View Full Version : 3 year old girl getting ready for the Poxeclipse. Another caucasion survivor

24th February 2016, 07:50 PM
All creatures great and small as three-year-old single handedly delivers baby lamb in amazing farmyard film

This gorgeous little girl rolled her sleeves up and got stuck right into lambing duties as she helped this sheep give birth completely unaided
Children can be amazing but this little girl proved she is prepared for anything as she single handedly delivered a baby lamb without delay.
In this truly incredible video, (http://www.mirror.co.uk/video/) believed to have been shot in Wales, the girl thought to be called Lilly is seen kneeling on straw in a barn with red dungarees on.
Lying on the ground is a ewe who is dilated and ready to give birth. (http://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/giving-birth)
Seconds later the courageous little farmer rolls up her sleeves and gets set to help the ewe begin the birthing process on camera.
The person shooting the video asks: "Can you feel anything?"
And the little girl responds: "I can feel its head.

YouTube/lilly Nicholas http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article7410529.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/3-year-old-delivers-a-lamb.jpg
Super vet: the little girl believed to be called Lilly gets to work with lambing The woman asks: "What have you got?
And she responds: "I've got the lamb's feet!
Read more: Watch this spellbinding drone footage of sheep being herded (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/watch-spellbinding-drone-footage-sheep-7362108)
The woman then asks: "Can you feel its nose?
To which she responds: "Don't think so."
The woman then instructs her to "pull its feet to see if you can feel its nose."

YouTube/lilly Nicholas http://i3.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article7410572.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/3-year-old-delivers-a-lamb.jpg
Delivery: this little girl managed to pull the lamb out right away and identify its sex Seconds later with her entire arm all the way inside the ewe's uterus - the little girl then continues to manipulate the animal in order to help it successfully give birth to its off-spring.
In the three minute video the little girl not only identifies the lamb but helps to rotate it to the optimum birthing position before literally pulling it out of the sheep entirely without help.
And not only that but she musters the strength to do it all and identify the lamb's sex - all with a smile on her face.
The awesome little child has wowed the internet with her incredible talent and despite being a pre-schooler proves nature and nurture can be learned from a very early age indeed.


midnight rambler
24th February 2016, 08:20 PM
Wow, that's way cool!

24th February 2016, 10:16 PM
I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry, or shoot that sheep in the head. So confused.