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21st March 2016, 02:54 PM
Pretty disgusting watching Hillary and Katchits grovelling in front of the Jews.

Waiting for Trump's speech. Could be interesting? Will Trump gargle Jew balls like the last two idiots?

Who owns this country anyway?...never mind. Maybe the US should turn the White House into a big Synagogue and take down the US flags.

21st March 2016, 04:25 PM
Trump knocked em dead at AIPAC. He stole the Canadian's thunder.

Damn, it must be nice to have your balls licked that clean as the Jews today...they're all going home with really clean balls

21st March 2016, 04:34 PM
He said that they could move their capital to Jewrresulm or however it's spelled. What the hell are they waiting for?

Maybe they think we're gonna pay for the moving vans, or send our young uns to straighten out the shit storm it'll cause?

21st March 2016, 04:58 PM
He said that they could move their capital to Jewrresulm or however it's spelled. What the hell are they waiting for?

Maybe they think we're gonna pay for the moving vans, or send our young uns to straighten out the shit storm it'll cause?

Don't worry, the Jews will let us know when we will move it, or if we should send our kids to die for them. They do own us ya know.

The Jews are basking in their glory at the moment...with their really clean balls and ass.

21st March 2016, 05:47 PM
There should be three rules.....
1= call them Zionist and not Jews
2= call it a "the state of Irael" and not Israel
3 = stop talking about them

simple............ V

21st March 2016, 06:02 PM
Damn, it must be nice to have your balls licked that clean as the Jews today...they're all going home with really clean balls
I lol'd.

21st March 2016, 06:06 PM
PressTV article reposted @ (the too often silent on djoo problem, the source of Dr. Tracy's firing stemming from Sandy Hoax research) memoryholeblog. Some comments dismissing the joosh protestors as the usual joo-MO of having fake/ziowned "anti-zionist zionist" groups "opposing" them.

March 20, 2016 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/03/20/activists-protest-aipac-stage-anti-zionist-rallies-in-washington-dc/)

Activists Protest AIPAC, Stage Anti-Zionist Rallies in Washington DC (http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/03/20/activists-protest-aipac-stage-anti-zionist-rallies-in-washington-dc/) 10 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/03/20/activists-protest-aipac-stage-anti-zionist-rallies-in-washington-dc/#comments)

by MHB Administrator (http://memoryholeblog.com/author/truthgulag/) • Home (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/home/), News (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/news/), Videos (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/home/videos/) • Tags: AIPAC (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/aipac/), geopolitics (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/geopolitics/), Israel (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/israel/), Judaism (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/judaism/), Palestine (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/palestine/), public relations (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-relations/), US political system (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/us-political-system/), Zionism



“A Jew–Not a Zionist”

PressTV (http://presstv.ir)

In the US, Orthodox Jewish and pro-Palestinian activists stage a protest in front of the White House against the Israeli regime. The protesters called for the immediate termination of the Israeli regime and the return of the occupied territories to Palestinians. There was another rally in Washington DC. Activists gathered outside a building where the annual conference for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, known as AIPAC, was being held. The attendees of the conference had to stay in the building due to the massive rally outside. The demonstrators were outraged over America’s financial support for Israel. They also called for an end to Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

more, with video: http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/03/20/activists-protest-aipac-stage-anti-zionist-rallies-in-washington-dc/

21st March 2016, 08:48 PM
Pretty nauseating.

One good thing was him bashing the UN I guess.

22nd March 2016, 02:37 AM
There should be three rules.....
1= call them Zionist and not Jews
2= call it a "the state of Irael" and not Israel
3 = stop talking about them

simple............ V
Now what good does any of that do?

22nd March 2016, 03:06 AM
Pretty nauseating.

One good thing was him bashing the UN I guess.

That was the best part, I don't recall anyone else trashing the UN (globalists) The UN must go!

22nd March 2016, 03:10 AM

Donald Trump is like Hitler? I don't know how one could be any more Zionist than that?

22nd March 2016, 03:14 AM
That was the best part, I don't recall anyone else trashing the UN (globalists) The UN must go!
He only trashed the UN part where they supported resolutions against Israel, not that Israel ever cared...

22nd March 2016, 03:24 AM
He only trashed the UN part where they supported resolutions against Israel, not that Israel ever cared...

From transcript:

Which brings me to my next point – the utter weakness and incompetence of the United Nations.

The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It's not a friend to freedom. It's not a friend even to the United States of America, where as all know, it has its home. And it surely isn't a friend to Israel.

22nd March 2016, 03:48 AM
From transcript:
Ok you are right he did trash UN in general too. And that is probably the only good part in his speech.

22nd March 2016, 08:23 AM
That was the best part, I don't recall anyone else trashing the UN (globalists) The UN must go!

So sucking jew ass is ok?

22nd March 2016, 09:02 AM
So sucking jew ass is ok?

No, I hate it, but let's be realistic, this country has been bought and paid for by the Jews a long time ago. These are the most evil slimy people to have ever roamed the earth. They have no heart, or souls...they will kill anyone without remorse that stands in their way. Anyone in politics knows to stay alive, they must bow to their masters and work within the parameters the Jew masters have laid out.
I keep telling people, it is our job to out the evil Jew wherever we can. It will take much of the people of this world to finally rid the planet of these parasites.

22nd March 2016, 09:20 AM
No, I hate it, but let's be realistic, this country has been bought and paid for by the Jews a long time ago. These are the most evil slimy people to have ever roamed the earth. They have no heart, or souls...they will kill anyone without remorse that stands in their way. Anyone in politics knows to stay alive, they must bow to their masters and work within the parameters the Jew masters have laid out.
I keep telling people, it is our job to out the evil Jew wherever we can. It will take much of the people of this world to finally rid the planet of these parasites.
Seems like the decent thing is to stop supporting politicians. Trump obviously is one. He pretty much gave them carte Blanche to do whatever they like as he said he would veto every future resolution against Israel in the security council...

22nd March 2016, 09:25 AM
Seems like the decent thing is to stop supporting politicians. Trump obviously is one. He pretty much gave them carte Blanche to do whatever they like as he said he would veto every future resolution against Israel in the security council...

I disagree. He did not give them everything they want. They hate him! He is going to undo everything they've worked so hard to do to destroy this country.
They want illegal immigration
They want unfair trade that will strip us of jobs
They don't want America to be great again
They don't want us to have a strong leader.

Trump is a set back to the NWO they plan rule.

22nd March 2016, 09:56 AM
I disagree. He did not give them everything they want. They hate him! He is going to undo everything they've worked so hard to do to destroy this country.
They want illegal immigration
They want unfair trade that will strip us of jobs
They don't want America to be great again
They don't want us to have a strong leader.

Trump is a set back to the NWO they plan rule.
I think you have different factions of JWO. Trump is representing the one that realizes that a strong predominantly white America firmly in the hands of Zionists is a good thing for them. Destroy America and who will protect them? From a Zionist perspective it would make sense. Sure you have other factions that work to destabilize European society and those would certainly oppose Trump. But as you said politics is there sandbox, why get involved other than expose it for what it is. You have the choice of Zionist communist (Sanders), Zionist socialist fascist (Clinton), Zionist corporate fascist (Cruz, Khazarich), Zionist faux Nationalist (Trump). No matter what you choose expect more Zionism...

Short to medium term maybe Trump would be better for you and white people in America, but that is not their purpose or point, they want more for themselves...

22nd March 2016, 10:08 AM
Trump is playing the political game. He can turn on a dime when he gets new information.

Cruz came after Trump- claiming that Palestine ended in 1949. He did not say that Israel- the state- was created by the UN.

Real Israel- the spiritual Israel- is all around the world and made up of those who believe in Messiah and have not insulted God by rejecting His only-begotten Son. Israel of the middle east is an evil little country. The dome of the rock is the symbol of the Roman empire and shows that Israel is the little horn of the beast.

22nd March 2016, 10:21 AM
Trump is playing the political game. He can turn on a dime when he gets new information.

Cruz came after Trump- claiming that Palestine ended in 1949. He did not say that Israel- the state- was created by the UN.

Sure Trump can turn...

Palestine didn't end in 1949. I would say after '67 it was pretty much out of control of its territory

22nd March 2016, 11:06 AM
Trump is playing the political game. He can turn on a dime when he gets new information.

Cruz came after Trump- claiming that Palestine ended in 1949. He did not say that Israel- the state- was created by the UN.

Real Israel- the spiritual Israel- is all around the world and made up of those who believe in Messiah and have not insulted God by rejecting His only-begotten Son. Israel of the middle east is an evil little country. The dome of the rock is the symbol of the Roman empire and shows that Israel is the little horn of the beast.

That is what I told my son this morning. The imposters in the state of Israel are not the House of Israel.

