View Full Version : Trump is a front man of Rockefeller and Rothschild (American Free Press)

guess who
27th February 2016, 04:05 PM

In his own memoir, The Art of the Deal, Trump proudly described how in 1987 he bought his first casino interests when he purchased 93% of the voting stock in the Resorts International gambling concern. What Trump doesn’t tell his readers is (...) Resorts International was established and controlled by front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their “enforcers” in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its allied intelligence agency, Israel’s Mossad.

many of these casino resorts run by the mob through a variety of front men have actually been engaged in a de facto partnership with behind-the-scenes mobsters who have assisted the CIA and the Mossad in massive laundering of drug and gambling profits that have been channeled into covert operations of the two allied intelligence agencies. In return, the CIA and the Mossad, using their own influence, have provided “protection” for the illegally fixed gambling operations, preventing law enforcement authorities from cracking down on this corruption.

Can anyone buy money mills from the mob and be honest?

27th February 2016, 04:10 PM
Trump is a front man of Rockefeller and Rothschild
Both of which are MONEY MANAGERS for the Vatican

You stopped SHORT of the REAL criminals

midnight rambler
27th February 2016, 04:11 PM
No, that's seriously twisted. Rockefellers and Rothschilds are flat out Zionists. Get a grip.

27th February 2016, 04:41 PM
I like much of what Trump is saying, but there are just too many irregularities in his past to ignore IMO...

Does anyone remember how he hijacked the birther movement, going after Barrak Hussein Obama/Barry Soetero-Davies birth certificate, and as the usurper presented an obvious fake, he shut up, said OK, I got it wrong. He claims to be a good friend of Sheriff Arpaio, who proved beyond reasonable doubt that the birth certificate was a fraud.

The movement collapsed the moment Trump silently allowed Obama/Soetero/Davies to publicly mock him for it, without saying squeak!

He is a team player, controlled opposition extraordinaire!

They may even want him president. It's going to be fantastic. It's going to be great!

27th February 2016, 04:50 PM
Here is the video. It really is bad!


27th February 2016, 04:54 PM
I like much of what Trump is saying, but there are just too many irregularities in his past to ignore IMO...

Does anyone remember how he hijacked the birther movement, going after Barrak Hussein Obama/Barry Soetero-Davies birth certificate, and as the usurper presented an obvious fake, he shut up, said OK, I got it wrong. He claims to be a good friend of Sheriff Arpaio, who proved beyond reasonable doubt that the birth certificate was a fraud.

The movement collapsed the moment Trump silently allowed Obama/Soetero/Davies to publicly mock him for it, without saying squeak!

He is a team player, controlled opposition extraordinaire!

They may even want him president. It's going to be fantastic. It's going to be great!

Or, Trump wants to keep the top of his head intact?


27th February 2016, 04:57 PM
Or, Trump wants to keep the top of his head intact?

Sure, do you expect Trump the honest president would? Or do you give Trumpstein the team player greater odds?

27th February 2016, 04:59 PM
Trump has already set the globalists back a long way simply with the issues he's talked about during his nomination campaign.

Lets say that he is a front man. What is the goal he is trying to accomplish that couldn't be accomplished through someone like Jeb?

Why would their front man expose the war in Iraq?

27th February 2016, 05:05 PM
Trump has already set the globalists back a long way simply with the issues he's talked about during his nomination campaign.

Lets say that he is a front man. What is the goal he is trying to accomplish that couldn't be accomplished through someone like Jeb?

Why would their front man expose the war in Iraq?
For fucks sake the war in Iraq was exposed more than ten years ago in mainstream media. Everyone knows they lied about Saddam had weapons of mass destruction!

27th February 2016, 05:15 PM
For fucks sake the war in Iraq was exposed more than ten years ago in mainstream media. Everyone knows they lied about Saddam had weapons of mass destruction!

How many of Trump's rallies and interviews have you actually watched?

27th February 2016, 05:21 PM
Here's what Trump says:

The Iraq war was the biggest mistake in history
It destabilized the middle east
It created ISIS
It caused the migration
It was based completely on lies
It costs $2 trillion with nothing to show for it
The supposed terrorist who did 911 were from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq
Saddam at least killed terrorists

Why would he go into such great detail about Iraq and how it was the root cause of all the problems we have today? This is a lot different than just saying "Iraq was based on a lie" and leaving it at that.

guess who
27th February 2016, 05:25 PM
Trump has already set the globalists back a long way simply with the issues he's talked about during his nomination campaign.

Lets say that he is a front man. What is the goal he is trying to accomplish that couldn't be accomplished through someone like Jeb?

Why would their front man expose the war in Iraq?

Because they want to demoralize White people with (yet) another "Great White Hope" candidate that will be set to fail?

