View Full Version : large anti trump chimpout in chicago

11th March 2016, 05:28 PM
lmao! looks like thousands of 'em

tv showed some of protestors' chants:



11th March 2016, 05:29 PM

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump canceled his Friday night rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion due to security concerns as thousands of protesters gathered outside.

Trump, speaking to MSNBC, said he thought it was a better idea to postpone the rally than to "let people mix it up."

"I didn't want to see anybody get hurt," Trump said. "I think we made the right move."

Trump said he "can't even have a rally in a major city anymore," while suggesting the images from the protest broadcast nationally could lead to higher voter turnout on Tuesday, when Illinois, Florida and Ohio hold primary elections.

11th March 2016, 05:31 PM
Glad they canceled the rally. The protesters had to be in there in force. I wonder who organized this? Could it be all the GOP establishment attacks by the media, or Romney/Cruz?

11th March 2016, 05:33 PM
Glad they canceled the rally. The protesters had to be in there in force. I wonder who organized this? Could it be all the GOP establishment attacks by the media, or Romney/Cruz?

it's the black lives matter dupes...mixed in with other fsa types

glad they canceled it too. it will strengthen the resolve -- rally goers now super pissed off at the chimps

11th March 2016, 05:38 PM
st louis hellhole gets in on the act


Dozens arrested at Trump campaign rally in St. Louis

Police later said that 31 people were arrested and charged with general peace disturbance, and one person was charged outside the venue with third-degree assault.

He panned the protesters as weak "troublemakers," ordered them to "go home to mommy" or "go home and get a job" because "they contribute nothing."

11th March 2016, 05:44 PM

11th March 2016, 05:47 PM
This will obviously work to Trums advantage. He has smart advisors I give him that.

11th March 2016, 05:56 PM
This is better then the standard rally that we've all heard before. Trump got better TV coverage too.
I still think the negative anti-Trump media has fed into the protests. I say it's positive for Trump too.

11th March 2016, 06:06 PM
Glad they canceled the rally. The protesters had to be in there in force. I wonder who organized this? Could it be all the GOP establishment attacks by the media, or Romney/Cruz?
George Soros?

11th March 2016, 06:12 PM
George Soros?

yes. moveon.org was promoting the protest

fox news channel interview -- there were several fights inside the building that prompted the shut down

msnbc just now: trump is manipulating the protesters - MAKING THEM chimp out....for his benefit

this shit is hilarious

11th March 2016, 06:50 PM
I guess Chicago is a Soros stronghold. It gave us Obama and now this.

11th March 2016, 07:44 PM
Love how Trump is exposing the enemies of America for the foaming at the mouth retarded demons they are.

From Ben Shapiro to your typical BLM Nigger.


11th March 2016, 07:55 PM
From Ben Shapiro to your typical BLM Nigger.

Benjamin Aaron Shapiro is your typical bagel eater.

11th March 2016, 09:28 PM
Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich have all attacked Trump over the chimpout. They sided with the leftist fascists. Their campaigns are over.



11th March 2016, 09:36 PM
Their campaigns are over.

Wishful thinking.

The TeeVee didn't tell them this, and the TeeVee says Trump is KKK Hitler from Planet 9. Older generations don't use the Internet and are glued to Fox News getting their anti-White dribble.

11th March 2016, 09:38 PM
Trump cancels Chicago rally, says he didn't want to see anyone hurt

Published March 12, 2016 FoxNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/)
Now Playing Trump: Cancelling Chicago rally a 'very good decision'

Never autoplay videos (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/03/12/trump-cancels-chicago-rally-says-didnt-want-to-see-anyone-hurt.html#)

CHICAGO – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump canceled one of his signature rallies Friday, saying he didn't want to see "people get hurt" after protesters packed into the Chicago arena where it was to take place.

The announcement that the billionaire businessman would postpone the rally until another day led a large portion of the crowd inside the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion to break out into raucous cheers. Meanwhile, supporters of the candidate started chanting "We want Trump! We want Trump!"

There were isolated physical confrontations between some members of the crowd after the event was canceled.
Speaking later with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, Trump said he had arrived in Chicago two hours earlier and about 25,000 people were trying to enter the arena.

After meeting with law enforcement authorities, he said, "I didn't want to see people get hurt (so) I decided to postpone the rally...
"What we did was intelligent," Trump said. "A very good decision…a wise decision."

He also told Van Susteren, "if we had the rally, I think it would not have been a good situation." But, he added, "Our First Amendment rights have been violated."

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, second in delegates to Trump in the GOP race, said late Friday that the billionaire has created "an environment that encourages this sort of nasty discourse."

"When the candidate urges supporters to engage in physical violence, to punch people in the face, the predictable consequence of that is that is escalates," Cruz said. "Today is unlikely to be the last such incidence."

Trump returned to the First Amendment issue in a later conversation with Fox News' Sean Hannity. "I have the right to speak and they (his supporters) have a right to listen," he said.

He also added that he was "getting a lot of credit for canceling...we did the right thing."
Ohio Gov. John Kasich also took a shot at Trump. He said in a statement that the seeds of division his campaign had planted finally bore fruit, “and it was ugly.”

“Some let their opposition to his views slip beyond protest into violence, but we can never let that happen. I urge people to resist that temptation and rise to a higher level, “Kasich added.

There was no sign of Trump inside the arena on the college campus, where dozens of UIC faculty and staff had petitioned university administrators to cancel the rally. They cited concerns it would create a "hostile and physically dangerous environment" for students.

Before the announcement the event wouldn't take place, a handful of intense verbal clashes took place between Trump supporters and protesters as the crowd waited for his arrival.

For the first time during his White House bid, the crowd appeared to be an equal mix of those eager to cheer on the real estate mogul and those overtly opposed to his candidacy.

When one African-American protester was escorted out before the event started, the crowd erupted into chants of "Let them stay!"

Veronica Kowalkowsky, an 18-year-old Trump supporter, said before the event started that she had no ill will toward the protesters — but didn't think they felt the same way.

"I feel a lot of hate," she said. "I haven't said anything bad to anyone."

Protesters at the rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump rushed the arena floor in jubilant celebration after the announcement that he was calling off the event due to security concerns.

Many jumped up and down, with arms up in the air, shouting "F--- Trump!" ''Bernie! Bernie!" and "We stopped Trump!"
Kamran Siddiqui is a 20-year-old student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where the event was to take place.

He says: "Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not. We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

Siddiqui says he's a supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. He says it "feels amazing" to have stopped Trump from speaking at his own rally.

He adds: "Everybody came together. That's what people can do. Now people got to go out and vote because we have the opportunity to stop Trump."

Hours before the event was scheduled to start, hundreds of people lined up outside the arena at the University of Illinois at Chicago — a civil and immigrant rights organizing hub with large minority student populations. Trump backers were separated from an equally large crowd of anti-Trump protesters by a heavy police presence and barricades.

Some Trump supporters walking into the area chanted, "USA! USA!" and "Illegal is illegal." One demonstrator shouted back, "Racist!"

One protester, 64-year-old Dede Rottman of Chicago, carried a placard that read: "Build a Wall AroundTrump. I'll Pay for it."
However, 19-year-old Rusty Shackleford of Lombard, in line to attend the Trump rally, said he was there to "support the man who wants to make America great again."

Chicago community activist Quo Vadis said hundreds of protesters had positioned themselves in groups around the arena, and that they intend to demonstrate right after Trump takes the stage. Their goal, he said, is "for Donald to take the stage and to completely interrupt him. The plan is to shut Donald Trump all the way down."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

11th March 2016, 09:39 PM
Benjamin Aaron Shapiro is your typical bagel eater.

"After walking backstage, my security team, former Israeli military (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/02/27/fascist-american-universities-2016-notes-from-cal-state-los-angeles/) who had worked in crowd control situations, told me that it wouldn’t be advisable to go out."

11th March 2016, 09:59 PM

11th March 2016, 10:36 PM

11th March 2016, 11:16 PM
Siding with BlackLivesMatter isn't a good political position.


11th March 2016, 11:19 PM
Siding with BlackLivesMatter isn't a good political position.


It is if you're a Cuckservative.

Like half of the Republican party is this way. A lot of the hardcore Christians believe in this equality narrative and that Michael King is a literal saint.


11th March 2016, 11:29 PM
It is if you're a Cuckservative.

Like half of the Republican party is this way. A lot of the hardcore Christians believe in this equality narrative and that Michael King is a literal saint.

Even your average cuck has his limits. Videos of ambulances being blocked is beyond the limit for many.

(warning, loud volume)

11th March 2016, 11:36 PM
Hope you're right, but I doubt it.

These people need to fucking die off. They refuse to get their news from the Internet and worship Niggers like their Kaingzz.


The Cruz followers a pretty much a cult of Fundamentalist Zio-Christians.

11th March 2016, 11:49 PM
The cucks are angry.



12th March 2016, 12:01 AM
More angry cucks.


12th March 2016, 12:02 AM

12th March 2016, 12:31 AM
I'm going to refer to Trump as The God-Emperor (http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1020360-donald-trump) now. Just a heads up.




12th March 2016, 12:44 AM







12th March 2016, 01:04 AM


12th March 2016, 01:05 AM
Not a happy Cruz supporter.

Cruz – You Canadian backstabbing rat By moderntopics on March 12, 2016 under Politics (http://www.moderntopics.com/category/politics/)
http://www.moderntopics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/cruz-300x220.jpg Your dad was born in Cuba and you were born in canada. you missed this country TWICE you sniveling rat. And i supported you. Let me get back to how long ago i supported you. When you were down 20 points to your competitor in texas. We were excited to finally have a principled Conservative that had the constitutions memorized and a smart Harvard grad we thought. No way can they pin the “palin effect” on you. Us cruz supporters hopes and dreams of you could achieve went out the window in the night of the Iowa election. You sniveling Canadian rat stole Carson supporters to put you on top in iowa. That was our first strike. The 2nd strike came when you ate your own booger on national tv while i had a sandwich in my mouth. You disgusting rat face fuck. I WAS EATING YOU VAMPIRE LOOKING MOFO.. the whole scene slowed down for me as it was a slow motion movie. My voice in a collective NOOO begging you not to swallow it. But you did didn’t you rat lying Canadian bacon. and the 3rd strike came tonight.
Trump was responsible for tonight events? Really? now you have become ayers supporting obama backing ass-hat in less then a few hours? The BLM were LONG before trump. They were rioting in cities like Baltimore long before trump ever ran for president and your going to pin this on trump? like the Canadian gov put a mounty pin on your lapel jacket you french Canadian bacon. Let me speak in a language you and your dad could understand. You know in online version of speaking in tongues.. @#$LK #$ #K #$@#K#K you know what that means? it means GO FUCK YOUR SELF YOU JUST LOST MY VOTE.
Ex Cruz Supporter

midnight rambler
12th March 2016, 02:51 AM
Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich have all attacked Trump over the chimpout. They sided with the leftist fascists. Their campaigns are over.