22nd March 2016, 01:47 PM
Now what good does any of that do?

Neuro........the present trouble makers are the Zionist who are not really Jews.

Even thou still illegal the state of Israel is only part of Palestine and not a real country

The more that we talk about them the longer they will be in the mind of men.

I for one don't hate them,,,why?,,,,can you hate a dog with the rabies when they bite someone?.....NO...you simple kill it.


22nd March 2016, 02:28 PM
Neuro........the present trouble makers are the Zionist who are not really Jews.

Even thou still illegal the state of Israel is only part of Palestine and not a real country

The more that we talk about them the longer they will be in the mind of men.

I for one don't hate them,,,why?,,,,can you hate a dog with the rabies when they bite someone?.....NO...you simple kill it.

The Zionist are by and large Jews. Sure there are a few Shabbo goys and crypto Jews that are Zionist too. Most Jews are supporters of Zionism.

The state of Israel or Israel for short is a legally recognized country nowadays, sure it was illegally stolen from the Palestinians, but facts on the ground are indisputable, they have full control of the territory, and they are internationally recognized, arguing it is still Palestine is silly IMO.

How many Zionists (Jews) did you kill Ponce? I don't have it in me to kill others, but in self defense maybe I would, the education (talking about them) re how they conspire against us is perhaps the key, so why not talk about them more? They are after all conspiring to be in control of our lives...

Maybe best solution is just to build a huge wall around Israel, deport them all and keep them there with no contact to the outside. The world pitches in to give every Palestinian $100,000 and the opportunity to resettle anywhere in the Arab world. It won't even cost a trillion. Problem solved!

22nd March 2016, 08:38 PM
JFriend, virtual Trump Train Conductor.... headline points to a tiny ray of sunshine in the disastrous hurricane of DT's pandering, big-joo-lie-parroting aipac speech... :rolleyes: Check link for developing comments

Trump: Israel Should Pay for American Defense (http://therealistreport.com/trump-israel-should-pay-for-american-defense/)

March 22, 2016 (http://therealistreport.com/trump-israel-should-pay-for-american-defense/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) 4 comments (http://therealistreport.com/trump-israel-should-pay-for-american-defense/#comments)

Shortly before he put on a disgusting display of slavish obedience to AIPAC and the organized Jewish community (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQgDgMGuDI0&feature=youtu.be), pledging unswerving support for the Jewish state of Israel as all American politicians are wont to do, Donald Trump told reporters during a press conference in Washington, D.C. that Israel (as well as other U.S. “allies”) should pay for American defense spending. The Times of Israel (http://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-says-hell-make-israel-pay-for-defense-aid/) reports:


Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Monday he believes Israel should pay for defense aid it receives from the US, hours before he was slated to give a speech at the pro-Israel AIPAC policy conference.

During a press conference in Washington, Trump was asked whether he believed the Israeli government should pay for American defense, as he had called for other US allies such as South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia to do.

“I think Israel will do that also, yeah, I think Israel do—there are many countries that can pay and they can pay big league,” responded the billionaire businessman.

He spent most of his statement focused on the other countries, saying calling in debts would help “build wealth.” […]

Trump’s statement was an apparent break with a decades-old Washington policy to maintain a special security relationship with Israel, and came as Israel and the US are negotiating a new defense package said to be worth tens of billions of dollars over 10 years. […]

Very interesting comments, especially in light of his cringe worthy speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference the other night. Watch the entire speech below:

I wasn’t surprised by anything Trump said in his speech. I was just disappointed. How can Trump claim he wants to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain and put America first when it comes to trade, immigration, and foreign policy while at the same time pledging unwavering support to a hostile foreign entity and group of people who are largely responsible for the disastrous state of affairs in America today?

As I’ve repeatedly emphasized here and during podcast programs and other radio programs I appear as a guest on, the only issue that matters in this election is immigration. And, at the very least, Donald Trump has made some very powerful statements and public policy proposals relating to immigration that I totally support. For that alone, Trump is worth supporting. However, if we really want our country back, we have got to #DumpIsrael and the organized Jewish community and stop blindly supporting these people.


22nd March 2016, 09:07 PM

Donald Trump is like Hitler? I don't know how one could be any more Zionist than that?

you know, it's funny; early on in his speech I decided to take a shot of JDaniels every time he said, "[...] BELIEVE ME!!".

So noww heerr ti iss naerr thend;;. a hgh kcjr8 fds;9daa;lklj z azzza jzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzqazzzzzzzzz

22nd March 2016, 09:20 PM
History shows they can't co-exist with others. Their compulsion to endlessly exploit others is too strong. Throughout the history we know of they keep getting expelled from other countries and kingdoms. Why? Because they are so selfish and greedy. They enrich themselves with obscene greed while claiming to be God's chosen.

22nd March 2016, 09:32 PM
Maybe Trump was kissing AIPAC ass to reduce the chances of being assassinated before election day. They didn't give Bobby Kennedy the benefit of the doubt.

22nd March 2016, 10:55 PM
this realist report commenter offers a salient pick-me-up, for those joo-wise folks who so want to like & support trump.

Trump artist March 22, 2016 6:16 pm (http://therealistreport.com/trump-israel-should-pay-for-american-defense/#comment-3054)
The Don did what he had to do, John. I had EXACTLY the same feelings of revulsion that you did as I read the text of his speech (I am not as strong a man as you are that I could listen to it, and did not have a puke bucket on hand either).

All this said, James Kelso of The Trump Phenomenon on RBN who I find to be a very wonderful and astute Trump supporter pointed out that the speech was obligatory and Trump actually played the Jews rather than allowing them to play him. He did what he had to do to “make the deal” to become president. His speech was given to the roomful of Jew Clowns so he told them what they wanted to hear and the Jew Media cannot make big headlines about Trump getting booed at the AIPAC conference. Now Trump can move on to become President Trump.

I do worry Trump is too pro Israel too, we must remain vigilant on that issue, but on the same day Trump said we need to get rid of NATO which is a Jew controlled terrorist organization.

Let’s hope Trump as grand chessmaster (not Grand Wizard ha ha) can bring us some good in the world rather than more endless bad stuff, which we would definitely get with Cruz, Hillary et al. all the rest of the scum.

Realist Report March 22, 2016 6:29 pm (http://therealistreport.com/trump-israel-should-pay-for-american-defense/#comment-3055)

Well said! Thanks for the comment. I tend to agree with you, but I still cannot stand seeing Trump – a man I truly respect and admire – bow down and grovel before these Jews. It’s just so sickening…

23rd March 2016, 02:46 AM
I really don't get it, pretty much everyone here is Jew wise, nothing he said so far would suggest he is anything but a big Zionist. Sure it is possible that he doesn't mean it, that he is lying, as a strategy. If that is the case, what else is he lying about? Maybe he is lying about the expulsion of illegal immigrants too? Maybe he is lying about increasing electronic surveillance. Or maybe he isn't lying. He will attempt to do what he said he'll do.

In terms of supporting Israel, and electronic surveillance he shouldn't get much opposition from congress and senate, but expulsion of all the illegals he may have difficulty getting that through. Trade barriers and tariffs, no way Jose, globalist payed billions into congress and senate to have "free" trade.

So you may actually end up getting only what you don't like about Trump, but not what you like...

23rd March 2016, 04:50 AM
I really don't get it, pretty much everyone here is Jew wise, nothing he said so far would suggest he is anything but a big Zionist. Sure it is possible that he doesn't mean it, that he is lying, as a strategy. If that is the case, what else is he lying about? Maybe he is lying about the expulsion of illegal immigrants too? Maybe he is lying about increasing electronic surveillance. Or maybe he isn't lying. He will attempt to do what he said he'll do.

In terms of supporting Israel, and electronic surveillance he shouldn't get much opposition from congress and senate, but expulsion of all the illegals he may have difficulty getting that through. Trade barriers and tariffs, no way Jose, globalist payed billions into congress and senate to have "free" trade.

So you may actually end up getting only what you don't like about Trump, but not what you like...

In life there are no guarantees...

From my perspective, as far as Trump being a Zionist.
Is supporting Israel the same as being part of the Zionist movement and supporting Zionism? I don't think so...so we don't really know.
I never heard Trump say he's a Zionist like Joe Biden and others have. Trump does put America first, where most Zionist put Israel first.

2. As far as expulsion of illegals, all that really needs done, is to enforce existing laws to the max. That means NO hiring of illegal's! Watch them scurry home like la cucaracha's, as fast as they can.

3. Trade barriers and tariffs. Maybe there's little Trump can do? Maybe all he can really do is put together a team to publicly expose the globalist who payed billions into congress and senate, the money trail and present his findings of corruption to the American people. What will the public say when they find out our trade deals were negotiated by criminal corrupt individuals in senate/congress...Oh well?

