View Full Version : Ted Cruz massive sex scandal
24th March 2016, 10:09 PM
So apparently he's had at least 5 affairs.
Three of the five have been identified.
One of them is Katrina Pierson, who is Trump's spokeswoman.
Furthermore, it also appears that Cruz was a user of Ashley Madison.
One of the women, a heavy twitter user, is silent on this.
Total silence from the Cruz campaign at this time.
Katrina closed her instagram account.
( Isgur Flores was the campaign manager for Carly Fiorina.. This may explain the transfer of $500,000 from the Ted Cruz PAC to the Carly Fiorina PAC
Sneaky rato is fucking the campaign manager of every candidate his own, donald's, and carly...that leaves the schoolteacher and the call girl for numbers 4 and 5.
"Apparently Trump hired one of Cruz's alleged mistresses. She contacted him last year, prior to him officially announcing his campaign, at a tea party event. (I won't publish any names, but i know who it is.) I assume that the story is real and that Trump prepared for more than a year to use it against Cruz. However I don't think that it's an intentional leak because Kasich is still in the race and Trump said he wants Cruz 1 on 1. I guess he intended to use it against Cruz if Kasich had lost Ohio and dropped out."
Washington Times columnist backs up the claims.
Katrina just liked a tweet about the sex scandal!
"First lets lay down some facts.
1. In 2012, Katrina Pierson heavily endorsed Ted Cruz when he ran for the Senate.
2. In 2014, Katrina Pierson runs for House of Rep. Ted Cruz never official endorses her.
3. Donald Trump is good friends with Rupert Murdoch, owner of the National Enquirer.
When you put together the pieces, its clear that Trump brought in Katrina because Ted Cruz scorned her, and the Don figured she had some dirt on him. Fastfoward to the past couple days Trump "insults" Ted Cruz's wife. Ted Cruz being the 'good' husband immediately defends her. Is it really a coincidence that the National Enquirer releases a story that paints Cruz as an unfaithful? I believe that Donald engineered this whole scenario to kill Cruz's credibility among evangelicals."
Two days ago Donald Trump threatened to ‘spill the beans’ on Ted Cruz’s wife (
"It's amazing that he waited until the establishment had compromised all its values by backing Ted Cruz. Literally hours after Jeb endorses Cruz, this happens.
Part of me truly believes he's been planning this since 9/11. This is him destroying the Bush legacy."
"Journalist and some Cruz supporters might have known about the #CruzSexScandal for a while, they dubbed it #TheThing. More: Breitbart was going to run an article on it but it was canned because Pro-Cruz Shapiro was the Editor "
As Soon As Jeb Endorsed Ted, His Campaign Got Destroyed. Everything the Guac Boy Touches Turns To Shit.
Breitbart confirms this was their big story that got shut down! Allum Bokhari @LibertarianBlue (
I hate getting scooped.
Retweets 97
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11:10 PM - 24 Mar 2016
24th March 2016, 10:30 PM
I'm sure the average ChristCuck Cruz supporter who adopts their token Nigger-child will ignore this.
24th March 2016, 11:26 PM
Fourth mistress? Developing...
24th March 2016, 11:37 PM
Tons of /pol/ threads on this guys:
24th March 2016, 11:40 PM
Looks like Ben Shapiro ( knew about this and stalled it.
This is awesome Take 2 birds out with 1 stone. Lets do it goys.
24th March 2016, 11:48 PM
>Trump says he wants to take a vacation to see Barron
>Leaves a week without rallies
>Goes home to kick back and relax, but not before planting a "spill the beans" threat to provoke investigation
>Cruz disappears before Trump comes back onto the campaign trail
>Trump made sure Cruz got enough delegates to push other candidates out of the race and deny Kasich any chance after Utah
>He's running unopposed
25th March 2016, 01:25 AM
Ted Cruz betting odds dropping like a rock
25th March 2016, 01:25 AM
25th March 2016, 01:27 AM
I forget who I heard suggest that this Cruz mistress thing was deliberate, designed as codespeak to offset some feeling Cruz was being viewed as something less than an alpha male. Is this plausible? I don't watch any TV incl the debates; though I may watch a YT of the highlights; usually not even that... I inevitably catch the clip of any bombshell/game-changer moments. So that is to say, I haven't followed Cruz at all, ditto the other candidates x-Trump coz that's a phenom. So, was/is Cruz considered a little too soft in the alpha-ometer? Little too "Mr. Rogers (Neighborhood)?" Anal-retentive?
watch the last 1 min of this 4 min vid; I may have my answer right there. Slippery little chameleon, at best. :rolleyes:
Ted Cruz the Petty And Disgusting FAKE Anti-Establishment Candidate (Redsilverj) (
1 month ago
25th March 2016, 05:06 AM
Ted Cruz betting odds dropping like a rock
Your numbers are backwards. Cruz has the 49% not Trump
25th March 2016, 06:05 AM
Cliff notes:
>National Enquirer reporting 5 El Rato affairs
>@LibertarianBlue at Breitbart knew about the story NOW CONFIRMED
>Story was shut down by Editor at Large @BenShapiro
>Investigation continues to find "Lollipop", potential tranny prostitute
Fire up your twitter accounts and spread the following hashtags
Reminder to talk about the five as victims, not sluts or whores. El Rato is the bad guy here.
The time is NOW. This is the moment, the opportunity that we have been waiting for.
>Katrina Pierson
>Sarah Isgur Flores
>Amanda Carpenter
@Nero / @BenShapiro / @realDonaldTrump / @senTedCruz / @theHill / @BreitbartNews / @FoxNews / @HeidiCruz / @BretBaier
>Breitbart reporter @LibertarianBlue had this story for Breitbart in early February
>Ask @BenShapiro why that story was censored!
>Story broken by same journalist as John Edwards scandal
>Wash Times reporter confirms story here:
25th March 2016, 06:33 AM
I believe that Donald engineered this whole scenario to kill Cruz's credibility among evangelicals."I totally called this one. Proof:
25th March 2016, 08:19 AM
( Slut Ted Cruz ( (
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The same National Enquirer ( broke the John Edwards impregnation of a woman as his wife was rotting from cancer, has now released their undercover investigation which found that Rafael Ted Cruz has cheated on Heidi Nelson Cruz with 5 different bimbo.
The Lame Cherry will defend Ted Cruz against these reckless charges which are selling Ted Cruz short. Upon inquiry from the Lame Cherry, that number is 10 women are in the cheat sheet column with Ted Cruz, and he is actively dumping sperm into two of these women as of this date.
Ah to clarify this, one of these women that Ted Cruz is active with, dresses up like a male in a sort of cross dressing tranny, and sucks Ted's dick.
Ted Cruz is bi sexual according to inquiry. His college Nig, you can witness by the upstairs photo, has Ted very uncomfortable with where the Afriod has his hand and is dreaming of putting his dick with Ted. Let me be clear though, that Ted Cruz does not take dick up the ass. Ted is like Obama in getting his dick licked and performing hand jobs in response.
Inquiry points to the Ted is a fudge packer, likes to give it from behind and these last two birds are not licking the lolly.
Ted is very careful, almost to the paranoid, as he is not going to have any Monica blue dress moments. No cell phones allowed and the toilet flush is where the condoms all go
It says one of the women works for him. I wonder if that was in the Robert Mercer donation.
Heidi Cruz is apparently a non cheater. Then again, after being with Ted women seem to commit suicide or run to Donald Trump for protection.
Who was it that vouched for Ted Cruz? Why it was Khazaran mafia Mark Levin and Viagra Rush Limbaugh. Last time I checked Ronald Reagan was not listed in Man Whores Are Us.
guess who
25th March 2016, 08:51 AM
The liberal media is doing everything to clear the way for (liberal) Trump to clinch the nomination.
25th March 2016, 09:12 AM
The liberal media is doing everything to clear the way for (liberal) Trump to clinch the nomination.
It's all a show... You get to choose between liberal fascist Zionist Trump or Fascist liberal Zionist Clinton. It's going to be fantastic it's going to be awesome...
25th March 2016, 10:33 AM
25th March 2016, 10:39 AM
LOL. Called out on CNN and she won't deny it.
25th March 2016, 10:59 AM
LOL. Called out on CNN and she won't deny it.
Kinda sounded like she denied it to me.
25th March 2016, 11:05 AM
Neither Cruz, or Amanda has threatened to sue the Enquirer...wonder why? Perhaps they don't want a full blown investigation?
25th March 2016, 11:09 AM
"This is the first time Memetic Warfare has been properly harnessed. Think about it for a moment
Trump has been calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted" for months and months
Trump hires Katrina Pierson, easily finds out what happened between her and Ted
Trump holds onto this information, waits until Rubio is gone
It's just Trump and Cruz
Trump baits Cruz into the Heidi vs Melania feud
Trump waits until the ultimate moment, plenty of time before the next caucuses, just enough attention on Ted, no real people to replace him...