27th February 2016, 05:40 PM
All these "But guys Trump's really a bad guy" are silly.

Trump is a Nationalist. The jEwlites are all Globalists. Anything that pushes things away from Globalism to Nationalism hurts their plans for Global Jewish Domination.

The International Jew has no Nation. They want EVERYTHING. That means destroying all borders and ruining all cultures. No one can have an identity except to boot lick the Jew.

Remember one thing about the enemy. They are very stupid and emotional. The only reason they are in power is because they control a printing press. It's really hard to fuck up when you have a printing press.

27th February 2016, 05:57 PM
MUST LISTEN: Stephen Miller Makes Case Against Marco Rubio in Epic Rant
Rubio Center Gang of Eight APAP
by KATIE MCHUGH27 Feb 20163384
On Breitbart News Saturday, hosted by Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon on SiriusXM

Patriot, Stephen Miller, the former communications director for Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and current senior policy advisor to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, slammed donor class-favorite Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)’s incessant efforts to force mass immigration and open borders on the U.S. at the expense of American lives and jobs.

“First of all, let’s remember the warning of Rush Limbaugh, who said if Rubio is president, within 12 to 18 months, the entirely of the donor class agenda will be implemented,” Miller said.

He described that agenda in detail as:

Mass immigration, open borders, amnesty, TPP [Trans-Pacific Trade partnership] and even more globalist trade deals, and the destruction of U.S. sovereignty.

Understand, everyone listening today: There is a point of no return. It is not far away. It is right in front of you. And if you cross it, there is no going back.

Marco Rubio’s career has been a career of deception for the singular purpose of advancing his own ambition and financial standing and campaign fundraising in order to put him in a position to end forever the existence of the United States as a country with sovereign, protected, secure, defined, certain boundaries.

In Florida, Mr. Rubio killed a bill to block sanctuary cities. How many Floridians today have been wounded or maimed or lost a loved one because Marco Rubio didn’t fight to help the bill to stop sanctuary cities? Who is their voice?

Marco Rubio pushed to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens. How many young people in Florida today are in debt because that money has been held off from them so Marco Rubio could waste the time of the Florida legislature to find a way to discount tuition for illegal immigrants, instead of fighting for his state’s own legal residents?

Marco Rubio, when he saw an opportunity, campaigned against Charlie Christ for pushing the DREAM Act. Then he came to the Senate, and the first major thing he pushed was the DREAM Act.

Then he joined Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama to push through the Senate the worst immigration bill in the history of these United States. And had it become law, America would be decimated. And he lied about the provisions in that bill not once, not twice, not three times, but day, after day, after day, after day.

As Phyllis Schlafly said: Marco Rubio’s claims about amnesty, his deceptions, exceeded Obama’s claims about Obamacare. Think about that for a second.

And then he treated law enforcement, in the words of Chris Crane, “like absolute trash.” How can you have a GOP nominee who demonstrates that kind of disrespect?

Miller continued, explaining who Chris Crane is:

[Crane’s] a Marine. He’s a lifetime member of The Veterans of Foreign Wars. And he’s been elected by his peers to be their voice to the country. He’s been elected by his peers, his fellow ICE officers, to be their voice to the nation. And if he wanted to, he could have played the game. He could have gone to Rubio and said, hey, I’ll support your bill if you give me some particular benefit. But he didn’t do that.

Instead, he asked Rubio to protect the national security of the United States. He asked Rubio, don’t give amnesty to sex offenders. Don’t give amnesty to child molesters. Don’t give amnesty to gang members.

And Rubio said, oh, sure, Chris. I’ll take care of all that. And instead, what did Rubio do? He left in amnesty for the most dangerous aliens in the United States of America. What can you say about a person that treats law enforcement in that way, who misleads law enforcement in that way, and who does so in an effort to put a bill on President Obama’s desk to legalize the most dangerous aliens in the United States of America?

Making matters worse, to this day, Rubio says — “Well, I did it because I wanted to get the best bill I could out of the Senate.” His best bill legalizes sex offenders? His best bill legalizes MS-13 gang members? His best bill is supported by every single Senate Democrat? Beloved by Barack Obama? Beloved by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)? Marco Rubio, to this day, says his best bill, is the bill Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) embraces, the Center for American Progress embraces, that George Soros embraces. That’s his best bill? And he wants to be the president of the United States?

And then he goes on TV and in Spanish says he won’t eliminate Obama’s executive amnesty? His unconstitutional, executive amnesty right away? And then he pretends he didn’t say that later, when he’s talking in English?

This is the legacy of a man who is committed to an ideology of globalism so extreme it defies explanation.

