View Full Version : Peter Schiff: Can Trump Make America Great Again?

guess who
18th March 2016, 10:09 PM

19th March 2016, 06:55 AM
Schiff is boring. Tariffs SHOULD be levied and these should be used to pay ALL federal government costs.

19th March 2016, 08:34 AM
I agree on many points in the first 10 minutes, tariffs will do nothing more than turn the U.S. into every other loser nation on Earth.

D.C. needs to be broken down rapidly not reinforced by more unfree trade legislation.

Trumps thought of tariff legislation against corporates is much the same if not equal to Bernie Sander's.

19th March 2016, 09:26 AM
How do you have free trade when corporations are getting tax rates as low as 6% in other countries? How can you give corporations a low tax rate to stay in the US and not give it to small businesses in the US?

I don't agree with Schiff that Trump wants bigger government. Trump has always said he wants to clean house in the US government, get rid of waste and fraud and shut down some agencies like the EPA, board of education, etc.

Does Schiff talk about rebuilding our infrastructure and the jobs that will bring? Does he talk about new technology that will help us compete in manufacturing?
Yes we will pay more for goods at first, until manufacturing ramps up. Some of that may be offset by new jobs, higher wages and lower taxes.

Maybe Schiff just wants everything to fail so he can go on CNBC and say "see, I was right", after being wrong for the last 15 years.

midnight rambler
19th March 2016, 09:46 AM
A joo hating Trump... I'm shocked...

19th March 2016, 02:03 PM
You can't empower government and at the same time expect it to reduce its footprint, to even suggest it is ignorance bar none. If the U.S. doesn't want to empower Chinese markets its people must just make that choice.

14th February 2020, 08:23 AM
The day after the state of the Union Address Schiff's take on state of candidate Trump 2016’s talk on trade deficit, monetary policy, Federal Reserve, stock bubbles, economy, debt and government spending, recession, future democrat socialism, hyperinflation

Peter Schiff speaks at The Money Show in Orlando, February 2020


15th February 2020, 07:07 AM
The day after the state of the Union Address Schiff's take on state of candidate Trump 2016’s talk on trade deficit, monetary policy, Federal Reserve, stock bubbles, economy, debt and government spending, recession, future democrat socialism, hyperinflation

Peter Schiff speaks at The Money Show in Orlando, February 2020


I did not listen to the original post video in this 2016 thread and I tried to listen to this 2020 video thinking I could bear it since it was only 17 minutes but two minutes in could see it was Schiff's same old flawed economic piffle, and I imbibed enough of this in my early phase when I thought that "conservatism" and "patriot / save America" ideas meant libertarianism.

I do not think Schiff should be speaking about making America great again. His whole outlook is unAmerican in my opinion. There is something cold and uncaring about poor people and I assume that comes from his false libertarian philosophy as well as his probable agnostic or atheist personal philosophy and beliefs.

Schiff moved to Puerto Rico because it is a tax haven for millionaires, millionaires who are not what we think of as "patriots."


I live in Puerto Rico, and don't have to pay Federal Income taxes on my Puerto Rican sourced income.

Legalize Liberty
Nov 25, 2019
Replying to
So let me get this right.....if my physical body is now in Puerto Rico, the SAME investments that I had when my body was in Connecticut now go tax free? It's considered 'sourced' based on where my body is, not based on where my investments are?


That is right. "Sourced" is the operative tax terminology word and it is how multi-millionaire (about 70 mil) Schiff avoids paying income tax.

But clever USA states based taxpayers can turn that "sourced" definition into a corrupt tax dollars money laundering scheme that probably involve kickbacks to local government elected officials to steal local part of state tax dollars within the state and transfer it to their own business. Guess Schiff could not figure out a loophole to game the system while living in the millionaire, very high taxes, filthy rotten state of Connecticut, home of Sandy Hook giant Lie/hoax to the American people.

19th February 2020, 07:47 AM
How did Schiff get to have $70 million, he has been dead wrong about most things investment wise the last 20 years

19th February 2020, 08:12 AM
How did Schiff get to have $70 million, he has been dead wrong about most things investment wise the last 20 years

I think a big part of this wealth came from his Euro Pacific Capital Inc. I remember people would call in to his radio show and expressed very positive thoughts about investing their money with Euro Pacific Capital Inc. and seemed very pleased in their apparently consistent high returns/earnings. Also Schiff was smart enough to avoid any speech or actions that would get him in trouble with the government. I also got the impression that his company only accepts large tranches of cash before they will accept a customer for their investment services.

He may be smart and he may do well for his customers but I personally would not want to invest with his company even if I had that kind of money.


19th February 2020, 09:01 AM
How did Schiff get to have $70 million, he has been dead wrong about most things investment wise the last 20 years

Heck even CNBC can answer that question!

cnbc.com/2019/11/07/the-feds-monetary-juice-has-tied-directly-to-the-rise-in-stocks (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/07/the-feds-monetary-juice-has-tied-directly-to-the-rise-in-stocks.html)

The Federal Reserve has been pumping billions into the financial system after the mid-September tumult in very short-term lending markets known as repo.

As the central bank’s balance sheet has expanded, the S&P 500 has grown at almost the exact pace.

Some on Wall Street worry that the market is back to depending on the Fed’s monetary juice, rather than fundamentals, as the path to gains.

Schiff advocates for real wealth, perhaps too much looking back over the last decade if one wants to maximize their fiat numbers, but he has not nor advocated anyone stop all gambling scheming in the financial markets.

19th February 2020, 09:38 AM
Activities of the Fed, i.e, manipulation to prevent another 2008, may not be enough to stop another 2008 or to give sufficient benefits for investors and investor company customers, and I guess the system is still showing signs of shakiness that warrants tricks by investor companies to control the tremors.

I found the suggested reason for Fidelity Investment company's accounts showing zero balances very interesting.

There are probably many more tricks I am ignorant of.


Fidelity Accounts Show ZERO Balance
•Feb 19, 2020

Headlines with a Voice

Fidelity Accounts Show ZERO Balance

19th February 2020, 07:37 PM
Heck even CNBC can answer that question!

cnbc.com/2019/11/07/the-feds-monetary-juice-has-tied-directly-to-the-rise-in-stocks (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/07/the-feds-monetary-juice-has-tied-directly-to-the-rise-in-stocks.html)

Schiff advocates for real wealth, perhaps too much looking back over the last decade if one wants to maximize their fiat numbers, but he has not nor advocated anyone stop all gambling scheming in the financial markets.

So he tells people to invest in gold and silver, because financial markets are crashing but he invests in financial markets himself to maximize profits?

19th February 2020, 09:36 PM

Can't argue with anything said there as far as Global Communism coming to the U.S.

What happens when all of that market inflation vanishes so fast that none of it gets onto the street?