View Full Version : Pepsi and Coca Cola Corporations: History will view as “Phillip Morris”

7th March 2016, 07:46 AM
Pepsi and Coca Cola Corporations: History will view as the “Phillip Morris” of our Age; Fructose is a Toxin (http://beforeitsnews.com/health/2016/03/pepsi-and-coca-cola-corporations-history-will-view-as-the-phillip-morris-of-our-age-fructose-is-a-toxin-2617818.html)John Q Public
March 6, 2016


[A truthful science moment by and for John Q Public.]

Hyperbole, right? Everyone knows that sugar is empty calories, but a toxin? Come on, right? Well unfortunately, there is truth to the charge. Fructose- a component of sucrose (table sugar) as well as high fructose corn syrup, agave syrup, etc. is a toxin. Good sugar, glucose is not, it is energy for cells in the body.

I will try and explain the issue briefly, and use sucrose and high fructrose corn sweetener as examples. These sweeteners are composed of glucose (the stuff our cells need and desire for energy) and fructose, basically there for one puprose- to cause sweetness. The fructose is basically a trick to create sweetness. While glucose has a relative sweetness of around 0.8, fructose is 1.7. Fructose is the sweetness in sucrose and high fructose corn syrup. Sucrose is a complex sugar with glucose chemically bonded to a fructose (so each molecule of sucrose is composed of one glucose and one fructose), while high fructose corn syrup is a simple mixture containing about half glucose and half fructose in a solution. The point being that either sucrose or high fructose corn syrup are about one half glucose and one half fructose by molecular count.

Here is the kicker. Once glucose enters the bloosdstream, every cell in the body that needs energy will grab it and burn it or store it for energy. Fructose is not recognized as a sugar by our cells (that is why fructose has a low glycemic index). Fructose must be elimianted by our bodies by the liver. No other organ recognizes fructose. When the concentration of fructose is high (i.e., we just drank a Coke or Pepsi, or a glass of apple or orange juice), the liver acts to remove it as quickly as possible, and as explained by Dr. Robert Lustig of UCSF (see video below plus other videos by him such as Sugar: The Bitter Truth), the elimination of fructose follows pathways resembling the elimination of alcohol- and the consequences (chronic, not acute) are similar, cirrhosis of the liver, type II diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, etc. According to Dr. Lustig, and a rapidly growing number of health experts, sugar, not fat, is the cause of much of the obesity epidemic we are facing today.

I personally believe that history will judge Pepsi Corp. and Coca Cola Corp. as the Phillip Morris of this age. Don’t wait until someone in the government tells you to stop consuming concentrated and refined sugar (and that includes fruit juices), but take action for yourselves and your family. I suggest you start with this short video, and research this further on your own.


Yes, alcohol is just as bad, or even a little worse (due to its acute effects such as intoxication), but we all know alcohol is bad. We would not give our children 3-4 beers per day, but we might give them 3-4 glasses of apple juice, thinking it is natural and healthy. The chronic (long term) effects are about the same! I know this may sound crazy to some people, but unfortunately it is true.

Do you want to hear something even crazier? The earth may be at or near the center of the universe (per modern science)! The documentary THE PRINCIPLE (http://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://geocentrism.com) examines this question and is a must see to understand just how little science actually knows relative to their claims, but also to understand how big science operates, especially as it interacts with big government, and your money.

7th March 2016, 08:58 AM
Sugar is also one of the most difficult addictions to overcome. I did it by fasting for a week. After Day 2-3 my hunger subsided (I would still eat, but no sugar and was mostly protein and fat) but by day 4-5 I craved sugar like an addict for cocaine. I kid you not. I saw it everywhere and my body wanted it. By day 6 the Sugar cravings were completely gone, and by day 7 I had my first full meal. I lost 25 lbs, and no longer craved sugar. But man was that difficult.

7th March 2016, 02:11 PM
Sugar is also one of the most difficult addictions to overcome. I did it by fasting for a week. After Day 2-3 my hunger subsided (I would still eat, but no sugar and was mostly protein and fat) but by day 4-5 I craved sugar like an addict for cocaine. I kid you not. I saw it everywhere and my body wanted it. By day 6 the Sugar cravings were completely gone, and by day 7 I had my first full meal. I lost 25 lbs, and no longer craved sugar. But man was that difficult.

I have largely given up sugar for 3 years now. The first year I ate tons of fruit as a substitute. I still eat a fair amount, but not as much. I was never big on sweets or desserts, but I was eating a lot of sugar more or less without thinking about it (breakfast cereal, flavored yogurt, juices, etc.). My triglycerides have dropped 30% since I stopped. First thing I did that made a measurable change.

7th March 2016, 04:30 PM
I have largely given up sugar for 3 years now. The first year I ate tons of fruit as a substitute. I still eat a fair amount, but not as much. I was never big on sweets or desserts, but I was eating a lot of sugar more or less without thinking about it (breakfast cereal, flavored yogurt, juices, etc.). My triglycerides have dropped 30% since I stopped. First thing I did that made a measurable change.

You can also take straight Niacin which will lower your Triglycerides as well as raise your HDL and lower your LDL. The key is to get the kind of Niacin that will cause you to flush. You're looking to take just enough niacin where you flush for 10-15 minutes and no more. If you flush longer than that, you've taken too much so you have to lower your dose.

Dr. Andrew Saul has a good write up about how to properly megadose Niacin as well as Vitamin C.

7th March 2016, 05:26 PM
You can also take straight Niacin which will lower your Triglycerides as well as raise your HDL and lower your LDL. The key is to get the kind of Niacin that will cause you to flush. You're looking to take just enough niacin where you flush for 10-15 minutes and no more. If you flush longer than that, you've taken too much so you have to lower your dose.

Dr. Andrew Saul has a good write up about how to properly megadose Niacin as well as Vitamin C.

I tried the niacin route. I got the right kind, and it caused me massive stomach problems. I had to stop taking it. My triglycerides are really good now, so it is not an issue.

7th March 2016, 05:37 PM
I tried the niacin route. I got the right kind, and it caused me massive stomach problems. I had to stop taking it. My triglycerides are really good now, so it is not an issue.

I've been megadosing Niacin for about a month now. I take about 1.5 grams a day. Vitamin C I'm up to 14 grams a day. Iodine, Vitamin C, Zinc, Super B Complex, L-Lysine, and Vitamin E. I've noticed a difference big time with energy and mood.