What a disjointed, incoherent statement, precisely what one would expect from the Kasich-bot.


12th March 2016, 03:17 AM
I am not sure whether the anti-Trump blacks or whites disgusted me more. I'm leaning towards the white genderlessers!

12th March 2016, 03:38 AM
HORROR! Conservative Website REDSTATE Calls on Far Left Protesters to BRING GUNS to Trump Rallies

Jim Hoft Mar 11th, 2016 4:44 pm 299 Comments


RedState, a right of center website, formerly managed by Trump-basher Erick Erickson, is part of Townhall Media.
The website claims it has three goals:
1) Educate conservatives
2) Motivate conservatives to get involved in the political process
3) Activate conservatives through RedState’s support and tools

Today Redstate called on all far left protesters to BRING FIREARMS to Donald Trump rallies.

This is a new low for the Trump-hating ‘so-called’ Conservative media.

They can’t beat Trump at the ballot box so now they want his supporters shot dead.
It’s one thing to promote an opposing candidate.
It’s quite another to want him and his supporters dead.

I do hope the FBI is notified about this threat.

Below is a screengrab from Redstate website today.

My advice for reporters and protestors visiting Donald Trump events
By Redstate Contributor Neil Stevens–
redstate guns

Neil Stevens writes: My advice for reporters and protestors visiting Donald Trump events is simple: You have a right to keep and bear arms. Use it. If Trump’s brownshirts know their targets are armed, they’ll get less handsy, fast.


12th March 2016, 04:04 AM
Fucking liberals!



Activists: 'Ladies, It's time to wield our influence. All of it'
Published: 2 days ago

Activists in Ohio have launched an anti-Trump campaign that will succeed or fail based on how many of the Republican front-runner’s supporters are denied sex.

“Vote Trump, Get Dumped” was launched across a variety of social media platforms in response to Donald Trump’s surging presidential campaign. Its motto: “No Sex. No dates. No chance.”

“To cast a vote for Trump is to agree with his sexist, perverted, demeaning, backwards, offensive treatment of women. Learn what’s at stake,” the group’s website says. “Join us by wielding your influence. Until Trump is defeated, we don’t date, sleep with, or canoodle with Trump supporters. The Greeks did it. Women during the temperance movement did it. This is a tried and true method of getting men’s attention when they’re being dumb.”

Voters are also encouraged to take the following steps:

“Choose your favorite insanely sexist, stereotypically misogynistic, that’s-so-Donald, Trump quote. It’s hard to believe, but a grown man said those things.”
“Shoot a video of you reading the quote into the camera. Think, ‘Angry Tweets,’ and it won’t be too difficult for this stuff to make you angry. End the video with the finger cross.”
“Share the video – or anything, really – with the hashtag: #votetrumpgetdumped to show Trump-supporters: If you support a sexist, you can’t have me.”
PJ Media tracked down the organizers on Thursday and asked if they supported any particular candidate.

“We are a group of Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians who have found one thing to agree on,” the group’s organizers said.

Supporters of “Vote Trump, Get Dumped” will have an opportunity to test out their commitment tonight. Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich square off in a CNN debate at 8:30 p.m. EST at the University of Miami.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/03/voting-for-trump-no-sex-for-you/#OhbVVEKTkWGJoPIF.99

mick silver
12th March 2016, 04:47 AM
what were seeing are the free ride people coming out . trump scare them because he may make them get up and go to work and earn a living , most only have so much blood to give mine running out........................................One group of Americans just told another group of Americans they cannot meet to discuss political matters. THAT is what just took place here.

mick silver
12th March 2016, 05:24 AM
CIVIL WAR Began Today in Chicago! Savage Beasts Incited By Hook-Nosed Marxists Use Violence to stop Trump Event Post by U.S.Reporter (https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/author/966-usreporter) - Mar 11, 2016


Roving bands of savage, sub-human beasts, incited by filthy, hook-nosed Marxists, did a push-in-invasion at a Chicago convention hall to deprive their fellow citizens of their civil right to a political meeting.
Now that they have used force to deprive others of Civil Rights, many are now openly talking about using force in self-defense to deprive them of something far more precious. These ignorant people have no idea what they've just done: They started an actual, physical, Civil War in the United States.
Violence appears to be coming in the American Election cycle, spurred-on by rodent-Marxists, and their useful idiot college sycophants. They would not "allow" other citizens with differing political views, to even have a meeting; they barged-into that meeting by force and disrupted it into oblivion.
Instead of the police protecting the rights of those peaceably assembled to conduct their lawful meeting, they demanded the event be cancelled.
So now you see, in the most vivid way, what your "rights" actually mean. They mean nothing unless you are willing to physically fight for them.
One person who saw what took place in CHicago, but who asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal said, "The time for talking with the liberal, progressive, elite, and the thugs they employ, is over. There is nothing left to talk about. The time for direct confrontation has finally arrived. They struck first. They drew first blood."
Lest you think this is some type of embellishment or exaggeration, lets take a very clinical look at what just took place.
One group of Americans just told another group of Americans they cannot meet to discuss political matters. THAT is what just took place here.Politics is how things are governed and changes are made in this country, yet one group of Americans just told another group of Americans that political change cannot even be discussed by them!In actual fact, one group of Americans just took away the political rights of another group of Americans and did so by force.The people who committed this act of aggression are the very same people pushing "tolerance" . . . "diversity" . . . "inclusion" Except if the political solutions you propose or want to discuss, are not tolerated by them!Another person who saw the events take place, told us
"This is how politics occurs in third-world, banana republics. This is what America has become since we took an Affirmative-Action to put an unqualified sub-human into the office of President of the United States! We are now a banana-republic with a half-breed, third-world savage as President."
That person went on to say "Admit it, they voted for him because he was black; not because he was qualified. They wanted to give "them" a "chance" and to show that America had progressed from its allegedly ugly past.
But what none of those Obama voters ever stopped to consider was that he and his kind never progressed. They are what they are, uncivilized, barely literate, feral, and vicious.
It never occurred to their little mind that the reason things were the way they were in the past is because our forefathers saw what the reality was with these "people."
Instead, you "progressives" turned your back on the experience and empirical evidence of the past because, as always, you arrogantly thought you knew better. Guess what? You don't. "

One attendee at the event who emailed SuperStation95 pointed to the crowds and said
"Notice all those lovely "Immigrants" who came here to "better their lives . . ."
People who supported immigration, and who called us who disagreed with them "racists" and "Xenophobes," now understand why limiting the influx of these third-worlders was essential; because they bring their inferior cultures and inferior methods with them!
Immigrants need time to assimilate and be assimilated. They need to learn how we do things in this country because this country is far more advanced than the socialist garbage dumps they came from in Central, South America and Europe. (Yes, Europe is long ago ruined-- turned into socialist garbage dump - just look at the cultural and social suicide being undertaken by the governments of the EU and they bring in hordes of Middle Easterners who rape, rob, pillage and burn.)"

mick silver
12th March 2016, 05:27 AM
One group of Americans just told another group of Americans they cannot meet to discuss political matters. THAT is what just took place here.Politics is how things are governed and changes are made in this country, yet one group of Americans just told another group of Americans that political change cannot even be discussed by them!In actual fact, one group of Americans just took away the political rights of another group of Americans and did so by force.The people who committed this act of aggression are the very same people pushing "tolerance" . . . "diversity" . . . "inclusion" Except if the political solutions you propose or want to discuss, are not tolerated by them!

mick silver
12th March 2016, 08:43 AM
Not Shocking: Anti-Trump Crowd Flies A Communist Flag During ProtestSource: Town Hall (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leighwolf/2016/03/11/antitrump-crowd-flies-a-communist-flag-during-protest-n2132552)I want to say I’m surprised, but I’m not. Anti-Trump protester is seen in the background of CNN’s live coverage holding up a Communist flag. I suppose since the left seems to forget the fact that Communism is responsible for more deaths than any other form of government, this guy will get some high fives among the Sanders crowd.

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12th March 2016, 09:52 AM
Fucking liberals!



Activists: 'Ladies, It's time to wield our influence. All of it'
Published: 2 days ago

Activists in Ohio have launched an anti-Trump campaign that will succeed or fail based on how many of the Republican front-runner’s supporters are denied sex.

“Vote Trump, Get Dumped” was launched across a variety of social media platforms in response to Donald Trump’s surging presidential campaign. Its motto: “No Sex. No dates. No chance.”

“To cast a vote for Trump is to agree with his sexist, perverted, demeaning, backwards, offensive treatment of women. Learn what’s at stake,” the group’s website says. “Join us by wielding your influence. Until Trump is defeated, we don’t date, sleep with, or canoodle with Trump supporters. The Greeks did it. Women during the temperance movement did it. This is a tried and true method of getting men’s attention when they’re being dumb.”

Voters are also encouraged to take the following steps:

“Choose your favorite insanely sexist, stereotypically misogynistic, that’s-so-Donald, Trump quote. It’s hard to believe, but a grown man said those things.”
“Shoot a video of you reading the quote into the camera. Think, ‘Angry Tweets,’ and it won’t be too difficult for this stuff to make you angry. End the video with the finger cross.”
“Share the video – or anything, really – with the hashtag: #votetrumpgetdumped to show Trump-supporters: If you support a sexist, you can’t have me.”
PJ Media tracked down the organizers on Thursday and asked if they supported any particular candidate.

“We are a group of Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians who have found one thing to agree on,” the group’s organizers said.

Supporters of “Vote Trump, Get Dumped” will have an opportunity to test out their commitment tonight. Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich square off in a CNN debate at 8:30 p.m. EST at the University of Miami.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/03/voting-for-trump-no-sex-for-you/#OhbVVEKTkWGJoPIF.99
This is what $ millions from the establishment can buy?

mick silver
12th March 2016, 09:59 AM
neuro this go deeper you need to know who paying for this stuff , once again it go to soros ... The term "Shadow Party" refers to the network of non-profit activist groups organized by George Soros (http://discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=977), Hillary Clinton (http://discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=18), Harold Ickes (http://discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=1624), and others to mobilize resources -- money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising, and policy iniatives -- to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party (http://discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6214) ever-further towards the left. For a comprehensive discussion of the Shadow Party, its constituent members, and its agendas and activities, click here (http://discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6706).

