. Cops used a Taser on Emrick, but that was “ineffective,” according to a criminal complaint (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/really-bad-decisions). Emrick proceeded to “slam onto the gas pedal and thrust forward,” cops noted.
As Emrick began to flee, Officer Juan Villagomez “got tangled in the mirror of the truck and was drug a short distance before being thrown violently to the ground.” Villagomez was not seriously injured.
For 15 minutes, Emrick led eight police cars on a high-speed chase that ended shortly after the suspect crashed the GMC Sierra into a shed. Emrick later abandoned the truck and got collared while “running down into the woods.”
When cops apprehended Emrick, they immediately noticed his unfortunate garment choice.
According to court records, Emrick was charged with an assortment of felonies and misdemeanors, including aggravated assault, criminal mischief, receiving stolen property, reckless endangerment, theft, and fleeing police. He is locked up in the Beaver County Prison in advance of a February 11 District Court appearance.
Emrick has a lengthy rap sheet that includes busts for narcotics possession, theft, disorderly conduct, and possession of drug paraphernalia.http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/stupid/really-bad-t-shirt-763892

mick silver
24th February 2016, 10:58 AM
Couple Arrested For Sex On Vegas Ferris WheelCops: Naked duo "didn't think anyone would notice
FEBRUARY 10--A couple arrested for having sex on the towering High Roller ferris wheel in Las Vegas told police that they were “just having a good time and didn't think anyone would http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/cscordianos.jpgnotice" their naked antics inside a glass-walled cabin.
Chloe Scordianos, 21, and Frank Panzica, 27, were collared around 3 PM Friday after workers spotted them (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/las-vegas-tryst) trysting on the 550-foot observation wheel, which police describe as a “visible tourist landmark at the center of the Las Vegas Strip.”
When workers first spotted Scordianos and Panzica smoking and undressing inside a cabin, they warned the duo via an intercom system to “put out the cigarettes and to put all their clothes back on.”
After initially complying with that request, the duo continued to undress, and eventually engaged in sexual activity, police charge (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/las-vegas-tryst?page=1). Video from inside the cabin showed Scordianos “laying on her back in the center of the cabin.” Panzica, who was on his knees, removed Scordianos’s dress, “exposing her naked body.”
Panzica removed his clothes, “exposing his penis and bare buttocks,” police reported. He then “got back down and began to http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/philippanzica2.jpgperform cunnilingus with Scordianos,” while a High Roller employee “gave verbal commands over the intercom to stop.”
While Scordianos and Panzica were having sex, the three occupants of an adjacent cabin were recording the explicit action with their cell phones (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/las-vegas-tryst?page=1).
Upon the ride’s completion, Scordianos and Panzica were taken into custody by security guards, who later turned the couple over to cops. The pair was charged with commission of certain sex acts in public, a felony. After being booked into the Clark County jail--where the above mug shots were taken--Scordianos and Panzica were each released from custody after posting $3000 bond.
According to her Facebook page, Scordianos lives in Hicksville, New York and attends a Long Island community college. She is also the mother of a three-year-old boy.
Panzica, cops say, lives in Houston, Texas. A photo from Panzica’s Facebook page shows him posing with two celebrities (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/panzicamouse.jpg) he met while in Las Vegas. (2 pages)

Las Vegas Tryst (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/las-vegas-tryst)
TAGSPublic fornication (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/public-fornication), Las Vegas (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/las-vegas), Nevada (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/nevada)


mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:00 AM
Cops: Driver Pleasuring Self Caused Crashhttp://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/175xUnlimited/photos/bigscream_2.jpgGeorgian, 63, was "physically distracted
FEBRUARY 11--A Georgia motorist was masturbating when he plowed his vehicle into a van that had stopped at http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/donaldjohnson.jpgan intersection, police report.
According to cops, Donald Marvin Johnson, 63, was “physically distracted” while driving his Saturn Ion Monday morning in Martinez, an Augusta suburb.
Johnson, seen at right, was “following too closely” when he rear-ended a Chevrolet Astro van.
As detailed in a Columbia County Sheriff's Office report (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/distracted-driver), driver Ricartia McBride, 28, told police that she saw Johnson’s car “swerving and driving recklessly” before the crash, adding that his vehicle “almost hit her two or three times.”
McBride, cops reported, said that, “the last time she looked over at Mr. Johnson, he had his penis exposed outside of his pants and was physically masturbating.”
Johnson was arrested for public indecency and following too closely and booked into the Columbia County jail, where he is being held on $11,200 bond.
According to court records, Johnson was previously convicted of public indecency in 2008, a bust that came after he was spotted masturbating behind the wheel.
The incident report describes Johnson as right handed (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/distracted-driver?page=1), and notes that no weapon or tool (http://thesmokinggun.com/file/distracted-driver?page=2) was used during the commission of the alleged crime. (3 pages)

