View Full Version : Ron Paul: “Absolutely No Meaningful Difference Between Hillary and Trump”

4th March 2016, 02:25 PM
Ron Paul: “Absolutely No Meaningful Difference Between Hillary and Trump” http://www.thedailyliberator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Screen-Shot-2016-03-04-at-12.23.02-AM-702x336.png (http://www.thedailyliberator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Screen-Shot-2016-03-04-at-12.23.02-AM.png)
Ron Paul: “Absolutely No Meaningful Difference Between Hillary and Trump”

0 (http://www.thedailyliberator.com/ron-paul-absolutely-no-meaningful-difference-hillary-trump/#respond) March 4, 2016 Politics (http://www.thedailyliberator.com/category/politics/)

On Tuesday, Ron Paul agreed with what countless activists and independent journalists have been saying for months: Bernie Sanders is pretty much the same as Donald Trump.
By: Claire Bernish
This article first appeared at ANTIMEDIA (http://theantimedia.org/ron-paul-absolutely-no-meaningful-difference-between-hillary-and-trump/)

Asked by CNN in an interview (http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/271285-ron-paul-sanders-just-a-variant-of-trump) whether he would consider supporting Sanders’ presidential bid, Paul somewhat incredulously replied, “No. No, because he’s an authoritarian … he’s just a variant of Trump. Trump wants to be the boss.”

Paul went on, explaining that on issues of foreign policy where he’d collaborated with Sanders, the Vermont senator is “part of the military-industrial complex.”

“He was a big voter for militarism. He’s an authoritarian of a different color; but Trump is a super-authoritarian,” Paul said.

Paul’s criticism of the presidential contenders didn’t stop with Sanders and Trump.
“From a libertarian viewpoint, there is absolutely no meaningful difference between Hillary and Trump,” he emphatically remarked. “I mean, they both support [the]military-industrial complex, the federal reserve, deficits, entitlements, invasion of our privacy.”

Indeed, Paul summarized the absurdity of the 2016 election platforms, saying, “It’s super-nationalistic populism versus socialism. That is so remote from what we need to be doing — we need to be moving ourselves away from tyranny toward liberty.”

Asked if he would be endorsing any candidates, Paul explained there isn’t a single person left in the race who fits libertarian ideals of limiting government and protecting individual liberties.

“Some of the top candidates want to carpet bomb the world,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief. “No, a libertarian can’t endorse this authoritarian approach.”

midnight rambler
4th March 2016, 02:29 PM
Ron Paul, WHY did you shine people on in '08 and '12? They (the establishment) screwed you in NH and elsewhere and yet you failed to object. Silence is acceptance.

4th March 2016, 02:37 PM
Ron Paul was only right when we were purple pilled.

Now we understand race, so he's just another cuckservative.

4th March 2016, 02:48 PM
Ron doesn't understand that libertarianism doesn't work in a society full of cucks.

The founding fathers and people in the early days of our country weren't a bunch of cucks, unlike society today.

Society has to be de-cucked first before any of his ideas will ever work.

Also, Trump is clearly against foreign wars, so I don't understand how he thinks there is no difference between Trump and neocon Hillary.

4th March 2016, 02:52 PM
Ron doesn't understand that libertarianism doesn't work in a society full of cucks.

The founding fathers and people in the early days of our country weren't a bunch of cucks, unlike society today.

Society has to be de-cucked first before any of his ideas will ever work.

Also, Trump is clearly against foreign wars, so I don't understand how he thinks there is no difference between Trump and neocon Hillary.

Limited government only can exist in high trust societies full of White people.

Shitskins can't wipe their own asses and need Whitey to babysit them.

I'm a Libertarian at heart, but I know we can never achieve limited government with the current racial demographics. That's why Fascism is necessary as an means to an end.

If the race problem isn't dealt with humanity will grind backwards technologically to the stone age. Every city will become Detroit. It will be a horrible slow burn and not a place you'll want to live in unless you're creative in a way to insulate yourself somehow.

