View Full Version : Damian Thorn, Satan’s Son, Ragpicker’s Fantasy

mick silver
10th March 2016, 06:19 AM
Damian Thorn, Satan’s Son, Ragpicker’s FantasyBy Gordon Duff, Senior Editor (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/gordonduff/) on March 8, 2016
How did really bad TV remind me of the crimes of General Allen?
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/lido_1108.jpg“Call girl” Jill Kelly, General Allen’s “liason” who received one of the nations highest awards and had sex with every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff…you just can’t make this stuff up

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor (http://www.veteranstoday.com/staff-writers/)I thought the Israeli series, Homeland, was stupid enough, episode after episode of childish propaganda and cheap Islamophobic masturbation by the criminal gang that drops clusterbombs on Gaza schoolchildren. This was violently offensive crap, no question but now we have seen something genuinely sad, tragic and yet dangerous, bordering on terrorism, from the Arts and Entertainment Network, known as A&E.
The show is “Damian.” It is loosely based on the 1970s horror epic, “The Omen,” a B movie starring Gregory Peck and Lee Remick. A clip from that film:

The newer version begins in what they call “Damascus.” They take us to the “Christian Quarter” of “the Old City.” I have been ther and the resemblance is incredible. Nothing is similar, not just dissimilar, it is bizarre.
Shot out cars, bomb damage everywhere, children with maggots on their eyes, the undead roaming the streets and then a truck appears. Out jumps what I assume are IDF (Israeli Defense Force) extras, I am assuming this must have been filmed in Israel, perhaps by the same studio that did the phony bin Laden tapes.
Posing as the Syrian Arab Army, mind you in downtown Damascus, the soldiers began turning over tables, all covered with relics, finger bones of saints, bibles of different kinds, crosses, statues of assorted saints and martyrs, it was horrific.
Of course having actually been to Syria and having a good friend, Syria’s Grand Mufti, defender of Syria’s Christian communities as a friend, the idea of what I had seen was offensive beyond measure. The Assad government in Damascus is closely allied with Syria’s large Christian community.

Remember, Damascus is a city where you can order alcohol anywhere, where women wear shorts are bare heads are the standard, just like in Tel Aviv. As for this kind of cheap propaganda:
Let me tell you what is wrong and what it costs.
Back in early 2015, the beginning of March I believe, an organization called the Atlantic Council had a series of seminars in order to demonstrate their role in organizing America’s new war in ISIS.
Running these meetings is the now discredited General John Allen, a former Marine like myself, perhaps a bit less careful about his friends it seems, Allan was the fall guy that believed the Atlantic Council when they convinced him, and you should have seen this idiot pontificating from his chair, that tens of thousands of Christians were willing to join the new American force he was going to train.
You see, the Atlantic Council pulled in a ton of cash totally fabricating a secret report stating that Christian communities across Syria were teeming with volunteers to join the new American force that would be training in Turkey. Allen was planning to provide them with million in cash, give them air support and modern weapons.
As sex scandals go, the one that brought down General Petraeus, the founder of ISIS, who emptied Iraq’s prisons and spent $300m (where did we hear this figure before) building a Wahhabist militia inside Iraq that would, what he claimed at the time, offset the influence of Iran on the Shiite majority. This was his plan, we call it ISIS, we could simply call it “The Petraeus Head-Chopping Club.”
As for Allen, he retired in 2012/13, he dragged it on, after being caught bringing “the bimbo of all time” into the Joint Chiefs where they passed her around like a party favor. Perhaps Jonas Alexis can do a piece on this.
After making a total ass of himself on March 2, 2015, and Allan has done little else his entire career, he finally resigned in disgrace (again) “in order to take care of his family” on November 9, 2015.
There were no Christians in Syria that support the anti-Assad forces. There were none that wanted anything to do with Turkey, where Christians are persecuted, nor with the US, a nation no one believes. There were no Christians, the Atlantic Council made it all up much the same as if they were getting their information from the same people produce the shitty TV epic, “Damien.”
Yes, they are one in the same, from that little country with all the nuclear weapons and where every little boy will some day win a Nobel prize or at least get to shoot a Palestinian child.
What Allen did, however, is spend $300m on TOW missiles which were given to ISIS and al Nusra while the 46 “fighters” he did train immediately joined the other side.
And some wonder why, in Vietnam, more officers died in fragging incidents than from enemy fire…