Bannon asked, “Why has the mainstream conservative media not drilled down on this? Why are they giving Marco Rubio a pass?”

“Because think tank life in Washington, D.C. is comfortable,” Miller said, adding:

I don’t mean that in a mean way. I’ve got lots of friends in Washington, D.C. whom I have extensive admiration for. But the think tank life is a nice life. You can be a Capitol Hill staffer, then you can go work at a particular think tank, and then you can be a so-called GOP strategist on Fox News or some other station, and then you can go be a lobbyist, and then maybe you can go be a consultant, and around and around and around you can go. And you can feel good about yourself because maybe on a Friday night, you go to a townhouse somewhere, and you have an esoteric conversation about the Import-Export bank, and think that you’re really smart and fantastic and fabulous, and give yourself a pat on the back.

Meanwhile, Americans are dying in the streets because of our open border. Kate Steinle was murdered in her father’s arms by an illegal immigrant. But our lawmakers in D.C., and our political system in D.C., and our lobbyists in D.C. have become so desensitized to the abuse of Americans that that horrendous slaughter, in broad daylight in the streets of San Francisco, was not enough to stir our political class to meaningful, sustained action. That death was not enough to stir to action Washington, D.C.

If you want to stay with that system, if you want to double down on that kind of failure, then there are candidates in this race who can give you that kind of failure for four or eight more years.

But if you want to end the fever grip of special interests, and the pollution of donors and lobbyists on our political system, then you have one choice. You have one vote. And you have one chance to put the American citizens back in control of their own future and their own destiny.

Listen to the full audio of Miller’s interview below:

27th February 2016, 06:02 PM
I like much of what Trump is saying, but there are just too many irregularities in his past to ignore IMO...

Does anyone remember how he hijacked the birther movement, going after Barrak Hussein Obama/Barry Soetero-Davies birth certificate, and as the usurper presented an obvious fake, he shut up, said OK, I got it wrong. He claims to be a good friend of Sheriff Arpaio, who proved beyond reasonable doubt that the birth certificate was a fraud.

The movement collapsed the moment Trump silently allowed Obama/Soetero/Davies to publicly mock him for it, without saying squeak!

He is a team player, controlled opposition extraordinaire!

They may even want him president. It's going to be fantastic. It's going to be great!

He was running for pres at the time, the jew media ran with the 'conspiracy' theory against him so he shut up. That at the time would have destroyed his chances of even running again. He is playing by the unsaid rules to actually take the spot now. I am sure he has an idea how crooked politics are and is in it to win. I doubt he has no clue how they will try to destroy him. This also pertains to the other


27th February 2016, 06:09 PM
Dear Reince, Donald Trump Doesn’t Need The GOP

Dear Reince Priebus,

You may not remember me, but I know you. I know how you became the Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). Unlike most of the general public, I know how you (as Wisconsin GOP Chairman) got Scott Walker elected as Governor in 2010 and parlayed that into knocking Michael Steele (former RNC Chairman) out of his position. A position that Steele led, which had just resulted in the GOP’s largest and greatest wins in a really long time. I know Mark Willis, the man who ran against you last time. I know his wife Violet – we are good friends. I know many of the Committee Members that you practically bribed to keep your seat last time around – after we got our ass kicked by Obama. I know a lot of people you know, mainly because I used to live right by Paul Ryan and I was a paid member of the Rock County GOP. I was also a state delegate in Wisconsin thanks to your buddy Jason Mielke.

So, now that you and I are on the same page, here is the deal:

I don’t like you. I don’t like what you stand for. I don’t like what you’ve done to the GOP. I don’t like what you do. I don’t like what you say. I don’t like that stupid little sneer that is always on your face. I don’t like your name. I don’t like what you did to Michael Steele. I don’t like what you did to Mark Willis. I don’t like what you did to Ron Paul. I don’t like what you did to Rick Santorum (yes we all know what happened to Rick in Wisconsin in 2012 – Rick was supposed to be the winner of the Wisconsin primary but you, Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, and Mitt Romney made sure THAT didn’t happen, didn’t you?).

Now, here we are in 2016. We are months away from probably THE most important election I have ever had the ability to vote for in all my 50 years of being. It is the most important election because YOU and your leech posse made sure we lost and lost big in 2012. How the hell do you lose to someone like Obama? And you were re-elected after that? Please Reince, let’s tell the public how THAT happened.

Maybe in a future story…

But for now, here is what you, the Republican Party, and America needs to know:

Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again, but Reince Priebus is standing in the way of that. Reince Priebus is allowing representatives of the official Republican Party to stand in Trump’s way. Reince wants his old college pal Rubio to head to the White House.

Yep, Reince Preibus and Marco Rubio went to college together – they go WAY back.