Trump's people give the Inquirer the go ahead to print the story, having to turn to them after Breitbart failed.
Then all Donald J. Trump has to do is get one of his Internet People (God I want that job) to stick the picture on /pol/ and the thing they need to type to completely destroy his opponent's career and public life:
After riding Mr. Trump's wild ride for nearly 28 hours without sleep I think I'm gonna hit the sack.
Thanks for shitposting a man out of the Presidential race with me, The_Donald.
Props to the mods for their thrice-stickying of my posts.*
Thanks to those that listened to me ramble on the Steve Kane show earlier."
25th March 2016, 11:10 AM
Neither Cruz, or Amanda has threatened to sue the Enquirer...wonder why? Perhaps they don't want a full blown investigation?
If it's really untrue then it's Libel and NE could be sued for it.. If true, they can't sue as the witnesses would be called to testify and swear under oath that they did / did not sleep with Scruz.
25th March 2016, 11:12 AM
Kinda sounded like she denied it to me.
Nope...she just said "what's out there is tabloid trash", (very general) It's categorically false (what category?). Sounds like she's using semantics to avoid actually denying the allegation.
25th March 2016, 11:13 AM
Neither Cruz, or Amanda has threatened to sue the Enquirer...wonder why? Perhaps they don't want a full blown investigation?
I wonder how the MSM will keep this quiet?
Looks like this story broke almost exactly 2 days ago:
Dirty Politics!
SHOCKING CLAIMS: Pervy Ted Cruz Caught Cheating — With 5 Secret Mistresses!
The romps that could destroy his presidential campaign!
By J.R. Taylor (
Mar 23, 2016 @ 14:19PM
Getty/National ENQUIRER
Presidential candidate Ted Cruz is trying to survive an explosive “dirt file” on the finger-wagging conservative senator!
And the new issue of The National ENQUIRER ( — on newsstands now — reveals how the reports say the staunch Republican is hiding FIVE different mistresses!
PHOTOS: Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton ‘Allowed’ Husband Bill To Go After Women!
“Private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” claimed a Washington insider.
“The leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign!”
The ENQUIRER reports that Cruz’s claimed mistresses include a foxy political consultant and a high-placed D.C. attorney!
PHOTOS: Barack And Michelle Obama: Secrets And Scandals Of The White House Marriage
There are also whispers of other intimate late-night sessions Ted has had in Washington — and even a wild sex worker makes the cut!
Get the full list of ladies in Ted Cruz’s Mistress File — only in the new National ENQUIRER, on newsstands now!
25th March 2016, 11:13 AM
If it's really untrue then it's Libel and NE could be sued for it.. If true, they can't sue as the witnesses would be called to testify and swear under oath that they did / did not sleep with Scruz.
25th March 2016, 11:13 AM
Cruz responds.
edit: And its already happening.
25th March 2016, 11:16 AM
Ted Cruz Responds to National Enquirer Allegations: ‘These Smears Are Completely False’
by Alex Griswold ( | 2:03 pm, March 25th, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz took to Facebook Friday ( to denounce a National Enquirer story accusing him of carrying on several affairs (, pointing out that the Enquirer is run by a close friend of Donald Trump and accusing his GOP rival of being behind the story.
“I want to be crystal clear: these attacks are garbage,” Cruz said. “For Donald J. Trump to enlist his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding shows you that there is no low Donald won’t go.” Trump is reportedly “very close” ( with The National Enquirer publisher David Pecker.
“These smears are completely false, they’re offensive to Heidi and me, they’re offensive to our daughters, and they’re offensive to everyone Donald continues to personally attack,” he continued. “Donald Trump’s consistently disgraceful behavior is beneath the office we are seeking and we are not going to follow.”
[Image via screengrab]
25th March 2016, 11:16 AM
LoL! Who's smearing now, with no evidence.
25th March 2016, 11:22 AM
LoL! Who's smearing now, with no evidence.
"I don't control my superPACs, but Trump controls the National Enquirer!"
midnight rambler
25th March 2016, 11:25 AM
LoL! Who's smearing now, with no evidence.
Well quit Scruzing around Rafael, SUE the NE for libel!
25th March 2016, 11:30 AM
LoL! Who's smearing now, with no evidence.
I don't know why, but it just seems like Cruz has a hard time keeping a strait face while talking. Maybe it's just me, but I keep involuntarily smiling because I feel like he's about to crack a smile.
25th March 2016, 11:33 AM
Well quit Scruzing around Rafael, SUE the NE for libel!
LOL you and I both know that won't happen. They are a tabloid magazine, it's known trash. BUT they are also good at getting dirt on people, and politicians are some of the dirtiest around. What is comedy gold here is that Scruz could of sued them the moment they released it and it it hit the news stand.
The reason he hasn't? Because some of it / all of it is true and he couldn't survive under oath. He knows it.
25th March 2016, 11:38 AM
Waiting for Trumps spokeswoman to confirm the affair.
I'm hoping she told him privately that she won't say a word, then after he takes the hard stand refuting the accusations, she comes out publicly and tells all
25th March 2016, 11:50 AM
LoL! Who's smearing now, with no evidence.
Okay I listened to this twice and nowhere does he say this is not trueJust a bunch of crap of how sleezy Trump is..
25th March 2016, 11:54 AM
I don't know why, but it just seems like Cruz has a hard time keeping a strait face while talking. Maybe it's just me, but I keep involuntarily smiling because I feel like he's about to crack a smile.
or eat a booger
25th March 2016, 12:04 PM
Donald J. Trump ( mins ·
I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week’s issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it.
Likewise, I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz.
I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican nomination and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great Again.
- Donald J. Trump
25th March 2016, 12:10 PM
"This is the first time Memetic Warfare has been properly harnessed. Think about it for a moment
Trump has been calling Cruz "Lyin' Ted" for months and months
Trump hires Katrina Pierson, easily finds out what happened between her and Ted
Trump holds onto this information, waits until Rubio is gone
It's just Trump and Cruz
Trump baits Cruz into the Heidi vs Melania feud
Trump waits until the ultimate moment, plenty of time before the next caucuses, just enough attention on Ted, no real people to replace him...
Trump's people give the Inquirer the go ahead to print the story, having to turn to them after Breitbart failed.
Then all Donald J. Trump has to do is get one of his Internet People (God I want that job) to stick the picture on /pol/ and the thing they need to type to completely destroy his opponent's career and public life:
After riding Mr. Trump's wild ride for nearly 28 hours without sleep I think I'm gonna hit the sack.
Thanks for shitposting a man out of the Presidential race with me, The_Donald.
Props to the mods for their thrice-stickying of my posts.*
Thanks to those that listened to me ramble on the Steve Kane show earlier."
With all this going down, Ivanka is about to have a baby literally any day.
Trump with baby pictures, Cruz with half a dozen mistresses.
And Cruz is the only one left.
This is legendary stuff.
25th March 2016, 12:13 PM
25th March 2016, 12:20 PM
With all this going down, Ivanka is about to have a baby literally any day.
Trump with baby pictures, Cruz with half a dozen mistresses.
And Cruz is the only one left.
This is legendary stuff.
Cruz never denied it just said it was garbage lol...
25th March 2016, 12:31 PM
At the 3:25 mark he says it's completely untrue
25th March 2016, 12:46 PM
At the 3:25 mark he says it's completely untrue
Hmm... might be I didn't want to hear it?
25th March 2016, 12:51 PM
25th March 2016, 12:52 PM
Pretty good analysis
25th March 2016, 12:53 PM
Hmm... might be I didn't want to hear it?
Subliminal rejection - because we know everything he says is a lie
25th March 2016, 01:11 PM
25th March 2016, 02:07 PM
Washington Times columnist backs up the claims.
This guy was just fired from the Washington Times. (
25th March 2016, 02:17 PM
Trump Aide "Spills The Beans" On Heidi Cruz As Media Goes Crazy Over #CruzSexScandal
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/25/2016 16:28 -0400
The "wife" feud, which initially many though was merely a sideshow between Donal Trump and Ted Cruz, has taken a quick turn for the ugly and is escalating dramatically with every passing day, and now that even the National Enquirer has entered the fray, has rapidly devolved to nothing less than the surreal twilight zone.
For those who need a primer of what is rapidly becoming the biggest "issue" in the presidential race, here is a reminder, courtesy of our post from last night "Tough Guy Ted Warns "Sniveling Coward" Trump: "Leave My Wife Alone":
Phase 1: Cruz Reps "Cross The Line", when a "SuperPAC" run by a Cruz supporter launched a Trump ad campaign showcasing a naked posing Melania Trump
Phase 2: Trumps Warns Cruz: "Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!"
