View Full Version : Pope Kisses Muslim Rapefugees' Feet

26th March 2016, 02:53 PM


Are you finally ready to let go of your hatred of Muslims now?


27th March 2016, 05:48 PM
Meanwhile, here is what is taught daily in one of the most influential Mosques in the UK:


mick silver
27th March 2016, 05:52 PM
that's just plain nasty

27th March 2016, 06:00 PM
that's just plain nasty

You're just racist.

mick silver
27th March 2016, 06:01 PM
thank you shami been called worst . sticks an stone ........never mind

27th March 2016, 06:02 PM
thank you shami been called worst

You have to be put in your place goy. We can't have another Hitler on our hands.

mick silver
27th March 2016, 06:09 PM
this country boy knows survival do they know how ......... shit no ... call me what you want .. sticks an stone may break your bones hahhaaha ... oh by the way been called worst then Hitler by a fewhttp://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M4fca5466c3735bf1866f125cf9165e6co0&pid=15.1

27th March 2016, 06:10 PM
Looks like the Muslim community wished everyone happy Easter as well.

PICTURES: Pakistan Bombing Kills 60 During Easter Celebration, Mostly Women and Children



27th March 2016, 06:19 PM
Looks like the Muslim community wished everyone happy Easter today.

PICTURES: Pakistan Bombing Kills 60 During Easter Celebration, Mostly Women and Children



Our resident Muslim Apologists will just say that was a False Flag, and those are all Crisis Actors too. Muslims are fucking special snowflake angels. They Dindu Nuffin.


27th March 2016, 06:55 PM
Bring in those peaceful people. Put them in the house next door, they wont last a fucking day here.

27th March 2016, 09:59 PM
Pope/Vatican have been JWO tools since at least Vatican II (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Vatican_2). Next case... :rolleyes:

Our resident Muslim Apologists will just say that was a False Flag,

Funny, Shalomi ^ also started his thread re the Brussels Dinjoo-FF (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?88682-Explosion-in-Brussels-Happening-Thread&p=823923&viewfull=1#post823923) with the same juvenile gambit:

How many posts till the Muslim Apologists claim this was a False Flag?

^ ...before the Brussels smoke had even begun to clear; Shalomi was first to post a gsus thread on the "event", trying to "preemptively inoculate" the official Dinjoo Brussels story, by preemptively attacking with scary Dinjoo-Rule-#5 (http://www.globalresearch.ca/twenty-five-rules-of-disinformation/24889) labels, anyone who dared to suspect Brussels was yet another Dinjoo-FF:

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, [“moozlem apologists”] and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

So sure enough, brighter & more critical-thinking-oriented minds wisely waited ~24+ hours for the Brussels smoke to clear, and to assess the worldwide post-event JSM "coverage"; and it's emerged that Brussels was yet another sloppy Dinjoo-FF, as surely as the overwhelming preponderance of latter replies to Shalomi's thread have since documented.

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKQjEabiH7g) Crisis Actor Mormon Mason Wells at Brussels Bombing Hoax EXPOSED (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKQjEabiH7g)

So how does Shalomi-MUH-SCARY-MOOZLEMS-Amourae respond to this ^ humiliating rebuff of his initial Dinjoo Story promoting, Dinjoo Clash Of Civilizations Agenda (http://mondoweiss.net/2014/03/civilizations-absolutely-completely) agitprop'ing, & preemptive Dinjoo Story Skeptics attacking attempts when he introduced the "event" at gsus?

He "...avoids dealing with issues" with more FONT SIZE 7 Dinjoo-Rule-#5 (http://www.globalresearch.ca/twenty-five-rules-of-disinformation/24889) spew; more big scary propaganda/feels-bad-frog images; more vacuous name-calling/ridicule gambit. Y'all must appreciate; Shalomi is expert at manipulating the lowest IQ, weakest minds among us, and "winning" them over to his point of view (https://ia801902.us.archive.org/2/items/JewWorldsOrdertheNationalIntelReportWithJohnStadtm iller201208021/The%20Jew%20World%20Order%20Unmasked.pdf)http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 (https://ia801902.us.archive.org/2/items/JewWorldsOrdertheNationalIntelReportWithJohnStadtm iller201208021/The%20Jew%20World%20Order%20Unmasked.pdf). :rolleyes:


In no time flat, Shalomi-MUH-SCARY-MOOZLEMS-:o-Amourae will have you ^ "Special Winners" on board with his "Muh Scary Moozlems really DID DO 9/11!!" point of view (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?88682-Explosion-in-Brussels-Happening-Thread&p=824143&viewfull=1#post824143), too! :D

27th March 2016, 10:34 PM
Here's how I view it as I posted in another thread:

Islam = religion of violence
Judaism = religion of hate
Christianity = religion of love

The muslims I don't think are necessarily hateful, they just like to blow shit up and kill people, cut off heads, etc. The joos on the other hand aren't really that violent directly, just extremely hateful and use various tools to get other people to do the violence for them. The joos obviously hate christians the most because their religion is the antithesis of christianity.

