View Full Version : I think everything Trump say is whispered to him by the illuminati

guess who
18th March 2016, 09:20 AM
Take for example that time he did that nazi salute/pledge thing with his deluded worshipers and then right after that the ADL denounced him. Or the time he tweeted that quote from Mussolini and again the ADL was immediately on his ass. Man those ADL people are quick hey? This is all scripted. If he was really the enemy of the ADL, he would have been kicked out of the GOP right off. Since when can a politician in the western world afford to flaunt the ADL TWICE? And now he will be making a speech in front of the Israel lobby after all this? Sure many rabbis will boycott him, so we are told, but how come he's not on their absolute black list as usual for unrepentant freethinkers? How come CNN is still pushing him so much?

18th March 2016, 09:40 AM
he's lighting the import tariff fire. a subject in the same category is holycost and 9/11 truth. NOBODY goes there..

that would hurt nyc parasites and help the US producers + labor

cant square that with illum allegations

18th March 2016, 10:02 AM
he's lighting the import tariff fire. a subject in the same category is holycost and 9/11 truth. NOBODY goes there..

that would hurt nyc parasites and help the US producers + labor

cant square that with illum allegationsIt's convenient to approach "nobody goes there" subjects while associating them with Hitler. Serves two purposes; The media pretends to address subjects and can't be accused of burying them. Subject is attached to human suffering, linking those who want tariffs to gassing six million Jews.

midnight rambler
18th March 2016, 10:06 AM
How come CNN is still pushing him so much?

This shows you're clearly way the fuck off target. Commie Nooz Nyetwork is pushing Killary, and if you were actually paying attention (and it doesn't take much) you'd see that CNN gets their digs in on Trump at every possible opportunity.

What exactly is your agenda?

18th March 2016, 10:06 AM
dont agree with term pedophile, "underage" should be used instead... but still an excellent corbett report. How easy to be rich and seduce, then trap young women.

Meet the Billionaire Pedophile Pal of Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew


guess who
18th March 2016, 10:22 AM
This shows you're clearly way the fuck off target. Commie Nooz Nyetwork is pushing Killary, and if you were actually paying attention (and it doesn't take much) you'd see that CNN gets their digs in on Trump at every possible opportunity.

What exactly is your agenda?


They are painting him as being "unstoppable" . Nobody is unstoppable, the GOP could kick him out in a heartbeat if the zios really wanted him out.

18th March 2016, 10:24 AM
How come CNN is still pushing him so much?

CNN pushing Trump? They cover him like everyone else does because he gets ratings, but they are not pushing him. Not even close, the mainstream media (so called conservative and liberal both) hate him!

I listen to talk radio during my commute, and all the republican talk show hosts also hate Trump, it's amazing to listen to them hate their own party this much!

18th March 2016, 10:44 AM
CNN pushing Trump? They cover him like everyone else does because he gets ratings, but they are not pushing him. Not even close, the mainstream media (so called conservative and liberal both) hate him!

I listen to talk radio during my commute, and all the republican talk show hosts also hate Trump, it's amazing to listen to them hate their own party this much!

Agreed. They are not pushing him in the least. They denounce him every chance they get and try to paint him as a bully, racists, sexist, and hack at every turn. The Neo-conservatives hate his guts for even mentioning trade tariffs and try to say the entire global economy will collapse (it won't, at least not from the introduction of trade tariffs). They hate him for saying NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP are completely unfair to American trade (they are). They hate him because he is a NATIONALIST not a globalist. They also hate that he plans to keep a somewhat non-interventionist foreign policy. Is he a Ron Paul? Hell no, but he is also not Ron Paul for not allowing the Republican party to push him around either.

What others fail to realize is that the Republicans / Zios etc cannot just push him out as like it or not Trump has awoken a vast majority of people to their con. Say the Republicans do rob him of the nomination. How much longer do you think the Republican party would last? I'd say less than 5-10 years while 3rd parties would spring up almost overnight. They'd lose the election to Clintoon, while they would be rendered powerless by 3rd parties taking their votes away.

