View Full Version : Senior GOP official - We choose the nominee, not the voters

16th March 2016, 08:43 AM
Demonstrating how this political party could care less about the will of the voters

(video at link)
http://www.cnbc.com/2016/03/16/we-choose-the-nominee-not-the-voters-senior-gop-official.html (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/03/16/we-choose-the-nominee-not-the-voters-senior-gop-official.html)

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.
"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box (http://www.cnbc.com/squawk-box-us/)" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

16th March 2016, 09:03 AM
Demonstrating how this political party could care less about the will of the voters

(video at link)
http://www.cnbc.com/2016/03/16/we-choose-the-nominee-not-the-voters-senior-gop-official.html (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/03/16/we-choose-the-nominee-not-the-voters-senior-gop-official.html)

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.
"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box (http://www.cnbc.com/squawk-box-us/)" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

What's the point of holding elections then? The GOP wonders why Trump has so much support....this is a great example why. Telling the people that they're irrelevant certainly isn't going to help them

16th March 2016, 09:09 AM
What's the point of holding elections then? The GOP wonders why Trump has so much support....this is a great example why. Telling the people that they're irrelevant certainly isn't going to help them

More Trump chow.

16th March 2016, 09:12 AM
I think this is the meltdown of the GOP.
They blame the media while claiming they need to operate in the shadows, behind the scenes
Of course when the media is pushing their agenda, they have no problem with it.

What needs to happen is the upper management of the GOP have to be brought into the spotlight and be individually held to account for their actions

Twisted Titan
16th March 2016, 09:24 AM
He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

To fool people into believing there was a choice in the first place....

16th March 2016, 09:52 AM

midnight rambler
16th March 2016, 12:36 PM
These arrogant jackasses somehow think Trump isn't going to bludgeon the shit out of 'em with this. lol

16th March 2016, 01:23 PM
I think this is the meltdown of the GOP.
They blame the media while claiming they need to operate in the shadows, behind the scenes
Of course when the media is pushing their agenda, they have no problem with it.

What needs to happen is the upper management of the GOP have to be brought into the spotlight and be individually held to account for their actions

No one seems to ask who the fuck these "Party Leaders", Party Bosses, "establishment" are, that are having these secret meetings. They must be invisible?
I sure would like to know where all this money is coming from to take down Trump.

16th March 2016, 01:29 PM
Soros tossed 15 million in there.

16th March 2016, 02:16 PM
Soros tossed 15 million in there.

Trump has the means ($$) to fight back where no other candidate could hope to

16th March 2016, 04:14 PM
Trump has the means ($$) to fight back where no other candidate could hope to

And the brains to have the best people helping him. He can almost accomplish anything he wants but this time he is playing with the big dogs.

16th March 2016, 07:34 PM
Anti-Trump Republicans to Hold Closed-Door Meeting Thursday on Third Party Run Against Trump

Top anti-Trump Republicans will meet in Washington DC on Thursday on how to plot a third party run.

The meeting was organized by RedState founder Erick Erickson who has vowed to never vote for Trump – even if it means a Hillary Clinton presidency.

POLITICO’s Shane Goldmacher: “Three influential leaders in the conservative movement have summoned other top conservatives for a closed-door meeting this Thursday in Washington, D.C., to talk about how to stop Donald Trump and, should he become the Republican nominee, how to run a third-party ‘true conservative’ challenger in the fall. The organizers of the meeting include Bill Wichterman, who was President George W. Bush’s liaison to the conservative movement, Bob Fischer, a South Dakota businessman and longtime conservative convener, and Erick Erickson, the outspoken Trump opponent and conservative activist who founded RedState.com.

“The meeting is scheduled for Thursday … One person involved in the gathering described it as in the ‘embryonic’ stages. ‘It’s not like there’s a royal grand plan that’s going to be unfurled,’ this person said. ‘People aren’t giving up on the Republican Party yet.’”


midnight rambler
16th March 2016, 07:46 PM
...leaders in the conservative movement have summoned other top conservatives for a closed-door meeting...

TRANSLATION: top neocons plot how to remain in control with their warmongering by getting Killary (s)elected

No, there's no 'establishment' lording over you people, move along, nothing to see here.