The muslims are not necessarily as hard to stop, because it's easy to see the bearded guys who are killing people. But when they start overpowering you in your own country it starts to become a real problem.

How they got in your country in the first place is obviously the root cause of the problem, which of course is through zionist wars + kosher immigration policies + political correctness. But once they are in your country, then you not only have the root cause of the problem, but you have the physical problem itself.

It's kind of like cancer. Smoking is the root cause. But after you smoke long enough, the actual physical cancer itself is a becomes the more immediate problem.

27th March 2016, 10:46 PM


It's true. I'm a Juice since I want to Remove Kebab.


Muslims are Christians natural allies. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?88751-Pope-Kisses-Muslim-Rapefugees-Feet&p=824740&viewfull=1#post824740) Anyone who disagrees with this is an idiot and a Juice.

PatColo: What flavor of Juice am I? I really like apple, but I'll go full Nigger and go with grape too.

27th March 2016, 10:55 PM
Here's how I view it as I posted in another thread:

Islam = religion of violence
Judaism = religion of hate
Christianity = religion of love

The muslims I don't think are necessarily hateful, they just like to blow shit up and kill people, cut off heads, etc. The joos on the other hand aren't really that violent directly, just extremely hateful and use various tools to get other people to do the violence for them. The joos obviously hate christians the most because their religion is the antithesis of christianity.

The muslims are not necessarily as hard to stop, because it's easy to see the bearded guys who are killing people. But when they start overpowering you in your own country it starts to become a real problem.

How they got in your country in the first place is obviously the root cause of the problem, which of course is through zionist wars + kosher immigration policies + political correctness. But once they are in your country, then you not only have the root cause of the problem, but you have the physical problem itself.

It's kind of like cancer. Smoking is the root cause. But after you smoke long enough, the actual physical cancer itself is a becomes the more immediate problem.

It's not the religion really.

If most White people were Muslim, and most Arabs were Christian, you'd see the roles reversed.

Muslim is a shitskin religion since it's mostly dominated by shitskins.

Christianity can be just as violent if it were taken literally.

27th March 2016, 11:03 PM
more big scary propaganda/feels-bad-frog images; more vacuous name-calling/ridicule gambit. Y'all must appreciate; Shalomi is expert at manipulating the lowest IQ, weakest minds among us, and "winning" them over to his point of view (https://ia801902.us.archive.org/2/items/JewWorldsOrdertheNationalIntelReportWithJohnStadtm iller201208021/The%20Jew%20World%20Order%20Unmasked.pdf)http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 (https://ia801902.us.archive.org/2/items/JewWorldsOrdertheNationalIntelReportWithJohnStadtm iller201208021/The%20Jew%20World%20Order%20Unmasked.pdf). :rolleyes:

That's because I'm a /pol/ack and part of the Alt-Right. I hangout at 4Chan/8Chan and TRS all day.

You should go to 4Chan and wag your finger at them about how the Muslims are our friends. See how that works out for you.

My style of doing things is how they do stuff on 4Chan, and it's super effective. That's why I do it.

Also, Pepe is cool.


The stuff the Alt-Right and /pol/ do are highly successful. It's the best vehicle currently to getting our points across. We are organized and have been forcing places like Twitter to develop new algorithms to censor our content. We dominate most comment sections in videos and news articles. Look at what we did to Microsoft's Tay: (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?88729-Microsoft-deletes-teen-girl-AI-after-it-became-Hitler-loving-sex-robot-in-24-Hours)


You may not like it and think it's childish. The fact of the matter is it works, and that's all I care about.

Our motto is to out-Jew the Jew. I try to mimic Jewish tactics as much as possible, but use it for our side.

Don't forget we're fighting the same enemy ultimately, we just have disagreements in some areas and strategies. The Alt-Right is the greatest thing that's happened to our people in a long time. It's a real opposition and you should join it instead of fighting against it. The ruling class doesn't know how to fight an enemy who uses their own tactics against them.