Phase 3: Cruz firez back, warning Trump: Don't Do The Same Thing To Me That [My Reps] Just Did To You (Or Else!).
Phase 4: Trump Goes There, retweeting an image "comparing" Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump
Phase 5: Cruz Goes Full Rambo, says 'Donald, you're a sniveling coward and leave Heidi alone.'
Or, as we summed up, "a Cruz fan uses naked images of Trump's wife to disparage him to saintly 'Utah-ans'; Trump pissed; Cruz warns Trump not to reciprocate; Trump shows ugly picture of Cruz's wife; Cruz unleashes inner Hulk as Trump dares to do what Cruz reps did to him."
That was just the last few days.
And then the tabloids jumped on board.
Overnight, Trump-linked National Enquirer, alleged that the Texas senator is "hiding five different mistresses." According to its source, identified as a "Washington insider," "private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had," and "the leaked details are an attempt to destroy what's left of his White House campaign." The supposed affairs are detailed in the Enquirer's most recent print issue.
Though unconfirmed, the rumor sparked chatter across social media Friday with the hashtag #CruzSexScandal, with reactions, as expected, ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other.
Considering the source, we doubt there is much veracity to the alleged "Cruz sex scandal", although the tabloid has had its share of "broken" news stores in the past.
As was to be expected, Cruz immediately denounced the article as "garbage, complete and utter lies" and accused his opponent Donald Trump of being the source of the story as Reuters reports.
"It's tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen," a clearly perturbed Cruz told reporters at a press conference in Wisconsin, as the battle for the Republican presidential nomination reached new levels of personal rancor.
Trump issued a statement saying he was not responsible for the article.
"I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin' Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence," Trump said in the statement. "Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz."
In other words, just as Cruz had "nothing" to do with the first naked photo of Melania that started off this latest scandal, so Trump had "nothing" to do with the Enquirer article.
Alas, the damage for Cruz may already have been done: the article exploded on Twitter overnight on Thursday. By Friday morning #CruzSexScandal was a worldwide trending topic on Twitter.
And while Trump has distanced himself from the Enquirer article, very much the same way Cruz distanced himself from the original attack ad, an aide to Donald Trump on Friday did fulfil the businessman's threat to "spill the beans" on Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz's wife, Heidi.
As The Hill first reported, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson rattled off a list of attacks three days after Trump first made the threat.
"Spilling the beans is quite simple when it comes to Heidi Cruz," Pierson said in an interview with MSNBC's Steve Kornacki.
"She is a Bush operative; she worked for the architect of NAFTA, which has killed millions of jobs in this country; she was a member on the Council on Foreign Relations who — in Sen. Cruz's own words, called a nest of snakes that seeks to undermine national sovereignty; and she's been working for Goldman Sachs, the same global bank that Ted Cruz left off of his financial disclosure," Pierson said.
"Her entire career has been spent working against everything Ted Cruz says that he stands for," she added.
Cruz spokeswoman Alice Stewart responded to the remarks in a statement to The Hill, saying, "There's no low the Trump campaign won't go."
Earlier in the MSNBC interview, Pierson said "this isn't about Heidi Cruz, this is about Melania Trump. Melania Trump was the one that was attacked."
Incidentally, she is right, even though that means that this most hypnotic scandal in the republican presidential primary race - and perhaps any US presidential race yet - is nowhere close to over as neither candidate can possibly concede defeat on a topic that is "near and dear" to the heart as one's wife.
25th March 2016, 02:26 PM
Excellent summation !!!
"Her entire career has been spent working against everything Ted Cruz says that he stands for," she added.
25th March 2016, 03:23 PM
This chapter is actually better than the drama everyday on FB!
25th March 2016, 03:31 PM
mick silver
25th March 2016, 03:33 PM
25th March 2016, 04:41 PM
I hope this story stays alive throughout the election. I think Rafael is dirty...they all lie/deny it, until they're caught red handed.
TEXAS - The National Enquirer just dropped a bombshell on the Cruz campaign and the internet exploded overnight. Reports claim investigators found Ted Cruz allegedly had an affair with five different women. UPDATE #1: Ted Cruz Denies Affair. UPDATE #2: Trump Responds.
According to the Enquirer:
“Private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” claimed a Washington insider. “The leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign!” The ENQUIRER reports that Cruz’s claimed mistresses include a foxy political consultant and a high-placed D.C. attorney!
The publication did not name names and only printed pixelated photos. Internet users on Twitter, Reddit and 4chan quickly went to work to determine the identity of all five women while using the hashtag #CruzSexScandal.
The National Enquirer Was Right About John Edwards, Tiger Woods and Jesse Jackson
Surprisingly The National Enquirer has a good track record reporting scandals like this. This same magazine broke the John Edwards scandal, Tiger Woods scandal, Jesse Jackson scandal, and the Gary Hart scandal.
Washington Times Reporter Confirms Story
Drew Johnson of the Washington Times confirmed on Twitter Thursday night that two of Ted Cruz's mistresses named by the National Enquirer are accurate.
Breitbart Had Story But Chose Not To Publish Allum Bokhari
Breitbart reporter Allum Bokhari confirmed on twitter he was scooped. Breitbart had the story about Ted Cruz's affair back in February but did not publish. Ben Shapiro?
#CruzSexScandal Is Trending on Twitter
Ted Cruz Sex Scandal Katrina Pierson, Sarah Isgur Flores, Amanda Carpenter
Donald Trump Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson Made After Instagram Private Last Night After #CruzSexScandal Started Trending
Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson made her Instagram private last night after #CruzSexScandal started trending online. Pierson previously worked for Ted Cruz.
Texas Police Report From 2005 Claims Heidi Cruz Was "A Danger To Herself" When Officers Found Her Sitting Near Austin Expressway
Cruz Allegedly Paid "Hush Money" To Carly Fiorina
Sarah Isgur Flores worked for Carly Fiorina as deputy campaign manager. In July 2015 an unusual $500,000 donation was made by Ted Cruz-affiliated Super PAC, Keep the Promise to Carly Fiorina’s official campaign fund.
mick silver
25th March 2016, 04:41 PM ( (
25th March 2016, 04:44 PM ( (
The pic needs powder rings around the nostrils photo shopped.
He sure has a funny chin poking out of his fat Cuban face :o
midnight rambler
25th March 2016, 06:03 PM
Word is that Michelle Fields is one of the five women Lyin' Ted has been poking.
25th March 2016, 06:11 PM
25th March 2016, 07:05 PM
He's unhinged.
25th March 2016, 07:12 PM
Ted Cruz Amanda Carpenter love child? pg?oh=d9889c09ac572bf8d58041b13201b852&oe=5786B0C3 pg?oh=d9889c09ac572bf8d58041b13201b852&oe=5786B0C3
25th March 2016, 07:19 PM
L’affaire of Ted Cruz
A lover’s sister-in-law speaks out.
This week the National Enquirer (which first reported the affair of failed Democrat party member John Edwards) broke a story that alleges Ted Cruz had multiple affairs with various women, while his wife Heidi Cruz was battling depression. The Cruz campaign has yet to respond to the allegations, but a short phone call with the sister in-law of one of the women, after I found her online through use of the White Pages, appears to confirm the allegations.
The woman, whose brother is married to the alleged paramour?—?who appears on CNN as contributor, said, “It’s true. They were together only a few times.” She added her sister-in-law, “was transfixed by Ted. He has a way of selling ice to an Eskimo.” I asked when the affairs occurred. “Right before Ted’s campaign for Senate,” she said. “They’d get together when Cruz visited DC.” She added, “The whole family knows, everybody knows about this.”
Cruz’s lover is married and has children.
“Trump wants to bully and intimidate folks and that clearly is having a trickle down effect. It really really sucks,” the lover appeared to admit in a Tweet as the Enquirer’s story was disclosed.
“My brother knows about all this, but still loves her,” the sister-in-law said. “It was a mistake, but everybody makes mistake. Ted Cruz is like Clinton though?—?he preys on young admiring women.”
“Randy Ted”, as the Enquirer labeled him, is accused of having at least five affairs with multiple women in multiple places, such as closets and bathrooms on campaign buses.
The affairs stand in stark contrast with the Christian moralizing persona Cruz has constructed on the trail. And numerous media personalities and rumors have been circulating for weeks on Twitter about Cruz’s love making. But the hot Cuban blood runs deep apparently. Cruz’s father, Raphael, abandoned the family for reasons that are still unknown.
In the past few months Cruz has attacked his main competitor, Donald Trump, for holding New York values. It appears, however, that Cruz is the one with values problem.
25th March 2016, 08:22 PM
25th March 2016, 09:37 PM
3 more women announced
26th March 2016, 02:22 AM
3 more women announced
Just consider the symbolism involved here! Evangelical Christian Cruz-cruzified at Easter... Deeply symbolic!