12th March 2016, 10:45 AM
CIVIL WAR Began Today in Chicago! Savage Beasts Incited By Hook-Nosed Marxists Use Violence to stop Trump Event Post by U.S.Reporter (https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/author/966-usreporter) - Mar 11, 2016

That's the actual title of the article!


12th March 2016, 10:53 AM
This happened a few minutes ago..



12th March 2016, 11:23 AM
Every single candidate has blamed Donald Trump for the thugs who rioted at his rally.

Hillary's response (https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/708716700342943744)

Bernie's response (https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/708489117064015872)

Rato's response (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmxBp4IFe_I)

Rubio's response (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKcIIsg2_MY)

Kasich's response (https://twitter.com/JohnKasich/status/708501438972841987)

midnight rambler
12th March 2016, 11:29 AM
That's the actual title of the article!


Well, it IS Hal Turner, 'mkay?

midnight rambler
12th March 2016, 11:31 AM
Ironic quote of the year by Lil' Narco -

Marco Rubio slammed Trump Saturday (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/rubio-if-trump-s-our-nominee-gop-will-be-defined-n537176), warning that violence "is what the Republican Party's going to be defined by" if Trump is the nominee.

I thought violence defined both the inner and outer parties.

12th March 2016, 11:36 AM
message from the Chicago deal:

March 11, 2016 at 10:33 pm Hubby and I got home safe and sound. Thank God for His protective grace!
We got to the arena at about 3: 30pm and started filing in soon after. Security searched all handbags and backpacks.
We noticed entire sections of protesters occupying large section of the arena and also seated among Trump supporters. They were mean. Aggressive. Belligerent. Rude. Loud. They were very organized and started disrupting inside the arena before the announcement was made.
When announcement was made the whole place erupted in loud screams and shouts coming from all the protesters. They were celebrating the cancellation.
They didnt stop there. They even wanted to take over the stage area with the microphone and paraded around locking arms among each other screaming at us, at all Trump supporters, hateful things. Obscenities. Vulgar gestures. They were awful. Demonic like. Many muslims, men and women. Bernie supporters all over the place. BLM as well. The whole place was swarming with them, like roaches.
The arena was slowly emptied out and all the Trump supporters were out on the side walks/streets and cops everywhere trying to keep the two camps separated. The protesters were so loud. Very loud.
They spilled over the streets and prevented traffic from moving from out of the parking lots and shouted and cussed at Trump supporters.
These were America haters. Anarchists. Haters like Ive never seen before. The lowest of the lowest human elements.

12th March 2016, 11:48 AM
Re post 42: I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. He needs more security for sure. 4 more days until the next vote.

12th March 2016, 11:48 AM
message from the Chicago deal:

March 11, 2016 at 10:33 pm Hubby and I got home safe and sound. Thank God for His protective grace!
We got to the arena at about 3: 30pm and started filing in soon after. Security searched all handbags and backpacks.
We noticed entire sections of protesters occupying large section of the arena and also seated among Trump supporters. They were mean. Aggressive. Belligerent. Rude. Loud. They were very organized and started disrupting inside the arena before the announcement was made.
When announcement was made the whole place erupted in loud screams and shouts coming from all the protesters. They were celebrating the cancellation.
They didnt stop there. They even wanted to take over the stage area with the microphone and paraded around locking arms among each other screaming at us, at all Trump supporters, hateful things. Obscenities. Vulgar gestures. They were awful. Demonic like. Many muslims, men and women. Bernie supporters all over the place. BLM as well. The whole place was swarming with them, like roaches.
The arena was slowly emptied out and all the Trump supporters were out on the side walks/streets and cops everywhere trying to keep the two camps separated. The protesters were so loud. Very loud.
They spilled over the streets and prevented traffic from moving from out of the parking lots and shouted and cussed at Trump supporters.
These were America haters. Anarchists. Haters like Ive never seen before. The lowest of the lowest human elements.

The revolution has begun and the Free Shit Army will be sorry real soon!

Keep your ammo dry and your guns oiled...you're going to need them

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if one of those 'protesters' attempt to cap the Donald....that will launch the war we've all known has been coming for some time

12th March 2016, 11:49 AM
Every single candidate has blamed Donald Trump for the thugs who rioted at his rally.

Hillary's response (https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/708716700342943744)

Bernie's response (https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/708489117064015872)

Rato's response (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmxBp4IFe_I)

Rubio's response (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKcIIsg2_MY)

Kasich's response (https://twitter.com/JohnKasich/status/708501438972841987)

My shocked face :-O

12th March 2016, 11:59 AM
The revolution has begun and the Free Shit Army will be sorry real soon!

Keep your ammo dry and your guns oiled...you're going to need them

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if one of those 'protesters' attempt to cap the Donald....that will launch the war we've all known has been coming for some time


12th March 2016, 12:00 PM
Some of the attacks were worse than we thought.


12th March 2016, 12:04 PM
Q. What does it say when Hillary, Obama, the liberal democrat media and the republican establishment/party are attacking Trump all at the same time?

A. He's the right man for President!

12th March 2016, 12:06 PM
The supposed attacker:


12th March 2016, 12:15 PM
I have it on good authority that the New York Times is about to report on a leaked memo from the Director of the Secret Service saying Donald Trump is about to become the most sensitive protectee in its history. (https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4a58fr/i_have_it_on_good_authority_that_the_new_york/)

If Mr. Trump wins the GOP nomination, the Secret Service anticipates that Donald Trump's threat level will exceed that of 2008-09 Barack Obama by orders of magnitude. As of March 1, the volume of events targeting Donald Trump since June 2015 has exceeded by a factor of 3 that of all the other protectees combined, including the President.
The agency also faces a new challenge as more than half of the investigated events are directed from abroad, especially Latin America and the Muslim world. "Investigated events" refers to threats that are deemed so serious they require a comprehensive assessment and follow-up. These events are categorized on a potency scale based on the nature of the threats and an assessment of the capacity, the determination, and the motivation of those making the threats.
So far, more than a dozen events targeting Trump have been elevated to the highest tier (physical attempts likely to proceed if not disrupted), compared to the low 4os for President Bush's entire protective history (2000-present) and the high 5os for President Obama's (2007-present). One of these events stood out in its dangerosity.
Mr. Clancy also mentions that Donald Trump's Secret Service detail is under considerable pressure due to the candidate's aggressive schedule and a high-risk campaign style involving successive mass gatherings and controversial rhetoric.
According to Mr. Clancy, the pace of these events is unsustainable with the current resources of the agency, which is also charged with the protection of candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on top of its regular duties in protecting the President and his entourage and as an enforcement arm of the Treasury. The agency is so stretched that the roving detail assigned to Ben Carson will be transferred in its entirety to Donald Trump as the neurosurgeon winds down his campaign [the memo was written prior to his withdrawal].
The eventual withdrawal of other candidates would not release sufficient resources in an eventual general election involving Mr. Trump and as a result, the agency is asking the White House for an emergency increase in non-Congressional contingency funding and is considering authorizing the re-hire of recent departures and pre-qualified candidates from other federal and state protective agencies, including the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and the US. Marshals Service.

12th March 2016, 12:15 PM
The supposed attacker:


Anyone else want to go chimp hunting? Coming to a country near you!

12th March 2016, 12:16 PM
The supposed attacker:



12th March 2016, 12:16 PM
I have it on good authority that the New York Times is about to report on a leaked memo from the Director of the Secret Service saying Donald Trump is about to become the most sensitive protectee in its history. (https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4a58fr/i_have_it_on_good_authority_that_the_new_york/)

If Mr. Trump wins the GOP nomination, the Secret Service anticipates that Donald Trump's threat level will exceed that of 2008-09 Barack Obama by orders of magnitude. As of March 1, the volume of events targeting Donald Trump since June 2015 has exceeded by a factor of 3 that of all the other protectees combined, including the President.
The agency also faces a new challenge as more than half of the investigated events are directed from abroad, especially Latin America and the Muslim world. "Investigated events" refers to threats that are deemed so serious they require a comprehensive assessment and follow-up. These events are categorized on a potency scale based on the nature of the threats and an assessment of the capacity, the determination, and the motivation of those making the threats.
So far, more than a dozen events targeting Trump have been elevated to the highest tier (physical attempts likely to proceed if not disrupted), compared to the low 4os for President Bush's entire protective history (2000-present) and the high 5os for President Obama's (2007-present). One of these events stood out in its dangerosity.
Mr. Clancy also mentions that Donald Trump's Secret Service detail is under considerable pressure due to the candidate's aggressive schedule and a high-risk campaign style involving successive mass gatherings and controversial rhetoric.
According to Mr. Clancy, the pace of these events is unsustainable with the current resources of the agency, which is also charged with the protection of candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on top of its regular duties in protecting the President and his entourage and as an enforcement arm of the Treasury. The agency is so stretched that the roving detail assigned to Ben Carson will be transferred in its entirety to Donald Trump as the neurosurgeon winds down his campaign [the memo was written prior to his withdrawal].
The eventual withdrawal of other candidates would not release sufficient resources in an eventual general election involving Mr. Trump and as a result, the agency is asking the White House for an emergency increase in non-Congressional contingency funding and is considering authorizing the re-hire of recent departures and pre-qualified candidates from other federal and state protective agencies, including the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and the US. Marshals Service.

Lefties will kill you if you don't agree with them. THAT'S the truth

12th March 2016, 12:28 PM

midnight rambler
12th March 2016, 12:30 PM
Lefties will kill you if you don't agree with them. THAT'S the truth

Wondering out loud if they buy ammo in bulk.

12th March 2016, 12:31 PM
Lefties will kill you if you don't agree with them. THAT'S the truth

Their truth is worth you dying for.

These attacks are aimed at Trump not his supporters. Sending a message.

12th March 2016, 12:44 PM
Based black man in Chicago.



12th March 2016, 12:50 PM
Based black man in Chicago.




12th March 2016, 12:50 PM

Note blood on hand.

12th March 2016, 12:53 PM
Note blood on hand.

