View Full Version : Kasich Voted for NAFTA; Cost America 2.7 Million jobs, 112,500 lost in Ohio Alone!

mick silver
12th March 2016, 05:33 AM
Kasich Voted for NAFTA; Cost America 2.7 Million jobs, 112,500 lost in Ohio Alone! Post by U.S.Reporter (https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/author/966-usreporter) - Mar 11, 2016


While a member of Congress in 1993, now Ohio Governor John Kasich voted for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It cost Ohio 112,500 jobs and cost all of America 2.7 Million Jobs according to the Economic Policy Institute.
As unemployed Ohioans go to the voting booth to decide which Republican should be President, they shoul;d remember they're out of work because of John Kasich's vote.

Veteran pollster Pat Caddell warns that Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s vote for the North American Free Trade Agreement during his tenure in Congress could cost him both his approval rating as governor and the critical state primary.
“I believe — I haven’t gone back and looked — but I think he was in Congress in ’93 and if so, I’d bet you he voted for NAFTA. How much do you want to bet? Somebody ought to look that one up. (SuperStation95 DID!) That’s the real point that could change the election in Ohio,” he told Breitbart News executive chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon on Breitbart News Daily Friday morning.
“If he did, as I suspect, vote for NAFTA, he could get killed on this now,” he continued.
Caddell warned that voters who saw their state and the nation’s manufacturing core gutted by free trade deals would dump Kasich for Trump.
“If Kasich voted for NAFTA and Trump gets a hold of that, he will lose Ohio,” he said.
Kasich did in fact vote (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/103-1993/h575)for the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993 while serving in the House of Representatives. During a January GOP debate, he also declared: “I’m a free-trader. I supported NAFTA, I believe in the PTT [sic] because it’s important those countries in Asia are an interface against China.”
Kasich also backs President Obama’s trade agenda — with disastrous results for the American workers he boasts of protecting. According to analysis from the Economic Policy Institute, “Ohio lost 112,500 jobs due to the nation’s trade deficit with TPP countries.”
So, Ohio, are you going to wise-up and vote for the only candidate with real-life business experience and real-life success . . . . or vote for the insiders who cost so many of you your jobs?