Who decided he would get cruzified at Easter?
26th March 2016, 03:57 AM
Looks like the girls tattoo is smaller then Teds?
26th March 2016, 05:17 AM
How come we're not hearing any comments from the Clinton's and Clinton people about the 'Cuban Mistress Crisis'?
Remember this scandal. He also lied until they found the goods on him. He also held the bible high and put it down and then lied.
Or this one
Or this
Keep the story alive where ever you go. This is our battle too.
26th March 2016, 06:39 AM
26th March 2016, 08:38 AM
Does everyone remember that little CNN "mix up" where they accidentally reported that Carson was dropping out?
26th March 2016, 10:39 AM
This is just a little reminder of who you shouldn't mess with...
26th March 2016, 09:18 PM
26th March 2016, 10:14 PM
Neither look like crowmagnum Cruz, relax man.
Got a neighbor looks crowmagnum also, found out his kid not his.... I think their kids look like rocks or something.
26th March 2016, 10:57 PM
Neither look like crowmagnum Cruz, relax man.
Got a neighbor looks crowmagnum also, found out his kid not his.... I think their kids look like rocks or something.
My question is, why are they holding up a "Hi Daddy" sign in front of the TV while Cruz is speaking?? And why did she tweet about it??
26th March 2016, 10:57 PM
Wow, you can't make this stuff up
27th March 2016, 05:35 AM
Wow, you can't make this stuff up
Might be a mistress but neither kid looks like Cruz. Possible he has weak genes though.
27th March 2016, 06:13 AM
Might be a mistress but neither kid looks like Cruz. Possible he has weak genes though.
The little girl doesn't look like Cruz? Really??
27th March 2016, 06:20 AM
The little girl doesn't look like Cruz? Really??
I think she does especially in the pic where she got the winter clothes on...
27th March 2016, 11:08 AM
Shits getting deeper by the day. Today is Easter, I'll bet there are a few family get togethers that are talking about lying Ted. Lol... When you fuck with the big dogs and have no bite... LMAO.
midnight rambler
27th March 2016, 11:11 AM
Have any of the alleged mistresses, and by now named/outed, women denied their alleged extramarital affairs with Lyin' Ted?
27th March 2016, 11:15 AM
Have any of the alleged mistresses, and by now named/outed, women denied their alleged extramarital affairs with Lyin' Ted?
Carpenter and Pierson did... This is losing steam!
27th March 2016, 11:17 AM
Carpenter and Pierson did... This is losing steam!
Until needed...
27th March 2016, 11:48 AM
27th March 2016, 01:00 PM
Dobbs and Ingraham, two smart people
27th March 2016, 02:17 PM
27th March 2016, 03:18 PM
There it is:
27th March 2016, 06:56 PM
There it is:
Baby bump
27th March 2016, 07:02 PM
Baby bump
to confirm more than comment with no reason. We will see what lying Ted has to say tomorrow. The Evangicals and Christians has Easter to discuss this matter. I can't see how this is going to boost his campaign in any possible scenerio. I wish I had the televitz to watch this unfold.
27th March 2016, 07:07 PM
27th March 2016, 07:23 PM
Cruz disgusts me but the Dems will not change, like written in stone. Not sure what that will take yet.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
27th March 2016, 07:41 PM
Top notch job compiling all this together guys.
27th March 2016, 10:11 PM
Just a picture of her posing next to some..
27th March 2016, 11:37 PM
so what dirt do they have on these laidies?
Surely they did not do this voluntarily?
28th March 2016, 12:14 AM
28th March 2016, 01:52 AM
By Kelleigh Nelson
March 26, 2016
People who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones. —Anonymous
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. —Matthew 7: 3 and 5
Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Calls out Cruz
Greta Van Susteren Calls Out Ted Cruz for Not Condemning Pro-Cruz PAC’s Sleazy Attack on Donald Trump’s Wife! Greta Tells Lyin' Cruz to Take Responsibility for Super PAC Attacking Melania Trump. Ted Cruz claims he has nothing to do with the Super PAC ad attacking Donald Trump's supermodel wife Melania Trump. Greta Van Susteren disagrees. She said in a tweet, “Note to candidates: If you are going to take the benefits of what your supporting Super Pac does, you should take responsibility for what it does.”
Ted claims he wasn’t responsible, but if his own Super Pac did it, why isn’t he responsible? If he's truly not responsible as he claims, shouldn't he, as a good christian that he professes to be, call Mr. Trump and apologize and demand that the super pack pull the provocative ad? But he didn't. Why? Because he's in agreement with it. Video below will shows that Heidi Cruz is doing just the opposed that her husband Ted says he stands for.
The Make America Awesome super Pac, recently put out an ad with the now famous 16-year-old picture of Melania posing nude aboard an airplane on top of fur. The picture is Playboy-esqe in nature and was taken some years ago (2000) for GQ magazine. Yet, the pose actually showed far less than anything Playboy would have shown.
Mrs. Trump is the lovely Melania, who has had a pretty decent modeling career, and is now a businesswoman in her own right. The “Make America Awesome” (again Cruz has to copy Trump) ad reproduces the nude photo with the text, “Meet Melania Trump, your next first lady. Or you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”
What’s wrong with this? Let us count the ways. A dirty move against a candidate’s family member. Spouses are noncombatants unless they’re also involved in policy, which Melania is not.
Ted Cruz’s wife, on the other hand, is very involved in policy. Not only is she still a Goldman Sachs VP, but she’s also responsible for helping the Council on Foreign Relations task force to write the North American Union (building the North American Community). Heidi Cruz is in bed with the one world government cabal.
But the idea that a 16-year-old nude photo of a leading candidate’s wife is fair game? One article calls it, “nonsense on stilts.” It’s smacks of dirty politics again, something Ted Cruz and his campaign folks use willingly, over and over again.
Of course, Ted Cruz didn’t say the ad was inappropriate, neither did he apologize. Instead he claimed he wasn’t responsible. Yet, a Texas lobbyist and Ted Cruz operative admit the origin of the campaign to attack Melania Trump.
Trump warned him stating, “Be careful Lyin Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife.” He may not have, but others did. [Link]
Needless to say, Trump didn’t have to do anything. Another tweeter, Mark Gillar said, “Let me do it for you.”
In 2005, Heidi was going through a rough time, and apparently left her home and sat dangerously close to a busy highway with her head in her hands. We don’t know what caused this, but reports have said Heidi suffered from depression. Whatever the case, police happened upon her and a report was written.
Donald Trump did not expose this; it was in the news long before now.
Heidi Cruz responded with, “A lot of things Donald Trump says has no basis in reality.” But, Donald Trump didn’t say it…
Unfortunately, Heidi, the tweet is true, and there is a police report to prove it. Many of us go through hard times, and can become as depressed as Heidi obviously was at that moment, but it’s already been out there in the media, and to make the statement about Trump was rather foolish. She’d have been smarter to have kept her mouth shut.
Nevertheless, I don’t believe this was what Trump was talking about. Trump didn’t put this out…but it is a documented police report. We know of Heidi’s trade involvements in selling Americans out to China, and we know she’s still employed by Goldman Sachs. We also know Ted is on Goldman Sachs’ health insurance. Heidi was also part of drafting NAFTA which started the destruction of American jobs, and was a part of the CFR in helping to draft the North American Union. Her husband Ted, called the CFR a “pit of vipers,” so why then did she work for them for five years? Ted also has claimed he was honored to hang out with fellow CFR member and NAU drafter, Henry Kissinger.
When you straight up admit your wife belongs to a "pit of vipers" who are "working to undermine our national sovereignty," and then tell everyone you are "honored" to hang out with cold-blooded war criminal scumbag murderers like Kissinger, who sold our Viet Nam POWs/MIAs down the river,…what are we to think? Cruz has even argued in his own amicus brief to the Supreme Court that assault weapons bans in certain states are "reasonable regulations."
Attacks Come Back to Bite Cruz
The tabloid National Enquirer has run an article on Ted Cruz and five of his alleged mistresses. The article is written by Pulitzer Prize winner, J.R. Taylor, who won the Pulitzer for his expose of John Edward’s affair and love child. The National Enquirer broke the story of Rock Hudson’s homosexuality along with the San Francisco Chronicle, as well as the expose’s on Jesse Jackson and Gary Hart. Now other media are picking up the story and it is gaining feet.
One of the alleged mistresses was Carly Fiorina’s deputy campaign manager. Although the half million given to Carly by the Cruz campaign was allegedly because she’d worked with the NSA while at Hewlett Packard, and could help with Cruz’s data collection on voters, it may well have been hush money. [Link]
Of course, Ted Cruz blamed Donald Trump for this attack. Donald Trump responded Friday afternoon to Cruz’s charge that he’s responsible for the story. Here’s what he said in a tweet:
“I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week’s issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it. I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer, and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz, I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchmen and then pretend total innocence. (He’s talking about Jeff Roe). Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his alone and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz. I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican nomination, and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great Again.”