America was going to the stars and exploring space, and if you notice it all halted when we opened the floodgates to Shitskins starting in the 1960s. Things have gotten increasingly worse as we take on bigger and bigger deficits to pay for these Shitskins, and we can't end send a fucking rocket into space anymore without Russia's help.

4th March 2016, 03:50 PM
I am not mad RP doesn't like The Donald, but he should keep his mouth shut.

4th March 2016, 03:55 PM
Definitely keep his mouth shut, he did not even try to win, but he surely did pocket all those donations. That is why I donated $0 the second time around.

4th March 2016, 04:04 PM
Why would Rand Paul endorse Romney while his own father was campaigning?

If you are concerned with idealogical purity, wtf was that?

That's why if you raise your son to be a cuck, it really doesn't matter what his ideology is.

4th March 2016, 04:19 PM
Why would Rand Paul endorse Romney while his own father was campaigning?

I wonder why the "RP's" never addressed this? Ron was a movement that got shut down one way or another after meeting with Bernanke and all we got was guesses. Rand ran, he sucked and failed. Ron's ideolgy is right but will never happen cause he is too weak to be abrasive. Now we have Trump, very abrasive and not afraid to reach into the 'unknown'. I am guessing about 95% MSM are against Trump, this sends a strong message IMO. Wheather Paul or Trump, the later is gaining steam that the establishment just cant shut off... yet.

5th March 2016, 02:25 AM
Also I am surprised Ron Paul can't see the difference between Hiliary and the Donald. Re foreign policy I think Paul and Trump are very similar, in their non-intervention stand, while Hiliary is more like McCain or Djengis Khan...

5th March 2016, 02:33 AM
Trump is literally the only anti-war candidate running.

5th March 2016, 05:30 AM
I wonder why the "RP's" never addressed this? Ron was a movement that got shut down one way or another after meeting with Bernanke and all we got was guesses. Rand ran, he sucked and failed. Ron's ideolgy is right but will never happen cause he is too weak to be abrasive. Now we have Trump, very abrasive and not afraid to reach into the 'unknown'. I am guessing about 95% MSM are against Trump, this sends a strong message IMO. Wheather Paul or Trump, the later is gaining steam that the establishment just cant shut off... yet.

Ron Paul is controlled opposition. Besides being involved with the Gold Bullion Act of 1985, I cannot think of a single thing he accomplished during all those years he was a congressman. Cushy job though, seems to beat being a drug pushing big pharma whore. Ron Paul is by no stretch of the imagination an alpha type male, perhaps that is why he finds Donald Trump as offensive as Hilary killer criminal Clinton.

5th March 2016, 05:58 AM
Ron Paul is controlled opposition. Besides being involved with the Gold Bullion Act of 1985, I cannot think of a single thing he accomplished during all those years he was a congressman. Cushy job though, seems to beat being a drug pushing big pharma whore. Ron Paul is by no stretch of the imagination an alpha type male, perhaps that is why he finds Donald Trump as offensive as Hilary killer criminal Clinton.

I wouldn't go that far since there's not much evidence for that.

I think he's just naďve like most Libertarians are. He doesn't understand the big picture.

5th March 2016, 06:05 AM
The controlled opposition thing? Or the big pharma whore, or the unaccomplished congressman or the alpha male?

5th March 2016, 06:55 AM
Hillary and Trump? RP is senile.

Trump is destroying the corrupt establishment party and is building a badly needed new party.
How could Paul not see how important it is to secure our borders and enforce immigration laws...I put this at the top of the list.
If we don't stop illegal immigration, liberty will be the least of our worries.

If RP wants to do something worthwhile with his time, he should start pointing out/exposing who the establishment people are that are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to destroy this election and usurp the vote of the people. No one seems to be asking who these people are at the top with all this money to throw at Trump and to support their own candidate. The people need to know who to hate for life and who they should boycott and never support in anything they do again.

Liberty doesn't have a chance with the current corrupt elite in charge.

Plus, Trump loves gold! He uses it everywhere and he's even taken a $200,000 lease down payment in gold bullion from APMX.