Distracted Driver (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/distracted-driver)
TAGSmasturbation (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/masturbation), Georgia (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/georgia), autoeroticism (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/tags/autoeroticism)

‹ previous (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/internet/friday-photo-fun-match-game-216974)

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:04 AM
Jury Rejects Beer-Battered Man’s Beer-Battered Fish Defense In Drunk Driving Case

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A Wisconsin jury has rejected claims from a repeat drunk driver that he smelled of booze during a traffic stop because he had http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/przybylafish.jpgjust eaten beer-battered fish at lunch.
John Przybyla, 76, was convicted yesterday of his tenth drunk driving offense by an Adams County jury that also found him guilty of a second felony charge and a misdemeanor driving with a revoked license count.
Przybyla, seen at right, faces a maximum of more than 12 years in prison on the three counts.
As detailed in a police report (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/beerbatteredrept.jpg), Przybyla was pulled over by a cop in October 2014 for driving erratically. Upon approaching Przybyla, a deputy noticed the “smell of a moderate odor of an intoxicating beverage emitting from his breath.” Additionally, the cop noted that Przybyla’s eyes were bloodshot and glossy, and an open can of Red Dog Beer was on the truck’s passenger seat.
During questioning, Przybyla denied that he had been drinking, and said that he was on the way home after attending a fish fry, where he had consumed “beer battered fish.”
While Przybyla’s blood alcohol content was subsequently measured at .062--below the legal limit--his long history of driving while drunk had resulted in a legal restriction barring him from driving with a BAC above .02.
Przybyla struggled with cops as a nurse sought to draw a blood sample for testing. The suspect said “he was going to sue us for taking his blood because it was against his religion,” reported Deputy Brian Loewenhagen

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:05 AM
Tennessee Man With Fitting Forehead Ink Busted For Stabbing Victim In Stomach

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A Tennessee man who has the word “Psycho” tattooed across his forehead is locked up for allegedly http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/charleswhite.jpgstabbing another man in the stomach, police report.
Charles White, 44, was arrested early yesterday in connection with the knifing of Jess Miller, 34, who is now hospitalized. The attack--for which White has been charged with felony aggravated assault--occurred Wednesday evening in La Follette, a city 40 miles north of Knoxville.
White, seen at right, is a convicted felon who has spent time in state prison. He is currently being held in the Campbell County jail.
In addition to his “Psycho” ink, White has “Nazi” tattooed across his throat.
Click here (http://thesmokinggun.com/tags/forehead-tattoo) for other stories about perps with forehead tattoos

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:06 AM
Patrolman Dutifully Records How Drunk Driving Suspect Farted On Him

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Thanks to Officer Philip Mainiero, another of the daily indignities directed at police has been memorialized in a http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/porkandpotatoes.jpgcriminal complaint (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/floresrivera.jpg).
Mainiero, a patrolman with the Berwick Police Department in Pennsylvania, last month arrested John Flores Rivera, 52, for drunk driving.
As Mainiero sought to get Flores Rivera to perform field sobriety tests, the motorist was “staring off into the sky not paying attention.” And that is when the suspect provided the cop with a lasting memory of their 2 AM encounter in the 200 block of Chestnut Street.
“Flores Rivera then farted and stated, ‘That’s for you,’” Mainiero reported (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/floresrivera.jpg). After "smelling the air," Flores Rivera added, “That’s what pork and mashed potatoes will do.”
Flores Rivera, whose blood alcohol content was measured at .13, was not cited in connection with the airborne assault on Mainiero. He was, however, charged with disorderly conduct for allegedly ignoring the cop’s demands to place his hands behind his back.
Flores Rivera is scheduled for a February 10 District Court hearing

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:07 AM
Florida Man, 61, Arrested For Potato Chip Attack On Walmart Employee

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An ex-con is facing a battery charge after he struck a Walmart employee in the face with a bag of potato chips during an argument with the victim, http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/jamesrobertson16.jpgaccording to Florida police (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/potatochipbattery.jpg).
James Robertson, 61, was busted Wednesday morning following a confrontation with a female staffer at a Walmart in Gainesville.
Cops say that Robertson, seen at right, “engaged in a verbal argument” with worker Tara Haynes over her refusal “to make a sale to him.” After Haynes asked Robertson to leave the store, he allegedly “took a bag of chips he was attempting to buy and threw it at” the Walmart employee.
The potato chips, police noted, struck Haynes "in the face and upper chest," (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/potatochipbattery.jpg) though she was not injured by the flying snacks.
During police questioning, Robertson reportedly “admitted to throwing the chips... because he was angry.”
Robertson, charged with misdemeanor battery, was freed on his own recognizance after being booked into the county jail on the misdemeanor rap. As part of his release conditions, Robertson has been barred from returning to Walmart.
According to court and state prison records, Robertson is a convicted felon whose rap sheet includes arrests for escape, battery, loitering, trespass, battery on a law enforcement officer, and criminal mischief