You're not going to get the Average Joe to listen to you by posting long audio files and documentaries up. I've tried that stuff for many years now, and I know it doesn't get us anywhere. You have to use memes, and simple text. I use big font since I know that keeping my message brief and large simplifies my message. In a debate it's always best to have less text than your opponent. Simpler messages usually win out with most people since they are on point. Most peoples' attention spans last a few seconds at most. I know you and me have a conflict building here, but I hope you consider some of the things I'm saying. This stuff is a game changer if we all do it together.

28th March 2016, 02:04 AM
^ your points re 'reaching the unwashed masses' are well taken; they're what fueled my "Dinjoo" meme wannabe (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?78250-anti-cultural-marxist-multiculti-White-preservationist-podcasts&p=824574&viewfull=1#post824574).

But if you mean the Alt-Right™ which postures as being Dinjoo-Wise, yet strongly encourages Trump-ism mainly coz he's right on his spoken immigration policy hopes/promises, and he's not always PC (except wrt zionism), and the Dinjooz appear to dislike him... and we should just ignore everything wrong with him coz he's White & he's our least-bad-choice; I'll pass on that Alt-Right™.

Just make sure, when affiliating yourself with any "branded movement" like Alt-Right™, that you're not unwittingly being a Useful Idiot (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot) of the Dinjooz, and doing their bidding (https://ia801902.us.archive.org/2/items/JewWorldsOrdertheNationalIntelReportWithJohnStadtm iller201208021/The%20Jew%20World%20Order%20Unmasked.pdf)http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 (https://ia801902.us.archive.org/2/items/JewWorldsOrdertheNationalIntelReportWithJohnStadtm iller201208021/The%20Jew%20World%20Order%20Unmasked.pdf) for them.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KdiQBmcgC-4/mqdefault.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdiQBmcgC-4)
Sellout Donald Trump Supports Reauthorizing Patriot Act (Redsilverj) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdiQBmcgC-4)

32:34 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmXJa_D7Jk8)
Trump Extremists (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmXJa_D7Jk8)

Notice, re my "Dinjoo" meme-wannabe, ref'ing that trans-generational organized crime cult masquerading as a 'religion', who Dinjoo Nuffin to get kicked out of countries 109 times... that Dinjoo meme doesn't serve any of their clandestine agendas, like their Clash Of Civilizations Agenda (http://mondoweiss.net/2014/03/civilizations-absolutely-completely), or their domestic race/culture-based Divide & Rule Agenda (http://henrymakow.com/2013/11/How-Widespread-is-White-Resentment.html)-- like the "Dindu Nuffin" meme from which "Dinjoo" is derived does, evoking Soros/BLM-behaving-badly; or the "Rapefugees" meme does, evoking the EU/Rothschild-transplanted-moozlems-behaving-badly; all further incited & encouraged by their global JSM "coverage."

On the contrary, "Dinjoo/z" points the finger squarely at those behind the curtain who wish not to be identified. :cool:

28th March 2016, 07:29 AM
You may not like it and think it's childish. The fact of the matter is it works, and that's all I care about.

Our motto is to out-Jew the Jew. I try to mimic Jewish tactics as much as possible, but use it for our side.

Don't forget we're fighting the same enemy ultimately, we just have disagreements in some areas and strategies. The Alt-Right is the greatest thing that's happened to our people in a long time. It's a real opposition and you should join it instead of fighting against it. The ruling class doesn't know how to fight an enemy who uses their own tactics against them.

You're not going to get the Average Joe to listen to you by posting long audio files and documentaries up. I've tried that stuff for many years now, and I know it doesn't get us anywhere. You have to use memes, and simple text. I use big font since I know that keeping my message brief and large simplifies my message. In a debate it's always best to have less text than your opponent. Simpler messages usually win out with most people since they are on point. Most peoples' attention spans last a few seconds at most. I know you and me have a conflict building here, but I hope you consider some of the things I'm saying. This stuff is a game changer if we all do it together.

Ugh! Too many words strung together. :o

Our motto is to out-Jew the Jew.

Acting like a Jew makes one Jew-ISH... whether it be an individual, a family, tribe, religion or nation.

28th March 2016, 07:30 AM
Acting like a Jew makes one Jew-ISH... whether it be an individual, a family, tribe, religion or nation.

We've lost up until this point because we've played by their rules.

You cannot defeat an enemy if you play by their rules.

