View Full Version : Pervy Ted Cruz Caught Cheating — With 5 Secret Mistresses!
24th March 2016, 05:41 AM
Presidential candidate Ted Cruz is trying to survive an explosive “dirt file” on the finger-wagging conservative senator!
And the new issue of The National ENQUIRER — on newsstands now — reveals how the reports say the staunch Republican is hiding FIVE different mistresses!
“Private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” claimed a Washington insider.
“The leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign!”
The ENQUIRER reports that Cruz’s claimed mistresses include a foxy political consultant and a high-placed D.C. attorney!
There are also whispers of other intimate late-night sessions Ted has had in Washington — and even a wild sex worker makes the cut!
Yes it is from the National Enquirer, keep in mind though that they ended the careers of Gary Hart, and John Edwards by exposing them. Lyin Ted is a Harvard educated lawyer, he could turn around and sue them for libel as of right now, IF it's not true. :)
24th March 2016, 05:44 AM
Yes it is from the National Enquirer, keep in mind though that they ended the careers of Gary Hart, and John Edwards by exposing them. Lyin Ted is a Harvard educated lawyer, he could turn around and sue them for libel as of right now, IF it's not true. :)
Very true, this wont help his campain.
24th March 2016, 05:56 AM
Very true, this wont help his campain.
Luckily the evangelicals are a forgiving bunch... ;D
24th March 2016, 07:27 AM
To be sure there are a lot whores out there to think Cruz could have 5 mistresses, including a foxy political consultant, as ugly as he is. Trump was considered a good looking man most of his life, by most women. At least Trump is still wallet handsome. Cruz was an ugly slimy fucker all his life.
I love the manipulated Fox polls coming out showing Trump as the most untrustworthy of the 5 still in the race. Also every candidate that was in the race can beat Hillary easily, except Trump. No republican can beat Trump, but Hillary slaughters Trump in the general. What a joke!
24th March 2016, 07:33 AM
To be sure are a lot whores out there to think Cruz could have 5 mistresses, including a foxy political consultant as ugly as he is. Trump was considered a good looking man most of his life, by most women. At least Trump is still wallet handsome. Cruz was an ugly slimy fucker all his life.
I love the manipulated Fox polls coming out showing Trump as the most untrustworthy of the 5 still in the race. Also every candidate that was in the race can beat Hillary easily, except Trump. No republican can beat Trump, but Hillary slaughters Trump in the general. What a joke!
Joseph Goebbels would look at American Media with envy if he were alive today.
24th March 2016, 09:01 AM
Joseph Goebbels would look at American Media with envy if he were alive today.It's so much easier to propagandize a nation when it's filled with intellectually dumbed down people.
24th March 2016, 10:43 AM
mick silver
24th March 2016, 01:29 PM
god help this country .......... are we there yet ..............;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAANIAAAAmCAYAAAC xmsVNAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJc EhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAAM9SURBVHhe7dlLSFVBHAbwr1Q EF6KSkPiqBCt3QqEg6KqHhWuphVAi9gAXhVAkGAm2EApt0UOsV YVQYJmZBUKpoCLYQoQEQcFUdKGICIJS8/W/g9LCu3Du7vvB4dz5nzlzXcznzOiBPw5EZF8ORu4isg/Rg9TZCVy6DDQ/tPa799bu6rI2TU1ZjdfsrNWePtup7b6ors4+Ly9bm+/X1wPnzgO1tcD3H1anO3etr/++piZrT09bm/iMtRs3I4WIhgar+59JJEaiB4mTengYaG+3EI24z2xvbdvz9XWg tdVqvD58tLrn65R+yPoPDAITE0BCAjA0BFy4CHR/AuLjga/fgOpqoL/f3unttffvuVAwcOzHdlqaPV9ZARrvW419JyetTgMDwOiojSsSQ 9GDtPu3eWMjMOgmPh3JtXtPD/DZTeD8fGv39dn9+jXg8SP7nJQEvH0DtLUBc3PA6iqQlQWkpNhK t+1C2dLixnIhqamxNoPEkKyt2RgbG7bicBXjeKmpVm9utj7++3 u/2H1pCZhfAHKygcxMq4nESPQgceJTeblN5sVFa+e6IHGi+y1fQY HduSL4VcG/y9B4c7/tnhWZ3D4oDMjmplt1flm7tAyYmbHP/K68vJ3tnB9vbMxWybg44HgkSN3ddp+fd6vmFpCdY22RGNo7SAw OJ3piIvDErSaFhVZPTnbbtHTggTuv8DlXB05q1smvCv4MxBB4/4fr9i278+xz4qRtJc+escuvhgzpc3fm8uNzNeSqxe0eZWQA4z8 tUHyHQV5wqxFxe3f0mF0dHVYTCWzvP38zJC9f2QS+esWC8dpt0 TIOAxUVwAt3biI+Y5/xcQsCn1dWWri4FTx9Cigpsb7/zkwjQHGRu4qtxm0cz0pU5GoMEfm+/n0/PoOV54LB81KaC3FVlfVnm6tWWamFn+et3TiuXzlFAtL/kUQCiH5GEpGoFCSRABQkkQAUJJEAFCSRABQkkQAUJJEAFCSRAB QkkQAUJJEAFCSRABQkkQAUJJEAFCSRABQkkQAUJJEAFCSRABQk kQAUJJEAFCSRABQkkQAUJJEAFCSRABQkkQAUJJEAFCSRABQkkQ AUJJEAFCSRfQP+Ap+LCWfnqA+eAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
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