5th March 2016, 08:32 AM
The same establishment that kept RP from getting anywhere is trying to keep Trump out of the driver's seat. RP should be at least helping to bring attention to the death-grip control that the establishment has on the electoral process

5th March 2016, 08:45 AM
The same establishment that kept RP from getting anywhere is trying to keep Trump out of the driver's seat. RP should be at least helping to bring attention to the death-grip control that the establishment has on the electoral process

I do not believe RP was trying to get anywhere. RP claimed to believe the 911 fairy tale too.

5th March 2016, 09:05 AM
RP claimed to believe the 911 fairy tale too.

Are you serious? He's a public figure. He has to say that in order to stay relevant at all.

5th March 2016, 09:26 AM
I do not believe RP was trying to get anywhere. RP claimed to believe the 911 fairy tale too.

I have to agree with Shami, RP had enough problems fighting off the Kook label, 9/11 would have buried him that much further

5th March 2016, 09:27 AM
What difference does it make? He was not trying to win or be relevant. I am so tired of the liars.

5th March 2016, 10:18 AM
What difference does it make? He was not trying to win or be relevant. I am so tired of the liars.
Actually Ron Paul had no desire to run for president. His supporters pushed him into running. That may explain his lack of putting forth more effort than he did.

5th March 2016, 10:33 AM
Actually Ron Paul had no desire to run for president. His supporters pushed him into running. That may explain his lack of putting forth more effort than he did.

Paul knew what his fate would have been had he been elected. They would have JFK'd him faster than you can say 9/11

Twisted Titan
5th March 2016, 01:01 PM
Ron Paul, WHY did you shine people on in '08 and '12? They (the establishment) screwed you in NH and elsewhere and yet you failed to object. Silence is acceptance.

Quoted for truth. .... the hand print is still on the side of his face from the bitchslapping he got several years ago from the RNC

I remember quite well this chump was invited on jay leno after the RNC muzzled his ass and he didn't even get the chance to speak even though morethan enough delegates.

This chump didnt say not ONE hard word and instead just chalked it up to it being politics

All the time energy and money people put into his campaign and when it counted the most he folded like a deck of cards.

I can guarantee to you this if trump get screwed out of the nomination there will be hell to pay.

As there should be .

RP needs to take 2 geritol tablets and STFU

5th March 2016, 01:51 PM
Actually Ron Paul had no desire to run for president. His supporters pushed him into running. That may explain his lack of putting forth more effort than he did.
I don't think so at all, no one twisted Ron Pauls arm to collect the money from his supporters. There was a lot of good grass root efforts in his campaign. He refused to force an investigation of election fraud, that was rampant. Despite his grass roots securing delegates, he just gave up in mid campaign, following breakfast at Bernanke'e. His own son started supporting Romney, while his father was still in the race. Trump endorsed Romney with how much money? Why did he do that? Romney doesn't have much in common with the platform Trump is running on. Why did Trump not support RP? Most here that now look to be supporters of Trump were also supporters of RP in 2008 and 2012. Trump endorsed and financially supported Romney in 2012.

It all suggests Trump doesn't have principles, he just supports what he thinks is most expedient for the moment...

5th March 2016, 01:56 PM
It all suggests Trump doesn't have principles, he just supports what he thinks is most expedient for the moment...

Trump doesn't really claim to be an idealist though. His main thing is jobs and Making America Great Again, not ideas like "liberty" or "conservatism".

5th March 2016, 02:30 PM
this thread is the perfect example as why we have had much of the same for 4000 years. Fighting for a presumed savior that is going to save the day.

the planet deserves what is happening.

5th March 2016, 02:41 PM
He refused to force an investigation of election fraud, that was rampant. D and 2012.

You missed the memo, Thay passed some law I think in the '80s that made it so the repubs can not challenge fraud until after 2017.


The case is the Democratic National Committee vs. the Republican National Committee, originally from 1982.

Democrats alleged Republicans were trying intimidate minority voters in New Jersey and brought the legal action. The RNC, inexplicably, decided to agree to a consent decree before a Democrat-appointed judge rather than fight the claims.