28th March 2016, 07:37 AM

“The greatest single indication that ISIS are Mossad is the fact that unlike any other terror group before them they are killing Middle Eastern Christians in vast numbers.”

jews control intelligence security agencies services

ISIS are claiming to be responsible for the attacks in Paris and Brussels which are claimed to have killed numbers of innocent citizens -not one of the targets were Jewish let alone the regimes of those countries. Go figure. But be sure if any terrorist did attack a Jewish target as in the Brussels synagogue some time ago ISIS would claim it in a heartbeat and the entire engine of international Jewish finance; the controlled Jewsmedia and the bought and paid for politicians, would move into action to support The Big Lie.



The so-called ISIS Khalifa “Abu Bakr al Baghdadi,” is in fact a dark-skinned Levantine Israeli Jew who was recruited by Mossad and trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic societies. This information was attributed to Edward Snowden and published by newspapers and other Web sites. Snowden’s claim is that Shimon has two Jewish parents and is a trained actor. The report claims that the head of the “Islamic State” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the creature of Mossad, the CIA, British MI5 and the allied security and intelligence services of the Gulf state nations of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

The purpose of the plan to serve transnational Zionist interests was to create an organization capable of attracting terrorist extremists from around the world to fulfil the purposes of Israel in destabilizing the Middle East and weakening enemies like Iran and Syria, both causing Europeans and Americans to sympathize with Israel over apparently similar Palestinian military responses to Israeli terrorism, and driving the populations of a large area of the Middle East into Europe and the United States.


In the case of Europe to genocide the indigenous white European people in case they ever rise up once more to expel the Jews from their white homelands, and in the case of the USA to ally with the Jews in defeating white and Christian (non evangelical Judaeo-Christian) power by higher birth-rates and the promotion of Muslims to the heights of power along with Jews and other minorities assisted by the Jewish owned and controlled Democrat-Republican, liberal-conservative axis. This accounts for the widespread outrage and passionate anger of American-based and Israeli Jews at Donald Trump’s threat to lessen Muslim immigration to the USA.

More: https://endzog.wordpress.com/2015/03/05/why-is-isis-not-killing-jews-jews-out-of-europe-campaign/

28th March 2016, 09:13 AM
Honestly, the picture of the pope kissing the moslem's feet is highly disturbing. It looks like he's worshiping the moslem. Didn't Jesus say something about not throwing your pearls before swine? And here is the supposed vicar of Christ prostrating himself before someone who's faith categorically rejects Christ? It's a stunning thing to behold, and proof that this is a false pope.

28th March 2016, 09:43 AM
^ disturbing is right; I guess the moozlems are symbolic proxies for the dinjooz in this photo op.

The dinjooz may or may not be successful in duping a segment of the aging/dwindling "practicing Catholic" population of EU by their orchestrating these PR ops with their ziowned Pope/Vatican cock holsters; but the bulk of working age europeans (& worldwide) who may have Catholic backgrounds, have long since walked away from the Church.

Where was the Pope/Vatican when it came to 9/11 and the ensuing wars for IZZY, or on Holohoax Truth? Oh yeah, remember former priests like Bishop Richard Williamson who dared to go there?

Metapedia; which they warn at the top is taken from dinjoopedia: Williamsongate (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Richard_Williamson#Williamsongate)

28th March 2016, 09:54 AM
We've lost up until this point because we've played by their rules.
You cannot defeat an enemy if you play by their rules.

The number 1 rule of the Jew is race...blood...tribe. Only blood Jews are the chosen ones. Chosen to rule the world.

Race is their game. You're playing their game by their rules.

Consider that asshole Weeb that you posted about a while back. He may not be a Jew, but he most definitely is Jew-ish. Produced and directed by Jews.

Ask yourself, who are you being produced and directed by? Who's game are you following?

Just look at Trump. He's a Hollywood hard neoliberal fascist conceptual clone of Netanyahu who spent his life out Jewing the Jew.

Watch how he sucks AIPAC off. If that isn't enough evidence I don't know what will be.

28th March 2016, 10:32 AM
Another happy Easter, this time from ISIS.



(The bombing that killed 67 women and children and wounded 400 was from the Taliban)

28th March 2016, 10:44 AM
Germany now has what they call "law free zones" where there are high concentrations of refugees.


Man gets his phone stolen. GPS puts the location at a refugee camp. Police tells him "We don't go there. Large refugee camps are law free zones for us".