23rd March 2016, 05:07 AM
From my perspective, as far as Trump being a Zionist.
Is supporting Israel the same as being part of the Zionist movement and supporting Zionism? I don't think so...so we don't really know.
I never heard Trump say he's a Zionist like Joe Biden and others have. Trump does put America first, where most Zionist put Israel first.
You heard what he said in the speech, would you from that conclude he is anything but a Zionist? He says he is Israels greatest friend. He thinks that how the Obama regime dealt with Israel was shameful. They totally destabilized the Middle East for Israel at their request, kind of a hard thing to Trump. Why are you prepared to give Trump a pass on being a Zionist?

23rd March 2016, 05:33 AM
You heard what he said in the speech, would you from that conclude he is anything but a Zionist? He says he is Israels greatest friend. He thinks that how the Obama regime dealt with Israel was shameful. They totally destabilized the Middle East for Israel at their request, kind of a hard thing to Trump. Why are you prepared to give Trump a pass on being a Zionist?

I give no pass to Trump, I just accept reality.
I will give you a pass though, for being so against the Zionist state of Israel and not doing anything about it...living so much closer to Israel then me and all.


23rd March 2016, 06:09 AM
new DDuke vid, notice it was published 3/21, so it was prepared & I'd guess released b4 DT's 3/21 aipac suck-up speech. Can check the YT comments (765 atm) for fallout. 20 mins:



Why the Jewish Elite Hates Donald Trump

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-WJ36y2y_GYw/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/vDYWXXvBbtM/s88-c-k-no/photo.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/user/drdduke) David Duke (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNpAwV6GlFst1x3jmqCgYbQ)

Published on Mar 21, 2016
Http:www.DavidDuke.com (http://www.DavidDuke.com)
Dr. David Duke analyzes why the Jewish Establishment both Right and Left - hate and fear Donald Trump. Amazing!

Historian and Former Member of the House of Representatives-LA explains the massive hate campaign against Donald Trump and the panic in the Zionist media, banking and political establishment over his rise the nomination and positive presidency in America.

23rd March 2016, 06:40 AM
this 2 min jobee purports to be a "new Trump ad..." but has anyone seen it on the their electronic rabbi? As to this YTer's choice of titles for it; that's their choice, reading into it what they want to see I guess; coz the brief soros clip is only a tiny part, and suggests nothing about DT "calling soros out." Unless we're to believe that it's "codespeak to red pillers" coz the ad also shows some of the (presumably soros orchestrated/funded) DT rally violence, which is a stretch to me!



^ that YT instance of this ad was published 3/15 by YTer "NeatoBurrito Productions (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZtDKD0pFpPclXA7ZAti90w)" and presently has ~131,000 views.

I can't even verify that ad is created by DT's "official campaign"; though it's professionally done.

I looked for a DT "official YT channel", and find this:
Donald J. Trump for President (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAql2DyGU2un1Ei2nMYsqOA/videos)
which looks sort of official-ey, but the above 2 min spot doesn't appear in it. You'll find this one in the above channel though,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/o58F_lqi-Fs/mqdefault.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o58F_lqi-Fs)
Israel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o58F_lqi-Fs)

2 weeks ago

23rd March 2016, 09:41 AM
I give no pass to Trump, I just accept reality.
I will give you a pass though, for being so against the Zionist state of Israel and not doing anything about it...living so much closer to Israel then me and all.

Sorry me throwing a molotov cocktail in the general direction of Israel would fall short of its target. Israel is still kind of far away, and even though I am strong I am not that strong. I guess pointing out to anti-zionists not to support politicians that are obviously pro-Zionist, is doing something though. Over the years here and at GIM it has been pointed out over and over again that supporting the lesser of two evil, still lends support to evil.

I can see that from a pragmatic point of view, supporting the Zionist Donald Trump, despite his Israel first point of view, may be good because he also promises to get rid of the illegal immigrants infesting your country, and there are no other candidate with any likelihood of winning the race that promises to do so too and being anti-Zionist. And quite possibly the movement that the momentum Trump has created may actually develop in such a direction eventually. Or maybe Trump 2.0 would be different. Best thing he could do if he wants to renege on his promises to Israel, would be if he started a re-examination of the 9/11 terror attacks, and found who the real perpetrators were... Fat chances of that happening though...

mick silver
23rd March 2016, 05:43 PM
neuro it really does not matter who gets into that house were all fucked the same , you just cant keep putting patches on a rotten old wooden boat full of holes . one man not's going to fix the shit hole were in ... there a day coming

23rd March 2016, 06:55 PM
neuro it really does not matter who gets into that house were all fucked the same , you just cant keep putting patches on a rotten old wooden boat full of holes . one man not's going to fix the shit hole were in ... there a day coming
No probably the best would be a boating accident, maybe better if it happened during Hiliary?

23rd March 2016, 07:09 PM
5 mins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyjo2spLwMY


23 mins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3JidFzyErg


LOL at the nasaly voiced joowess hag at the tippy end, "that is virulent anti-Shlomoism! that is virulent anti-Shlomoism!" :D

23rd March 2016, 07:51 PM
23 mins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3JidFzyErg


LOL at the nasaly voiced joowess hag at the tippy end, "that is virulent anti-Shlomoism! that is virulent anti-Shlomoism!" :D
That was quite entertaining actually!

23rd March 2016, 08:45 PM
Funny thing is Jackie did it. I dont care of who programmed her, she did it.

If you notice every video i post is different. It's there in your face every time.



24th March 2016, 05:52 AM
5 mins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyjo2spLwMY


23 mins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3JidFzyErg


LOL at the nasaly voiced joowess hag at the tippy end, "that is virulent anti-Shlomoism! that is virulent anti-Shlomoism!" :D

It was funny the way they slowly turned her voice down at the end.

mick silver
25th March 2016, 04:19 PM
Truth is, American Jews hate Trump, just read the Israeli press. None will vote for him. Why then did Trump alienate his base, all but his “supremacist” backers, when he prostrated himself at the AIPAC convention?
For years now, mainstream Jews in America have increasingly looked on these organizations as an embarrassment, their messages of fear and hate a reminder of the past while Jews are a great success story in America. A Jewish presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, is in serious contention for the presidency with “Jewishness” not even remotely considered a factor.
Thus, with Nazi and Klan “security” behind Trump and “white supremacists” providing “legal assistance” (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/23/funny-nazis-not-really-put-up-hotline-for-abused-trumpsters/)to carelessly violent “Donaldites”

27th March 2016, 03:58 AM
Bombshell revelation! Original draft of Trump’s speech to AIPAC (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/24/trump-aipac/)

By Kevin Barrett (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/barrett/) on March 24, 2016

He didn't come to pander ... but then his advisors re-wrote his speech


By Kevin Barrett (http://anotherfrenchfalseflag.blogspot.com), Veterans Today Editor


As everyone knows, Donald Trump occasionally suffers from a tendency to blurt out unspeakable truths. That was what he was planning to do in his AIPAC speech. But his political handlers demurred and revised the speech, as shown by the corrected draft below, which was leaked to Veterans Today by a source close to the Trump campaign. Deleted passages are crossed out; corrections are in boldface.


TRUMP: Good evening. Thank you very much.

I speak to you today as a lifelong supporter and true ass-kissing sycophant friend of Israel. (CHEERS, APPLAUSE)

I am a newcomer to politics, but not to sucking up to backing the Jewish state.

more: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/24/trump-aipac

28th March 2016, 11:21 PM
Hypocrite Zionists slam Netanyahu’s racism when they think it’s Trump’s (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/03/hypocrite-zionists-slam-netanyahus-racism-when-they-think-its-trumps/)
Brandon Martinez (http://nonalignedmedia.com/author/bmar999/) March 26, 2016 News (http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/news/), Video

(http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/video/) Jews interviewed outside of the recent AIPAC conference condemn Donald Trump when asked about comments that migrants are “wild beasts” and “cancer,” but when confronted with the fact that the statements in question were not uttered by Trump but by top officials in the Israeli government, the hypocrite Zionists quickly change their tune.

< 5 mins:


The journalist who shot the video wrote:

Most people I spoke with energetically condemned racist statements attributed to Trump. However, when I revealed the statements had actually been made by Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/benjamin-netanyahu), respondents immediately excused, justified or supported the rhetoric they had just condemned.

29th March 2016, 02:17 AM


Bombshell revelation! Original draft of Trump’s speech to AIPAC (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/24/trump-aipac/)

By Kevin Barrett (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/barrett/) on March 24, 2016

He didn't come to pander ... but then his advisors re-wrote his speech


By Kevin Barrett (http://anotherfrenchfalseflag.blogspot.com), Veterans Today Editor


As everyone knows, Donald Trump occasionally suffers from a tendency to blurt out unspeakable truths. That was what he was planning to do in his AIPAC speech. But his political handlers demurred and revised the speech, as shown by the corrected draft below, which was leaked to Veterans Today by a source close to the Trump campaign. Deleted passages are crossed out; corrections are in boldface.