Niggers don't always have black skin

12th March 2016, 12:54 PM


mick silver
12th March 2016, 12:55 PM
don't need to go far the shit here and about to get real real fast
Anyone else want to go chimp hunting? Coming to a country near you!

mick silver
12th March 2016, 12:59 PM
does it really matter who wrote this I know it been here and most know it about to take off
Well, it IS Hal Turner, 'mkay?

mick silver
12th March 2016, 01:02 PM
I would like to know who the hell paying this group , could it be one of they . dam I hope a few here take a look at they group and who funding them ..............................http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?88487-Organizations-Funded-By-George-Soros’-Open-Society-Institute

12th March 2016, 01:04 PM

12th March 2016, 01:22 PM
When they took the attacker away did you see how many went with him? That leaves less to guard, another attack and they would have 3 security guys left...

12th March 2016, 01:57 PM
Look at this piece of garbage condoning what happened in Chicago and not apologizing for is supporters violently stopping a peaceful rally.

Press Release

Sanders Statement on Donald Trump

March 12, 2016

CHICAGO – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement today on disturbances of Donald Trump rallies:

“As is the case virtually every day, Donald Trump is showing the American people that he is a pathological liar. Obviously, while I appreciate that we had supporters at Trump’s rally in Chicago, our campaign did not organize the protests.

“What caused the protests at Trump’s rally is a candidate that has promoted hatred and division against Latinos, Muslims, women, and people with disabilities, and his birther attacks against the legitimacy of President Obama.

“What caused the violence at Trump’s rally is a campaign whose words and actions have encouraged it on the part of his supporters. He recently said of a protester, ‘I want to punch him in the face.’ Another time Trump yearned for the old days when the protester would have been punched and “carried out on a stretcher.’ Then just a few days ago a female reporter apparently was assaulted by his campaign manager (<-- known lie).

“When that is what the Trump campaign is doing, we should not be surprised that there is a response.

“What Donald Trump must do now is stop provoking violence and make it clear to his supporters that people who attend his rallies or protest should not be assaulted, should not be punched, should not be kicked. In America people have a right to attend a political rally without fear of physical harm.”


12th March 2016, 02:50 PM

midnight rambler
12th March 2016, 03:13 PM

Where the head goes, the body follows. lol

12th March 2016, 04:54 PM
white guilt is bleeding out

12th March 2016, 05:10 PM
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1980294624/DJT_Headshot_V2_bigger.jpg Donald J. Trump Verified account ‏@realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)

USSS did an excellent job stopping the maniac running to the stage. He has ties to ISIS. Should be in jail! https://amp.twimg.com/v/977860d3-6b1b-4a5f-a81e-67baa6e2e3b1 … (https://t.co/tkzbHg7wyD)?ssr=true

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/704937611945779200/doJ-bcWG_normal.jpg ToTheXToTheY (https://twitter.com/ToTheXToTheY)
تومي يكره أمريكا (Tommy Dimassimo Wright State University)
تومي د هو مجرد كيس نضح الأم الأبله وطي آخر يحاول أن يكون باردا ويصلح . ويعتقد أن من خلال الوقوف على العلم الأمريكي المقدس انه سيكون رجل كبير ولها الخصيتين كبيرةولكنهيثبت فقط أن قضيبه

12th March 2016, 05:19 PM

12th March 2016, 06:46 PM
Edit : Story probably is fake

12th March 2016, 06:49 PM
Wonderful I was borned in Evanston...

12th March 2016, 07:01 PM
Those white niggers should take the next hit especially cause they are white and encite violence against other whites. The blacks can take care of their own which I have personally witnessed.

mick silver
13th March 2016, 08:14 AM
The Donald Haters: What is Truly Behind Neocons' Anti-Trump Hysteria?© REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst

Politics (http://sputniknews.com/politics/)21:26 10.03.2016(updated 21:27 10.03.2016) Get short URL
15 (http://sputniknews.com/politics/20160310/1036092047/what-lies-beneath-anti-trump-hysteria.html#comments)4293422

Neocons and some among the GOP elites are beside themselves with despair over presidential candidate Donald Trump's success, US political commentator Patrick J. Buchanan writes, posing the question: "Can the establishment stop Trump?"Donald Trump's triumphant march across the United States has prompted growing concerns among neocons and some GOP leaders.
"Some among the GOP elites, who have waited patiently through the Obama era to recapture control of US foreign policy, are now beside themselves with despair over Trump's success," US conservative commentator Patrick J. Buchanan notes.
"Fully 116 members of the GOP's national security community, many of them veterans of Bush administrations, have signed an open letter threatening that, if Trump is nominated, they will all desert, and some will defect — to Hillary Clinton!" he points out in his article (http://www.theamericanconservative.com/buchanan/) for The American Conservative.
Donald Trump Takes Mississippi Primary (http://sputniknews.com/us/20160309/1035987886/republican-mississippi-primary.html)

One of the signers, Robert Kagan — a neoconservative intellectual and vocal proponent of America's overseas military campaigns — insisted in his op-ed for The Washington Post that "the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton.""Are they serious?" Buchanan asks.
What makes them so desperately unhappy about the prospect of Donald Trump's potential victory?
The conservative commentator points out that Trump calls the Iraq War a "historic blunder" and promises to remain neutral while brokering peace between Israel and the Palestinians, as Jimmy Carter did.
And yes, he also says that he would "get along very well" with Russian President Vladimir Putin "as Richard Nixon got along with Leonid Brezhnev and Mao Zedong."
"Trump would launch no new crusades for democracy. He would not oppose Russia bombing ISIS [Daesh]. He would build that wall on the border. He would transfer from US taxpayers to rich allies more of the cost of defending themselves," Buchanan continues.

© AP Photo/ Nati Harnik
Trump Assures Supporters He Can Start Acting ‘Presidential’ Whenever He Wants (http://sputniknews.com/us/20160310/1036043482/trump-claims-act-presidential.html)

Doesn't it make sense?However, the US political establishment fears that the presidential candidate will throw a monkey wrench in their global expansionist plans (which have nothing to do with America's national interests).
"Now we all know that many of those who are hating on Donald Trump are doing so because he is threatening the cozy-crony-politico-predatory-capitalist system that has made so many of them fat and rich. He is intending to break their rice bowls as the Chinese would put it or, in a more American vernacular, the gravy train might be ending," CIA veteran Philip Giraldi wrote in his recent article (http://www.unz.com/article/hating-on-trump/) for The Unz Review.

© AP Photo/ AP
Trump supporters rally behind their candidate during the South Carolina primary process on Friday, February 19.

On the other hand, Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute nailed it describing (http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/neocon-watch/2016/march/02/panicked-neocon-armchair-warhawks-penning-harshly-worded-letter-on-trump-foreign-policy/) Trump haters as "soft skinned and well-perfumed keyboard warriors who eagerly send America's sons and daughters to be slaughtered in wars that achieve nothing but the ascendance of new 'bad guys' used to justify ever more wars. And all of it pays very nicely for them."

© AFP 2016/ Michael B. Thomas
Trump Leads Nationally, Struggles Within Republican Party (http://sputniknews.com/us/20160308/1035966904/us-president-trump-race.html)

It is hardly surprising that American oligarchs, including Nebraska's billionaire Ricketts family and Hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer, have thrown their weight behind the all-out anti-Trump media campaign.Now he is "under a ceaseless barrage of attack ads on radio, TV, cable and social media."
The question then arises: can the American political and financial establishment stop Trump?
"Answer: It is possible, and we shall know by midnight, March 15. If Trump loses Florida and Ohio, winner-take-all primaries, he would likely fall short of the 1,237 delegates needed for nomination on the first ballot," the conservative commentator stresses.
But it is not about Donald Trump, it's the future of the United States and the world that is at stake.
"Can millionaires and billionaires who back open borders, mass immigration, globalization and the disappearance of nation states into transnational collectives overwhelm with their millions spent in ads the patriotic movements that arose this year to the wonderment of America and the world?" Buchanan asks.



Read more: http://sputniknews.com/politics/20160310/1036092047/what-lies-beneath-anti-trump-hysteria.html#ixzz42nQqWIua

13th March 2016, 10:08 AM


mick silver
13th March 2016, 10:12 AM
did see on fox jew news it said they were being payed to be there just who would of thought this could happen with soros funding ever group In this country ... by the way trump said it but didn't name a group an who funded them

mick silver
13th March 2016, 10:21 AM
Trump Attacker In Dayton Identified As 32yo Thomas Dimassimo, Posted Ominous Tweet Hours Before Rally, Supports Bernie & BLMSource: Information Liberation (http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=54342)


The man who allegedly tried to storm the stage during Donald Trump's rally in Dayton, Ohio has been identified as 32-year-old Thomas Dimassimo.

Dimassimo's YouTube channel features a video of himself leading a Black Lives Matter protest last year where he and others stood on an American flag "in solidarity" with BLM activist Eric Sheppard. Sheppard had drawn controversy after he was photographed walking on an American flag during a protest at Valdosta State University. 

After police investigating the protest found a gun in a backpack on campus which belonged to Sheppard, a warrant was put out for his arrest. Rather than surrender, Sheppard fled from the law and released a bizarre manifesto (http://www.valdostadailytimes.com/news/local_news/authorities-still-hunting-for-sheppard/article_dd707126-0006-11e5-a51d-d3b6bf7e7cb9.html?mode=jqm) where he said "the White Race" is "the Cause of ALL Global Oppression" and threatened to "annihilate" anyone who tried to capture him. Dimassimo evidently felt this man was worthy of his support.


Dimassimo's twitter handle has been idenfitifed as @Younglionking7 (https://twitter.com/Younglionking7).


He is a self-identified democrat who supports Bernie Sanders:


Just hours ago he posted the following ominous tweet:


Dimassimo has reportedly been charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic.

It'll be interesting to see how much pressure the media puts on Bernie Sanders to condemn his own supporters' criminal actions.

P.S.: Watch the newly released video of Dimassimo's attempted assault from a second angle:

UPDATE: Dismassimo has already been released...

Fuck you bitch @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) pic.twitter.com/q6bQXyBbhk (https://t.co/q6bQXyBbhk)
— MARLON BANDO (@Younglionking7) March 12, 2016 (https://twitter.com/Younglionking7/status/708781785816174592)
Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter (https://twitter.com/infolibnews) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/informationliberation/).

