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30th March 2016, 06:28 AM
Marco Rubio asks state GOPs to keep delegates to hamper Donald Trump at Republican National Convention
BY NICOLE HENSLEY NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 5:19 AM A A A

Marco Rubio wants 171 of his delegates to stick with him to hamper Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention in July.
Failed presidential candidate Marco Rubio isn’t going down without a fight over his 171 pledged delegates.

The senator from Florida, who suspended his campaign during the heated Republican primary race in mid-March, has no intention of letting Donald Trump get his hands on his delegates until after the first vote is cast at July’s convention.

The stunt “gives voters a chance to stop Trump” from advancing to the general election, Rubio aide Alex Burgos told MSNBC.

In a letter sent to Alaska Republican Party Chairman Peter Goldberg, he asked to keep all five of his delegates despite being out of the race. He also misspelled the United States.

“I write this letter to inform you that the decision to suspend my campaign for President of the Untied States is not intended to release any National Convention Delegates bound to me,” wrote Rubio.

The same request was reportedly sent to 21 states and territories, MSNBC reported.

His delegates were already divided among rivals Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, who won Alaska. After receiving Rubio’s request, the state GOP decided to return his five delegates. “Senator Rubio will have his five delegates at the national convention,” Goldberg said in a statement.

Marco Rubio's stunt is an attempt to stop Donald Trump from obtaining the Republican nomination instead of John Kasich or Ted Cruz.
Most presidential candidates in the past have released their delegates, but Rubio’s letters could rig a contested national convention and possibly stop Trump from collecting the 1,236 delegates he needs to be the Republican presidential candidate.

Rubio scored the brunt of his delegates after winning Minnesota while garnering dozens more in Georgia, Oklahoma and Virginia.


midnight rambler
30th March 2016, 06:48 AM
No doubt bitterness is in play however I'm betting dollars to donuts that the 'never Trump' forces had a hand in this.

30th March 2016, 06:55 AM
No doubt bitterness is in play however I'm betting dollars to donuts that the 'never Trump' forces had a hand in this.

Of course they did. They own Little Marco. But besides that, Little Marco with his big ego, is still sulking over being beaten that badly, IN HIS OWN STATE!

midnight rambler
30th March 2016, 07:00 AM
I recall Trump being very gracious toward Lil' Maroc immediately after beating him in Florida.

31st August 2016, 09:00 AM
Rubio benefits from "Prisnons for Profit". Article is from 2015

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about

Sen. Marco Rubio is one of the biggest beneficiaries.


31st August 2016, 02:46 PM
a lot of frauds exposed this election - rubio, cruz, romney, etc, etc, etc