TRUMP: Good evening. Thank you very much.

I speak to you today as a lifelong supporter and true ass-kissing sycophant friend of Israel. (CHEERS, APPLAUSE)

I am a newcomer to politics, but not to sucking up to backing the Jewish state.

more: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/24/trump-aipac
The speech that Trump was "supposed" to hold, was obviously the truth, and the one he held was Orwellian newspeak.

29th March 2016, 05:57 AM
^ yeah it was a Dinjoo-signature "Flip-the-Script & Project (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52269-quot-Among-The-Truthers-quot-Straus-the-Protocols-and-the-Chutzpah-Maneuver)" speech. Like the speeches which the Dinjooz scripted for O'Bummer, & Commander aWol before him, to recite regarding 911.

Please notice the Izzy/UN/JWO/Dinjooz Powder Blue Necktie (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53428-Sharing-My-files-with-you-GIM1-archives-etc&p=450502&viewfull=1#post450502) on both puppets:

~1 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuASoVK8f9c


Without letting DT off the scrutiny-hook, I wonder if his (disgraceful, sycophantic) aipac speech wasn't some Dinjoo-Masonic code speak, which translates roughly to, "I'm hip to da'hoaxes; & as you can plainly see; I'm a team playah!"

mick silver
29th March 2016, 07:33 AM

29th March 2016, 07:35 AM
"Which brings me to my next point – the utter weakness and incompetence of the United Nations.

The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It's not a friend to freedom. It's not a friend even to the United States of America, where as all know, it has its home. And it surely isn't a friend to Israel."

When he states that the UN "isn't" a friend of Israel, well, the rest of his drivel is lost in the noise. Just another puppet.....

29th March 2016, 08:39 AM
If he get's elected he'll be at the wailing wall wearing a kippah and placing a paper note in the cracks of that roman wall.

29th March 2016, 09:14 AM
^ yeah it was a Dinjoo-signature "Flip-the-Script & Project (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52269-quot-Among-The-Truthers-quot-Straus-the-Protocols-and-the-Chutzpah-Maneuver)" speech. Like the speeches which the Dinjooz scripted for O'Bummer, & Commander aWol before him, to recite regarding 911.

Please notice the Izzy/UN/JWO/Dinjooz Powder Blue Necktie (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53428-Sharing-My-files-with-you-GIM1-archives-etc&p=450502&viewfull=1#post450502) on both puppets:

~1 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuASoVK8f9c


And then he went on to protect Al Qaeda/Al Nusra/ISIS in Syria by not bombing them, and had their Turkish NATO ally attack the Kurds that were fighting them, and supplied them weapons and manpower via Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

It seems like Obama has gone out of his way to shield what he said were the perpetrators of 9/11. And has certainly done so with regards to the real Zionist criminals behind it.


29th March 2016, 09:18 AM
If he get's elected he'll be at the wailing wall wearing a kippah and placing a paper note in the cracks of that roman wall.

I'll suspect his stunt of cancelling the trip to go and hump the wall was just a publicity stunt to give him some street cred, with white nationalists. Zionists know they own him!

6th April 2016, 03:23 AM
41 mins:


Mark Dankof "All US Presidents Since Kennedy Worked For CIA & Some Were Compromised By Paedophilia!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIFNWfp4UkQ)

6 days ago

6th April 2016, 12:19 PM
JFriend for AFP:

Israel’s Influence: Good or Bad for America? (http://therealistreport.com/israels-influence-good-or-bad-for-america/) April 6, 2016 (http://therealistreport.com/israels-influence-good-or-bad-for-america/)[/URL] Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/israels-influence-good-or-bad-for-america/) Leave a comment



Conference speakers analyze detrimental effect Israeli power has on U.S.

While the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) met for its annual policy gathering in Washington, D.C., just down the road, 300 people attended a conference on March 18 that focused on the harmful influence that pro-Israel Jewish lobbies have on Congress, the mass media, and American foreign policy.

The conference, entitled “Israel’s Influence: Good or Bad for America?” (http://israelsinfluence.org/program/default.html) was organized by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA (http://www.wrmea.org/)) and the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (http://www.irmep.org/), two organizations that have long been critical of the blind support United States officials and politicians grant to the Jewish state. WRMEA produces a magazine by the same name, which is published by the American Educational Trust (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Educational_Trust), a charity founded by retired U.S. foreign service officers.

Held at the National Press Club (http://www.press.org/), the conference featured a remarkable array of highly qualified speakers (http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/panels--topics-announced-for-israels-influence-good-or-bad-for-america-conference-300230588.html), including Gideon Levy (http://www.haaretz.com/misc/writers/gideon-levy-1.402), an Israeli columnist critical of Israel’s brutal treatment of the native Palestinian population as well as the Jewish state’s continued occupation of Palestinian territories, Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson (http://www.wm.edu/as/publicpolicy/facultydirectory/affiliated_faculty/wilkerson_l.php), (USA-Ret.), a fierce critic of America’s Israel-first foreign policy, and Justin Raimondo (http://original.antiwar.com/justin/?a=1), (born Dennis Raimondo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Raimondo)) an anti-war activist, journalist, and writer focusing on American foreign policy.

“The purpose of this conference was primarily to expose and analyze the enormous impact that Israel has on America’s foreign policy,” noted Merlin L. Miller, whose book Eagles Are Gathering (http://americanfreepress.net/audio-interview-article-new-book-offers-clues-on-how-to-get-our-country-back/) was recently published by AMERICAN FREE PRESS. “With an impressive array of speakers and panelists, they were quite successful, revealing

difficult truths that are bankrupting America and making us a global pariah,” he said.

Miller attended the conference, which was held just before the kickoff of the annual AIPAC Policy Conference (http://www.policyconference.org/). AIPAC’s annual conferences generally feature some of the leading politicians and statesmen in America, and this year was no different (http://www.policyconference.org/article/Schedule.asp).

Presidential contenders Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump, John R. Kasich, and Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz addressed the powerful pro-Israel lobby at this year’s conference, pledging their unswerving loyalty and support for the Jewish state. House Majority Leader Kevin O. McCarthy (R.-Calif.) and House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer (D.-Md.) also addressed the AIPAC conference, as did Vice President Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr., demonstrating once again that when it comes to Israel, both major political parties are firmly in the Zionist camp.

“Israel exerts a shocking degree of influence by way of aggressive, well-funded and intricately organized lobbying efforts,” Miller told AFP. “In essence, through the actions of AIPAC, wealthy Israel supporters, and neoconservative-controlled think tanks and foundations, they own our media, politicians, and governmental and nongovernmental agencies and institutions.”

Due to the pro-Israel bias in the mainstream mass media and the power wielded by the organized Jewish community and top pro-Israel lobbies such as AIPAC, the American people are largely ignorant and misinformed when it comes to America’s disastrous foreign policy in the Middle East and the harsh reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Since its founding, the American political establishment, regardless of which party is in power, has provided the Jewish state with unwavering political, financial, and diplomatic support, including providing roughly $3 billion annually to Israel to maintain its military superiority in the region. However, more and more Americans are becoming disenchanted with America’s slavish devotion to Israel and a foreign policy that places the interests of a foreign nation ahead of the U.S.

Israel is regularly touted as America’s top ally in the Middle East, a contention that is easily refuted by objectively analyzing the destructive and parasitic relationship the two nations have.

“If Israel is our greatest ally, then we certainly don’t require enemies,” Miller explained to AFP. “Through bribery, blackmail, spying, and false-flag operations, Israel regularly betrays America. As far as being the only true democracy in the region, I believe the oppressed Palestinians might take exception to that.”

Video of the entire conference (http://israelsinfluence.org/) and other supporting materials, including presentations used during the speeches and panel discussions, are available on the conference’s website.

NB: This article was originally published (http://americanfreepress.net/israels-influence-good-or-bad-for-america/) by American Free Press on April


2nd November 2018, 04:44 PM
Watch the video the Israeli lobby doesn’t want you to see Parts 1 and 2 here. The videos won’t embed. There is a link to part3 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356) in the article that I haven’t watched yet.


Watch the film the Israel lobby didn’t want you to see

The Electronic Intifada (https://electronicintifada.net/people/electronic-intifada) 2 November 2018

The Electronic Intifada has obtained a complete copy of The Lobby – USA, a four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaign in the United States.

It is today publishing the first two episodes. The Paris-based Orient XXI (https://orientxxi.info/magazine/un-documentaire-interdit-sur-le-lobby-pro-israelien-aux-etats-unis,2715) has published the same episodes with French subtitles.

The film was made by Al Jazeera during 2016 and was completed in October 2017.

But it was censored (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-qatari-emir-censored-israel-lobby-film) after Qatar, the gas-rich Gulf emirate that funds Al Jazeera, came under intense Israel lobby pressure (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) not to air the film.

Although Al Jazeera’s director-general claimed last month that there were outstanding legal issues with the film, his assertions have been flatly contradicted by his own journalists (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-qatari-emir-censored-israel-lobby-film).

In March, The Electronic Intifada was the first to report (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496) on any of the film’s specific content. We followed this in August (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356) by publishing the first extract of the film, and shortly after (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/censored-israel-lobby-film-starts-leaking) Max Blumenthal at the Grayzone Project released others.

Since then, The Electronic Intifada has released three other extracts (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/lobby-usa), and several other journalists have watched the entire film and written about it – including Alain Gresh (https://orientxxi.info/magazine/how-israel-spies-on-us-citizens,2598) and Antony Loewenstein (https://972mag.com/al-jazeera-film-us-israel-lobby/138412/).

Now The Electronic Intifada can reveal for the first time that it has obtained all four parts of the film.
You can watch the first two parts in the video embeds above and below.

(Videos won’t embed)

To get unprecedented access to the Israel lobby’s inner workings, undercover reporter “Tony” posed as a pro-Israel volunteer in Washington.

The resulting film exposes the efforts of Israel and its lobbyists to spy on, smear and intimidate US citizens who support Palestinian human rights, especially BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

It shows that Israel’s semi-covert black-ops (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israel-using-black-ops-against-bds-says-veteran-analyst) government agency, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs), is operating this effort in collusion with an extensive network of US-based organizations.

These include the Israel on Campus Coalition (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356), The Israel Project (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-reveals-israel-projects-secret-facebook-campaign/25486) and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496).

Censored by Qatar

The film was suppressed after the government of Qatar came under intense pressure not to release it – ironically from the very same lobby whose influence and antics the film exposes.

Clayton Swisher, Al Jazeera’s head of investigations, revealed (https://forward.com/opinion/396203/we-made-a-documentary-exposing-the-israel-lobby-why-hasnt-it-run/) in an article for The Forwardin March that Al Jazeera had sent more than 70 letters to individuals and organizations who appear in or are discussed in the film, providing them with an opportunity to respond.

Only three did so. Instead, pro-Israel groups have endeavored to suppress the film that exposes the lobby’s activities.

In April, Al Jazeera’s management was forced to deny a claim (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-it-canceled-us-israel-lobby-film) by the hard-right Zionist Organization of America that the film had been canceled altogether.

In June, The Electronic Intifada learned that a high level source (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) in Doha had said the film’s indefinite delay was due to “national security” concerns of the Qatari government.

Covert action

As revealed in a clip published by The Electronic Intifada earlier this week (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841), the film shows Julia Reifkind – then an Israeli embassy employee – describing her typical work day as “mainly gathering intel, reporting back to Israel … to report back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs.”

She discusses the Israeli government “giving our support” to front groups “in that behind-the-scenes way.”
Reifkind also admits to using fake Facebook profiles to infiltrate the circles of Palestine solidarity activists on campus.

The film also reveals that US-based groups coordinate their efforts directly with the Israeli government, particularly its Ministry of Strategic Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs).

Run by a former military intelligence officer, the ministry is in charge of Israel’s global campaign of covert sabotage (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/meet-spies-injecting-israeli-propaganda-your-news-feed) targeting the BDS movement.

The film shows footage of the very same ex-military intelligence officer, Sima Vaknin-Gil (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/sima-vaknin-gil), claiming to have mapped Palestinian rights activism “globally. Not just the United States, not just campuses, but campuses and intersectionality and labor unions and churches.”

She promises to use this data for “offense activity” against Palestine activists.

Jacob Baime, executive director of the Israel on Campus Coalition, claims in the undercover footage that his organization uses “corporate level, enterprise-grade social media intelligence software” to gather lists of Palestine-related student events on campus, “generally within about 30 seconds or less” of them being posted online.

Baime also admits on hidden camera that his group “coordinates” with the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs.
Baime states that his researchers “issue early warning alerts to our partners” – including Israeli ministries.

Baime’s colleague Ian Hersh admits in the film to adding Israel’s “Ministry of Strategic Affairs to our operations and intelligence brief.”

“Psychological warfare”

Baime describes how his group has used anonymous websites to target activists.

“With the anti-Israel people, what’s most effective, what we’ve found at least in the last year, is you do the opposition research, put up some anonymous website, and then put up targeted Facebook ads,” Baime explains in part three of the film (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356).

“Canary Mission is a good example,” he states. “It’s psychological warfare.”

The film names, for the first time, convicted tax evader (https://electronicintifada.net/content/why-did-israel-intervene-convicted-us-felon-adam-milstein/14117) Adam Milstein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/adam-milstein) as the multimillionaire funder and mastermind of Canary Mission – an anonymous smear site targeting student activists.

The Electronic Intifada revealed this in a clip in August (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356).

Eric Gallagher, then fundraising director for The Israel Project, is seen in the undercover footage admitting that “Adam Milstein, he’s the guy who funds” Canary Mission.

Milstein also funds The Israel Project, Gallagher states.

Gallagher says that when he was working for AIPAC (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/aipac), Washington’s most powerful Israel lobby group, “I was literally emailing back and forth with [Adam Milstein] while he was in jail.”

Despite not replying to Al Jazeera’s request for comment, Milstein denied (https://www.jta.org/2018/08/27/news-opinion/united-states/pro-israel-donor-adam-milstein-denies-report-funds-canary-mission) that he and his family foundation “are funders of Canary Mission” on the same day The Electronic Intifada published the clip.

Since then, Josh Nathan-Kazis of The Forward has identified several other groups (https://forward.com/news/national/412731/donor-distances-itself-from-canary-mission-but-critics-say-it-doesnt-go/) in the US who fund Canary Mission.

Suppressed film

In March, The Electronic Intifada published (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496) the first details of what is in the film.

We reported that it showed Sima Vaknin-Gil claiming to have leading neoconservative think tank the Foundation for Defense of Democracies working for her ministry.

The undercover footage shows Vaknin-Gil claiming that “We have FDD. We have others working on” projects including “data gathering, information analysis, working on activist organizations, money trail. This is something that only a country, with its resources, can do the best.”

As noted in part one of the documentary, the existence of the film and the identity of the undercover reporter became known after footage he had shot for it was used in Al Jazeera’s The Lobby (https://www.aljazeera.com/investigations/thelobby/) – about Israel’s covert influence campaign in the UK – aired in early 2017.

Since then, Israel lobbyists have heavily pressured Qatar to prevent the US film from airing.

“Foreign agent”

Clayton Swisher, Al Jazeera’s head of investigations, first confirmed in October 2017 (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/vindicated-uk-al-jazeera-reveal-secrets-us-israel-lobby)that the network had run an undercover reporter in the US Israel lobby at the same time as in the UK.

Swisher promised the film would be released “very soon,” but it never came out.

Multiple Israel lobby sources told (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-qatar-to-u-s-jewish-leaders-al-jazeera-israel-lobby-film-won-t-air-1.5803936) Israel’s Haaretz newspaper in February that they had received assurances from Qatari leaders late last year that the documentary would not be aired.

Qatar denied this (http://www.gulf-times.com/story/580990/Qatar-denies-it-asked-Al-Jazeera-to-drop-Israeli-l), but the paper stood by its story.

Swisher’s op-ed in The Forward was his first public comment on the matter since he had announced the documentary.

In it, he refutes Israel lobby allegations about the film and expresses frustration that Al Jazeera had not aired it, apparently due to outside pressure.

Several pro-Israel lawmakers in Washington have piled on more pressure by pushing (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) the Department of Justice to force Al Jazeera to register as a “foreign agent” under a counterespionage law dating from the 1930s.

The Israel lobby goes to Doha

While the film was delayed, a wave of prominent pro-Israel figures (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/qatar-turns-israel-escape-saudi-squeeze) visited Qatar at the invitation of its ruler, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/tamim-bin-hamad-al-thani-0).

They have included some of the most right-wing and extreme figures among Israel’s defenders in the US, such as (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/qatar-welcomes-head-zionist-organization-america) Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz and Morton Klein, the head of the Zionist Organization of America.

Swisher wrote in The Forward that he ran into Dershowitz at a Doha restaurant during one of these visits, and invited the professor to a private viewing of the film.

“I have no problem with any of the secret filming,” Swisher says Dershowitz told him afterwards. “And I can even see this being broadcast on PBS” – the US public broadcaster.

Yet it appears that Israel lobby efforts to quash the film were successful – until now.

The Lobby--USA (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/lobby-usa)
Al Jazeera (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/al-jazeera)
Orient XXI (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/orient-xxi)
Al-Akhbar (Lebanon) (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/al-akhbar-lebanon)
Qatar (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/qatar)
Israel Lobby (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-lobby)
Max Blumenthal (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/max-blumenthal)
The Grayzone Project (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/grayzone-project)
Alain Gresh (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/alain-gresh)
Antony Loewenstein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/antony-loewenstein)
BDS (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/bds)
Zionist Organization of America (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/zionist-organization-america)
Julia Reifkind (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/julia-reifkind)
Ministry of Strategic Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-foreign-affairs)
Sima Vaknin-Gil (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/sima-vaknin-gil)
Jacob Baime (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/jacob-baime)
Ian Hersh (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ian-hersh)
Adam Milstein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/adam-milstein)
Canary Mission (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/canary-mission)
The Israel Project (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-project)
Israel on Campus Coalition (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-campus-coalition)
Foundation for Defense of Democracies (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/foundation-defense-democracies-0)
Eric Gallagher (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/eric-gallagher)
AIPAC (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/aipac)
Josh Nathan-Kazis (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/josh-nathan-kazis)
The Forward (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/forward)
Clayton Swisher (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/clayton-swisher)
Haaretz (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/haaretz)
Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/tamim-bin-hamad-al-thani-0)
Alan Dershowitz (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/alan-dershowitz)
Morton Klein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/morton-klein)

https://npo.networkforgood.org/Core/Images/DonateNowButtons/Small/DarkRed.gif (https://npo.networkforgood.org/Donate/Donate.aspx?npoSubscriptionId=3728&code=node%2025876)

https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-08/aje_milstein_frame.jpg?itok=mEu7kU57&timestamp=1535395159 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356)

Censored film names Adam Milstein as Canary Mission funder (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356)

Asa Winstanley and Ali Abunimah 27 August 2018
https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-10/181029-julia-reifkind.png?itok=pzgAxJw4&timestamp=1540831731 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841)

Israeli embassy used fake Facebook profiles to spy on students (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841)

Asa Winstanley and Ali Abunimah 30 October 2018
https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-03/180305-jonathan-schanzer2.png?itok=vYdyIzpq&timestamp=1520272760 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496)

What's in Al Jazeera's undercover film on the US Israel lobby? (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496)

Asa Winstanley 5 March 2018

4th November 2018, 05:59 AM
Watch the video the Israeli lobby doesn’t want you to see Parts 1 and 2 here. The videos won’t embed. There is a link to part3 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356) in the article that I haven’t watched yet.


Watch the film the Israel lobby didn’t want you to see

The Electronic Intifada (https://electronicintifada.net/people/electronic-intifada) 2 November 2018

The Electronic Intifada has obtained a complete copy of The Lobby – USA, a four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaign in the United States.

It is today publishing the first two episodes. The Paris-based Orient XXI (https://orientxxi.info/magazine/un-documentaire-interdit-sur-le-lobby-pro-israelien-aux-etats-unis,2715) has published the same episodes with French subtitles.

The film was made by Al Jazeera during 2016 and was completed in October 2017.

But it was censored (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-qatari-emir-censored-israel-lobby-film) after Qatar, the gas-rich Gulf emirate that funds Al Jazeera, came under intense Israel lobby pressure (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) not to air the film.

Although Al Jazeera’s director-general claimed last month that there were outstanding legal issues with the film, his assertions have been flatly contradicted by his own journalists (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-qatari-emir-censored-israel-lobby-film).

In March, The Electronic Intifada was the first to report (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496) on any of the film’s specific content. We followed this in August (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356) by publishing the first extract of the film, and shortly after (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/censored-israel-lobby-film-starts-leaking) Max Blumenthal at the Grayzone Project released others.

Since then, The Electronic Intifada has released three other extracts (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/lobby-usa), and several other journalists have watched the entire film and written about it – including Alain Gresh (https://orientxxi.info/magazine/how-israel-spies-on-us-citizens,2598) and Antony Loewenstein (https://972mag.com/al-jazeera-film-us-israel-lobby/138412/).

Now The Electronic Intifada can reveal for the first time that it has obtained all four parts of the film.
You can watch the first two parts in the video embeds above and below.

(Videos won’t embed)

To get unprecedented access to the Israel lobby’s inner workings, undercover reporter “Tony” posed as a pro-Israel volunteer in Washington.

The resulting film exposes the efforts of Israel and its lobbyists to spy on, smear and intimidate US citizens who support Palestinian human rights, especially BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

It shows that Israel’s semi-covert black-ops (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israel-using-black-ops-against-bds-says-veteran-analyst) government agency, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs), is operating this effort in collusion with an extensive network of US-based organizations.

These include the Israel on Campus Coalition (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356), The Israel Project (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-reveals-israel-projects-secret-facebook-campaign/25486) and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496).

Censored by Qatar

The film was suppressed after the government of Qatar came under intense pressure not to release it – ironically from the very same lobby whose influence and antics the film exposes.

Clayton Swisher, Al Jazeera’s head of investigations, revealed (https://forward.com/opinion/396203/we-made-a-documentary-exposing-the-israel-lobby-why-hasnt-it-run/) in an article for The Forwardin March that Al Jazeera had sent more than 70 letters to individuals and organizations who appear in or are discussed in the film, providing them with an opportunity to respond.

Only three did so. Instead, pro-Israel groups have endeavored to suppress the film that exposes the lobby’s activities.

In April, Al Jazeera’s management was forced to deny a claim (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-it-canceled-us-israel-lobby-film) by the hard-right Zionist Organization of America that the film had been canceled altogether.

In June, The Electronic Intifada learned that a high level source (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) in Doha had said the film’s indefinite delay was due to “national security” concerns of the Qatari government.

Covert action

As revealed in a clip published by The Electronic Intifada earlier this week (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841), the film shows Julia Reifkind – then an Israeli embassy employee – describing her typical work day as “mainly gathering intel, reporting back to Israel … to report back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs.”

She discusses the Israeli government “giving our support” to front groups “in that behind-the-scenes way.”
Reifkind also admits to using fake Facebook profiles to infiltrate the circles of Palestine solidarity activists on campus.

The film also reveals that US-based groups coordinate their efforts directly with the Israeli government, particularly its Ministry of Strategic Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs).

Run by a former military intelligence officer, the ministry is in charge of Israel’s global campaign of covert sabotage (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/meet-spies-injecting-israeli-propaganda-your-news-feed) targeting the BDS movement.

The film shows footage of the very same ex-military intelligence officer, Sima Vaknin-Gil (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/sima-vaknin-gil), claiming to have mapped Palestinian rights activism “globally. Not just the United States, not just campuses, but campuses and intersectionality and labor unions and churches.”

She promises to use this data for “offense activity” against Palestine activists.

Jacob Baime, executive director of the Israel on Campus Coalition, claims in the undercover footage that his organization uses “corporate level, enterprise-grade social media intelligence software” to gather lists of Palestine-related student events on campus, “generally within about 30 seconds or less” of them being posted online.

Baime also admits on hidden camera that his group “coordinates” with the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs.
Baime states that his researchers “issue early warning alerts to our partners” – including Israeli ministries.

Baime’s colleague Ian Hersh admits in the film to adding Israel’s “Ministry of Strategic Affairs to our operations and intelligence brief.”

“Psychological warfare”

Baime describes how his group has used anonymous websites to target activists.

“With the anti-Israel people, what’s most effective, what we’ve found at least in the last year, is you do the opposition research, put up some anonymous website, and then put up targeted Facebook ads,” Baime explains in part three of the film (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356).

“Canary Mission is a good example,” he states. “It’s psychological warfare.”

The film names, for the first time, convicted tax evader (https://electronicintifada.net/content/why-did-israel-intervene-convicted-us-felon-adam-milstein/14117) Adam Milstein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/adam-milstein) as the multimillionaire funder and mastermind of Canary Mission – an anonymous smear site targeting student activists.

The Electronic Intifada revealed this in a clip in August (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356).

Eric Gallagher, then fundraising director for The Israel Project, is seen in the undercover footage admitting that “Adam Milstein, he’s the guy who funds” Canary Mission.

Milstein also funds The Israel Project, Gallagher states.

Gallagher says that when he was working for AIPAC (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/aipac), Washington’s most powerful Israel lobby group, “I was literally emailing back and forth with [Adam Milstein] while he was in jail.”