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:08 AM
Woman Who Tried To Steal Handcuffs From Walmart Ends Up In Handcuffs, Police Say

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A woman ended up in handcuffs yesterday after allegedly stealing handcuffs and other items from a Walmart http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/reneewhite.jpgin Florida.
Renee White, 47, was nabbed upon walking out of the Clearwater store Thursday afternoon with $69.70 worth of merchandise “concealed upon her person and in her purse,” according to an arrest affidavit (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/walmartcuffs.jpg).
White’s alleged haul included a USB cable ($19.88), an HP ink cartridge ($31.97), and a pair of handcuffs valued at $3.97. While the restraints are not further described, Walmart sells costume handcuffs and “Bachelorette Furry Wrist Cuffs” for a similar price.
Charged with misdemeanor retail theft, White was released from jail late last night after posting $150 bond.
White is pictured above in a mug shot taken following a 2014 arrest for domestic battery (prosecutors subsequently opted to not pursue the misdemeanor count). White pleaded no contest last year to a retail theft charge, according to court records

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:09 AM
Cops: Pantsless Motorist Killed In Crash Was Masturbating While Watching Porn Flick On His Phone

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A Detroit man who died early Sunday in a one-car crash was pantsless and masturbating while watching a pornographic movie on his cell phone, http://gold-silver.us/forum/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=88154according to police who investigated the accident.
The rollover crash occurred around 3:40 AM as motorist Clifford Ray Jones, 58, was driving a 1996 Toyota on a freeway near Interstate 75.
Michigan State Police officials report that Jones became "distracted" while watching the film and lost control of the car, which overturned. Jones, who was not wearing a seat belt, was partially ejected through the car’s sun roof and died on the scene,
Accident investigators discovered that Jones, who was alone in the Toyota, was not wearing pants at the time of the crash

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:10 AM
Woman Told Jailers She Was "Unsure" How Painkillers And Muscle Relaxants Got Into Her Vagina

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After jailers discovered painkillers and muscle relaxants stashed in her vagina, a Florida woman said she was “unsure” how the pills got http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/dustyraeingram.jpginside her body, according to an arrest report (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/dringramrept.jpg).
Dusty Rae Ingram, 38, was arrested earlier this month for violating probation terms imposed in connection with her 2013 conviction for child abuse and battery, according to court records.
Ingram, whose rap sheet also includes collars for stalking, assault, and theft, was transported January 5 to the Okaloosa County jail, where a female corrections officer conducted a strip search during the intake process.
During the search, the jailer discovered (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/dringramrept.jpg) “several pills taped up in a plastic jeweler’s bag, partially exposed in the defendant’s vagina.” After being read her rights, Ingram identified the pills as the painkiller Percocet and Zanaflex, a muscle relaxant.
Pictured above, Ingram claimed to have a prescription for the medications, and admitted that she “knew she was not allowed to bring the pills into the jail.” However, Ingram “denied doing so knowingly,” claiming (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/dringramrept.jpg) that she “keeps the pills in her purse and is unsure how they got from the purse into her vagina.”
Despite that assertion, Ingram was charged with introducing contraband into a correctional facility. She is being held without bond on that felony count as well as the probation violation rap

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:11 AM
Busted Michigan "Sex Toy Bandits" Make Crowdfunding Pitch For Wedding Funds

