View Full Version : Thanks Obamacare: This Is What Americans Spent Most Money On In 2015

mick silver
25th March 2016, 07:28 AM
Thanks Obamacare: This Is What Americans Spent Most Money On In 2015Source: Zero Hedge (http://zerohedge.feedsportal.com/c/34894/f/645423/s/4e82edaa/sc/24/l/0L0Szerohedge0N0Cnews0C20A160E0A30E250Cthanks0Eoba macare0Ewhat0Eamericans0Espent0Emost0Emoney0E20A15/story01.htm)

We have been covering the consumption tax, pardon, endless spending black hole that is Obamacare (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-01-30/thanks-obamacare-what-americans-spent-most-money-q4) for over a year (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-30/if-it-wasnt-obamacare-q1-gdp-would-be-negative), so we doubt it will come as a surprise to anyone that in 2015 healthcare was the second biggest use of US consumer funds, soaking up a record $1.9 trillion in real dollars, and more importantly for US economic "growth", the single biggest source of incremental spending by nearly a factor of two. Incidentally, with spending on healthcare (courtesy of the Supreme Court's Obamacare tax) soaring, while outlays on the traditionally most consumption-intensive category, housing and utilities, going nowhere for the past several years, it is only a matter of 2-3 quarters before Healthcare surpasses Housing as the biggest use of American cash.
Putting this in context, a recent report from Freedom Partners (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/03/24/health-insurance-premiums-rising-faster-than-wages.html)Health found that health insurance premiums have increased faster than wages and inflation in recent years, rising an average of 28 percent from 2009 to 2014 despite the enactment of Obamacare, or rather "because of." Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010, and Wednesday is the law’s sixth anniversary.
So, without further ado, this is what drove American consumer spending in the officially concluded, for GDP purposes, 2015. We show this just in case there is still any confusion why US households are unable to channel more spending into "discretionary", non-mandatory purchases unlike Obama's "health insurance" tax, pardon, noble venture.

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