There is just one YUGE problem Reince… DONALD TRUMP DOESN’T NEED THE GOP… and neither do millions of other Americans. We will Make America Great Again with or without you. You can count on it.

I’ll be the first one to say, I voted for Ross Perot and trust me, I would not hesitate to vote third party again. Believe me when I tell you, MILLIONS of Americans will join me if that happens. Millions of Americans want to Make America Great Again.

Since you have been at the helm of this sinking ship, also known as The Republican Party, all we have heard is goofy nonsense like “We have to grow the party”, we have to worship gays, illegals and terrorists. We have to give up our values so we can get more members. We have to be liberals so we can win the liberal vote. We have to accept amnesty because of the Latino vote. We have to accept RINOs because they are “The Only Ones Who Can Win” – yeah, like Tommy Thompson, Mitt Romney and Neel Kashkari. (losers!) We need to become the “Big Tent Party”. I’m sorry Reince, but did it ever occur to you that big tents are for circuses?

Mr. Priebus, you should be thanking your lucky stars that no one has yet initiated racketeering (RICO) charges against the RNC for all the shenanigans (financial and otherwise) since you have been around. The GOP takes LOTS of money from people (membership fees and donations) and in exchange for that, you and all your cronies make promises that you never intend to keep. In any other industry you know what they call that? Fraud.

The GOP has an official platform that they absolutely REFUSE to enforce, but then when a candidate or elected official adheres to that platform- they are vilified.

Why don’t YOU and the rest of your GOP ilk tell the people just how much money Mr. Trump and his family has happily given to the GOP since the 1980’s? HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Why don’t you tell the public HOW MANY TIMES the GOP has called on Mr. Trump, so he can bail you out, or so he can provide you with an endorsement, or so he can hold a fundraiser for one of your people – even if he DID NOT like that particular politician. Mr. Trump believed it was worth it to save the seat and not let it go to a democrat. Mr. Trump has been a major supporter of the GOP for DECADES, but now suddenly you and your rabid little chihuahua Mitt Romney act as if Trump is the anti-Christ.


Mitt Romney: The man who couldn’t even beat Obama. Yeah, let’s take advice from that guy. Oy vey! This is like watching that Groundhog Day movie! Is this insanity ever going to stop?

Reince, I don’t know Donald Trump, but I do know you should be groveling at his feet for all he has generously done for the GOP instead of treating him like a leper. No, I am not saying he should be able to buy his way into the nomination – but isn’t that exactly what Romney did? There is one big difference between Romney and Trump – people actually LIKE Donald Trump. You should be proud that, thanks to Donald J. Trump, the GOP has TENS OF THOUSANDS of new members in the past 9 months. You should be happy that, because of Mr. Trump, people like me who left the party – came back.

You finally have someone who has brought everything to the table. Someone who has expanded the party. Someone who brings people to the voting booth in record numbers – and yet, you people shit all over him.

Please tell us Reince, what has that little twerp Marco Rubio ever done for the party? Or for America? Or heck, even Florida?

In the end, I guess Mr. Trump’s money is conservative enough for you, but Mr. Trump isn’t?

And while we are talking about CONSERVATIVES, why don’t you remind the American people just how conservative our Senate is. How about our House of Representatives? How about that “conservative” Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts? How about that lunatic nutjob Governor from South Carolina? Is that your idea of conservative? How about your lapdog Paul Ryan? Oh there is a real conservative, eh? How about your buddy Scott Walker? The same Scott Walker who teamed up with La Raza when he was a Milwaukee County Administrator. That man is a disaster!

I guess when you and your people say that Donald Trump is not a conservative, maybe we should be happy about this.

This leads me to where we are today, you know, the day after Donald Trump wiped Rubio AND Cruz’s clocks clean in Nevada – which was of course, right after Trump did that very same thing in South Carolina, which we all know was right after he pummeled your little pool boy in New Hampshire… And now, here comes three time loser Romney, speaking on behalf of the GOP, threatening Donald Trump…. because Donald Trump is a threat to the status quo – and apparently Romney is acting with your blessing Reince.

Reince, you are really going to allow these shenanigans – AGAIN? Really? You are going to do nothing – AGAIN? You are not going to stand up for YOUR OWN PARTY’S FRONT RUNNER? And instead, you’re going to cower to yesterday’s LOSER? Are you out of your mind? You are the Chairman of the Republican Party. Mitt Romney is not the Chairman of the GOP. You have a fiduciary responsibility to ALL your members. You should either do your job, or resign. If you aren’t man enough to do either of those honorable things, you need to be removed from the party.

This is your chance Reince. Your chance to do something yuge. Your chance to Make America Great Again. Don’t blow it. You can be a hero, or keep on being a zero.