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mick silver
13th March 2016, 10:24 AM
Authorities still hunting for Sheppard Wanted VSU student's 'memorandum' issues threat
released a bizarre manifesto (http://www.valdostadailytimes.com/news/local_news/authorities-still-hunting-for-sheppard/article_dd707126-0006-11e5-a51d-d3b6bf7e7cb9.html?mode=jqm) where he said "the White Race" is "the Cause of ALL Global Oppression" and threatened to "annihilate" anyone who tried to capture him. Dimassimo evidently felt this man was worthy of his support. Warning: Offensive speech, languageMemorandum Ultimatum
Let me Clear the Air and Set the Record Straight once and For All on Questions Inquiries Suggestions and otherwise in regards to this Entire Ordeal. We Will Determine who Is Truly Guilty and Who is Truly Innocent Throughout the Course of this Literary Revelation. Many still question the possibility of my surrendering to the people who call themselves "authorities". To Give you a Simple Answer, No! I will Not Turn Myself Over to Any White Man and I will Ensure this With my Own Will to Self-Defend and To Annihilate those Who Come After Me. These same people who you all know as "legal officials/police officers/sheriff/detectives" or any other falsified label of 'authority' only know wickedness and devilish behavior. It SHOULD be clear by now that this is a White Supremacist Nation Owned, Operated, and Controlled by White People. Yes it is ALL white people who help to maintain this wicked nation to a greater or lesser degree given the default status aided to them by virtue or vice of White Privilege. Thus all functionalities, codes, rules, policies, curriculums, cultures and social criteria created or concocted therein are Meant to Benefit Whites ALONE AND EXCLUSIVELY! The recent yet ongoing hideous & disgusting rash of white supremacist brutality (police brutality) as well as All other forms of European Aggression on Afrikan people here in Amerikkka; as well as the emanating circumstances that have precipitated into a sick/vile pattern show CLEARLY that "white" people can and will escape Just Punishment (Justice) so long as it is In alignment and Cooperation with the White Supremacist Agenda of Afrikan Genetic Annihilation of ANY form. Extreme Cognitive Dissonance causes ALL of You white people to Deny this TRUTH however when Afrikan People Drop the 'Realistics', Kick the Ballistics and Present to You the Statistics Recorded and Documented by Your Own white mathematicians and social scientist you revert to weak racist and ignorant "justifications" to affirm your false sense of correctness in the continuity of your White Supremacist Power System Structure (Racism). This rhetoric is believed to be true because it is presented under a cloak of Jingoistic Amerikkkan Nationalism. I have No Interest in Cooperating WHATSOEVER with a Nation Run by Devils, Low-Lifes and Deviants such as Yourselves. Make no Mistake about it, it is White People who I am Speaking On and Black People who I am Speaking To so as to Raise them Out of the Psycho-Hypnosis Instilled and Drilled in their Afrikan Mind by that wicked and deceitful European race who call themselves "whites". Whites who govern & operate the [in]justice system and white people in general will let your white brother or sister go free and remain operative in society for Killing an INNOCENT Black Man or Black Woman. Yet I did NOTHING of that Magnitude and My Head has Been Marked for Death. This will Cost You all YOUR Lives......What You say I am "guilty" of is Bringing a Weapon on the Valdosta State University campus, Threatening White People and All who Aid their White Supremacist Structure and Stepping on Your dirty rag that you call "Old Glory". Well it is Us the Victims of the Actions enforced under that Symbol that Will Glorify Our Triumph over Your Sick Race. Is Not a Victim of the Afrikan Holocaust (Maafa) justified in Defending themselves at Every Waking Moment when Behind European Enemy Lines? Are not the Sons and Daughters of former Chattel Slaves Rightfully Just, in Acting in a Manner to Defend those Who Enslave her/his Race and to Take back What is Rightfully Theirs? Is Not the White Race the Cause of ALL Global Oppression? Do not you Head All Global Institutions of Societal Operation? You Seem to have Forgotten, European, that You are not indigenous to this land or ANY OTHER land on the face of the planet Earth. You Acquired this Nation and All other Nations Through Afrikan-Indigenous Genocide. Cultural Thievery, Mockery and Demonization was and still is your Concrete Methodology. You have consistently invoked a Pattern of Perverted Pyscho-Sexual behavior and Persistent Brutality in every imaginable sector of society. You All assume Your Wickedness somehow vanished and dissipated yet everything you gained and passed down was/is a Result of those actions. You have still not surrendered to Your Victims, Afrikan people, the Rightful Owners of ALL that You Have. You All, European Descendants on the Continent and Elsewhere, fit the Definition Perfectly of Devils. No, not a False Spook Devil said to live underground in a fictitious fiery pit but a Devil here on Earth subjecting Afrikan people to a Hellish (Non)Existence. It is TRUE that Afrikan people are the God Body that gave you, the devils of the planet Earth, a Heaven (Civilization) which before our Presence in Europe was Completely Non-Existent. Not Only are We your Fathers and Mothers Biologically and Genetically in MOST Regards, but we are Also the Fathers and Mothers of Law, Ethics, Morality, Agriculture, Economics, Culture, Spirituality, Art, Mathematics and Every Conceivable High Science in Existence. It was Afrikan People who Pioneered Research and Explorations into these Fields of Knowledge long Before you even began to CRAWL on All Fours Much Less walk Upright and Consume Your Own Babies just to Survive in the Barren Land of Europe. Even your "strongest" argument is weak and poses no threat to Truth. Proposing "bygones being bygones" is completely Irrational, Illogical and Ignorant and only furthers the Deceit and Falsehood your Entire Existence is Built Upon. If it should be So then Forget About that questionable "jewish holocaust". Forget about your George Bush/Dick Cheney staged September 11th attacks. Forget about Pearl Harbor. Forget about the Alamo. Forget about all of Your forefathers' and foremothers' "sacrifices". Forget about all of Your Demonic European holidays and Traditions (Christmas/ Thanksgiving/ Easter). You won't because it has been inclusive in your Devilish culture. So do not Ask Us or even propose in the most subtle form that we, Afrikan People, should Forget about Our Continuous and Current Plight under Your Devilish and Heinous Rule. White People are the Swine and Parasites that have Plagued the Entire Earth. I will Warn You Once, Drop ALL Charges and discontinue your Hunt or Face That which is Imminent ...Death; both by Your Own Hand and by the Hand of Your Victims, Afrikan People. War, Rage and Complete Chaos to Overthrow and Destroy YOU along with Your White Supremacist System is the ONLY thing you deserve. Do Not Expect the Righteous to Respect your False Accusations of Guilt & Conform be it that you Have Been, Still Are and Will Be Wicked beings. It is Deeply Inscribed in Your Genetics. So Let it Be, Act in Your Nature and Face that Which every Corrupt Rulership Has Faced in History. You Cannot Escape this Divine Judgement. Warnings Had been Put Out by the Path-Layer Noble Drew Ali, Warnings Had been Put out by The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Warnings had been Put Out by The Prophet Elijah Muhammad, The Generals Malcolm X & Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad, The Oracle Dr. Frances Welsing and of course our Great Guide The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan...EVEN Michael King Jr. (Martin Luther King Jr.) began to Send you Warnings of Your Fast Approaching Destruction once he began to awaken from his Hypnosis of "Integration". We Sent You Messengers bearing this Message in Peace. You have Discarded the Message and Killed or Attempted to Kill the Messengers but Now the Army of God has Been Awakened and Will only Deliver the Edict of Death Upon Your Heads. You have had 400 Years to Take Heed to Warning Now You will Learn by Example. THIS IS INDEED A CALL TO ACTION FOR EVERY AFRIKAN REVOLUTIONARY ON THE PLANET TO KILL ALL WHITE DEVILS AND RECLAIM YOUR RIGHTFUL POSITION AS RIGHTEOUS RULERS. The Laws of The Universe are the Only True Laws and the Primary Law of Nature is Self Preservation/Self Defense. This is An Innate Existential Right irrespective of any so-called "law" that the white race authors. The white Race has Never Written/Reinforced a True Law because Law brings Balance Between ALL things. Your white "laws" bring about Injustice and Benefits Only to Your Own Race. The Universal Symbol for Justice Internationally and Especially here in Amerikkka is a Balanced Scale. However, It is shown on your Supreme Court Doors, an Imbalanced scale Signifying Disharmony and Corruption. Because My People were Made to Be Symbolically Illiterate and often Disconnect Truths, they Did Not Take Heed to This and Have Unknowingly Subjected themselves to Your False Legal Rule. But the TRUE Supreme Court of Almighty A.L.L.A.H. will not be in a Building built by the Hands of White Men but in the Streets where the Judge, Jury and Executioner Will Exist All as One in the Form of the Oppressed Afrikan People. Fires shall Consume Your Bodies, Heads Will Be Severed and Your Blood will Flow in the Streets. All European constructed policies mislabeled as "laws" are null and void and SHOULD NOT/WILL NOT BE ABIDED BY. Europeans are the Real Terrorist of Social Order and Peace & Harmony. White people are the True Armed and Dangerous Murderous Gangstas....the "Thug Life muthafuckas" of the Planet. You Will Have No Satisfaction of Any Submission From Me. Global European Oppression is not a systematic problem IT IS A WHITE SPECIES PROBLEM. You can't expect to get rid of all binding webs (Oppressive Systems) if you first do not get rid of the source of those binding webs, which is the white spider. Both the Web and the Spider will Be Destroyed. Why would I Stand Trial in Front of Wicked Devils as a Righteous Man swearing on the same false, crooked, and racist fable-mythed book called a bible promising to tell the TRUTH. Your Jesus is False, Your Nation is Wicked and Your Race is Suffering Annihilation. Yes, I am connected to the Kendrick Johnson case simply by our identical social circumstances of being born in the Hells of the Pinnacle of White Supremacy (Amerikkka). He was Crucified and So You All Seek to do the Very Same to Me. Despite what that murderous, lying bastard Brian Childress has stated this is the Truth. They have already mislabeled me an "Armed Threat" giving those timid bitch-made mignons called "police officers" even more of an "excuse" to act on their Maladapted psycho-aggressive savage nature. You call me a Terrorist and Like I so Clearly Stated on the Viral YouTube video..."I am a Terrorist Towards Lies, I am a Terrorist Towards Liars, I am a Terrorist Towards white people"....because you all are the Very Best at This. If You All could each and every one of you wicked devils would be delighted in skinning me alive, killing me and disposing of me. They would do it without hesitation if they could absolutely assure that "niggas would soon get over it". Just as the masses of us so often do in the Wake of Racial Confrontations and Scenarios such as this. This in itself is a disgust. Afrikan people have foolishly become willing participants in their own Genocide just as the fraudulent white jews of Nazi Germany had. However, I can only blame Our Race so much because the white race is at the root of our Unnatural and Irrational Thought Patterns thus they are the ones who are Ultimately at Fault. 400 Years of Psychological and Cultural Genocide And the Continuous Social Ethnocide has subjected the entire Afrikan race to P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder). THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR VICTIMIZATION BUT A REALIZATION OF WHO OUR OPEN AND NATURAL ENEMIES ARE AND A CALL TO ARMS FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN PREPARATION FOR OUR RISE TO POWER! It is 2015 on the European Gregorian Calendar and you coons & house niggas are still giving white people a pass as though they have collectively or individually done ANY good for Our race. No your "white friend"/ " white coworker"/ "white associate" is not exempt from any of the Evils that the white race has authored. No not your token Tim Wise nor Jane Elliot, those devils get no passes either! Your Liberal Alex Jones and David Icke are just as Guilty. Although they speak MILDLY against the Wickedness your Race has Authored Systematically they NEVER identify the Root of All of It as Being their Own White Race. So Yes, Alex, World War Three Is Here and It will Be the War to End All Wars.....The Final Ultimatum Between the Righteous Afrikan Martyrs and Revolutionaries and the Army of Wicked European Demons. This is What You All have Created and You Shall Eat it Whole Without Liquid and Choke on its Bitterness. There is no such thing as a "good white person". To be Good is to Be Without Sin. However Your Children are Born into Sin because They Are Inheriting a Legacy of Wickedness and Bask in its Foul Odor just as You have Always done. If ANY white has not even IDENTIFIED and fully invested themselves into Destroying the System of White Supremacy with their unearned advantage (white privilege) then they are compliant either consciously or unconsciously in Perpetuating White Supremacy (Racism). White people, given their social advantage in all sectors of society with white privilege, are the best equipped to Dismantle and Destroy this system in an Efficient and Bloodless way. However, if it is left up to US, the Afrikan victims (primary victims) of Racism (White Supremacy) then there Will Be No Compromise In Smashing Your Existence and the European Race WILL be Exterminated on ALL fronts. Do Not Underestimate the Power of your Victims. The Haitian Revolution Taught Us Well that You Can and Will be Defeated. The Ethiopian Defense against France and Italy showed us Well that You can and Will be Defeated. Ya Asantewaa and Queen Nanny of the Maroons Showed us Well that Fear is Not an Option even for Our women who have become the spoils of this War. The Vietcong Showed Us Recently that Your Overwhelming Military Forces Mean Nothing when Faced with the Revolutionary Spirit and Tactical Prowess of Afrikan People. Lest you forget that You (Europeans) are the Global Minority (1/13th of the global populous) and you are outnumbered in every region of the Earth. So that False Political Status you have put on us as "Minorities" is Really Your Own Fear....NOT OURS. WE ARE THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY PEOPLE OF GOD. If it be not by the Wrath of your Victims then Nature has proven to Also Seek your Destruction as well. Your genetics are weak and even your own population/demographic analyst accurately record and document your ever-so decreasing population here in this nation, the nations of Europe and Elsewhere. It is True what Public Enemy said in the 90's, you all Fear a Black Planet. It is Inevitable and wherever you go the natural state is to have pigment. Recessive weak-gened whites only have the capacity to produce other hideous and recessive white babies however if we lay with one of You a pigmented/colored/negroid/africoid/ black "Nigga" baby is produced. You have both Numerical and and Color Inadequacy. What lie in your genes shows in Your actions. You cannot Kill Nature. If both the Natural and Cyclical Compensation factors fail then Your Own Greed will Lynch You. The Civil War (said to have the highest casualty count of all US wars) has shown you cannot be Civilized even amongst Yourselves in the Highest Seat of Global Power. Amerikkka is still at Odds with Russia. You all are Prepared to Exterminate Each Other via Nuclear Warfare. A Fool and Their Wealth Quickly Part Ways. It is only right that You all inherit the Destruction of Your Race given what you HAVE DONE AND STILL ARE DOING AS A COLLECTIVE!

