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21st March 2016, 07:46 AM
Donald Trump Must Beware of Trojan Horse Delegates
by ROGER STONE20 Mar 20164103

A state party staffer from a large Northeastern state passed the entry codes for a conference call of five Republican chairmen from significant states this past Saturday. The topic on the table? Stopping Donald Trump. I had to listen in.

These hard-boiled pols know the nomination will be decided not on the first ballot, but in a series of procedural votes by the entire convention to adopt the rules of the convention as recommended by the Rules Committee and the seating of the delegates as recommended by the Credentials Committee. Those key committees are made up by two members from each state. The bosses have been quietly planting establishment regulars in these spots.

The Trump camp has been inattentive to this process. The party kingmakers may have the votes to knee-cap Trump in the rules and credentials committees, as they did Congressman Ron Paul in 2012.

The kingmakers have planned to steal the nod from Donald Trump.

Now they party insiders want to make sure they have a working majority on the floor for the passage of their “license to steal.” Republican state chairs are planting Trojan Horse delegates into slots won by Trump on the first ballot to vote with them on procedural votes to pass the Rules and Credentials Reports that will seal the “Big Steal.” This is going on in Texas, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Connecticut, North Dakota, and other states.

Though these “Trump” delegates will be bound by national and state rules to support Trump through the first ballot at the convention, they are free to vote against Trump’s interests on the adoption of Rules and the seating of delegates. It’s entirely plausible that a state could seat delegates pledged to support Donald Trump who have open affiliations with other candidates. In California, Cruz and Paulistas are signing up online via CA’s GOP website as Trump delegates.

The RNC’s rules committee tightened the rules governing the allocation of pledged delegates: The proportion of pledged delegates actually sent to the convention must align with the proportion actually won by a candidate in states that are not winner-take-all. Republican operatives are secretly working to stack the delegate selection process. They want as many reliable stooges as possible to identify as pledged “Trump” delegates. That way, those men and women can vote to break Trump’s back with hostile rules and by unseating Trump delegates if necessary,

The power brokers short-term game is clear: Stall Trump just short of the magic number of delegates needed to be nominated on the first ballot with the knowledge that many delegates bound on the first ballot by Trump primary and caucus victories are ringers who would be unbound on a second ballot. Much in the way the RNC stacked the galleries with anti-Trump partisans in the last two debates, anti-Trump quislings are be planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump on procedural matters and subsequent ballots. Kidnapping is a real possibility. What happens if a pledged delegate decides not to show up for the first ballot? The alternate replacing them may not be for Trump.

Get ready for Armageddon.


21st March 2016, 08:22 AM
I believe Trump will get the delegates before the convention, my estimate is 1,258, but if some how he does not, I think the election will be stolen from him/us.
The question is, how do we the people organize the revolution against the corrupt establishment republican party? How do we fight back?
Any thoughts, hypothetically of course.

Even if Trump is the nominee, the general election with the criminal cabal, Hillary, is going to be a tough battle.
Illegal's will be voting en masse for Hillary, most Jews are faggots and pedophiles that will be voting for Hillary, the queers and poor 'free shit' people will be voting Hillary and the Republican party most likely won't be supporting Trump. Yes, it's going to be a tough battle.

----> http://imgur.com/gallery/RC4kfVr

21st March 2016, 10:54 AM
If the repubs screw him, he will likely go independent, and he may get voted in en masse if people realize what happened. That did not happen with Ron Paul, but I think a lot more people were asleep at that point. If he goes independent the chances of Clinton winning increase substantially. The republican's are playing a dangerous game, but they have a lot to lose.

midnight rambler
21st March 2016, 10:58 AM
There are so many variables in play, not just the arrogant Gay Ol' Perv swine motherfuckers fully intending to bump Trump, but the electoral college as well.

21st March 2016, 10:58 AM
----> http://imgur.com/gallery/RC4kfVr

Interesting boxing analogy: http://beforeitsnews.com/power-elite/2016/01/trump-clinton-lawrence-krauss-jeffrey-epstein-and-copernicus-in-2016-2450600.html

21st March 2016, 11:06 AM
There are so many variables in play, not just the arrogant Gay Ol' Perv swine motherfuckers fully intending to bump Trump, but the electoral college as well.

Joe Six-Pack wrote this back in 2008. Joe Six-Pack realized this was a double edged sword when he wrote it...


Joe Six-Pack currently supports Ron Paul. I realize he is not the Republican Party's chosen candidate, but he is mine at this point. You may say, "he does not have a chance". Joe Six-Pack replies: In ordinary circumstances he does not stand a chance. We are not in ordinary circumstances. We are in a historically unprecedented financial collapse, and very few people even know what is actually happening- certainly not McCain or Obama. Ron Paul does. And, yes it matters. We cannot have another dim man surrounded by "smart" people. Depending on what happens in the next weeks before the election, public perception about who should be president could change substantially. If more unprecedented failures occur, and more panics ensue (even with the trillions of dollars being pumped into the dollar based system), then all Americans may come to realize that we have two fluff figures, two empty shirts vying for leadership of our country. These are two men who have spent too much time in politics and not enough understanding what was happening. I do respect both men to some degree, but on the most critical issue of our or any time in US history, they frankly have no clue. And if they do understand what is happening, but did not communicate it to us, it is even worse. When the electoral college delegates cast the final votes for president, frankly there is a small chance that they may say, 'we, as Americans, cannot elect one of these clueless leaders to lead our country'. And if they change their votes, it is perfectly Constitutional (though they may have some problems at the state level). Everyone talks about the wisdom of our country's fathers. Well one wise thing they did was to take the final vote out of the popular realm. They purposely enacted a system of delegates. What if there were obvious election fraud detected? What if the winning candidate was determined to have committed a heinous crime? What if America WOKE UP and realized that the candidates were party and media created empty shirts?

So, what can the average American (Joe and Joanna Six-Pack) do? I say:

1. Support Ron Paul, and let him and the Republican party know you do.
2. Write Ron Paul in on the ballot
3. Contact the delegates and be sure they know you support Ron Paul. Be sure they are fully aware that they can change their votes.
4. If you want to vote Independent, vote Libertarian or some other conservative party likely to have delegates who will pick Ron Paul (most states have a winner takes all rule, be sure you know how your state operates) when most likely your candidate loses. Because of the winner takes all rule, this is the least desireable route.

Folks, whether you are Republican, Democratic, or another political party, I believe this is the only hope for this country. We need a leader who understands what is actually happening, and has communicated it, and even taken actions towards solving it (i.e., HR2755 (http://www.takebackthefed.com/hr2755.html)). So far Ron Paul is the only candidate who has these qualities.

Joe Six-Pack
October 18. 2008