The National Enquirer also denied the front-runner's campaign had been the source. Allies of Marco Rubio were pushing the story before he dropped out — but it's not clear whether those efforts led to the Enquirer piece. Two of the five women have stated “the Enquirer article is pure B.S.” Here’s another report with more info. Drew Johnson of the Washington Times confirmed on Twitter Thursday night that two of Ted Cruz’s mistresses named by the National Enquirer are accurate.
Truth or fiction, we don’t know yet, and we may never know. I don’t believe Ted Cruz is a babe magnet, so we’ll have to wait and see if someone else can find the truth.
Ted Cruz Takes a Line from the Movie, American President
The Gateway Pundit happened to catch this comment that Ted Cruz made regarding Donald Trump and his wife, and it exactly matches a comment from the movie, American President with Annette Bening and Michael Douglas. Check out the video on the Gateway Pundit site.
Cruz likes quoting movies and shows. He quotes The Princess Bride, despite Inigo Montoya himself asking Cruz to stop doing so.
Ted Cruz consistently starts something with Donald Trump because he knows that Trump’s Achilles heel is liars, but attacking his wife, Melania, for her modeling career and a nude photo shoot from 16 years ago was in extremely poor taste. This time however, it may backfire on Ted, not because of Trump, but because Cruz carries a Bible in one hand and a knife in the other. He has lied so many times in this campaign that even CNN has proven him wrong. He has hired Jeff Roe, an aggressive campaign strategist who uses dirty tricks and lies against opponents. Roe knows nothing can be done because of the 1964 Supreme court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan, where lying about public figures can be done with impunity.
It really is a sad state of affairs that for over 50 years we have not had honest discourse in the public arena, and the lies are so egregious as to permanently damage one’s character. We would hope the media is truthful, but knowing who owns them makes us doubt their veracity.
I have been appalled at the number of lies perpetrated by Ted Cruz and the GOPe against Donald Trump. However, we know these puppets want their globalist plans to continue. Trump’s candidacy has spoiled their carefully laid plans to put Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton in the White House.
There is a huge army waging the battle to destroy Trump. Nevertheless, without lies and voter fraud, I believe he would have won every state so far. As it is, he’s still in the lead. The masses need to come out and vote for him, and if you’re registered as a democrat and want to vote for Trump, make sure you don’t have to change your status in your state, or you’ll be denied the ability to vote for Trump.
I’ve never seen an election cycle like this, and it’s been over 50 years since I’ve seen a candidate I can truly support. That in itself is so amazing! Pray for our country and pray for Donald Trump and his family.
[P.S. In order to help Mr. Trump we need to increase the hits to reach more people. Please use this material, and call into talk radio programs (like Rush Limbaugh) and mention on the air while discussing the content of this article, write letters to newspaper editors, and speak to your friends. Spread the word, and in doing so, we have a chance to save America.]
28th March 2016, 02:01 AM
Lyin’ Ted Cruz Campaign Refuses To Give FEC Details of Campaign Loans From Goldman Sachs…
Posted on March 26, 2016 by sundance
Interesting development.
It appears the Cruz Campaign is planning to slow walk the information on the 2011/2012 campaign loans:
(Yahoo News) Ted Cruz has rebuffed a request by the Federal Election Commission to disclose more information about some $1 million in loans he received from two major Wall Street banks during his 2012 Senate campaign.
In a letter to the FEC this week, the treasurer of Cruz’s 2012 campaign turned down a request by agency auditors to reveal in writing “the complete terms” of two personal loans Cruz received from Goldman Sachs and Citibank — the proceeds of which, he has since acknowledged, he used to finance his upstart race for the Senate. (more)
In essence the Ted Cruz campaign is saying they’ll go through the enforcement mechanism of the FEC instead of the compliance division. By going through the “enforcement division” (takes over a year) they can delay any damaging information from discovery until after the 2016 Presidential Election.
cruz and heidiMost people are aware of the controversy surrounding Candidate Ted Cruz and his failure to reveal $1.3 million in campaign “loans” from Goldman Sachs and Citibank during his 2012 campaign for the senate. At the heart of the issue is a failure of Ted and Heidi Cruz to list Wall Street “loans” on the required Federal Election Commission financial reports.
Together with the campaign officials the Cruz’s say the non-reporting was an accidental oversight. However, a watch dog group has now filed a complaint with the FEC which is step one to beginning an FEC investigation.
The FEC requested information from the Cruz campaign, with a response due by March 8th, obviously the Cruz Camp does not want to disclose the information:
View this document on Scribd
The full complaint (pdf) is outlined below. However, the larger question behind the complaint would be the motive for Ted and Heidi Cruz to hide the source of their campaign funds. The activity the complainant is presenting to have the FEC investigate, if proven accurate, is factually illegal.
The “accidental omission” is not necessarily the problem. The irreconcilable consequences from an accurate filing are the larger issue.
They can correct the missing information and file amended reports. However, if the Cruz campaign corrects the record based on the explanations to the media, the amended reports will reflect their violations of federal campaign finance laws.
View this document on Scribd
A candidate CANNOT take out an unsecured signature loan for their campaign. Also, while the legalese can quickly get a person into the weeds, essentially a candidate’s spouse is similarly limited in contribution amount to the same principles as an unrelated campaign donor.
cruz and heidiIf a candidate could take out an unsecured signature loan, it opens the door wide open to corrupt exploitation by external influence.
The candidate with $500k in assets, or a Manchurian candidate with zero in assets, could be given a $2 million loan – which the loan originator would not expect to get back.
In this example, third parties, who are part of the influence equation, could pay back the loan on the candidate’s behalf, avoid FEC/public scrutiny and hold influence over what the elected political official does in office.
That’s the BIGGER question in this example.
• Was this second scenario a method for Wall Street, via Goldman Sachs, to put the well-educated husband of one of their “employees” into office, simply to insure that as a U.S. Senator he was friendly to their interests?
• Would Wall Street industrial bankers, who finance global corporations, be able to insure this type of candidate would, as an example, advocate for something like Trans-Pacific Trade?
• Would Wall Street institutional bankers, who benefit from low interest loans via U.S. Treasury, be able to influence such a candidate to avoid auditing the federal reserve?
• Would Wall Street institutional banking agents who benefit from low interest federal borrowing, and higher interest investment loaning, be able to influence policy regarding North American economic development?
• Would, as an example, a billionaire hedge-fund manager (Robert Mercer), who is in a legal fight with the IRS to the tune of $10 BILLION taxes owed, be willing to invest several million, perhaps tens of millions, into a presidential campaign in an effort to win the White House and influence a U.S. Tax Policy that would tilt the IRS scales in his favor – and consequently save him billions?
Those become the bigger questions to consider when asking yourself why would such a brilliant legal expert, a very smart lawyer like Ted Cruz, just inadvertently omit such a filing to the FEC.
Wouldn’t an equally sharp spouse like Heidi S. Cruz, who was -according to Ted- a key decision maker in the loans, and who is also an energy investment banker with Goldman Sachs, also identify the concern?
cruz donors 2
We’ve begun taking a much more skeptical look at Senator Ted Cruz’s financial intents and the people who hold influence upon him….
The Robert Mercer angle alone is showing some VERY ALARMING “probabilities”.
….The fact that Mercer owes the IRS between $6 and $10 billion, and is in a legal dispute over payment,… in connection with Mercer setting up the Keep the Promise (KtP) Super-PAC before turning it over to David Barton (Glenn Beck affiliate),…. and then Mercer giving Carly Fiorina the start up money from KtP to begin Carly for America,… and then Mercer purchasing the Data Analytics for Ted Cruz,….. and then Mercer buying influential interest in the Breitbart website to the benefit of Cruz….. All gives the brutally obvious motive of a quid-pro-quo.
Robert Mercer spends $100 million to get Ted Cruz the White House; Ted Cruz then turns around and leverages a better IRS result for Robert Mercer.
One of Cruz’s primary campaign points is the elimination of the IRS and the imposition of a flat tax. If successful, that would save Mercer $6 to $10 billion.
That’s BILLION, with a “B”.
In addition the Cruz campaign head Rick Tyler made some very bold-faced misrepresentations earlier tonight about K-Street Lobbyists and Donors not having influence over Ted Cruz’s legislative record.
The truth begs to differ significantly (as noted above).
There are three KtP Super-Pacs and they are all spending significant amounts of money. See HERE and See HERE and See HERE [Notice the Cambridge Analytica is Robert Mercer.]