The judge, Dickinson Debevoise, appointed by Jimmy Carter, later retired but decided he would continue to control the case. The decision requires the RNC – but not the DNC – to “refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose.”

The rest of the agreement essentially requires the RNC to follow applicable state and federal election laws.
But the section cited above has been used for decades to warn off Republicans from any challenge to evidence of voter fraud in districts with “racial or ethnic populations.”

The law has remained, even though the RNC recently challenged it at the appellate level only to be turned down by Judges Joseph Greenaway Jr., appointed by Bill Clinton; Dolores Sloviter, appointed by Carter; and Walter Stapleton, appointed by Ronald Reagan, in the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

It now is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.

5th March 2016, 02:49 PM
Ron Paul had his chance and he chicken out........and now Trump is our last hope.....Ron should sit down and shut up :)


5th March 2016, 02:49 PM
If Cruz gets over 50% of the vote in Maine, he sweeps all delegates.

5th March 2016, 03:09 PM
Trump doesn't really claim to be an idealist though. His main thing is jobs and Making America Great Again, not ideas like "liberty" or "conservatism".
A man without principles wouldn't care to stay true to his word!

5th March 2016, 04:19 PM
If Cruz gets over 50% of the vote in Maine, he sweeps all delegates.

Don't matter at all, if their mind controlled Narco don't win FL they are throwing in the Romney for a brokered convention.

5th March 2016, 11:42 PM
What I think it is about Trump is that he is not specifically precise about his details - he figures it out as he goes with his experience and instincts, AND (this is true) his greater, much greater, intelligence.

He knows his goals, and, he gathers data about any situation and works it out what is the best approach and he is willing to listen (BUT NOT WITHOUT PAUSE) to close advisers that might have more data or experience.

Trump is an active leader - he could have led Roman troops into strange lands and belted his way through figuring it out as he went.

This politics thing, from the INSIDE, for him, is a new experience that he seems to be enjoying to no end. And a close race (for him to get his 1237 by June), just makes it more exciting - he seems to love a great challenge.

I won't say he is reprehensibly arrogant, because, all throughout his life he has probably competed superior to his challengers and mostly come out on top - it has just built into his psyche confidence, which some detractors might try to call arrogance. What the voters will actually get, should he win, will NOT be known until he encounters each situation, and, you can be sure, whatever outcome he sees best suited, is the one he will figure out a way to bring about. Detractors will need to just get the hell out of his way.

He is a true LEADER, beholding to no one, and that scares the shit out of the powers that be. It leaves me *hopeful*.

6th March 2016, 03:41 AM
this thread is the perfect example as why we have had much of the same for 4000 years. Fighting for a presumed savior that is going to save the day.

the planet deserves what is happening.

I'm not looking for a savior. I'm fighting for the one person that can bring out the ire of the population and lead the revolution.
No one else has ever exposed the elite in the way Trump has. No matter what happens from here, the people have now found their voice...maybe even their balls.

6th March 2016, 10:52 AM
I think what he meant were the centralized governance aspect. I didn't see any direct quotes so can only presume.

Rather than decentralizing the country into states or local powers, all "powers to be" reside in Admins or singular hands, Trump and Hillary have same type personas in that aspect. To change anything D.C. needs to stand down, a focused weight on admin. will only produce more of the same.

Globalists do want the reaction they're receiving from a U.S. populace, that they let the reigns of freedom slip either way over frustration.

So that finance minister across the west are validated by example in assuming equal dictatorial mandates. Nothing will move without permission.

I have not seen Trump expose any elite, if he had, their time was due in some sort of fashions end. Most everyone I see him refer to is a "great guy" BUT. Cruz makes more sense in that aspect, if he'd only keep a word to abolish the IRS but of course we all know its hogwash.

Trump is anything but a revolutionist in my eyes, his is an attempt to somehow right a same system and bend it to his "win" will.

6th March 2016, 11:04 AM
Ron Paul had his chance and he chicken out........and now Trump is our last hope.....Ron should sit down and shut up :)


And take his zionist-whore son, Rand Paul who humps the wailing wall with him. Trump said Rand did his best to campaign against him in Kentucky.