Merkel should be tried for treason.

English translation:

Are asylum accommodation a "legal black hole"?

A man's stolen his cell phone in Karlsruhe - It is localized in a Wieslocher refugee accommodation - But the police not 03/27/2016, 06:00

By Armin Rößler
Wiesloch / Karlsruhe. A Man is stolen the backpack. he can track the path of his property by cell phone tracking. But when the stolen ends up in a refugee camp in Wiesloch, can not or will not help the police and dispenses with a search of the premises him. This case has taken place on Wednesday.
The man from Stuttgart had at Karlsruhe Central Station at 17.50 achieved at the vending machine, the ticket for the journey home, the backpack - includes one Macbook, two external hard drives, notebook, key book and service-iPhone - he had placed between his legs. He was approached by a man at the next machine in broken German if he could not help to solve a ticket to Mannheim. The helpfulness retaliated when he turned back, the backpack was gone, the Stuttgart had been the victim of a classic trick theft.
About the Info Point at the station he came to the police station of the Federal Police, described the incident there, two officials took with him on the - ultimately unsuccessful - search for the thieves. The hope of images from a camera monitoring foundered. Back at the station, the man had the idea that his service iPhone, which was in the backpack, should be to locate on his private cell phone.
And indeed, the robbed and the federal police could see that the unit was already 20 kilometers away and moved. As it turned out, was driving the stolen goods with a suburban train in the direction of Heidelberg. There, then police officers made already ready, but suddenly the iPhone did not move more - the thieves had dropped out at the Wiesloch-Walldorf train station, its further path led according to the location data for Wieslocher refugee shelter in the Auwiesen.
"Perfect", the man thought, "Now we know where it is." But the police officers slowed him: "This is a refugee camp, since we can not do anything," he was told. And when he nachhakte, it said: "Since we do not go in, so large refugee shelters are our legal vacuum" - in the Auwiesen are currently around 300 people accommodated. That the man was advised in addition to report the serial numbers of the stolen equipment yet, in the event that this occurs again, the Stuttgart then perceived as "super paradox, finally we knew where things are." How RNZ was provided upon request, is responsible for the case, in fact, the federal police (and not the local police station) since the theft occurred at a railway station. Officials would need to obtain a search warrant and then be able to act. That was them but perhaps too much effort ... "This is a clear failure by the police," the man was angry.
The robbed speaks of a "great emotional value", which is mainly associated with the partly private, partly professional data on the disks. "I would even trigger my things," he told the RNZ. After telephone conversations with the social workers of the Rhein-Neckar district and the volunteers of the network asylum showed "all very hard" and promised at least in finding the backpack to help.
And the Wieslocher police would have been prepared on Thursday to take action after the RNZ had asked about the case: Since the iPhone at this time was already switched off and thus no longer to locate, the officials lacked the basis for this.

midnight rambler
28th March 2016, 11:07 AM
I know a German cop who's assigned to patrolling a rapeugee camp (on the perimeter I suppose...?). When I spoke with him last week he advised that he has plenty of time to talk on the phone while at work because the German police are there at the camps merely as 'a presence'. Next time I talk to him I will ask him about what's going on along his beat in more detail.

28th March 2016, 11:14 AM
German train operator introduces women-only carriages amid fears over 'migrant sex attacks'

09:23, 28 Mar 2016
Updated 16:45, 28 Mar 2016
By Richard Wheatstone (http://www.mirror.co.uk/authors/richard-wheatstone/)

The Regiobahn line between Leipzig and Chemnitz will situate the new carriages next to train conductors to increase security for women


A German train operator has announced it is introducing women and children-only train carriages amid fears over sex attacks in the country.

The Regiobahn line between Leipzig and Chemnitz will introduce the carriages to increase security for women.

The carriages will be next to the train conductor in a bid to make women feel more safe.

A spokesman for the railway said: “The local proximity to the customer service representative is chosen deliberately.”

Germany is still reeling from a a string of sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve, allegedly carried out by dozens of migrants.

In total more than 800 complaints were made to police and the incidents have sparked criticism over German Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to refuse to limit the number of refugees allowed into the country.

But the railway has said the measure is not a direct reaction to the Cologne incidents but is about increasing security generally.
The idea of gender segregated carriages was suggested by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn (http://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/jeremy-corbyn) last year as a measure to reduce sexual harassment on public transport.

He said: “Some women have raised with me that a solution to the rise in assault and harassment on public transport could be to introduce women-only carriages.

