View Full Version : Report: Trump Supporters in Texas See Votes Switched to Rubio

1st March 2016, 09:13 AM
Callers to KLBJ report ballot irregularities

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Super Tuesday Texas Primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Marco Rubio.

Numerous callers flooded Austin-based radio station KLBJ this morning with reports of mistakes after they tried to vote for Trump.

4 people state voted for Trump and checked ballot, and it was changed to Rubio on three and Gray on fourth. Radio KLBJ, Austin,Tx.

— Linda S. Prestridge (@LindaSPrestrid1) March 1, 2016

According to KLBJ, “computer freezeups” and other “glitches” are causing voting snafus at locations all around Travis County.

Trump supporters previously accused the Rubio campaign of stealing votes in Iowa after the Florida Senator achieved a surprise third place finish.

If Rubio fails to secure a strong finish in today’s primaries he could be forced to drop out of the race altogether.

Rubio’s Super Pac has poured $1.5 million of its budget into Texas in an effort to take delegates away from home state favorite Ted Cruz.


1st March 2016, 09:23 AM
Like I've said over and over....if voting mattered it would already be banned. When are we going to wake up as a society and stop accepting this status quo treason in government? This political scene needs to go, which is why Trump exists in all of this. He may be better or worse than what we have now, but he's going to be very different than we've been accustomed to

1st March 2016, 10:13 AM
If anyone here is voting in Texas today, it would be wise to double-check that this didn't happen to you.

Actually, if anyone is voting anywhere today, video your vote and verify it works properly.

1st March 2016, 10:55 AM
Multiple Tulsa precincts experience technical difficulties Tuesday morning

Story (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/elections/multiple-tulsa-precincts-experience-technical-difficulties-tuesday-morning/article_fc282b59-22cf-552e-9eb5-f6479710c099.html?mode=story)
Comments (5) (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/elections/multiple-tulsa-precincts-experience-technical-difficulties-tuesday-morning/article_fc282b59-22cf-552e-9eb5-f6479710c099.html#user-comment-area)

Posted: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 8:34 am | Updated: 12:46 pm, Tue Mar 1, 2016.
By KYLE HINCHEY World Staff Writer | 5 comments (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/elections/multiple-tulsa-precincts-experience-technical-difficulties-tuesday-morning/article_fc282b59-22cf-552e-9eb5-f6479710c099.html#user-comment-area)
Several Tulsa voters experienced delays and some were improperly turned away as a result of malfunctioning voting devices Tuesday morning, though an official believes the issues have been resolved.
A Tulsa County Election Board inspector at precinct 74 — Ascension Lutheran Church, 4803 S. Lewis Ave. — violated policy by turning away about 15 voters after being unable to fix the machine, assistant secretary Martha Bales said.

The inspector was told to open an emergency bin, where voters can temporarily submit ballots until the situation is resolved.

"He did not do that," Bales said.

Employees are instructed to never turn away voters, she said. The machine has since been repaired.

Bales said workers receive training every two years, which includes procedures for machine malfunctions. She said the employee likely will not face punishment, which typically is reserved for more severe offenses.

"Sometimes when they get out to the precincts, they just seem to forget some of the information," she said.

Other precincts also had problems with voting devices Tuesday morning, but Bales said everything appeared to be up and running as of 8:30 a.m.

"There's always little issues with the machines," she said. "Someone has trouble getting it started, and sometimes there's a glitch that has to get taken care of, too."

Kyle Hinchey 918-581-8451

1st March 2016, 10:56 AM
Voters deal with numerous Super Tuesday election issues Tuesday, March 1st 2016, 4:47 pm GMTTuesday, March 1st 2016, 5:04 pm GMTBy Rebekka SchrammConnect (http://www.wlox.com/story/31355081/glitch-causes-voter-frustration-at-northeast-atlanta-polling-place#)

http://wgcl.images.worldnow.com/images/10001354_G.jpg (http://wgcl.images.worldnow.com/images/10001354_G.jpg) Virginia Highland, Photo source: WGCL