Something very sketchy is going on…
28th March 2016, 02:26 AM
Experts: Ted Cruz Appears Deceptive in His Response to Sex Scandal Story
by Phil Houston and Don Tennant | 2:18 pm, March 27th, 2016 1527
Phil Houston is CEO of QVerity, a training and consulting company specializing in detecting deception by employing a model he developed while at the Central Intelligence Agency. He has conducted thousands of interviews and interrogations for the CIA and other federal agencies. His colleague Don Tennant contributed to this report.
The eyebrow-raising story that appeared earlier this week in the National Enquirer, citing claims that Sen. Ted Cruz had engaged in five extramarital affairs, drew a sharp response from the Republican presidential contender. Sharp as it was, however, it was strikingly weak in terms of denial, and strong in terms of attack. And that combination is a telltale sign of deception that leads us to conclude that this is a matter that warrants further investigation.
The statement that Cruz released on his Facebook page on Friday immediately drew our attention:
“I want to be crystal clear: these attacks are garbage. For Donald J. Trump to enlist his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding shows you that there is no low Donald won’t go. These smears are completely false, they’re offensive to Heidi and me, they’re offensive to our daughters, and they’re offensive to everyone Donald continues to personally attack. Donald Trump’s consistently disgraceful behavior is beneath the office we are seeking and we are not going to follow.”
Subsequently speaking about the matter, Cruz echoed that sentiment, with even more intensity (you can watch below). He said:
“The National Enquirer published a story. It is a story that quoted one source on the record: Roger Stone, Donald Trump’s chief political advisor. Let me be clear, this National Enquirer story is garbage. It is complete and utter lies. It is a tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen. It is attacking my family, and what is striking is Donald’s henchman, Roger Stone, had for months been foreshadowing that this attack was coming. It’s not surprising that Donald Trump’s tweet occurs the day before the attack comes out. And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has 50 years of dirty tricks behind him. He’s a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him. And this garbage does not belong in politics. The National Enquirer has endorsed Donald Trump, has said he must be President. And so Donald, when he’s losing, when he’s scared, when Republicans are uniting against him, decides to peddle sleaze and slime. You know, Donald is fond of giving people nicknames. With this pattern, he should not be surprised to see people calling him, ‘Sleazy Donald.’”
We should note that these two statements constitute the only material that we currently have at our disposal to analyze, which is far from ideal. Obviously, the more material available for analysis, the greater our confidence in our findings. With that said, however, we were struck by the volume of deceptive behavior that we identified in these statements.
Behaviorally, when the facts are the ally of an individual, he or she almost always tends to focus on the facts of the matter at hand. In this case, if the key fact was that he had not had these affairs, Cruz would almost certainly have been much more strongly focused on the denial. That is, he very likely would have made a point of explicitly stating something along the lines of, “I did not have these affairs.”
Yet at no point in either statement did Cruz say that. He implied it by saying the allegations are false, and that they’re lies, but behaviorally, such statements are not equivalent to saying he never had the affairs. Even if we were to overlook that fact and consider his statements to be a denial, there is an overwhelmingly higher proportion of attack behavior compared to the effort expended at denial. This type of lopsided attack-to-denial ratio is very consistent with what we have historically seen with deceptive people when allegations are levied against them.
Given the lack of additional information upon which to conduct a more comprehensive behavioral analysis, this is nothing more than our initial opinion and assessment, and we will continue to follow this matter very closely. At the same time, we cannot help but conclude at this point that it’s not looking good for Sen. Cruz.
28th March 2016, 02:28 AM
Atlanta Radio Host: Source “Deep Inside” Cruz Camp Says Ted May Have Had Affairs
Jim Hoft Mar 27th, 2016 12:36 am 515 Comments
The National Enquirer published a story this week accusing Texas Senator Ted Cruz of multiple extramarital affairs.
On Friday Ted Cruz blamed Donald Trump and his former consultant Roger Stone for the National Enquirer article on his alleged extramarital affairs.
Ted Cruz Cruz told reporters in Wisconsin the story was “all lies.” Cruz then went on to blame the article on Donald Trump and his “henchmen.” Cruz argued Roger Stone has been forwarding the article today on the internet. He thinks Trump campaign is behind this story. Cruz also said the publisher of the National Enquirer is a friend of Donald Trump’s.
But these rumors did not start with Donald Trump.
And the rumors did not start with Roger Stone.
** The rumors were started by the Rubio Campaign and anti-Trump GOP elites.
Now this-
Atlanta radio host Bryan Crabtree says a source “deep inside” the Cruz campaign said Ted may have had affairs.
Bryan Crabtree is the live afternoon host on Atlanta’s Biz1190 from 4-6pm weekdays and airing again on AM 920 The Answer from 9-11pm. His real estate show with his wife, Mackenzie Crabtree can be heard on Saturday at 9am on AM920 The Answer and Noon on Sunday on Biz 1190. Additionally, his Crabtree Chronicle (focusing on local Atlanta issues) is heard throughout the day on AM 920 The Answer.
Crabtree tweeted today that a source “deep inside the Cruz campaign” says Ted Cruz, may have had affairs.
28th March 2016, 06:56 AM
In a letter to the FEC this week, the treasurer of Cruz’s 2012 campaign turned down a request by agency auditors to reveal in writing “the complete terms” of two personal loans Cruz received from Goldman Sachs and Citibank
I'm sure he's so grateful to his wife Nelson for approving these loans. What good is a wife who's vice president of Goldman Sachs if you don't use her?
28th March 2016, 10:26 AM
Ted Cruz is literally quoting movies/tv shows when he pretends to be "angry" about his wife.
Just wow.
28th March 2016, 10:40 AM
Never saw that movie because I hate the actor. Is busTeds whole campaign based on this movie?
28th March 2016, 12:02 PM
I'm sure he's so grateful to his wife Nelson for approving these loans. What good is a wife who's vice president of Goldman Sachs if you don't use her?
Nothing wrong with a zero % loan you never have to pay back. She's a good wife!
mick silver
28th March 2016, 12:19 PM
28th March 2016, 11:56 PM
Why is he unable to simply say he's been faithful to his wife?
He refuses to answer the question.
It makes no sense.
29th March 2016, 12:31 AM
Why is he unable to simply say he's been faithful to his wife?
He refuses to answer the question.
It makes no sense.
video: (
yeah whatsup with that? Even Bill Clinton was able to answer the question when he was asked.
midnight rambler
29th March 2016, 01:55 AM
Why is he unable to simply say he's been faithful to his wife?
He refuses to answer the question.
It makes no sense.
That was some awesome world class deflection.
29th March 2016, 02:02 AM
yeah whatsup with that? Even Bill Clinton was able to answer the question when he was asked.
Maybe Cruz don't want to lie? ;D ;D ;D
29th March 2016, 02:18 AM
Guilty Carly #9? Why is she even there???
29th March 2016, 02:28 AM
Guilty Carly #9? Why is she even there???
Her best chance of becoming Vice President? They have an affair? She can lie better than
Ted. Teddy is a Bear...
29th March 2016, 05:11 AM
Pretty sad lying duo. It is clear Ted, that you are a creep and a liar. Hide yourself from the public so that you stop besmeerching the christian ideals.
29th March 2016, 05:17 AM
Why is he unable to simply say he's been faithful to his wife?
He refuses to answer the question.
It makes no sense.
You know that Ted likes to copulate with rats. He really likes Carly.
29th March 2016, 05:24 AM
Heidi Cruz quits the campaign.
#HitTheFloor Heidi Cruz just quit the campaign and left ted high and dry #cruzsexscandal becoming the reality. Mistress meltdowns on twitter
BREAKING: Heidi Cruz Cancels New Jersey Campaign Stops This Week
Heidi Cruz, wife of Ted Cruz, canceled her New Jersey campaign events that were scheduled this week.
This comes after The National Enquirer accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz of multiple extramarital affairs last week.
Capital New York reported:
Heidi Cruz, the wife of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, had planned to hold a fundraiser in Morris County on Wednesday and attend several campaign events across the state.
But a local Cruz campaign activist announced that she will be postponing her New Jersey appearances.
Scott DeCristofaro, a New Jersey contact for the Cruz campaign, issued a press release Monday announcing the cancelation of a Heidi Cruz rally in Haddon Heights. DeCristofaro said she is also canceling her other New Jersey events and plans to come back to New Jersey after Wisconsin’s April 5 primary.
Ted Cruz in December canceled an event in Rahway where he had planned to announce his New Jersey leadership team.
FYI-.. @TedCruz was in the same room as one of the NE suspects today – Heidi Cruz Later Canceled NJ Campaign Stops
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) March 29, 2016
29th March 2016, 05:44 AM
Heidi Cruz quits the campaign.
#HitTheFloor Heidi Cruz just quit the campaign and left ted high and dry #cruzsexscandal becoming the reality. Mistress meltdowns on twitter
BREAKING: Heidi Cruz Cancels New Jersey Campaign Stops This Week
Heidi Cruz, wife of Ted Cruz, canceled her New Jersey campaign events that were scheduled this week.
