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View Full Version : Notice all the stories about contested conventions, Licoln, etc.?

19th March 2016, 10:59 PM
I am seeing a lot of stories and re-enactments of the 1860 convention. Also a lot of talk about how conventions actually work. There is some talk of how the Republican Party created rule 40b to screw Ron Paul, and how they now need to remove this to screw Donald Trump.

The media is preparing the public for a reaming in July.

19th March 2016, 11:12 PM
Here's a story of what I'm sure is happening all around the country right now:

I just got back from my district's delegate selection meeting. I am shaking with anger for my country. Here's my firsthand account.
I arrived about twenty minutes early, in the rain, only to find that, despite not having ever been made aware previously, there was a $5 admission charge. I don't generally carry cash, so I had to find a bank and get back, just in time to hear that I had one minute to register. Had I been a career politician, this wouldn't have happened. But that's minor.
The meeting begins. Looking around the room, it became apparent that this was not a vote of the people. Around three quarters of the room were in suits, many had various titles written next to their name on their badge. They all knew each other. The other quarter were regular people, dressed casual-formal. None of us had met, save for one professor, who I believe knew a current/former student.
For those that aren't aware, the candidate voting process is not done on an individual level, but rather by slates of candidates. The slate consists of that district's number of delegates, as well as an equal number of alternate delegates.
In this meeting, there were two slates presented. One by the a woman in a suit that failed to mention her political affiliation (Deemed Slate A), and one by the Trump campaign (Deemed Slate B). Slate A was presented by listing off the names of each proposed delegate, and handing in the sheet. Slate B was presented, by listing off the names of the proposed delegates, followed by an explanation of how these delegates were chosen.
The explanation was interrupted multiple times by both the head of the meeting, and people in the audience. Not interruptions of input, but rather demanding that the man shut up and take his seat. His explanation was simple, and only took a couple of minutes, which, according to the rulesheet, is acceptable discourse.
He explained that he reached out to the Cruz campaign, and requested delegate choices to the amount equal to their share of the total state delegates. He did the same for the Rubio campaign. Of the 7 proposed delegates, I believe 4 were Trump supporters, two Cruz, and 1 Rubio. He explained that this seemed to be the only fair way to select delegates in a proportional state, and that it was the only way to bring the party together.
One regular woman, who was admittedly unfamiliar with the proper terms of how meetings were conducted, asked that each slate explain how they arrived at their delegate choices. She was met, after minutes of back and forth between the regular people and the suits, with a resounding "no". Obviously, this is a democratic vote, so we should not be informed on what it is we're voting for.
After a short recess, the secretary of the meeting returned to the room, after checking each slate to ensure that the proposed delegates were eligible to vote. Slate B had three errors, voters that did not live in this district. I'll remind you, that the Cruz and Rubio campaigns proposed three delegates. I have a difficult time finding this to be a coincidence.
The chairman was quick to rule that, because of these three proposed delegates, Slate B was invalid, and would be thrown out. The Trump campaign head quickly shot back that he had enough people in the room which desired to be delegates that he could fix the slate in just two minutes. He was, again, told no. All around the room you could hear quiet laughter, and more than a few "Just shut up." and "It doesn't matter." It took everything in my blood not to leave at that point.
The vote for Slate A, obviously, was about 25 in favor, 7 against.
The entire meeting was an absolute mockery of democracy. I didn't quite understand the exact power of "The Establishment" until today. I cannot imagine that my small district in a small state was a unique case. This is happening behind closed doors all across the country. That is why it is imperative that you not only get out and vote, but get out and spread the truth about what's going on. This may be the most important election in the history of the country.
This was a chilling experience.
Edit: Per mod request, I've emailed the member of the Trump campaign involved with a link to this thread and a request to add his own input.
Edit2: Just received word from a friend that their slate got railroaded as well. Tie vote, broken by the "suit" running the meeting.
Edit3: Per request of /u/erowidtrance (https://www.reddit.com/u/erowidtrance) http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/15-dirty-tricks-the-gop-establishment-can-use-to-stop-donald-trump/
Edit4: A simple run down of delegates, for those confused:
Oh, US politics is easy.
The people vote, and their states are given a number of delegates by each party designed not by population count, but by how the states vote, to control elections.
Then, each state district votes on slates of delegates. Generally these meetings aren't made very public, so the establishment controls them.
These delegates go to another convention, to vote for another set of delegates, after they've had time to research each delegate and get rid of any that may disagree with them.
Then, the heads of the parties pick the national delegates from those, ensuring they are exactly who will follow the establishment.
So many edits: http://s27.postimg.org/i84hw1qoz/Cdk_SUwx_UMAAi_C3_jpg_large.jpg

https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4b3ggx/i_never_thought_i_would_wake_up_at_7am_to_witness/ (http://s27.postimg.org/i84hw1qoz/Cdk_SUwx_UMAAi_C3_jpg_large.jpg)

20th March 2016, 04:49 AM
Here's a story of what I'm sure is happening all around the country right now:

I just got back from my district's delegate selection meeting. I am shaking with anger for my country. Here's my firsthand account.

I arrived about twenty minutes early, in the rain, only to find that, despite not having ever been made aware previously, there was a $5 admission charge. I don't generally carry cash, so I had to find a bank and get back, just in time to hear that I had one minute to register. Had I been a career politician, this wouldn't have happened. But that's minor.

The meeting begins. Looking around the room, it became apparent that this was not a vote of the people. Around three quarters of the room were in suits, many had various titles written next to their name on their badge. They all knew each other. The other quarter were regular people, dressed casual-formal. None of us had met, save for one professor, who I believe knew a current/former student.