Zionist / Illuminati are not all powerful. Never have been, NEVER WILL BE. The only thing they've accomplished is making people think that they were. They are inbred cowards with centuries of tenure thinking things will always be the way that they have been. The internet has exposed them. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.

guess who
18th March 2016, 10:52 AM
Good or bad publicity doesn't matter. When they really hate someone they ignore him. Think Rand and Ron Paul.

midnight rambler
18th March 2016, 10:53 AM
Good or bad publicity doesn't matter. When they really hate someone they ignore him. Think Rand and Ron Paul.

Come on, it's impossible for them to ignore Trump.

18th March 2016, 11:00 AM
Good or bad publicity doesn't matter. When they really hate someone they ignore him. Think Rand and Ron Paul.

Yeah, they could do that with Ron Paul with 2nd through 4th place finishes (sometimes less). But how exactly do you ignore someone who takes a super majority of a state during a primary election? How would the media ignore a double digit win over the 2nd place finish in a winner take all state like Florida? Just not report it when a good portion of the country is watching the results in real time? Yeah because that's realistic.... If you haven't noticed the medias viewership has decreased substantially in the past decade. More people get their news from alternative means than via the MSM. They are regulated to just speculation now instead of deciders. Which is why they keep portraying Trump, even if in a negative light because he gives them ratings.

It's healthy to take second look at any given situation, but it's not healthy overlooking reality.

18th March 2016, 11:14 AM
Good or bad publicity doesn't matter. When they really hate someone they ignore him. Think Rand and Ron Paul.

Normally I'd agree with you, because this worked with Ron Paul and others, but Trump is beating them at their own game. He is a master of directing the public dialog directly to himself.

18th March 2016, 11:56 AM
Good or bad publicity doesn't matter. When they really hate someone they ignore him. Think Rand and Ron Paul.
Rand and Ron Paul don't have 8 - 10 billion dollars to push back with.

guess who
18th March 2016, 11:59 AM

midnight rambler
18th March 2016, 12:30 PM

Only took me one minute of listening to that guy to conclude he's full of shit.

What exactly is your agenda? You want Killary?

18th March 2016, 12:45 PM
It's convenient to approach "nobody goes there" subjects while associating them with Hitler. Serves two purposes; The media pretends to address subjects and can't be accused of burying them. Subject is attached to human suffering, linking those who want tariffs to gassing six million Jews.
Most people can see through this, they can see that the trade tariffs are not the same thing as gassing 6 million innocent jews, that it is a ridiculous proposition, many would even rally to Trump, because of the vile attacks of the "establishment". The Jews win anyway, the 6 million becomes even more entrenched in the minds of the many. Trump has promised that he will be the best friend of Israel ever, his primary advisers are zionist Jews, his daughters are Jews. He is a great supporter of increased surveillance and the patriot act. He'll work with Putin instead of against him, he builds a wall and increase trade tariffs, possibly keeping US from disintegrating quicker into insignificance. Which means Israel will enjoy longer lasting protection from the US.

The Zionist comes in many different forms, from communist (Obama, Sanders) to socialist fascist (Clinton, Bush) to faux nationalist (Trump, Cruz), we are being played along those lines.

Voters may even be allowed to tip the balance into their preferred flavor of Zionism, but you'll still get Zionism!

18th March 2016, 02:02 PM
Will Trump do anything with the jooish foreign policy that creates streams of immigrants to the west? Nope. Willl Trump do anything about the jooish insititutions like the IRS and the Federal Reserve that rapes the US populace? Nope. Will he stop foreign AID to Israel? nope.

18th March 2016, 03:33 PM
Will Trump do anything with the jooish foreign policy that creates streams of immigrants to the west? Nope. Willl Trump do anything about the jooish insititutions like the IRS and the Federal Reserve that rapes the US populace? Nope. Will he stop foreign AID to Israel? nope.

Does Trump want to stay alive and have his family be safe? Yep.

No one will take down the IRS, or Federal Reserve. The elite Jews will destroy the world before they let that happen. The best you can hope for, is a more simple tax system that puts a lot of accountants out of their job.

All that can be done about Israel, is for us/the people that are awake, to keep exposing them when/where ever we can. The world is catching on.