This comes after The National Enquirer accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz of multiple extramarital affairs last week.
Capital New York reported:
Heidi Cruz, the wife of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, had planned to hold a fundraiser in Morris County on Wednesday and attend several campaign events across the state.
But a local Cruz campaign activist announced that she will be postponing her New Jersey appearances.
Scott DeCristofaro, a New Jersey contact for the Cruz campaign, issued a press release Monday announcing the cancelation of a Heidi Cruz rally in Haddon Heights. DeCristofaro said she is also canceling her other New Jersey events and plans to come back to New Jersey after Wisconsin’s April 5 primary.
Ted Cruz in December canceled an event in Rahway where he had planned to announce his New Jersey leadership team.
FYI-.. @TedCruz was in the same room as one of the NE suspects today – Heidi Cruz Later Canceled NJ Campaign Stops
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) March 29, 2016
I bet she's mad at Rafael because he promised her none of his affairs would get out during the campaign, and they did. Lyin' Ted is as dirty as the day is long...and slimy too!
29th March 2016, 05:45 AM
Her best chance of becoming Vice President? They have an affair? She can lie better than
Ted. Teddy is a Bear...
Because her campaign black mailed/extorted a 1/2 million dollar campaign contribution from him.
29th March 2016, 07:08 AM
Watch it!
mick silver
29th March 2016, 07:13 AM
Tedman “Rat-Copulator” Sachs is Losing ItAndrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2016
The pervert Ted Cruz, a booger-eating Cuban who was recently exposed as having jungle fever like a madman – following which he for some reason publicly admitted a pattern of having sex with rats – is losing his composure after having been straight crushed by the Trump Train.
He appeared on Hannity last night, looking haggard and talking stupid. Hannity looked uncomfortable.
Also yesterday, he refused to deny the allegations of his chronic sex scandalism.
At a press conference he was asked directly if he would deny the allegations, at which point he passed the mic to Princess Meltface Carly Fiorina, who started talking about Obama going to Cuba.
Roger Stone, the Trump friend who Cruz blamed for exposing his jungle fever, did an interview on Sunday and said that if he is responsible for a conspiracy, Cruz should sue him immediately.
Cruz is not suing Stone or The National Enquirer. He didn’t even threaten to do that.
The latest poll has Trump at 48% and Cruz at 27%. And this was taken mostly before the sex scandal blew up and he said that thing about copulating with rats. (
It’s a pretty hard sell at this point to say that the people have any desire whatsoever to nominate Ted Cruz.
The cucksolidation theory – that everyone who didn’t support Trump before would rally around whoever wasn’t Trump – has also proved totally false.
I think Trump should do one last debate, and expose Cruz as the Zodiac killer. (
#CubanMistressCrisis ( Donald Trump ( Ted Cruz ( Ted Cruz Sex Scandal ( 2016-03-29 Andrew Anglin (
Related Articles
mick silver
29th March 2016, 07:17 AM
Trump Threatens to Sue Mutant Rat-Copulator Over Delegate ConspiracyAndrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2016
Lyin Ted Cruz is attempting to rob Donald Trump of the GOP nomination through underhanded subterfuge.
Trump won out right in Louisiana – by a huge margin – and yet “Jungle Fever” Cruz has set himself up to get the majority of delegates in the state.
Basically, Cruz has organized on the ground to get Marco Rubio’s delegates, as well as some other delegates who weren’t committed, given to him.
Trump is going to sue.
Politico (
Donald Trump’s campaign is moving forward with its plan to contest delegates in Louisiana, a senior campaign adviser confirmed Monday, a day after Trump himself threatened to sue over the “unfair” process.
“Well, the problem we’re having here is that there was a secret meeting in Louisiana of the convention delegation, and apparently all of the invitations for our delegates must have gotten lost in the mail,” Trump adviser Barry Bennett told MSNBC’s Ari Melber. “There’s a process to deal with this. It’s in the certification process, and it’s been with our legal team for most of the morning now, and we are moving forward with the complaint to decertify these delegates.”
Pressed on the conditions of the lawsuit, Bennett stipulated that the document is “not something you file with a court; it’s something you file inside the party, but it’s a decertification so that these delegates and these rules committees committee members and folks don’t get seated.”
The lawsuit will be through the Republican National Committee, not the state party, Bennett added, saying he did not know how long it would take attorneys to draft but that “we’re going to protect our rights to the fullest extent as possible.”
“You won but now you lose!” just shows how crooked and corrupt American politics are.
No wonder Cruzman Sachs is the last man standing. (
2016 Election ( Donald Trump ( Ted Cruz ( 2016-03-29 Andrew Anglin (
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29th March 2016, 08:05 AM
Interesting interview
Katrina Pierson denies any Cruz involvement and says that the NE story is false. I guess Trump is trying to distance himself from the scandal, I just wish lyin Ted would be outed more than he already is
29th March 2016, 08:18 AM
Interesting interview
Katrina Pierson denies any Cruz involvement and says that the NE story is false. I guess Trump is trying to distance himself from the scandal, I just wish lyin Ted would be outed more than he already is
What if it is all false? All the pictures were blurred out... But Heidi quitting sends a different signal.
29th March 2016, 08:30 AM
Maybe she just means it's false where she's concerned, but there's no way the Amanda Carpenter affair didn't happen. I'm totally with you on the Heidi Cruz move - she must be feeling the heat between the affairs and the Goldman Sachs loans, she probably knows she'll look guilty under questioning.
29th March 2016, 08:32 AM
"Ted Cruz declined to answer a question on Monday about whether he has ever been unfaithful to his wife Heidi.
'Senator Cruz,' asked him, 'can you please swat down more definitively this National Enquirer piece by telling us on the record that you've never been unfaithful to your wife?'
The National Enquirer published a story last Wednesday that speculated about five women with whom the Republican presidential candidate was rumored to have had extramarital affairs.
Cruz has batted down the specifics of the story on numerous occasions since it appeared in supermarket checkout lanes.
But instead of making a blanket declaration that he has been faithful during the entirety of his 14-year marriage – a move that would effectively end the vicious news cycle – Cruz stood silently as campaign surrogate Carly Fiorina leapt in to intercept the question and change the subject."
29th March 2016, 08:36 AM
You know that Ted likes to copulate with rats. He really likes Carly.
He needs a woman to stand by his side and defend him - looks like this is the best he can get since his own wife is disgusTED with his actions
29th March 2016, 08:43 AM
That was some awesome world class deflection.
Carly looks like her head is connected with a spring.
I applaud the reporter for staying on track and in lyin ted's face
29th March 2016, 04:58 PM
Ted Cruz’s senate email address was a subscriber of Ashley Madison adultery ‘dating’ service
Posted on March 29, 2016 by Dr. Eowyn
Last July, Ashley Madison, the Canadian-based online “dating service” for adulterers, with 37 million subscribers, was hacked by a group that calls itself the Impact Team.
The hackers made public the personal information of the subscribers, including their names, email addresses, and sexual fantasies. Some of the subscribers actually used their work email addresses, as shown by the many addresses that end in .gov, .mil, a company name (e.g., WellsFargo), a university name (UTexas), and even the United Nations.
What we weren’t told then is that there was one U.S. Senate email address among the Ashley Madison subscribers — the email address of Ted Cruz’s senate office.
Warren Rojas reports for Roll Call, March 28, 2016, that approximately 15,000 email addresses of Ashley Madison’s subscribers have the “.mil” or “.gov” designation assigned to the armed forces and federal agencies, respectively.
Among those are:
Nearly four dozen people who work at the White House.
The Capitol Police.
Seven individuals with ties to House offices.
The email address of Ted Cruz’s senate office:
A Cruz aide insists that although “The email address in question is,” that doesn’t mean anyone in Cruz’s senate office was an Ashley Madison subscriber because the address is “a publicly and widely available forwarding address that is often entered into web contact forms by people with no connection to our office.”
The aide is being disingenuous because s/he would have us believe that a subscriber to Ashley Madison would use an email address with no connection to the subscriber. How would anyone interested in an adulterous “hookup” contact the subscriber then?
Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th March 2016, 08:21 PM
Here it is, the first mistress to come forward.
Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th March 2016, 08:23 PM
People are saying it might be a hoax. It's only a matter of time.
29th March 2016, 08:34 PM
Here it is, the first mistress to come forward.
Everyone I'm seeing says it's fake.
midnight rambler
29th March 2016, 08:35 PM
Here it is, the first mistress to come forward.
As I was viewing those pages they were switched to 'protected'...things heating up there apparently.
Also, Heidi Cruz cancelling appointments indicates some real problems for her regarding the Cuban Mistress Crisis, as in she doesn't want to be put on the spot answering questions about the situation.
midnight rambler
29th March 2016, 08:49 PM
Everyone I'm seeing says it's fake.