I, along with hundreds of thousands of other MEMBERS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, hereby demand that you immediately call for a cease and desist of this fraudulent bullshit, the lies, the backroom deals, the whisper campaigns, etc. You need to be slapping all these malcontents and party-wreckers with lawsuits. You need to get on the phone now, and tell Mr Three Time Loser to stop interfering in the electoral process. Romney should be shunned after that disastrous campaign he ran in 2012. And what is so sad is that the party won’t even admit that the reason you let Romney go on and on and on is because – HE GIVES YOU MONEY.

Oh, and while we are talking about Romney the RINO, has everyone forgotten that he used to be a pro-choice liberal DEMOCRAT?

Reince, as the Chairman of the RNC, you are obligated to take IMMEDIATE action on this because if you refuse, then it is YOU who is directly causing irreparable harm to MY party – and I can assure you, someone WILL hold you (and your criminally liable accomplices) accountable because WE THE PEOPLE are sick and tired of this nonsense that people like YOU have created.

We will not put up with this.

Donald Trump is not the one who is going to hand this election to the Democrats. Mitt Romney is the one who is going to do that – again. Because apparently he didn’t do enough damage back in 2012. And you are just as culpable because you consistently refuse to properly manage the party.

Just a reminder to people who are not aware of what may be about to happen – Reince Priebus, on behalf of the RNC, and Donald Trump signed a BILATERAL agreement last year. And the Republican Party is just itching to violate that contract. I can tell you right now, if that happens, it is all but certain that Mr. Trump will leave the GOP and take HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of loyal Americans with him. At that point, the Republican Party will, without a doubt, implode – as it was already on track to do anyway – before Mr. Trump brought so many people on board.

I will be voting for Donald Trump in November whether he is a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or whatever.

This is our chance to, not only Make America Great Again, but to also make the Grand Old Party grand again.

Reince Priebus needs to either lead this party, or go back to the Wisconsin tundra.

The Editor

27th February 2016, 08:22 PM

27th February 2016, 08:34 PM
Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump

The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak.

Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.

At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel, he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics.

The suggestion was not taken up. Since then, Mr. Trump has only gotten stronger, winning two more state contests and collecting the endorsement of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey.

The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump in a general election. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
In public, there were calls for the party to unite behind a single candidate. In dozens of interviews, elected officials, political strategists and donors described a frantic, last-ditch campaign to block Mr. Trump — and the agonizing reasons that many of them have become convinced it will fail. Behind the scenes, a desperate mission to save the party sputtered and stalled at every turn.

Efforts to unite warring candidates behind one failed spectacularly: An overture from Senator Marco Rubio to Mr. Christie angered and insulted the governor. An unsubtle appeal from Mitt Romney to John Kasich, about the party’s need to consolidate behind one rival to Mr. Trump, fell on deaf ears.

At least two campaigns have drafted plans to overtake Mr. Trump in a brokered convention, and the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election.

Despite all the forces arrayed against Mr. Trump, the interviews show, the party has been gripped by a nearly incapacitating leadership vacuum and a paralytic sense of indecision and despair, as he has won smashing victories in South Carolina and Nevada. Donors have dreaded the consequences of clashing with Mr. Trump directly. Elected officials have balked at attacking him out of concern that they might unintentionally fuel his populist revolt. And Republicans have lacked someone from outside the presidential race who could help set the terms of debate from afar.

The endorsement by Mr. Christie, a not unblemished but still highly regarded figure within the party’s elite — he is a former chairman of the Republican Governors Association — landed Friday with crippling force. It was by far the most important defection to Mr. Trump’s insurgency: Mr. Christie may give cover to other Republicans tempted to join Mr. Trump rather than trying to beat him. Not just the Stop Trump forces seemed in peril, but also the traditional party establishment itself.

Should Mr. Trump clinch the presidential nomination, it would represent a rout of historic proportions for the institutional Republican Party, and could set off an internal rift unseen in either party for a half-century, since white Southerners abandoned the Democratic Party en masse during the civil rights movement.

Former Gov. Michael O. Leavitt of Utah, a top adviser to Mr. Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, said the party was unable to come up with a united front to quash Mr. Trump’s campaign.

“There is no mechanism,” Mr. Leavitt said. “There is no smoke-filled room. If there is, I’ve never seen it, nor do I know anyone who has. This is going to play out in the way that it will.”

Resistance Runs Deep

Mitt Romney at an event in Mississippi last year. He has tried various ways to slow the progress of Mr. Trump, without success. Credit Rogelio V. Solis/Associated Press
Republicans have ruefully acknowledged that they came to this dire pass in no small part because of their own passivity. There were ample opportunities to battle Mr. Trump earlier; more than one plan was drawn up only to be rejected. Rivals who attacked him early, like Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal, the former governors of Texas and Louisiana, received little backup and quickly faded.

Late last fall, the strategists Alex Castellanos and Gail Gitcho, both presidential campaign veterans, reached out to dozens of the party’s leading donors, including the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and the hedge-fund manager Paul Singer, with a plan to create a “super PAC” that would take down Mr. Trump. In a confidential memo, the strategists laid out the mission of a group they called “ProtectUS.”

“We want voters to imagine Donald Trump in the Big Chair in the Oval Office, with responsibilities for worldwide confrontation at his fingertips,” they wrote in the previously unreported memo. Mr. Castellanos even produced ads portraying Mr. Trump as unfit for the presidency, according to people who saw them and who, along with many of those interviewed, insisted on anonymity to discuss private conversations.

The two strategists, who declined to comment, proposed to attack Mr. Trump in New Hampshire over his business failures and past liberal positions, and emphasized the extreme urgency of their project. A Trump nomination would not only cause Republicans to lose the presidency, they wrote, “but we also lose the Senate, competitive gubernatorial elections and moderate House Republicans.”

No major donors committed to the project, and it was abandoned. No other sustained Stop Trump effort sprang up in its place.

Resistance to Mr. Trump still runs deep. The party’s biggest benefactors remain totally opposed to him. At a recent presentation hosted by the billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch, the country’s most prolific conservative donors, their political advisers characterized Mr. Trump’s record as utterly unacceptable, and highlighted his support for government-funded business subsidies and government-backed health care, according to people who attended.

But the Kochs, like Mr. Adelson, have shown no appetite to intervene directly in the primary with decisive force.

The American Future Fund, a conservative group that does not disclose its donors, announced plans on Friday to run ads blasting Mr. Trump for his role in an educational company that is alleged to have defrauded students. But there is only limited time for the commercials to sink in before some of the country’s biggest states award their delegates in early March.

Instead, Mr. Trump’s challengers are staking their hopes on a set of guerrilla tactics and long-shot possibilities, racing to line up mainstream voters and interest groups against his increasingly formidable campaign. Donors and elected leaders have begun to rouse themselves for the fight, but perhaps too late.

Two of Mr. Trump’s opponents have openly acknowledged that they may have to wrest the Republican nomination from him in a deadlocked convention.

Speaking to political donors in Manhattan on Wednesday evening, Mr. Rubio’s campaign manager, Terry Sullivan, noted that most delegates are bound to a candidate only on the first ballot. Many of them, moreover, are likely to be party regulars who may not support Mr. Trump over multiple rounds of balloting, he added, according to a person present for Mr. Sullivan’s presentation, which was first reported by CNN.

Advisers to Mr. Kasich, the Ohio governor, have told potential supporters that his strategy boils down to a convention battle. Judd Gregg, a former New Hampshire senator who had endorsed Jeb Bush, said Mr. Kasich’s emissaries had sketched an outcome in which Mr. Kasich “probably ends up with the second-highest delegate count going into the convention” and digs in there to compete with Mr. Trump.

Several senior Republicans, including Mr. Romney, have made direct appeals to Mr. Kasich to gauge his willingness to stand down and allow the party to unify behind another candidate. But Mr. Kasich has told at least one person that his plan is to win the Ohio primary on March 15 and gather the party behind his campaign if Mr. Rubio loses in Florida, his home state, on the same day.

In Washington, Mr. Kasich’s persistence in the race has become a source of frustration. At Senate luncheons on Wednesday and Thursday, Republican lawmakers vented about Mr. Kasich’s intransigence, calling it selfishness.

One senior Republican senator, noting that Mr. Kasich has truly contested only one of the first four states, complained: “He’s just flailing his arms around and having a wonderful time going around the country, and it just drives me up the wall.”

Mr. McConnell was especially vocal, describing Mr. Kasich’s persistence as irrational because he has no plausible path to the nomination, several senators said.

While still hopeful that Mr. Rubio might prevail, Mr. McConnell has begun preparing senators for the prospect of a Trump nomination, assuring them that, if it threatened to harm them in the general election, they could run negative ads about Mr. Trump to create space between him and Republican senators seeking re-election. Mr. McConnell has raised the possibility of treating Mr. Trump’s loss as a given and describing a Republican Senate to voters as a necessary check on a President Hillary Clinton, according to senators at the lunches.

He has reminded colleagues of his own 1996 re-election campaign, when he won comfortably amid President Bill Clinton’s easy re-election. Of Mr. Trump, Mr. McConnell has said, “We’ll drop him like a hot rock,” according to his colleagues.

There is still hope that Mr. Rubio might be able to unite much of the party and slow Mr. Trump’s advance in a series of big-state primaries in March, and a host of top elected officials endorsed him over the last week. But Mr. Rubio has struggled to sideline Mr. Kasich and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who is running a dogged campaign on the right. He has also been unable to win over several of his former rivals who might help consolidate the Republican establishment more squarely behind him.

Mr. Christie had attacked Mr. Rubio contemptuously in New Hampshire, calling him shallow and scripted, and humiliating him in a debate. Nevertheless, Mr. Rubio made a tentative overture to Mr. Christie after his withdrawal from the presidential race. He left the governor a voice mail message, seeking Mr. Christie’s support and assuring him that he had a bright future in public service, according to people who have heard Mr. Christie’s characterization of the message.

Mr. Christie, 53, took the message as deeply disrespectful and patronizing, questioning why “a 44-year-old” was telling him about his future, said people who described his reaction on the condition of anonymity. Further efforts to connect the two never yielded a direct conversation.

Mr. Trump, by contrast, made frequent calls to Mr. Christie once he dropped out, a person close to the governor said. After the two met at Trump Tower on Thursday with their wives, Mr. Christie flew to Texas and emerged on Friday to back Mr. Trump and mock Mr. Rubio as a desperate candidate near the end of a losing campaign.

‘Verging on Panic’

Efforts to reconcile Mr. Rubio and Mr. Bush, a former governor of Florida, have been scarcely more successful, dating to before the South Carolina primary, when Mr. Rove reached out to their aides to broker a cease-fire, according to Republicans briefed on the conversations. It did not last.

Mr. Bush has been nearly silent since quitting the race Feb. 20, playing golf with his son Jeb Jr. in Miami and turning to the task of thank-you notes. In a Wednesday conference call with supporters, he did not express a preference among the remaining contenders. When Mr. Rubio called him on Monday, their conversation did not last long, two people briefed on it said, and Mr. Rubio did not ask for his endorsement.

“There’s this desire, verging on panic, to consolidate the field,” said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a former supporter of Mr. Bush. “But I don’t see any movement at all.”

Mr. Rubio’s advisers were also thwarted in their efforts to secure an endorsement from Mr. Romney, whom they lobbied strenuously after the Feb. 20 South Carolina primary.

Mr. Romney had been eager to tilt the race, and even called Mr. Christie after he ended his campaign to vent about Mr. Trump and say he must be stopped. On the night of the primary, Mr. Romney was close to endorsing Mr. Rubio himself, people familiar with his deliberations said.

Yet Mr. Romney pulled back, instead telling advisers that he would take on Mr. Trump directly. After a Tuesday night dinner with former campaign aides, during which he expressed a sense of horror at the Republican race, Mr. Romney made a blunt demand Wednesday on Fox News: Mr. Trump must release his tax returns to prove he was not concealing a “bombshell” political vulnerability.

Mr. Trump responded only with casual derision, dismissing Mr. Romney on Twitter as “one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of Republican politics.”

Mr. Romney is expected to withhold his support before the voting this week on the so-called Super Tuesday, but some of his allies have urged him to endorse Mr. Rubio before Michigan and Idaho vote March 8. Mr. Romney grew up in Michigan, and many Idahoans are fellow Mormons.

But already, a handful of senior party leaders have struck a conciliatory tone toward Mr. Trump. Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House majority leader, said on television that he believed he could work with him as president. Many in the party acknowledged a growing mood of resignation.

Fred Malek, the finance chairman of the Republican Governors Association, said the party’s mainstream had simply run up against the limits of its influence.

“There’s no single leader and no single institution that can bring a diverse group called the Republican Party together, behind a single candidate,” Mr. Malek said. “It just doesn’t exist.”

On Friday, a few hours after Mr. Christie endorsed him, Mr. Trump collected support from a second governor, who in a radio interview said Mr. Trump could be “one of the greatest presidents.”

That governor was Paul LePage.


27th February 2016, 10:49 PM
Here's what Trump says:

The Iraq war was the biggest mistake in history
It destabilized the middle east
It created ISIS
It caused the migration
It was based completely on lies
It costs $2 trillion with nothing to show for it
The supposed terrorist who did 911 were from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq
Saddam at least killed terrorists

Why would he go into such great detail about Iraq and how it was the root cause of all the problems we have today? This is a lot different than just saying "Iraq was based on a lie" and leaving it at that.
Once again he doesn't really expose any secrets beyond what you would read about in Time's magazine, Jew York Times or the Rothschild rag the Economist. One thing they have in common though is that they don't point out the root cause. The International Jew. Neither does Trump.