ATLANTA (CBS46) - Although most voters heading to the polls on Super Tuesday were able to cast their ballots without a hitch, there have been a number of people who experienced problems when heading to their polling place.
Roughly 100 voters in northeast Atlanta's Virginia-Highland neighborhood experienced a bit of frustration Tuesday morning when they stood in line to vote in the presidential primary only to learn that the electronic voting machines weren't working.
“They just handed us a paper ballot,” said voter John Bachmann.
"Which is frustrating for me," added Mary Stephenson, who had been the first voter in line at Fire Station No. 19. "It’s not the way it’s supposed to go,”
According to the precinct manager, the machines were programmed for the wrong precinct. So voters had a choice. They could either stay and vote on paper or they could come back later.
Dan Bloom brought his 9-year-old son David with him. At first, he didn't mind casing a paper ballot.
“I’m cool with it," Bloom said. "Like we were joking earlier, it may be the only time he gets to vote with a paper ballot, so it’s a new experience for him.”
Once he learned he would have to wait in line for 30 minutes to cast a vote on paper, Bloom changed his mind and decided to return later.
Tom Beisel stood in line for 20 minutes before giving up.
“I’ll come back later on today and hopefully the machines will be working,” he said.
“I want to make sure that my vote gets counted in today’s count instead of three days later.” said voter Melissa Siegelman.
About an hour-and-a-half into the voting, an IT guy from the Fulton County Elections office came and re-programmed the machines. After that, voters were in and out quickly. But for the early risers, the damage was done.
“Leave it to Fulton County, said Bachmann. "It seems like it’s always something.”
The precinct manager said only 46 of the early morning voters chose to cast paper ballots. Every else chose to try to return before the polls close at 7 p.m.
Southwest Atlanta Voter Problems
Another issue popped up in Fulton County at Fickett Elementary School in southwest Atlanta. Voters who had been going to that particular polling place for years were told to go to another location.
Voters say the issue may have come from rezoning of the district and voters were not properly notified.
It is unclear where those voters were redirected to.
Copyright 2016 WGCL-TV (http://www.cbs46.com/) (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.

1st March 2016, 10:59 AM
Technical difficulties all over the country on Super Tuesday?? My shocked face :-O

1st March 2016, 11:07 AM
Rubio, lol who's Rubio?

He hasn't won a single state yet has he?

mick silver
1st March 2016, 11:34 AM
The 2016 US Presidential Election: Produced for Your Viewing Satisfaction

1st March 2016, 11:42 AM
They want anyone up there, any one but the Donald......even if it is Clinton. It is not "we the people" but those behind the curtain....... one guess as to who they are. They will loose control of the US.........NO USRAEL.


1st March 2016, 12:00 PM
They want anyone up there, any one but the Donald......even if it is Clinton. It is not "we the people" but those behind the curtain....... one guess as to who they are. They will loose control of the US.........NO USRAEL.

If they can't stop Trump in the voting booth I wouldn't be at all surprised if Trump meets an untimely demise. The Jews that hold all the cards take no prisoners and I have no reason to think why they wouldn't oft The Donald as a last resort and deal with the consequences later

1st March 2016, 01:35 PM
Jews are stupid and clumsy. They are unable to be self sufficient without Goy. They will have to have a Goy take Don out, if the goy wants to continue to play their game. If not the Jew elitists are in a world of shit.

mick silver
2nd March 2016, 03:58 AM
RAMPANT VOTE FRAUD IN AUSTIN , TX - VOTES FOR TRUMP SWITCHED TO RUBIO! Post by Newsroom (https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/author/973-newsroom) - Mar 01, 2016


Austin radio station KLBJ received around a half dozen complaints on Tuesday that Texas voting machines had change their votes, mostly from Donald Trump to Sen. Marco Rubio.
The hosts of KLBJ’s Todd And Don Show noted that three callers had already complained about their votes being switched from Trump to Rubio when a fourth caller dialed in to say her ballot had been switched from Trump to Linda Gray.
“That’s not good,” one of the hosts agreed. “You are the fourth person to call us in the past half hour to say they had that same problem. They voted for Trump but it popped up Rubio or somebody else. You’re the first to have somebody else, but the other three were Rubio.”
“Something’s fishy,” the host opined. “Something is going on strange. It appears it was one in Round Rock, one in Leander, one in Georgetown. So it appears to be a Williamson County problem.”
After a caller said that he was able to vote without any problems in northwest Austin, another caller from Williamson County reported that he noticed his vote was switched.
“When I reviewed my ballot at the end, the person I voted for president was marked differently than how I voted,” the caller named Eddie recalled. “And I know that when I touched the button that I hit the right button.”
“If half the people don’t check their ballots, half the people could have the wrong information,” the radio host observed. “That’s not good, that’s not a system that we trust.”
It is not unheard-of for electronic voting machines in the United States to be "rigged" to cheat. Engaging in such an act is a felony crime. Such criminal activities can be carried out only by a limited number of entities; folks with access to the programming of those voting machines. In some instances, County Boards of Election have such access. In other areas, the manufacturer of the machines is contracted to program them.
If cheating has taken place, it is vital to determine WHO the guilty party actually is before deciding what's to be done with them.