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Unbowed by their recent arrest (http://thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/walmart-proposal-sex-toy-theft-674925), Michigan’s “sex toy bandits” sought to cash in on their notoriety with a crowdfunding appeal that described the duo as “real people http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/gofundmec1.jpg (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/gofundmec1.jpg)with real problems.”
In a Facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/william.cornelius.393) Saturday reporting that “the sex toy bandits out,” William Cornelius asked if “anyone know how i can make money off this.” The 25-year-old then noted that he was “trying to get this wedding popping,” adding--apparently facetiously--that the nuptials “gonna be at the dollar tree.”
Last week, Cornelius proposed to Sheri Moore, 20, over the loudspeaker at a Walmart in Bay City, Michigan, where the couple resides. Minutes later, Cornelius was arrested for stealing a vibrator, an edible thong, and other sex toys (http://thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/walmart-proposal-sex-toy-theft-674925) from a Spencer’s gift shop. Cornelius reportedly told police the items were for his fiancée (who was collared for stealing jewelry from Walmart).
About an hour after his original Facebook message, Cornelius posted a link to a GoFundMe page soliciting “Wedding funds.” The page--which included “corneliusbandits” in its url--sought a maximum of $10,000 and appeared to have been authored by Moore.
The pitch, in its entirety, read: “Yes we are the sex toy bandits, we are real people with real problems. We need help raising money for our wedding because I am currently pregnant and homeless we do not want our baby born out of http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/corneliusmoore.jpgwedlock. Anything will help thank you for taking the time to read our story and thank you in advance for the help.”
It is unclear whether the fundraising bid yielded any cash since the GoFundMe page has been deleted. But a screen grab (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/gofundmec2.jpg) of the page taken seven hours after the appeal was launched showed no donations to the couple, who are pictured at left.
The GoFundMe pitch was criticized by Cornelius’s family members, one of whom wrote, “Really Billy? Why not get a job like everyone else does?” and “R U serious???” Another relative commented, “I'm sorry to say this to u B. But u disappoint me !! I love you n that's y I'm so fkn disgusted!!! It's NOT funny at all!!!!”

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:12 AM
Florida Inmate, 70, Assures Cops That He Knows A Golden Shower When He Gets One

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A 70-year-old Florida inmate told cops that he was sure that a fellow detainee had doused him with urine because, “I have had a golden shower http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/johnryasko.jpgbefore from a woman and it burned my eyes,” according to a police report (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/gshwrrept.jpg).
Officers responded last Sunday to the Indian River County jail after John Ryasko reported that Javerious Yearby, 23, “threw a cup of urine on him.” Ryasko said that Yearby beckoned him to leave his cell by saying, “Hey, white nigga, come here.”
Ryasko charged that as he walked toward his cell’s door, Yearby tossed the cup of urine. When a cop asked Ryasko “how he knows if the substance was urine or water,” the septuagenarian revealed his prior golden shower experience, noting, "That's how I know it's piss because it burned my eyes." (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/gshwrrept.jpg)
When questioned, Yearby claimed that Ryasko offered to perform a sex act upon him. “That’s all I have to http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/jyearby.jpgsay,” Yearby added.
The cell block’s video surveillance camera was broken, so the encounter was not recorded. And since a cop could not determine whether “a small amount of clear liquid substance on the cell bars and floor” was urine, no arrest was made.
Ryasko has been locked up since his October arrest for trespassing and disorderly conduct. Yearby is being held in connection with assorted felony and misdemeanor charges, including evidence tampering, leaving the scene of an accident, and marijuana possession.

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:15 AM
Indiana Woman, 69, Stockpiled Her Urine So She Could Dump It On Neighbor's Home

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For months, a 69-year-old Indiana woman urinated in a bucket so that she could throw the waste on the home of a next-door neighbor whom she disliked, police report (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/urinetownind.jpg).
Jackie VanTyle was charged Monday with a pair of misdemeanor criminal mischief counts for the alleged urine attack on the property in http://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/bluebucket.jpgLynn, a town about 80 miles east of Indianapolis.
According to court records, victim Joseph Basler contacted police two months ago to report suspicions that VanTyle had been dousing his home’s exterior with urine.
A patrolman noted that "a very strong odor of urine hit me" (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/urinetownind.jpg) upon arriving at Basler’s residence. Additionally, Officer Travis Jones noted damaged siding made it “obvious something was thrown on the house.”
As first reported by The Star Press (http://www.thestarpress.com/story/news/crime/2015/12/22/woman-charged-over-urine-tossing/77763094/)’s Douglas Walker, in a bid to capture the urine tosser in the act, Basler installed a hidden camera that eventually recorded VanTyle twice “throwing a liquid on his house.”
When confronted by police, VanTyle initially denied dousing her neighbor’s home, but subsequently copped to the vandalism, police say. VanTyle admitted that, for several months, she had been urinating in a blue bucket. When Basler would leave his house, she would toss the waste on his home.
As for why she went to such extremes, VanTyle told cops, "I don't like him. He's a bad neighbor." (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/urinetownind.jpg) During the October police interview, “Jackie also advised she had been doing this all summer,” according to a Lynn Police Department report.
When told by a cop that she could be jailed for the urine tossing, VanTyle “stated to the effect that she thought it was just a nuisance.”
VanTyle is scheduled for a January 12 appearance in Randolph County Superior Court.
VanTyle’s home (left) and Basler’s residence (right) are pictured in the below Google Street View imagehttp://thesmokinggun.com/sites/default/files/assets/indneighbors.jpg

mick silver
24th February 2016, 11:16 AM
now this is some funny shit look round .... http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster