View Full Version : Tomi Lahren - Where are the Men?

23rd March 2016, 07:22 AM

She's probably right about Millennial males but...
Questions for Tomi:
Do you know how to treat a man?
Do you know how to be faithful?
Do you really know how to cook well?
Do you know how to clean a home properly?
Do you know how to keep your legs together?
Do you know how to keep you mouth off of other girls vaginas?
Do you know how to shut the fuck up!

23rd March 2016, 07:48 AM

23rd March 2016, 09:21 AM
Most bitches can't handle a real man. The liberal socialized society is geared toward catering to FEELINGS, not reality or what is good long term. It is for immediate self-gratification.

23rd March 2016, 12:18 PM
USA Then was faggotry in full effect. It was not a better time than now.

Take the 2 fags out of the middle of the "Germany Now" pic and Germany wins.

23rd March 2016, 12:43 PM
It goes both ways..

Being a man from Generation X and have been called the stereotypical "Alpha male" (Whatever that means other than not being a fag and letting others push you around I guess) in some of my relationships women for the most part prefer a dominate man. Male traits on intelligence, strength and the ability to provide for their needs, emotional, physical and over all well being (i.e. not being a pussy and beating them).

The challenge for men is finding a woman who hasn't been brain washed by Feminism to believe woman are equal to a man with regards to physical strength and abilities. We are all different, it's time we recognize and work with our differences to each others advantage instead of trying to play the "We're all equal" bullshit. It isn't working out well and you end up with what we have now. A bunch of closet dwelling beta Millennial males, and females who will screw anything that offers them attention....

23rd March 2016, 01:21 PM
I have a tip for Tomi... don't date men without jobs... then they won't be buying you drinks with their mama's credit card.

If I am interested, when asked out, I have pre-date questions. Otherwise I say, "Thank you, I'm not interested."

The first question I pop in there is, "What do you do (guys name here)?"

For women, there are literally hundreds of good men at the race car tracks.
I have a buddy who races slalom and drag and loves car sports. I've gone with him to several events and most of the men I've casually met there are smart, hard working, good guys.
Even the ones with high dollar vehicles, (I thought they'd be rich snobs) are just regular joes having fun.

23rd March 2016, 04:18 PM

24th March 2016, 04:33 AM
I'm pretty sure I would be able to check her oil, lube her gears and send her home with a smile on her face

24th March 2016, 05:21 AM
I'm pretty sure I would be able to check her oil, lube her gears and send her home with a smile on her face
She needs a good spanking.

24th March 2016, 05:32 AM
She needs a good spanking.

Yes....yes she does!