Despite not replying to Al Jazeera’s request for comment, Milstein denied (https://www.jta.org/2018/08/27/news-opinion/united-states/pro-israel-donor-adam-milstein-denies-report-funds-canary-mission) that he and his family foundation “are funders of Canary Mission” on the same day The Electronic Intifada published the clip.

Since then, Josh Nathan-Kazis of The Forward has identified several other groups (https://forward.com/news/national/412731/donor-distances-itself-from-canary-mission-but-critics-say-it-doesnt-go/) in the US who fund Canary Mission.

Suppressed film

In March, The Electronic Intifada published (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496) the first details of what is in the film.

We reported that it showed Sima Vaknin-Gil claiming to have leading neoconservative think tank the Foundation for Defense of Democracies working for her ministry.

The undercover footage shows Vaknin-Gil claiming that “We have FDD. We have others working on” projects including “data gathering, information analysis, working on activist organizations, money trail. This is something that only a country, with its resources, can do the best.”

As noted in part one of the documentary, the existence of the film and the identity of the undercover reporter became known after footage he had shot for it was used in Al Jazeera’s The Lobby (https://www.aljazeera.com/investigations/thelobby/) – about Israel’s covert influence campaign in the UK – aired in early 2017.

Since then, Israel lobbyists have heavily pressured Qatar to prevent the US film from airing.

“Foreign agent”

Clayton Swisher, Al Jazeera’s head of investigations, first confirmed in October 2017 (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/vindicated-uk-al-jazeera-reveal-secrets-us-israel-lobby)that the network had run an undercover reporter in the US Israel lobby at the same time as in the UK.

Swisher promised the film would be released “very soon,” but it never came out.

Multiple Israel lobby sources told (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-qatar-to-u-s-jewish-leaders-al-jazeera-israel-lobby-film-won-t-air-1.5803936) Israel’s Haaretz newspaper in February that they had received assurances from Qatari leaders late last year that the documentary would not be aired.

Qatar denied this (http://www.gulf-times.com/story/580990/Qatar-denies-it-asked-Al-Jazeera-to-drop-Israeli-l), but the paper stood by its story.

Swisher’s op-ed in The Forward was his first public comment on the matter since he had announced the documentary.

In it, he refutes Israel lobby allegations about the film and expresses frustration that Al Jazeera had not aired it, apparently due to outside pressure.

Several pro-Israel lawmakers in Washington have piled on more pressure by pushing (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) the Department of Justice to force Al Jazeera to register as a “foreign agent” under a counterespionage law dating from the 1930s.

The Israel lobby goes to Doha

While the film was delayed, a wave of prominent pro-Israel figures (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/qatar-turns-israel-escape-saudi-squeeze) visited Qatar at the invitation of its ruler, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/tamim-bin-hamad-al-thani-0).

They have included some of the most right-wing and extreme figures among Israel’s defenders in the US, such as (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/qatar-welcomes-head-zionist-organization-america) Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz and Morton Klein, the head of the Zionist Organization of America.

Swisher wrote in The Forward that he ran into Dershowitz at a Doha restaurant during one of these visits, and invited the professor to a private viewing of the film.

“I have no problem with any of the secret filming,” Swisher says Dershowitz told him afterwards. “And I can even see this being broadcast on PBS” – the US public broadcaster.

Yet it appears that Israel lobby efforts to quash the film were successful – until now.

The Lobby--USA (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/lobby-usa)
Al Jazeera (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/al-jazeera)
Orient XXI (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/orient-xxi)
Al-Akhbar (Lebanon) (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/al-akhbar-lebanon)
Qatar (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/qatar)
Israel Lobby (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-lobby)
Max Blumenthal (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/max-blumenthal)
The Grayzone Project (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/grayzone-project)
Alain Gresh (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/alain-gresh)
Antony Loewenstein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/antony-loewenstein)
BDS (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/bds)
Zionist Organization of America (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/zionist-organization-america)
Julia Reifkind (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/julia-reifkind)
Ministry of Strategic Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-foreign-affairs)
Sima Vaknin-Gil (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/sima-vaknin-gil)
Jacob Baime (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/jacob-baime)
Ian Hersh (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ian-hersh)
Adam Milstein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/adam-milstein)
Canary Mission (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/canary-mission)
The Israel Project (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-project)
Israel on Campus Coalition (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/israel-campus-coalition)
Foundation for Defense of Democracies (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/foundation-defense-democracies-0)
Eric Gallagher (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/eric-gallagher)
AIPAC (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/aipac)
Josh Nathan-Kazis (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/josh-nathan-kazis)
The Forward (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/forward)
Clayton Swisher (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/clayton-swisher)
Haaretz (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/haaretz)
Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/tamim-bin-hamad-al-thani-0)
Alan Dershowitz (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/alan-dershowitz)
Morton Klein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/morton-klein)

https://npo.networkforgood.org/Core/Images/DonateNowButtons/Small/DarkRed.gif (https://npo.networkforgood.org/Donate/Donate.aspx?npoSubscriptionId=3728&code=node%2025876)

https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-08/aje_milstein_frame.jpg?itok=mEu7kU57&timestamp=1535395159 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356)

Censored film names Adam Milstein as Canary Mission funder (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356)

Asa Winstanley and Ali Abunimah 27 August 2018
https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-10/181029-julia-reifkind.png?itok=pzgAxJw4&timestamp=1540831731 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841)

Israeli embassy used fake Facebook profiles to spy on students (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841)

Asa Winstanley and Ali Abunimah 30 October 2018
https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-03/180305-jonathan-schanzer2.png?itok=vYdyIzpq&timestamp=1520272760 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496)

What's in Al Jazeera's undercover film on the US Israel lobby? (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496)

Asa Winstanley 5 March 2018

BUMP for an excellent Monty post.

5th November 2018, 07:45 AM
Waiting for Trump's speech. Could be interesting? Will Trump gargle Jew balls like the last two idiots?

Who owns this country anyway?...never mind. Maybe the US should turn the White House into a big Synagogue and take down the US flags.


Here is your hero EE.


6th November 2018, 09:36 AM
Watch the video the Israeli lobby doesn’t want you to see Parts 1 and 2 here. The videos won’t embed. There is a link to part3 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356) in the article that I haven’t watched yet.


Watch the film the Israel lobby didn’t want you to see

The Electronic Intifada (https://electronicintifada.net/people/electronic-intifada) 2 November 2018

The Electronic Intifada has obtained a complete copy of The Lobby – USA, a four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaign in the United States.

It is today publishing the first two episodes. The Paris-based Orient XXI (https://orientxxi.info/magazine/un-documentaire-interdit-sur-le-lobby-pro-israelien-aux-etats-unis,2715) has published the same episodes with French subtitles.

The film was made by Al Jazeera during 2016 and was completed in October 2017.

But it was censored (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-qatari-emir-censored-israel-lobby-film) after Qatar, the gas-rich Gulf emirate that funds Al Jazeera, came under intense Israel lobby pressure (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) not to air the film.

Although Al Jazeera’s director-general claimed last month that there were outstanding legal issues with the film, his assertions have been flatly contradicted by his own journalists (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-qatari-emir-censored-israel-lobby-film).

In March, The Electronic Intifada was the first to report (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496) on any of the film’s specific content. We followed this in August (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356) by publishing the first extract of the film, and shortly after (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/censored-israel-lobby-film-starts-leaking) Max Blumenthal at the Grayzone Project released others.

Since then, The Electronic Intifada has released three other extracts (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/lobby-usa), and several other journalists have watched the entire film and written about it – including Alain Gresh (https://orientxxi.info/magazine/how-israel-spies-on-us-citizens,2598) and Antony Loewenstein (https://972mag.com/al-jazeera-film-us-israel-lobby/138412/).

Now The Electronic Intifada can reveal for the first time that it has obtained all four parts of the film.
You can watch the first two parts in the video embeds above and below.

(Videos won’t embed)

To get unprecedented access to the Israel lobby’s inner workings, undercover reporter “Tony” posed as a pro-Israel volunteer in Washington.

The resulting film exposes the efforts of Israel and its lobbyists to spy on, smear and intimidate US citizens who support Palestinian human rights, especially BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

It shows that Israel’s semi-covert black-ops (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israel-using-black-ops-against-bds-says-veteran-analyst) government agency, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs), is operating this effort in collusion with an extensive network of US-based organizations.

These include the Israel on Campus Coalition (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356), The Israel Project (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-reveals-israel-projects-secret-facebook-campaign/25486) and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496).

Censored by Qatar

The film was suppressed after the government of Qatar came under intense pressure not to release it – ironically from the very same lobby whose influence and antics the film exposes.

Clayton Swisher, Al Jazeera’s head of investigations, revealed (https://forward.com/opinion/396203/we-made-a-documentary-exposing-the-israel-lobby-why-hasnt-it-run/) in an article for The Forwardin March that Al Jazeera had sent more than 70 letters to individuals and organizations who appear in or are discussed in the film, providing them with an opportunity to respond.