18th March 2016, 03:40 PM
The Zionist comes in many different forms, from communist (Obama, Sanders) to socialist fascist (Clinton, Bush) to faux nationalist (Trump, Cruz), we are being played along those lines.Obama, Sanders, Clinton, Bush and Trump are all Jews. The only difference is the role they play.

What kind of role do you think the Jews would write for a blond-haired, blue-eyed White male? Huh? It will be much worse than any role they would write for openly Jewish Sanders.

midnight rambler
18th March 2016, 05:05 PM
Yep, those crafty joos, got everyone conned, so conned they've spent $63M to date to push back Trump. Well done! lol


18th March 2016, 05:14 PM
Yep, those crafty joos, got everyone conned, so conned they've spent $63M to date to push back Trump. Easy come, easy go. Their wallets are overflowing. It costs a few million to do a Hollywood movie, it's worth it in the end. This is no different.

midnight rambler
18th March 2016, 05:28 PM
Easy come, easy go. Their wallets are overflowing. It costs a few million to do a Hollywood movie, it's worth it in the end. This is no different.

Sure. Keep telling yourself that.

guess who
18th March 2016, 05:36 PM
Rand and Ron Paul don't have 8 - 10 billion dollars to push back with.

Side question: what is the procedure exactly to become head of a party? Do you show up at headquarters and fill out a form like when you apply for a minimum wage job? Do political parties have hidden safeguards to keep rich outsiders at bay? Or are leadership races just theater run by insiders?

18th March 2016, 05:45 PM
Side question: what is the procedure exactly to become head of a party? Do you show up at headquarters and fill out a form like when you apply for a minimum wage job? Do political parties have hidden safeguards to keep rich outsiders at bay? Or are leadership races just theater run by insiders?

From what I have seen and read into the party rules, they really don't have a means of keeping "unwanted" individuals from the party. The only means they have is party funding, which obviously Trump doesn't need. Rubio and Jeb got preferential treatment with the parties big donors and they ended up wasting their money.

The only chance they have is if Trump doesn't get the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the first round at the convention. As of this morning, zerohedge posted an article showing that Trump has the momentum to capture those delegates now that Rubio has dropped out.

To answer your question, you could if you wanted too run for President. All that is required is filing a Form 2 form with the FEC. As of this writing over 1,643 people have filed to run for President this year. http://www.fec.gov/press/resources/2016presidential_form2nm.shtml Including a couple people who go by "Deez Nutz"

You can claim any party you want on the form or no party at all.

guess who
18th March 2016, 07:40 PM
over 1,643 people have filed to run for President this year.

But only two are running for the democratic party. There has to be safeguards in place to keep the unwanted out.

18th March 2016, 08:04 PM
But only two are running for the democratic party. There has to be safeguards in place to keep the unwanted out.

Not so, There are a large number in that link I provided showing individuals for the Democratic party. As I said, the parties only limiting power is money. They'll throw their support and money behind people they want to be chosen by the people. However individuals like Trump need neither their support, or their money. That's what is bothering them. They can't control his actions and he has the very real power of destroying the Republican party.

So sit back and enjoy the show. I know I am.

19th March 2016, 12:23 AM
Not so, There are a large number in that link I provided showing individuals for the Democratic party. As I said, the parties only limiting power is money. They'll throw their support and money behind people they want to be chosen by the people. However individuals like Trump need neither their support, or their money. That's what is bothering them. They can't control his actions and he has the very real power of destroying the Republican party.

So sit back and enjoy the show. I know I am.

Popcorn buddy, here's another bowl... swish across the table right into Ares hands.

19th March 2016, 03:45 AM
Not so, There are a large number in that link I provided showing individuals for the Democratic party. As I said, the parties only limiting power is money. They'll throw their support and money behind people they want to be chosen by the people. However individuals like Trump need neither their support, or their money. That's what is bothering them. They can't control his actions and he has the very real power of destroying the Republican party.

So sit back and enjoy the show. I know I am.
The destruction of the Republican Party would be a universally good thing! It would also ruin the fake debate with the Democrat party, and rupture that behemoth of evil too...

19th March 2016, 09:31 AM
whoever people vote for, the shadow government is here to stay. The change must come from the root up. Trump and others only address surface issues... building a wall to control immigration. LOL