Looks that way now that I look more closely.
29th March 2016, 09:41 PM
Looks that way now that I look more closely.
30th March 2016, 05:58 AM
Here it is, the first mistress to come forward.
Both links:
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
30th March 2016, 06:14 AM
This is evidence enough for me that Cruz is dirty! Fiorina was paid to keep quit too.
SURREAL=> Carly Fiorina Jumps in to Defend Ted Cruz After He Won’t Tell Reporters if He Cheated on Wife Heidi (VIDEO)
Jim Hoft Mar 28th, 2016 10:09 pm 768 Comments
At a Ted Cruz press conference in Wisconsin, on Monday Carly Fiorina jumped in to defend Ted Cruz after he fell silent to questions on his marriage.
Cruz wouldn’t answer when the Daily Mail asked him on whether he has ever been unfaithful to his wife.
carly ted marriage cheat
That’s when Carly stepped in–
** Carly tried to deflect blame on Donald Trump when everyone knows it was the Rubio campaign and GOP elites who shopped the Ted Cruz cheating scandal weeks ago.
The Daily Mail reported:
Ted Cruz declined to answer a question on Monday about whether he has ever been unfaithful to his wife Heidi.
‘Senator Cruz,’ asked him, ‘can you please swat down more definitively this National Enquirer piece by telling us on the record that you’ve never been unfaithful to your wife?’
The National Enquirer published a story last Wednesday that speculated about five women with whom the Republican presidential candidate was rumored to have had extramarital affairs.
Cruz has batted down the specifics of the story on numerous occasions since it appeared in supermarket checkout lanes.
But instead of making a blanket declaration that he has been faithful during the entirety of his 14-year marriage – a move that would effectively end the vicious news cycle – Cruz stood silently as campaign surrogate Carly Fiorina leapt in to intercept the question and change the subject.
‘This is an example of the media playing to Donald Trump’s tune,’ Fiorina, a former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, complained as she lobbed her own accusations of infidelity at the billionaire front-runner.
‘Donald trump is a serial philanderer, by his own admission,’ she said, with a flash in her eyes that betrayed disgust at the pointed question.
‘And in a week when we have had a terrorist attack in Brussels, a shooting on Capitol Hill, the president of the United States in the baseball stands with Raul Castro, and insisting that he be photographed in front of a portrait of Che Guevara with the two Castro brothers, we are talking about a scurrilous, ridiculous piece in the National Enquirer?’
Silver Rocket Bitches!
30th March 2016, 08:27 AM
Ted Cruz tied to the DC Madam sex scandal of 2007?
30th March 2016, 09:41 AM
Ted Cruz tied to the DC Madam sex scandal of 2007?
I can say with confidence it is not Kasich, or Trump...that leaves the slimy Cuban
midnight rambler
30th March 2016, 10:03 AM
I can say with confidence it is not Kasich, or Trump...that leaves the slimy Cuban've ruled out Killary?
30th March 2016, 11:45 AM've ruled out Killary?
Or da Burn!
30th March 2016, 12:54 PM
So this thing just fizzled out?
30th March 2016, 01:18 PM
So this thing just fizzled out?
MSM is Teflon coated when it comes to dirt on anyone that isn't Trump. And then they make up ridiculous stories about him, his staff, latest his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski (Polish Jew or just Polish?) being accused of battery, for gently leading a too close to comfort reporter away. No doubt Trump is gaining among the People! Hard to believe the secret rulers of the world are this stupid, no?
30th March 2016, 03:45 PM
Holy Shit!!! Heidi knows about the affairs and is okay with it.
Link to video:
midnight rambler
30th March 2016, 03:59 PM
Holy Shit!!! Heidi knows about the affairs and is okay with it.
She must look up to Killary as her role model.
30th March 2016, 06:41 PM
Holy Shit!!! Heidi knows about the affairs and is okay with it.
Link to video:
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30th March 2016, 06:53 PM
Holy Shit!!! Heidi knows about the affairs and is okay with it.
no surprise. surely or shirley.
I'm wondering what the "convenience" is or was?
30th March 2016, 06:59 PM
no surprise. surely or shirley.
I'm wondering what the "convenience" is or was?
Hint me so I can search it.
30th March 2016, 07:06 PM
Hint me so I can search it.
Well would you want to do "it" with someone like that? If it's a skin crawling experience you'd be relieved to be off the hook for matrimonial comfort activities. No?
And I'm questioning the reason for marriage in the first place. I'm wondering if it was done for convenience. Hard to think of any other reason. Alcohol? Cocaine bender in Las Vegas?
Of course it could just be down to people doing stupid things..... which they often do. Sometimes with gusto.
midnight rambler
30th March 2016, 07:09 PM
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It still plays for me.
30th March 2016, 07:22 PM
It still plays for me.
Big blank box here.
Is there a link?
30th March 2016, 07:33 PM
Big blank box here.
Is there a link?
30th March 2016, 07:48 PM
I am even in the USi!
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30th March 2016, 07:50 PM
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Still Report #750 - Enquirer Sex-Scandal Confirmed by Cruz Insider ( Bill Still (
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Published on Mar 30, 2016
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We also talked to John Doe over a private connection. He talked about what led him to quit the Cruz campaign. He explained that it was over this very complex plan hatched by none other than Amanda Carpenter – a former Cruzer, who had been hired by CNN.
Carpenter rolled out the idea on or about Jan. 15, 2016 – 17 days before the Caucus. The plan was able to manipulate Carson out of delegates that should have voted for him and sent them mostly to Cruz.
“The basic story is I have worked on republican campaigns since I graduated from ….. 24 years ago. Not once have I quit a campaign even when I had disagreements with strategy, language, anything really.”
“I had to quit the Cruz campaign after in Mid January I was flown from South Carolina to Iowa for the home stretch before the Iowa Caucus.”
“Once in Iowa I was instructed to make calls and monitor other volunteers making calls - hundreds of calls a day. Lying about Trump as well as Senator Rubio.”
“I bit my tongue at first knowing it was wrong. Then 2 weeks prior to the Iowa Caucus myself and a few other Cruz top campaign aids were in a room and we received the results of our internal poll.”
“Trump was leading Cruz second and Ben Carson 3rd with a shockingly high amount of support - meaning much more support than what CNN/Fox had him at.”
“The kicker was that a majority of Carson supporters had Cruz as their second choice.”
“At that time the plan to tell people Ben Carson was dropping out of the race on caucus day was hatched.
“Coordinated with former Cruz Op Amanda Carpenter at CNN. Actually, this operation was her idea initially.”
“I strongly opposed this, but they decided they were going to do it anyways so I quit January 18th. “
My wife, Beth responded:
“Wow, not surprised at all - he always did seem slimy to us and I have always said it was more like a cult.”
“You mentioned that it seemed like Jonestown. In what way?“
John Doe: “Just in the way that almost everyone knew the Ben Carson thing was coming. Everyone knew it was wrong but no one said anything because Cruz has them all convinced he is some conservative God and anything he suggests is for the betterment of society.”
Beth Still:
“My husband wants to know if he can use this information and should he say from a reliable source, or characterize it in another way, or if not we certainly understand.”
“Yes you can use the info just don't want it getting back to me. I’m actually off to …. next week to start working as …. for [another campaign].”
“Call me a Cruz operative with 24 years of political experience. You can use the picture of my offer letter from the campaign just blur out the name ….”
And finally, we asked John Doe if there was anything to the allegations in the National Enquirer about Cruz having mistresses.
“It’s 100% true that he has affairs. All top-level staffers got an email directly from Heidi Cruz saying that she knew about it and it was ok, and for us to not concern ourselves with it.”
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.
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31st March 2016, 06:56 AM
works for me
31st March 2016, 07:10 AM
Me too. What's with all the loading, loading, loading, you on dial up or what?
31st March 2016, 10:11 AM
Me too. What's with all the loading, loading, loading, you on dial up or what?
Actually I'm borrowing my neighbors internet and the trees sometimes cause a poor signal.
Today it works better and I was able to watch the video. Thanks for asking.
31st March 2016, 10:50 AM
Actually I'm borrowing my neighbors internet and the trees sometimes cause a poor signal.
Today it works better and I was able to watch the video. Thanks for asking.
Cut down the trees!
31st March 2016, 10:54 AM
Cut down the trees!
plug it with a couple FMJ's. Sit back and wait. Give your neighbor a hand to pull down that dead tree.
Get some suitable antenna cable, small directional antenna (yagi - thread on here recently) and relocate your wifi antenna with better line of sight? Use a little straight antenna, mount it on your letter box, (something closer?) with a small US flag on it.
Attach the antenna and cable to a small RC vehicle. Drive it around the yard until you get the best signal. Again with the flag.
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