Only three did so. Instead, pro-Israel groups have endeavored to suppress the film that exposes the lobby’s activities.

In April, Al Jazeera’s management was forced to deny a claim (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/al-jazeera-denies-it-canceled-us-israel-lobby-film) by the hard-right Zionist Organization of America that the film had been canceled altogether.

In June, The Electronic Intifada learned that a high level source (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) in Doha had said the film’s indefinite delay was due to “national security” concerns of the Qatari government.

Covert action

As revealed in a clip published by The Electronic Intifada earlier this week (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841), the film shows Julia Reifkind – then an Israeli embassy employee – describing her typical work day as “mainly gathering intel, reporting back to Israel … to report back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs.”

She discusses the Israeli government “giving our support” to front groups “in that behind-the-scenes way.”
Reifkind also admits to using fake Facebook profiles to infiltrate the circles of Palestine solidarity activists on campus.

The film also reveals that US-based groups coordinate their efforts directly with the Israeli government, particularly its Ministry of Strategic Affairs (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ministry-strategic-affairs).

Run by a former military intelligence officer, the ministry is in charge of Israel’s global campaign of covert sabotage (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/meet-spies-injecting-israeli-propaganda-your-news-feed) targeting the BDS movement.

The film shows footage of the very same ex-military intelligence officer, Sima Vaknin-Gil (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/sima-vaknin-gil), claiming to have mapped Palestinian rights activism “globally. Not just the United States, not just campuses, but campuses and intersectionality and labor unions and churches.”

She promises to use this data for “offense activity” against Palestine activists.

Jacob Baime, executive director of the Israel on Campus Coalition, claims in the undercover footage that his organization uses “corporate level, enterprise-grade social media intelligence software” to gather lists of Palestine-related student events on campus, “generally within about 30 seconds or less” of them being posted online.

Baime also admits on hidden camera that his group “coordinates” with the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs.
Baime states that his researchers “issue early warning alerts to our partners” – including Israeli ministries.

Baime’s colleague Ian Hersh admits in the film to adding Israel’s “Ministry of Strategic Affairs to our operations and intelligence brief.”

“Psychological warfare”

Baime describes how his group has used anonymous websites to target activists.

“With the anti-Israel people, what’s most effective, what we’ve found at least in the last year, is you do the opposition research, put up some anonymous website, and then put up targeted Facebook ads,” Baime explains in part three of the film (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356).

“Canary Mission is a good example,” he states. “It’s psychological warfare.”

The film names, for the first time, convicted tax evader (https://electronicintifada.net/content/why-did-israel-intervene-convicted-us-felon-adam-milstein/14117) Adam Milstein (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/adam-milstein) as the multimillionaire funder and mastermind of Canary Mission – an anonymous smear site targeting student activists.

The Electronic Intifada revealed this in a clip in August (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356).

Eric Gallagher, then fundraising director for The Israel Project, is seen in the undercover footage admitting that “Adam Milstein, he’s the guy who funds” Canary Mission.

Milstein also funds The Israel Project, Gallagher states.

Gallagher says that when he was working for AIPAC (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/aipac), Washington’s most powerful Israel lobby group, “I was literally emailing back and forth with [Adam Milstein] while he was in jail.”

Despite not replying to Al Jazeera’s request for comment, Milstein denied (https://www.jta.org/2018/08/27/news-opinion/united-states/pro-israel-donor-adam-milstein-denies-report-funds-canary-mission) that he and his family foundation “are funders of Canary Mission” on the same day The Electronic Intifada published the clip.

Since then, Josh Nathan-Kazis of The Forward has identified several other groups (https://forward.com/news/national/412731/donor-distances-itself-from-canary-mission-but-critics-say-it-doesnt-go/) in the US who fund Canary Mission.

Suppressed film

In March, The Electronic Intifada published (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496) the first details of what is in the film.

We reported that it showed Sima Vaknin-Gil claiming to have leading neoconservative think tank the Foundation for Defense of Democracies working for her ministry.

The undercover footage shows Vaknin-Gil claiming that “We have FDD. We have others working on” projects including “data gathering, information analysis, working on activist organizations, money trail. This is something that only a country, with its resources, can do the best.”

As noted in part one of the documentary, the existence of the film and the identity of the undercover reporter became known after footage he had shot for it was used in Al Jazeera’s The Lobby (https://www.aljazeera.com/investigations/thelobby/) – about Israel’s covert influence campaign in the UK – aired in early 2017.

Since then, Israel lobbyists have heavily pressured Qatar to prevent the US film from airing.

“Foreign agent”

Clayton Swisher, Al Jazeera’s head of investigations, first confirmed in October 2017 (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/vindicated-uk-al-jazeera-reveal-secrets-us-israel-lobby)that the network had run an undercover reporter in the US Israel lobby at the same time as in the UK.

Swisher promised the film would be released “very soon,” but it never came out.

Multiple Israel lobby sources told (https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-qatar-to-u-s-jewish-leaders-al-jazeera-israel-lobby-film-won-t-air-1.5803936) Israel’s Haaretz newspaper in February that they had received assurances from Qatari leaders late last year that the documentary would not be aired.

Qatar denied this (http://www.gulf-times.com/story/580990/Qatar-denies-it-asked-Al-Jazeera-to-drop-Israeli-l), but the paper stood by its story.

Swisher’s op-ed in The Forward was his first public comment on the matter since he had announced the documentary.

In it, he refutes Israel lobby allegations about the film and expresses frustration that Al Jazeera had not aired it, apparently due to outside pressure.

Several pro-Israel lawmakers in Washington have piled on more pressure by pushing (https://electronicintifada.net/content/national-security-cited-reason-al-jazeera-nixed-israel-lobby-film/24566) the Department of Justice to force Al Jazeera to register as a “foreign agent” under a counterespionage law dating from the 1930s.

The Israel lobby goes to Doha

While the film was delayed, a wave of prominent pro-Israel figures (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/qatar-turns-israel-escape-saudi-squeeze) visited Qatar at the invitation of its ruler, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/tamim-bin-hamad-al-thani-0).

They have included some of the most right-wing and extreme figures among Israel’s defenders in the US, such as (https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/qatar-welcomes-head-zionist-organization-america) Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz and Morton Klein, the head of the Zionist Organization of America.

Swisher wrote in The Forward that he ran into Dershowitz at a Doha restaurant during one of these visits, and invited the professor to a private viewing of the film.

“I have no problem with any of the secret filming,” Swisher says Dershowitz told him afterwards. “And I can even see this being broadcast on PBS” – the US public broadcaster.

Yet it appears that Israel lobby efforts to quash the film were successful – until now.

The Lobby--USA (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/lobby-usa)
Al Jazeera (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/al-jazeera)
Orient XXI (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/orient-xxi)
Al-Akhbar (Lebanon) (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/al-akhbar-lebanon)
Qatar (https://electronicintifada.net/tags/qatar)
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https://npo.networkforgood.org/Core/Images/DonateNowButtons/Small/DarkRed.gif (https://npo.networkforgood.org/Donate/Donate.aspx?npoSubscriptionId=3728&code=node%2025876)

https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-08/aje_milstein_frame.jpg?itok=mEu7kU57&timestamp=1535395159 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356)

Censored film names Adam Milstein as Canary Mission funder (https://electronicintifada.net/content/censored-film-names-adam-milstein-canary-mission-funder/25356)

Asa Winstanley and Ali Abunimah 27 August 2018
https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-10/181029-julia-reifkind.png?itok=pzgAxJw4&timestamp=1540831731 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841)

Israeli embassy used fake Facebook profiles to spy on students (https://electronicintifada.net/content/israeli-embassy-used-fake-facebook-profiles-spy-students/25841)

Asa Winstanley and Ali Abunimah 30 October 2018
https://electronicintifada.net/sites/default/files/styles/square_200w/public/2018-03/180305-jonathan-schanzer2.png?itok=vYdyIzpq&timestamp=1520272760 (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496)

What's in Al Jazeera's undercover film on the US Israel lobby? (https://electronicintifada.net/content/whats-al-jazeeras-undercover-film-us-israel-lobby/23496)

Asa Winstanley 5 March 2018

Watch final episodes of Al Jazeera film on US Israel lobby (https://electronicintifada.net/content/watch-final-episodes-al-jazeera-film-us-israel-lobby/25896)

11th November 2018, 08:02 PM
If he get's elected he'll be at the wailing wall wearing a kippah and placing a paper note in the cracks of that roman wall.

Norweger nailed it.

11th November 2018, 08:04 PM
Netenyahu's Toy

13th November 2018, 03:12 PM

13th November 2018, 05:21 PM