27th February 2016, 10:54 PM
He was running for pres at the time, the jew media ran with the 'conspiracy' theory against him so he shut up. That at the time would have destroyed his chances of even running again. He is playing by the unsaid rules to actually take the spot now. I am sure he has an idea how crooked politics are and is in it to win. I doubt he has no clue how they will try to destroy him. This also pertains to the other

He would have taken Obama down if he had persisted in calling him out on the fake birth certificate issues...

27th February 2016, 10:58 PM
So anyone who doesn't publicly point out that Jews are the cause of Iraq and 911 is a Rothschild/Rockefeller front-man? Because that is the topic we are discussing in this thread. I guess Ron Paul falls in the same category? 100% of all current elected officials are rockfeller front men? I'm having a hard time understanding this line of reasoning. Putin is a Rothschild front man?

Maybe I'm a Rothschild front man because I don't talk about Jews to people at work in my daily life?

28th February 2016, 01:03 AM
When has ANY politician (who hasn't has their head blown off) in the past two thousand years ever kept their word on issues important to the general public?

Enough said.

Time will tell, you guys can continue to beat each other around the head in the meantime I won't be holding my breath thats for sure.

Look, even if Trump is a hardcore nathionalist and does every single little thing in defiance of the NWO goons, there is still another one hundred countries where they have their minions in place ready to do their bidding. It isn't going to change a single fucking thing, get real.

I hate to break it to you guys, but if what most of you suspect is true then the US gov we see is merely a front and talking in terms of US dominace and supremacy is utterly and totaly meaningless.

What it means is that the US isn't really at the epicentre of global politics and power, its just a convenient puppet head.

All this talk about restoring whats wrong globally by electing some nationlist messiah to POTUS is farcical and makes me think you guys have lost your heads. :(??

28th February 2016, 04:17 AM
What is important is not what Trump (or any other politician) says publicly but whether he is willing to give you his oath and bond ... and I don't mean some sham ceremony ...but rather documented, signed, sealed, delivered.... and enforceable. You did know you have every right to ask for this service from your employees didn't you?

These politicians run in the public eye for an office of ULTIMATE power and authority of President of the United States of America under the communist 14th amendment. They don't run for the office of LIMITED power and authority of President of the United States of America under the federation of independent countries (called states). The present incumbent is even prevented by disability from occupying this latter office.

28th February 2016, 04:31 AM
So anyone who doesn't publicly point out that Jews are the cause of Iraq and 911 is a Rothschild/Rockefeller front-man? Because that is the topic we are discussing in this thread. I guess Ron Paul falls in the same category? 100% of all current elected officials are rockfeller front men? I'm having a hard time understanding this line of reasoning. Putin is a Rothschild front man?

Maybe I'm a Rothschild front man because I don't talk about Jews to people at work in my daily life?
Is your daughters Jewish also? Do you tell people at work Netanyahu is your bestest friend? What do you think his real stance is re Jews, Iraq war and 9/11? He said Arabs were dancing on 9/11 in New York, not Jews...

Why doesn't he bring up BHO's fake birth certificate now? Why doesn't anyone do it? They can show the Obama video I posted above, how he publicly humiliated Trump. Everyone keeps the lid on this because the birth certificate was a total fake, and none in any leading position will gain from such a rip in reality matrix!

He is a team player...

midnight rambler
28th February 2016, 04:53 AM
He is a team player...

Yeah, that's why all the hate is being directed at him and so much panic and energy being exerted to stop the Trump juggernaut. /s

We'll see.

28th February 2016, 04:58 AM
Yeah, that's why all the hate is being directed at him and so much panic and energy being exerted to stop the Trump juggernaut. /s

We'll see.
Actually could be! It gives him credibility as opposition.

28th February 2016, 06:35 AM
Cruz is the real front man of Rockefeller and Rothschild. Cruz rhymes with Jews.

28th February 2016, 06:59 AM
Here he actually questions whether the birth certificate is real...


Also he outs Bill Clinton re Epsteins island!
I'll keep an open mind whether he is real... :)

guess who
28th February 2016, 10:08 AM
Trump is the zios' best bet for mass riots and martial law. Just after he won Nevada, a black in Kansas shot up a bunch of whites at his workplace. You think this has nothing to do with Trump? Now you also have the KKK acting up and as we all know they are the tools of the FBI. They were given no police protection in California, why? So that blood could be spilled of course.

mick silver
28th February 2016, 10:18 AM
http://www.picturesof.net/_images_300/Picture_Herd_Sheep_Surrounding_the_Black_Sheep_in_ This_Vector_Clip_Art_Illustration_110810-172347-535001.jpg

28th February 2016, 10:20 AM

all powers that be or wanna be want same, to pamper people's feeling of insecurity. The evil comes this way, not to mention that GOOD politicians are not eternal either.