“I would consult with women and open it up to hear their views on whether women-only carriages would be welcome – and if piloting this at times and on modes of transport where harassment is reported most frequently would be of interest.”

The measure is also currently in place in countries such as Brazil, Mexico and Egypt.

mick silver
28th March 2016, 11:27 AM
why are isis not killing jews?

28th March 2016, 04:14 PM
This Faggot will turn us all into SoG types.

Pope on Easter: Use ‘Weapons of Love’ to Combat Brutal Violence of Muslim Terror

28th March 2016, 04:16 PM
why are isis not killing jews?

The upper levels of ISIS is ran/manipulated by IDF (Israel.)

31st March 2016, 05:10 AM
German train operator introduces women-only carriages amid fears over 'migrant sex attacks'

09:23, 28 Mar 2016
Updated 16:45, 28 Mar 2016
By Richard Wheatstone (http://www.mirror.co.uk/authors/richard-wheatstone/)

The Regiobahn line between Leipzig and Chemnitz will situate the new carriages next to train conductors to increase security for women


A German train operator has announced it is introducing women and children-only train carriages amid fears over sex attacks in the country.

The Regiobahn line between Leipzig and Chemnitz will introduce the carriages to increase security for women.

The carriages will be next to the train conductor in a bid to make women feel more safe.

A spokesman for the railway said: “The local proximity to the customer service representative is chosen deliberately.”

Germany is still reeling from a a string of sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve, allegedly carried out by dozens of migrants.

In total more than 800 complaints were made to police and the incidents have sparked criticism over German Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to refuse to limit the number of refugees allowed into the country.

But the railway has said the measure is not a direct reaction to the Cologne incidents but is about increasing security generally.
The idea of gender segregated carriages was suggested by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn (http://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/jeremy-corbyn) last year as a measure to reduce sexual harassment on public transport.

He said: “Some women have raised with me that a solution to the rise in assault and harassment on public transport could be to introduce women-only carriages.

“I would consult with women and open it up to hear their views on whether women-only carriages would be welcome – and if piloting this at times and on modes of transport where harassment is reported most frequently would be of interest.”

The measure is also currently in place in countries such as Brazil, Mexico and Egypt.

Now does that mean female passengers not going in the female only cars, without males to protect them, are themselves to blame if they get harassed or assaulted?

Twisted Titan
1st April 2016, 05:32 AM
Honestly, the picture of the pope kissing the moslem's feet is highly disturbing. It looks like he's worshiping the moslem. Didn't Jesus say something about not throwing your pearls before swine? And here is the supposed vicar of Christ prostrating himself before someone who's faith categorically rejects Christ? It's a stunning thing to behold, and proof that this is a false pope.

And all Yashua did was wash the feet of Hebrews ( no people of the other nations that worshipped other Gods) that he personally chose.

No kissing
No prostrating
No golden basin

Woe be unto the deceived masses who follow this apostate

16th April 2016, 07:47 AM

https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/MbNQNL2VdFOh9x..6HcC3g--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9MTAyNDtoPTY4MTtpbD 1wbGFuZQ--/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/afp.com/Part-DV-DV2228250-1-1-1.jpg


>thousands of Christians persecuted/genocided in Lebanon
>thousands of Christians persecuted/genocided in Saudia Arabia
>thousands of Christians persecuted/genocided in Egypt
>thousands of Christians persecuted/genocided in Syria
>thousands of Christians persecuted/genocided in Jordan, Nigeria, Yemen, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, etc etc etc

This faggot pope brings Muslim families
This pope is an enemy of Christendom and the west
I am an atheist and I can see this

He's mad because the world won't "end the wars"? The only war going on is Muslims killing Christians along with anything 'non' muslim. How does the Pope propose muslims stop doing this? Instead of blaming "the world" for the actions of muslims and doing a silly stunt like bringing a whole 3 families to visit the Vatican, how about coming up with a real solution? Until then Pope, stop throwing stones.


He isn't, he is the perfect Christian.

Saints of the church are martyrs and pacifists.

You're literally supposed to love your enemy, turn the other check, etc.

If you don't agree with the Pope, you're not truly a Christian.

This is what Christianity is, you cucks on /pol/ can deny this all you want but it's reality. You don't understand this Pope and you don't agree because deep inside your soul, you're not Christcucks. Your European soul is trying to escape.

16th April 2016, 07:53 AM

16th April 2016, 09:40 AM
Its time honored tradition of All Christians to kiss feet.