Even one of your Own Accredited Scholars, Dr. Noel Ignatiev stated in one of his last Lectures: If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!" 

Another one of your own, an Anthropologist by the name of Dr. Michael Bradley states very clearly in his book entitled The Iceman Inheritance in the opening page of Chapter 1, The Problem with the World is White Men. I do not stop there; the Problem with the World is the White Family. This includes that flat-backed bitch you call your wife. Yes the white woman is a Bitch because she has been Appointed by the White Man to be the Handmaiden of White Supremacy through control of the Indoctrination Institutions which you call "Educational" Institutions. Only a Bitch would Miseducate an Entire Nation and All other Nations under its Whim. Only a Bitch would stand by Idly as her Husband Wages War on All other Nations Destroying them Through Genocide and Slavery. Yes the White Woman is the True Bitch of the Planet Earth. That rebellious deviant seed you call your child is not Exempt either for they are trained in Your Ways, which even without your Influence, would act on what is in their Nature. Taking a dog out of the Wilderness and Placing it in a Home does not make it Any Less of a Dog especially if it is Rabid like the White Race. 

The method in which you acquired and maintain this Oppressive Power will Indeed be You Alls' Greatest Downfall. As far as Valdosta, it need be understood that this city/town is one of, if not the most, corrupt small township in Amerikkka. Long before Kendrick Johnson, white beast in this town had Afrikan Chattel Slaves. This hueman capital helped to make this the highest per capita cotton producing city IN THE WORLD in 1910; although the institution was theoretically outlawed in one regard it continued in most other regards. That same wealth garnered from the Afrikan hueman labour was parlayed into the foundational base of wealth for the current functioning economy in Valdosta/South GA. It was from this corrupt city/town that a SIGNIFICANT PORTION of the capital based wealth in the Dow Jones (Major Wall Street Corporate Firm Conglomerate) had generated from. Europeans in this town secretly and deceitfully parade this fact around on a plaque downtown by the Bank of America on the sidewalk corner near the bank's back entrance. Long before Kendrick Johnson we had Afrikan & Native American genocide and mass grave disposals of these Victims. Much of which has been disrespectfully destroyed and built over. Some sites of this include the the Valdosta State University Campus and The Grove where many of its students are housed. You all wonder why Valdosta State University is failing as an Institution and a Community; those co-conspiring European (white) powers have unknowingly provoked and invoked Afrikan Spirits of Wrath upon themselves. Long before Kendrick Johnson we Experienced the savage Lynching of Mary Turner, which many of you VSU Students have become familiar with in recent years, as well as several other sick and twisted similar yet undocumented cases of Afrikans being hunted and killed by bloodthirsty European beast. What is also undocumented (or at least unreleased to the public by white people) are the names of Prominent slave owning and slave-institution investing families, among which, the Langdales headed. What a corrupt bunch of devils and cowards. Their Mass Acquired wealth is Rooted in Former Chattel Slavery and Now Modern Prison System Slavery.They too will drink their own blood by the gallon for what they have conspired to do against the Chosen People (Afrikans). The very same campus that helped to label me an "Armed and Dangerous Terrorist" has a building on its campus (The Woman's Center/Building) that was not only an organizational meeting place for Racist white women under the guise of the Wymodausis Club (Wife-Mother-Daughter-Sister Club) in which Margaret Sanger, a Devout Racist and Eugencist, was invited several times before. This building also served as a congregational house for their white male counterparts/husbands. Those husbands were more times than none affiliated or active members within the Ku Klux Klan. What better place to convene than right beside the very park (now known as Drexel Park) in which many of their advertised lynchings and Pick-A-Niggers (picnics) were held? This same campus, as I mentioned before, sits on top of slave burial grounds (Oak Parking Lot) and Native American tribal grounds (general main campus area). As for that lying deceitful crooked bastard named Brian Childress, know that if You do not come clean about the corruption which you have helped to perpetuate especially in regards to the Murder of Kendrick Johnson, then you will be put to Death! Prines and others, especially for their recent actions, will join you also! You had some nerve to come on Fox News and profess that you all "did not want to hurt me". Crackkka do you think I would trust your words and much less your actions given your Personal track record of Corruption? Hell No! On a side note let me remind you, once again since your race has a severe case of amnesia, black people committing crimes like school shootings is not our style....that is you all's sick and twisted behavior. Do not try to assess me by your own crooked and murderous actions. 

Many of you all questioned If I was a Christian? No, and for you pathetic racist devils who love to jump to ignorant conclusions, I am NOT a Muslim either. I hate All of Your (European) perverted concoctions. I could NEVER participate in the ways of my oppressor. Even the same slave/slave-master handbook which you Beat us over the Head with instructs against this (Proverbs 3:31). It is Interesting what you find in that perverted text especially once you actually READ its content Thoroughly and Completely. In another part of the bible, which again I emphasize I have absolutely no subscription to, states in Exodus 21:16 "Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession." You Europeans have Kidnapped us from our Land through an act of Unprovoked War, sold us to other nations and bartered amongst each other with us and we are still held captive by this wicked nation disallowed to repatriate with our Native Land (in mass numbers) and in many cases made so deaf, dumb and blind that we are convinced to believe that Afrika is what you say it is (Undesirable), but is Actually the Motherly Sustainer of All Nations on the Planet. You put forth this Blatant Lie so that you can comfortably carry on your Criminal Colonialism and Resource Exploitation there. In another part of that sick doctrine it states in Ecclesiastes 1:9: " What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the Sun." So as You have Done so it Shall be done onto You. Every iota of every act of wickedness you have Committed; you shall be forced to re-consume back into yourselves. It will be like a gallon of Poison to an Infant Child. All things function in patterns. Just as there is a consistent and unbreakable cycle to Life, Death, and the Seasons of Nature so it is with the Rise and Fall of Nations and their People. History has shown us that No Nation has withstood its imminent Demise. You are living in the Times of the Destruction of Amerikkka. In another part of this same devilish text in Revelation 16:6 it states: " Because they have shed the blood of the Prophets (leaders) and of The Holy Ones (Afrikan People), You will be given your own blood to drink like water. They deserve it.” Europeans, due to their uncompromisingly savage behaviour, deserve the Very Worst Slaughtering and Consequent Death. In one other critical part of this psychopathic/sociopathic literature it states in Matthew 26:52: "They that Live by Violence shall Die by Violence". What other ways and tactics to acquire power have you ever acted on besides violence to THE HIGHEST degree, European? Not just physical but spiritual, cultural, economic, social and political violence all synthesize to form your base of Power. Was this why you forbid us from reading this crooked, devilish book? You knew we would be the Hand of Justice and Righteousness to route out your wicked existence? You knew we were/are the chosen people who fit the description of a people being enslaved for 400 years (Genesis 15:13 and Acts 7:6) "in a strange land (Amerikkka) under a strange people (Europeans).1619 C.E. was the embarking of Jamestown, Virginia. One of you all's first criminal settler colonies here in Amerikkka which possessed Afrikan slaves.....we are only 4 years away from that 400 Year mark (2019) still branded on our backs with the status of 3/5ths, property....as your slaves in one form or another and still also as physical slaves (incarcerated individuals) as well! Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:7 and Numbers 14:18 ALL speak of the Children of the Wicked being visited and Punished by the Almighty Righteous in the Third and Fourth Generations. Yes 400-500 Years of Wicked White Oppression has met that Time. We Walk the Pages of Scripture and Fulfill that Prophecy which you foolishly assume is Exact history. Let there be Absolutely No Confusion; you "white" beast in Valdosta....across the Nation and Europeans collectively all over the Planet are the Neo-Babylon set to meet Your Timely and Well-Deserved Destruction. The Fall of Amerikkka is Upon You and Your Race will be No More. When my People descend upon that Hellish pit on May 23rd for commemoration of Kendrick Johnson's life and if they are met with even the slightest inclination of resistance by any pale skinned beast or aid they are more than Justified to Take your Head and post it on a stake for the Entire world to See. In direct address to my People I say to You this: Love Your Fellow Revolutionary Afrikans, Hate the Wicked Oppressive European. Act in Righteousness and Deliver Complete Compensatory, Expedited and Immediate Justice at All Times unto This Empire.

