View Full Version : Carpenter in Audi stopped by Police has $596 million in bank, no liberty to explain

26th March 2016, 04:58 AM
in Queensland, A carpenter pulled over in an Audi found to have extacy, viagra and ice.

He claimes to be worth $12 billion. Has $596 in cash and $1.2 billion in property.

Says Govt gave him the car and he cant' say where he got the money.

Judge sees an opportunity. Cops think he will flee country.

I wonder where the money came from? Gigalo? I don't think so. I think it's something else.

A tradie pulled over by police in a luxury sports car has more than $590 million in the bank but isn't at liberty to say how he got it, a Brisbane court has heard.

Phillip Johnathan Harrison was granted bail in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Saturday, a day after police pulled him over in an Audi sports car and found quantities of ice, Viagra and ecstasy.

The court heard the bricklayer and carpenter told officers he was worth $12 billion and later explained to his lawyer he'd been given the car by the government.

Duty lawyer Nick Hanly said he had asked the 29-year-old the origin of his significant net wealth, which he'd apparently only come into in the past 12 months.

"He said he wasn't at liberty to say," Mr Hanly told the court. "At this point, I was considering getting mental health to come in."

But Mr Hanly said Harrison then urged him to log on to his online banking account - which showed a cash balance of $596 million and a property portfolio of $1.56 billion.

If legitimate, the net worth would put the labourer in the league of Harvey Norman co-founder Gerry Harvey, mining magnate Andrew Forrest and property and construction king Lang Walker.

"I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes," Mr Hanly said of his client's bank balance.
The court heard Harrison was an ice user.

Story @ the West (https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/31192312/qld-tradie-has-596m-in-bank-court-told/)

26th March 2016, 05:10 AM
"The court heard Harrison was an ice user. "

I admit it. I am an ice user too. As long as I am confessing I should state that I occasionally take a deep breath of air.

26th March 2016, 05:41 AM
"The court heard Harrison was an ice user. "

I admit it. I am an ice user too. As long as I am confessing I should state that I occasionally take a deep breath of air.

Courts often hear a lot of hearsay. They confuse it with evidence. Hearing voices is sometimes considered a sign of insanity.

26th March 2016, 03:48 PM
Is this the same guy that was arrested a year ago and got 10 years?
It says he is a bricklayer too.

26th March 2016, 05:58 PM
no different guy.

The thing that stands out to me about the story, is the guy says the Government gave him the car. So whats going on there? Everyones thinking drug dealer probably, but $1.2 billion is a lot of $$. In the story it said he was worth $12 billion and had $1.2 billion property portfolio. It might be a typo and the number is 1.2 all up.

If he got the "money" and not just the car from the government that would be an interesting thing.

28th March 2016, 07:17 PM
ok so clarity. This one hit one "journalists" button and they have been digging into the story.

Court Duty Lawyer made comments of $1.2 billion.

Man has $1.2 million from his job plus he developed some apps which he sold. Confidentially.

Someone loaded a Bank app on his phone which allows you to do "what if" and also to track shares etc that are not owned by the app user. So a kind of Fantasy share portfolio thing that up dates automatically. I have used share apps like that where you can show shares you have plus you can setup portfolios, choose the number of shares you would buy and it tracks price changes.

Basically the lawyer or who ever thought it was a real account/portfolio.

I think that is the gist of it.

Latest news at the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/queensland/billiondollar-tradie-phillip-harrison-would-be-86th-on-rich-list-if-claims-true-20160328-gns7i1.html)

Would have liked it to have been someone doing a redemption or even living off a Promissory Note deposited via Treasury or something exciting like that. Still curious about the car. Was that part of the story accurate I wonder?

29th March 2016, 12:38 AM
hmmmm. Recalling my last post. Fantasy seems to be at the root of it.

Speaking to A Current Affair on Monday, he upped the stakes even further, claiming his Commsec account had been frozen and with it a staggering $168 billion."I won it all overseas," he started, contradicting his comments outside Brisbane Magistrates Court on Saturday, before correcting himself.

"Sorry, not won it. I earned it all overseas through ideas and apps that I've been working on for years … online."
He'd given a similar explanation to the ABC outside court but said his duty lawyer, Nick Hanley, misunderstood his instructions, which were that he had $1.2 million in property, not billion.

At one stage the 29-year-old also told reporters outside court he had so much money because "I own the ASX 200", Australia's leading sharemarket, which includes the country's top 200 companies.

"I'm the controller of it all," he said.

Mr Harrison was charged with seven offences, including possession of various drugs and unlawful use of a motor vehicle after police found ice, viagra and ecstasy in an expensive Audi he claimed was "given to him".According to police, at that time he told them he was worth $12 billion and the government was chasing him.

Mr Harrison is due back in court on April 18.

Update from the Brisbane Times (http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/billionaire-tradie-phillip-harrison-reveals-real-bank-balance-20160329-gnta0q.html)

29th March 2016, 01:48 AM
hmmmm. Recalling my last post. Fantasy seems to be at the root of it.

Update from the Brisbane Times (http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/billionaire-tradie-phillip-harrison-reveals-real-bank-balance-20160329-gnta0q.html)
LOL I could imagine the judge had a lot of angst re this guy, being afraid of stepping on the wrong toes. He was probably in touch with his entire Masonic network. ;D