For those that aren't aware, the candidate voting process is not done on an individual level, but rather by slates of candidates. The slate consists of that district's number of delegates, as well as an equal number of alternate delegates.

In this meeting, there were two slates presented. One by the a woman in a suit that failed to mention her political affiliation (Deemed Slate A), and one by the Trump campaign (Deemed Slate B). Slate A was presented by listing off the names of each proposed delegate, and handing in the sheet. Slate B was presented, by listing off the names of the proposed delegates, followed by an explanation of how these delegates were chosen.

The explanation was interrupted multiple times by both the head of the meeting, and people in the audience. Not interruptions of input, but rather demanding that the man shut up and take his seat. His explanation was simple, and only took a couple of minutes, which, according to the rulesheet, is acceptable discourse.

He explained that he reached out to the Cruz campaign, and requested delegate choices to the amount equal to their share of the total state delegates. He did the same for the Rubio campaign. Of the 7 proposed delegates, I believe 4 were Trump supporters, two Cruz, and 1 Rubio. He explained that this seemed to be the only fair way to select delegates in a proportional state, and that it was the only way to bring the party together.

One regular woman, who was admittedly unfamiliar with the proper terms of how meetings were conducted, asked that each slate explain how they arrived at their delegate choices. She was met, after minutes of back and forth between the regular people and the suits, with a resounding "no". Obviously, this is a democratic vote, so we should not be informed on what it is we're voting for.

After a short recess, the secretary of the meeting returned to the room, after checking each slate to ensure that the proposed delegates were eligible to vote. Slate B had three errors, voters that did not live in this district. I'll remind you, that the Cruz and Rubio campaigns proposed three delegates. I have a difficult time finding this to be a coincidence.

The chairman was quick to rule that, because of these three proposed delegates, Slate B was invalid, and would be thrown out. The Trump campaign head quickly shot back that he had enough people in the room which desired to be delegates that he could fix the slate in just two minutes. He was, again, told no. All around the room you could hear quiet laughter, and more than a few "Just shut up." and "It doesn't matter." It took everything in my blood not to leave at that point.

The vote for Slate A, obviously, was about 25 in favor, 7 against.

The entire meeting was an absolute mockery of democracy. I didn't quite understand the exact power of "The Establishment" until today. I cannot imagine that my small district in a small state was a unique case. This is happening behind closed doors all across the country. That is why it is imperative that you not only get out and vote, but get out and spread the truth about what's going on. This may be the most important election in the history of the country.
This was a chilling experience.

Edit: Per mod request, I've emailed the member of the Trump campaign involved with a link to this thread and a request to add his own input.
Edit2: Just received word from a friend that their slate got railroaded as well. Tie vote, broken by the "suit" running the meeting.
Edit3: Per request of /u/erowidtrance (https://www.reddit.com/u/erowidtrance) http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/15-d...-donald-trump/ (http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/15-dirty-tricks-the-gop-establishment-can-use-to-stop-donald-trump/)
Edit4: A simple run down of delegates, for those confused:
Oh, US politics is easy.
The people vote, and their states are given a number of delegates by each party designed not by population count, but by how the states vote, to control elections.
Then, each state district votes on slates of delegates. Generally these meetings aren't made very public, so the establishment controls them.
These delegates go to another convention, to vote for another set of delegates, after they've had time to research each delegate and get rid of any that may disagree with them.
Then, the heads of the parties pick the national delegates from those, ensuring they are exactly who will follow the establishment.
So many edits: http://s27.postimg.org/i84hw1qoz/Cdk..._jpg_large.jpg

https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4b3ggx/i_never_thought_i_would_wake_up_at_7am_to_witness/ (http://s27.postimg.org/i84hw1qoz/Cdk_SUwx_UMAAi_C3_jpg_large.jpg)

mick silver
20th March 2016, 05:02 AM
they can an will change the game again but this time it will not matter just like they fucked ron paul , every day they keep waking people up and I think it will get real nasty this time around and establishment know this . I feel like this maybe a start of a civil war in his country if trump does not win maybe that what they want so they can lock the country down. never in my life have I seen so many gang bangers in the government and it away of life for them now

20th March 2016, 10:40 AM
This sounds so familiar. I was a Nevada State Ron Paul delegate in 2008. That is how it is done.

20th March 2016, 11:31 AM
They also keep telling us, regarding violence at rallies, "that's not who we are". Who is "we"?

Certainly they are not talking about government, because government always uses violence and threat of death. Just try not paying your taxes, keeping your kids out of school, or getting pulled over for a minor traffic violation. They come with guns and they will harm you if you do not comply to their will.

midnight rambler
20th March 2016, 11:43 AM
They also keep telling us, regarding violence at rallies, "that's not who we are". Who is "we"?

Certainly they are not talking about government, because government always uses violence and threat of death. Just try not paying your taxes, keeping your kids out of school, or getting pulled over for a minor traffic violation. They come with guns and they will harm you if you do not comply to their will.


midnight rambler
20th March 2016, 11:45 AM
RNC Chair 'Not 100%' on Trump, Cruz, or Kasich Taking Nomination


20th March 2016, 12:25 PM
RNC Chair 'Not 100%' on Trump, Cruz, or Kasich Taking Nomination


Reinse talks a lot and says nothing. You don't see him condemning the attacks on Trump that is fanning the flames of violence. Don't they think the GOP spokespeople like Romney, calling Trump a racist, biggot, and xenophobe has people up in arms, angry and ready to act violent?

He did say that's not what we're about. Bullshit!