In the Words of My Ancestor El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) as He stated in his Autobiography:

"...the collective white man had acted like a devil in every contact he had with the world’s collective non-white man.” 

In the Words of Our Fallen General Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad:

"We give them 24 hours to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the white men, we kill the white women, we kill the white children, we kill the white babies, we kill the blind whites, we kill the crippled whites, we kill the crazy whites, we kill the faggots, we kill the lesbians, I say god dammit we kill 'em all.
If they are white kill ‘em all. Why kill the women? Why kill the babies? They are just innocent blue-eyed babies? Because god dammit they are going to grow up one day to rule your babies. Kill them now. Why kill the white women? I say kill the white women because the women are the military manufacturing center. And every nine months they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls out from between their legs, so shut down the military manufacturing center by killing the white woman.”
Why kill the old crackkkas? The old crippled crackkkas. How in the hell you think they got old? They got old oppressing and killing black people.
Kill ‘em all. Kill the faggot. I said after you’ve killed them all...... I say then you go to the ******* grave, and dig ‘em up, and then kill ‘em a-god-damn gain because they didn’t die hard enough!" 

In the Words of my Brotha Sara Suten Seti, "[Our] Mission is to Slay the Children of this [White] Beast One by ******* One!" 


13th March 2016, 10:50 AM
Search this asshat... Thomas Dimassimo

Apparently he is out of jail.

5. He Is Originally From Georgia & His Mother Is a Public Official in Atlanta https://heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/thomas-dimassimo-3.jpg?quality=65&strip=all&strip=all(Twitter)

Dimassimo is originally from Powder Springs, Georgia. He is a fourth-year acting major at Wright State.
According to IMDB.com, (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1669925/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1) Dimassimo was a child actor with roles on the TV shows “Yes, Dear,” “Reno 911!,” and “House of Payne.”
In 2015, he played the role of “Killer Cop” in a short film called “Red, Black, and Blue.”

His mother, Faye Dimassimo, was appointed to oversee the “Renew Atlanta” infrastructure project in November 2015, according to a press release. (http://www.atlantaga.gov/index.aspx?page=672&recordid=4006) She was previously the director of transportation for Cobb County. His father, Tom, is a teacher in the local school district.

midnight rambler
13th March 2016, 11:16 AM
I wish this ignorant fuck would hurry up and martyr himself.


13th March 2016, 03:23 PM
They gave this fuck a full interview on CNN.


midnight rambler
13th March 2016, 03:34 PM
They gave this fuck a full interview on CNN.

Hey, he's a fucking HERO! Let's give him a national platform to express his views!

What's so glaring here is at the end of this video Martin Savage defends this fucker's actions and point of view.


13th March 2016, 03:34 PM
Well of course, he stood up to Hitler and lived.


13th March 2016, 04:58 PM
Hey, he's a fucking HERO! Let's give him a national platform to express his views!

What's so glaring here is at the end of this video Martin Savage defends this fucker's actions and point of view.

This guy should be still in jail! Who is behind him that he just walks out of jail on a bail pass? Anyone trying to attack a presidential candidate would be in PRISON instantly, WTF is up with that angle?

How bout one of us try to take stage at a Bernie or Hitlary speech? Where you think you go?

Could this be another Trump angle? This I would not doubt.

I have seen a lot of Demo defectors promoting Trump yesterday and today, positive for the Don so far.

13th March 2016, 05:02 PM
At least Trump's security is getting stronger.


13th March 2016, 05:10 PM
At least Trump's security is getting stronger.


VERY risky for Trump, he is on the edge man.

13th March 2016, 05:22 PM
VERY risky for Trump, he is on the edge man.

I think he's willing to die for America and become a martyr.

The God-Emperor is the bravest person in the world right now from what I'm seeing.

13th March 2016, 06:09 PM

13th March 2016, 06:17 PM

Trump Supports


Bernie Supports

13th March 2016, 07:35 PM

13th March 2016, 10:56 PM
Hey, he's a fucking HERO! Let's give him a national platform to express his views!

What's so glaring here is at the end of this video Martin Savage defends this fucker's actions and point of view.

Reading some of the deranged black supremacy he wrote in his manifesto, it is clear he is insane, probably he will murder or harm one or several white people soon. But they will be victims of the altar of political correctness, the main reason this insane and violent man was released. Not the last we hear of Thomas Massimo, this will embolden him further.

mick silver
14th March 2016, 05:36 AM
The Defense Of The Oligarchs: MoveOn.org's "Simple & Utter Brutishness"Source: Thad Beversdorf via FirstRebuttal.com (http://www.firstrebuttal.com/the-brutes-against-the-brutes-brilliant/)Kids these days... So the Trump rally in Chicago was successfully disrupted by mostly young and socio-economic despondent protestors who have, unknowingly, been turned into pre-programmed anti-Trump warriors by the Oligarchs they claim to hate (yes MoveOn.org is fully funded by the Oligarchs, look it up). The very same mentality that naively fell hook-line-and-sinker into Obama’s message of “Change, Yes We Can”. Now many of these protestors today are simply too young to remember the 2008 Obama campaign for what it really was; the greatest fraud in the history of American politics (and wow is that saying something).
However, this time around there are millions of Americans who do have the benefit of recent history still burned into their hearts. Millions of previously naive, young voters devastated by the deceit of politics, leaving them scorned are now ready to fight the Oligarchs and the bought and paid for Executive and Legislative branches of government. Citizen soldiers are a key component of any revolution.
Remember, Trump supporters are not die hard fans of Trump per se, they are themselves warriors ready take back their nation. And I expect if push comes to shove, which apparently MoveOn.org is dead set on making happen, Trump supporters will respond in kind. And so perhaps the violent revolution begins. The unwavering wave of support against the establishment is not a light hearted movement.
And while a group of young, angry protestors, organized by those who will discard them without so much as a deep breath beforehand, appear steadfast they will soon find out what it means to be on the wrong side of right. While they are rightly ready to fight, they are wrongly allowing themselves to be manipulated in believing their fight is with Trump. For Trump and Sanders are the same movement anthropomorphized in different bodies. And through Trump and Sanders the bloodshed need be directed at the oligarchs.
I’m not a proponent of violence but in a world that has become indifferent to the horrors of inhumanity after 15 years of continuous pre-planned illegal wars paid for by US dollars it is not outside my comfort zone either. If the moment is upon us well so be it. Let’s do what we must to drive the proverbial wooden stake into the black hearts of the sociopathic psychopaths that have transformed America into their own private golden goose of money and mercenaries.
But talk like this makes people nervous and the oligarchs count on the masses’ “better sense”. That is, they have created a system that produces a perpetuity of ill gotten gains they then use to prevent any sort of uprising. But they too have read the history books and so they understand the ancestral instinct to be free. They therefore quietly pass laws that allow “dissident citizens” to be deemed threats to national security simply by uttering those words. “You are a threat to national security”.
If you hear those words directed at you by any government commander it means you no longer have any constitutional rights. A fact that was made law by way of executive order 13528 (https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/2010executive_order.pdf) in Jan 2010 and that will have you placed as a “civilian internee” as described in the follow-on Feb 2010 Operative Manual (http://info.publicintelligence.net/USArmy-InternmentResettlement.pdf) and solidified by the National Defense Authorization Act, signed Dec 31, 2011 by President Barack Obama from his vacation rental in Kailua, Hawaii. You will have lost your right to due process, Habeas Corpus or any other protections guaranteed you by the Bill of Rights. Everyone should read the following two articles that do well to explain the matter here (http://dissidentvoice.org/2010/01/obama-executive-order-seeks-to-synchronize-and-integrate-state-and-federal-military-forces/) and here (http://www.infowars.com/leaked-u-s-army-document-outlines-plan-for-re-education-camps-in-america/).
It appears the plutocrats themselves are awakening to their own limitations of omnipotence over the world. Their ability to falsify the economic well being of the developed world has deteriorated so sharply so quickly that what was once a threat scenario theorized by The Council of Governors has become a reality, manifesting through the likes of Sanders and Trump. But revolts can be crushed and that is the strategy of MoveOn.org; simple and utter brutishness.
Recognizing the standard program of propaganda via main stream media attacks failed to sunder the sound of revolt it was time to ratchet up the defense of the oligarchs. And so through MoveOn.org Soros et. al will corral those that depend on the state for survival and physically deploy them to disrupt the developing inertia of a larger movement. From their perspective it is fighting (the) unrefined with (the) unrefined; that is, Sanders’ disciples against Trump’s disciples with the hope that they will destroy each other in grand revolution super nova, not soon to be forgotten by more moderate cattle. Now where this will lead, who knows. But certainly the early indications are not dissimilar to the early indications of some of the great epiphanic moments of human history.

