View Full Version : Barack O’Bomber Complains Bitcoin Is Like Having A Swiss Bank Account In Your Pocket

mick silver
12th March 2016, 09:45 AM
Barack O’Bomber Complains Bitcoin Is Like Having A Swiss Bank Account In Your PocketBarry Soetoro, or as he goes by now, Barack Obama, just sat down for an interview in Texas that made headlines because of his insistence government has a right to spy on you anytime, anywhere.It was a ridiculous interview – full of the usual spin and lies – but it did show how even the most powerful politicians are being rocked by the internet these days.
And how this is puncturing their gassy rhetoric.
They can’t get away with pontificating about freedom while passing secret orders to rip away freedoms and privacy. They actually have to make arguments to justify the fascism they’re trying to push. And it’s very hard to make those arguments as O’Bomber is finding out,
In a pre-Internet era, Barack would have turned the FBI loose to intimidate the pertinent parties just the way they did with Ma Bell. But there are too many companies making too many products and he and other politicians have lost the old tools of intimidation.
And so he tries to justify the unjustifiable. It comes across as complicated whining:

The question we now have to ask is, if technologically it is possible to make an impenetrable device or system where the encryption is so strong that there’s no key. There’s no door at all. Then how do we apprehend the child pornographer? … If … government can’t get in, then everybody’s walking around with a Swiss bank account in their pocket. So there has to be some concession to the need to be able get into that information somehow.
Is he looking for child pornographers/molesters? Is that why we need this monstrous state contraption? If so, just go to the Vatican or Buckingham Palace… plenty there.
O’Bomber didn’t mention bitcoin directly, but no doubt cryptocurrencies are among his concerns. After all, you can carry $1 billion in bitcoin inside your own head via what is called a “brain wallet”. A brainwallet refers to the concept of storing bitcoins in one’s own mind by memorization of a passphrase. As long as the passphrase is not recorded anywhere, the Bitcoins can be thought of as existing nowhere except in the mind of the holder.
Aside from that, bitcoin is indeed like having a Swiss bank account in your pocket. Actually, it’s far better. The Swiss banking industry has bent to the demands of the US government and is no longer private… at all. Bitcoin must really make Obama angry.
Nobody gave O’Bomber the right to ruin a 400 year old industry like the Swiss banking system, but that’s how he operates. Nobody suggested he should tear Libya apart either, or put Hillary – “We came, we saw, he died” – Clinton in charge of murdering Muammar Gaddafi and turning a country into an endless bifurcated bloodbath.
So many questions, however! What an inquisitive guy:

How do we solve or disrupt a terrorist plot? What mechanisms do we have available to even do simple things like tax enforcement?
A terrorist plot? Just ask Dick Cheney… or Donald Rumsfeld… or Lucky Larry Silverstein. They were behind or had knowledge of 9/11 amongst other heinous terrorist attacks and are likely working on the next big one to make people forget about how the economy got destroyed.
O’Bomber is a good deal more worried about collecting taxes then he is about the IRS’s overwhelming corruption.
This is an agency that spent hundreds of thousands picking out the best vacation spots to have “conferences.” One of them was Star Trek themed. Too bad we can’t just send the whole agency off into a place “where no man has gone before.”
The IRS ruins the lives and families of countless thousands of law-abiding citizens whose only problem is drifting into their gunsights.
Countries that don’t have central banks (can you find one?) can perhaps make the argument that tax collection is necessary to support a functional government. Of course, this begs the question as to why one would want a government in the first place. The market can act via competition much more efficiently than government, which relies on force.
But even granting government a case, and one runs up against the cold, hard fact that central bankers can print all the money that is needed to run government.
Central banks are routinely printing trillions these days. Taxes, and the US income tax in particular, are simply not necessary. It’s nothing but another weaponized monetary transaction that threatens people, especially perceived enemies of the state as well as giving people a reason for still having to use Federal Reserve Notes. The IRS doesn’t accept bitcoin or gold so almost the entire demand for dollars is just to pay the extortion fees demanded by the IRS.
It’s just like law enforcement itself, which is probably America’s biggest industry at this point and probably its biggest export as well.
Law enforcement gets more power and more weapons to enforce more bogus rules by the day. The idea, as with taxes, is to keep people intimidated and alarmed that their lives can be interrupted at any time by potential incarceration for activities they didn’t even know where illegal.
The procedure is simple enough. When you run out of illegal mandates, make some up. This works especially well overseas where the CIA helped developed first al Qaeda and now ISIS. Nothing like making up enemies to start wars that no one needs.
Of course, it provides a perfect justification for O’Bomber to explain that people need to give up their freedoms and privacy because maybe a big, bad terrorist is going to come knocking at the door.
O’Bomber dropping some more misstatements:

“I anguish a lot over decisions we make to keep the country safe,” Obama said. “I would caution against taking an absolutist perspective.” While Obama wouldn’t directly comment on the recent Department of Justice court battle with Apple over accessing information on an iPhone in the San Bernardino, Calif. shootings, the president suggested there should be situations where phones could be surveyed.
He “anguishes” huh? The last time O’Bomber anguished was when he was late to his tee time.
As I noted earlier, this sort of verbal diarrhea is not effective anymore. In fact, that’s probably why O’Bomber felt the need to speak up in the first place. The internet itself and people’s growing understanding regarding their massive personal and professional manipulation is giving rise to a profound civic upheaval.
It can be seen in politics, for instance, where Hillary Clinton is having a terrible time closing out a presidential nomination that should be hers for the asking. The only way she will likely win now is if enough people in the FBI, who still have some guts and a soul, are silenced and if/when the election is rigged as has been done so often in the past, even as recently as Bush/Gore. And Donald Trump has turned the GOP outside down by mixing in a little truth-telling with normal political platitudes.
And now O’Bomber and his FBI director have to justify putting in “back doors” so they can listen to everything you have to say about your private life. Oh, of course they’ll ask for a warrant first. Sure.
The 21st century is making it tough for the world controllers. They have the ability to spy on people in ways they could never have dreamed of. But they have been exposed in ways that have never happened before, not for hundreds or even thousands of years.
And there are billions of us and thousands of them. And increasingly, we have the ability to walk around with Swiss bank accounts in our pockets and take “human action.” In fact, we’re working on a special Jubilee video and White Paper that will explain what’s going to happen in 2016 and exposes elite plans in detail… if they don’t knock me off first. For the record I am not suicidal… so if found with a few gunshots to the head, and its ruled a suicide… well, you know. The Jubilee video is a follow-up to our successful Shemitah analysis that created so much wealth for our TDV newsletter subscribers and netted us thousands of new ones.
If you want to find out what’s going to happen economically, socio-politically and militarily, you’ll want to watch the video and read the White Paper. You’ll also want to follow this blog regularly. But most importantly, you’ll want to subscribe to our TDV newsletter for insights into wealth producing “home-runs” and protection from what the thought police have in mind to do to you.
We cover the entire cryptocurrency world as well. We’ve covered bitcoin since $3 in 2011… currently at over $400, making many of our subscribers fortunes. And, just two months ago we featured another evolving cryptocurrency, Ethereum, near 0.006BTC. It is currently at 0.03BTC for a gain of 400%. Today alone it was up 25%.
You can get access to our now countless amount of massive gains by subscribing HERE. (http://www.thedollarvigilante.com/subscribe)
As for Obama and his pushing to spy on everyone on the world… this is from me to you, Barack. Go fuck yourself.
Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante (https://www.dollarvigilante.com/blog/2016/03/12/barack-obomber-complains-bitcoin-is-like-having-a-swiss-bank-account-in-your-pocket.html)

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