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mick silver
14th March 2016, 07:27 AM
Trump Volunteers Tell Florida Cops Of Coming Under Attack While Campaigning

mick silver
14th March 2016, 10:03 AM
Anti-Trump Protest Funded and Directed by Hillary Clinton

mick silver
14th March 2016, 10:43 AM
White House hopefuls hustle for votes as race turns 'toxic'

mick silver
14th March 2016, 10:48 AM
Why do we care about what life long liberal media people think? We get it...you don't like Trump, you don't like US Nationalist. You think America is the worlds bus stop and not really a country. Well that's what we think. Start reporting on why people support Trump and you will understand we are tired of the status quo and tried of being told we are bad people because we want strong borders, we want criminals in jail not the streets, we want the right to embrace our own culture and not feel it is against another culture to embrace your own. I don't care what Katie thinks and I don't think she cares about anyone else. Time to make America great again ! Love it............................................... one more comment yahooooooooo letting people say what thy want ..... Let me tell you Americans a re angry and Trump dresses what we are angry about!!!! I for one am tired of hearing that I am a racist because I oppose illegal immigration or I am a racist because I think people on welfare should get off their butts and get a job or that I am micro aggressive because I am upset about the status quo. I am tired people are trying to silence our first amendment rights with all these labels the minority put on the majority. If you want to put a label on me #$%$ . I am with Trump and I will fight for my freedoms and fight those who wish to tell me how to think and what to say. http://news.yahoo.com/white-house-hopefuls-hustle-votes-race-turns-toxic-031836358.html#

mick silver
14th March 2016, 11:19 AM
And from reader Watt4Bob (http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/03/links-31316.html#comment-2563525):

It is incredibly frustrating to see confusion and misinformation being spread on this board as concerns the events in Chicago the other night.
I watched it unfold in real-time on Faux Noise, and I must say it was an incredible experience to hear Faux’s reporter on the ground comment over and over that the crowd was peaceful and well-mannered, all to extended overhead video confirming his experience on the ground.
It was obvious that police were calm and had to put out next to no effort to keep the Trump supporters and protesters separated on opposite sides of the street.
When the few people who did get too close to the opposing sides, caused some tension, they were mostly separated by police and other members of the crowd.
All the while Faux’s live commentator on the ground kept reporting the peacefulness on the scene, Greta Van Susteren kept up a constant stream of comments that went counter to the pictures on the screen, and implored the camera team to find conflict which eventually was accomplished by one camera pulling in very tightly to frame small disturbances as if they represented the situation in general.
We were very lucky that the production team is so enamored of helicopter shots from over head because it resulted in hours of accurate pictures of generally civil behavior on both sides.
Trump supporters were frustrated, but did not go crazy, and the protesters, although they had some rude signs, were well behaved.
By Timothy Page, citizen journalist, PhD candidate in Music Composition, University of Chicago
A dispatch from the thwarted March 11 Trump rally in Chicago:

14th March 2016, 12:21 PM
jim stone - the stage rush was assassination attempt - the bloody hand of the ss guy

he also says there was stuff online about that guy being isis...that has since been scrubbed



14th March 2016, 12:58 PM

14th March 2016, 01:09 PM
The anti-Trump mob beat police officers (https://twitter.com/JoeDunn8/status/708493174021431296) outside the arena.

John Cardillo told his audience today that a trusted police officer friend in Chicago told him this weekend that before the UIC rally 70% of police officers supported Donald Trump. After the rally was called off and GOP candidates sided with the violent mob – 90% of police officers support Donald Trump.

14th March 2016, 01:47 PM
Youtube: http://youtu.be/rASN55Bw2DY

14th March 2016, 02:00 PM
The anti-Trump mob beat police officers (https://twitter.com/JoeDunn8/status/708493174021431296) outside the arena.

John Cardillo told his audience today that a trusted police officer friend in Chicago told him this weekend that before the UIC rally 70% of police officers supported Donald Trump. After the rally was called off and GOP candidates sided with the violent mob – 90% of police officers support Donald Trump.
Is that a good endorsement?

14th March 2016, 06:25 PM
Based black man in Chicago.



He's answering questions right now.


14th March 2016, 08:09 PM
Comments are worth entertainment at least.


14th March 2016, 08:36 PM
It's sad how White people flaunt over Blacks simply for being non-retarded Blacks.

Smart Blacks all rent seek as Conservatives since they know Whitey will give them free resources and attention.

14th March 2016, 08:44 PM
It's sad how White people flaunt over Blacks simply for being non-retarded Blacks.

Smart Blacks all rent seek as Conservatives since they know Whitey will give them free resources and attention.
Wrong. You never saw a black man fix shyt when his shyt be broken into when he was home. It don't end p good for the intruder. Black man and intruder be black, so you say whitey gots to do it all?

mick silver
15th March 2016, 03:33 PM
March 14, 2016 Trump Rallies: the Case for Silent Protests (http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/03/14/trump-rallies-the-case-for-silent-protests/)
by Jimmy Lohman (http://www.counterpunch.org/author/jimloh0921/) by

Email (http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/03/14/trump-rallies-the-case-for-silent-protests/?share=email&nb=1)

http://uziiw38pmyg1ai60732c4011.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/dropzone/2015/07/print-sp.png (http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/03/14/trump-rallies-the-case-for-silent-protests/print/)

It is a mistake to shout down Trump and disrupt his rallies. Outside the rallies, anything goes: as we used to chant, “The streets belong to the people.” But inside, opposition to the horrific specter of Trumpism is best served by silent protest.
Trump is no longer just a “threat.” He has transformed the political landscape by galvanizing a massive national constituency that thrives on racial hatred, sham phobias and nationalistic mania. Of course, confronting Trump’s neo-fascist tidal wave is a moral imperative, but his ascendency also creates the opportunity for an even greater groundswell for a progressive forward-seeking alternative. The attractiveness of that alternative runs the risk of being undermined by protest actions that alienate the average American or in any way play into the aspiring Fuhrer’s hand.
Comparisons to early Hitler rallies are not far-fetched. There is no difference. The passionate compulsion to engage in mortal combat with Trumpism is natural and understandable. But shouting matches and scuffles at Trump rallies are not the way to win the hearts and minds of America’s great middle. On the contrary, they disserve the competing and exciting promise of leading this country in a new and better direction. Indeed, violence by Trump worshippers has already been contorted into a vilification of MoveOn, Black Lives Matter and the Sanders campaign.
Occupying Trump in silent protest rather than disruptiveness is now a matter of utmost urgency. Events are unfolding on an hourly basis and anti-Trump activists of all persuasions need to unite around strategies that are reasoned, intelligent and not counterproductive. There are several reasons that the confines of Trump rallies are not the place to duke it out:

1 anti-protest cops and Trumpite goons have no ground whatsoever for removing protesters; they have no choice but to grin and bear every imaginable sign, written slogan or gesture directed at the podium;
2 not engaging in physical interactions with volatile Trumpies insulates protesters from the blame game over who is responsible for violent confrontations;
3 silent protest defuses the tendency to condemn the protesters for interfering with “the rights” of Trumpies who, however misguidedly, stood in line for hours to listen to hateful demagoguery;
4 disruptive tactics invite and legitimize the same conduct by Trump supporters at the rallies of other candidates.
As a child of the 60s protest era, I understand the passion that motivates us to put our bodies on the line and tempts us to incite violent overreaction. Violence by police and racists has often served to advance the cause of protesters – from firehoses and snarling dogs to angry men in “Make America Great Again” hats. In 1968, as a high school senior I demonstrated outside Madison Square Garden during a George Wallace rally and was chased by baton-waving NYPD on horses. The police bore the brunt of adverse publicity. But I differentiate taking to the streets from trying to shut down an opposition event.
This is not about “freedom of speech.” It is about proper tactics for confronting an enormous evil and, at the same time, moving the country in a progressive direction. True, the First Amendment does not regulate private conduct. It prohibits the government from suppressing free expression, in particular speech that is critical of the government or perceived by it as a threat. Trump and his followers have no constitutional right not to be shouted down and protesters have every “right” to do the shouting.
For now, there are many vehicles for fighting the Trump scourge in the media, the streets and inside his rallies. For now, mass silent protest at his rallies is the heroism that is called for. But when and if, God forbid, Trump ever holds public office, I will be there shouting at him at the top of my lungs.

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Jimmy Lohman is a musician and human rights lawyer in Austin.

More articles by:Jimmy Lohman (http://www.counterpunch.org/author/jimloh0921/)
next – Who Owns American Skies – the People or the Skyjacking Airlines?, (http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/03/14/who-owns-american-skies-the-people-or-the-skyjacking-airlines/)
previous – The Battle of Route 66, (http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/03/14/the-battle-of-route-66/)

mick silver
15th March 2016, 03:56 PM
Soros Funded MoveOn.org Takes Credit for Violence in ChicagoA precursor to activity the organization will engage in as the election approaches Kurt Nimmo | Infowars.com - March 12, 2016 5156 Comments (http://www.infowars.com/soros-funded-moveon-org-takes-credit-for-violence-in-chicago/#disqus_thread)

http://hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/chicago-protest-3.jpg (http://www.infowars.com/soros-funded-moveon-org-takes-credit-for-violence-in-chicago/)



Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.

“Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events,” the George Soros funded MoveOn web page states. “To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election.”
MoveOn has consistently functioned as a lobby group for the policies of the Obama administration, including the disaster of Obamacare and the continuation of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the escalation of the war on terror that has turned America into a police and surveillance state. In 2007 it backed a bill trotted out by then Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to continue financing the occupation of Iraq.

The group acts as a front for wealthy Democrats. It was founded with the help of the financier George Soros who donated $1.46 million to get the organization rolling. Linda Pritzker of the Hyatt hotel family gave the group a $4 million donation.
Many of the Democrat and “progressive” candidates supported by MoveOn have failed to be elected since the organization was formed in 1998.
The violent demonstration in Chicago on Friday may represent a precursor to the sort of activity the organization will engage in as it tries to “shut down” its political enemies and elect either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
On Friday night many of the protesters shouted “Bernie!” and held placards announcing their support for the socialist Democrat.

17th March 2016, 10:31 PM
They're having a field day with this.








17th March 2016, 10:39 PM


17th March 2016, 10:40 PM


How did I miss this....lol. Wow.

17th March 2016, 10:54 PM
How did I miss this....lol. Wow.

I also have a database of Politically Incorrect images I'm building DAILY:

You can hotlink any of them.

17th March 2016, 11:12 PM
I also have a database of Politically Incorrect images I'm building DAILY:

You can hotlink any of them.

Wow. Good work.

18th March 2016, 09:41 AM
I also have a database of Politically Incorrect images I'm building DAILY:

You can hotlink any of them.Hell yeah, thanks! Those Anonymous memes are gold!