View Full Version : Trump 'top strategist' turned defector

midnight rambler
30th March 2016, 10:48 AM
WTF is up with this? Some nobody seeking attention? Everyone should now run to support Lyin' Ted??


30th March 2016, 10:59 AM
Amythist rhubarb8 • 2 days ago

The two year old toddler twitter temper tantrump over this should be glorious.

whatever Amythist • 2 days ago

for instance I'm seeing that it's not even true: ""Stephanie Cegielski, who wrote anti-Trump column, was NOT ex-Trump strategist. Worked for unauthorized SuperPAC, no "inside" insight on DJT.""

Patriot2016 whatever • 2 days ago

It's not true.

She worked for a now defunct Superpac.

No connection to Trump or his people.

So...total BS.

She's obviously looking for attention

30th March 2016, 11:22 AM
see all your anti trump friends sharing the articles claiming that an "insider of the Trump campaign" or "Top Strategist of the Trump campaign" is coming out to reveal the "truth" behind Trump?

Well, here's the facts, and now you can SHUT THEM DOWN
Just look up Stephanie Cegielski on google, a few articles are out now on the truth and facts behind her, but here is the jist of it. Feel free to copy and paste onto your liberal friend's article sharing.
She was part of a Super PAC, an independent PAC focused on raising and using funds to help advocate for or against a candidate, but prohibited from donating or giving said funds to the candidate or their official campaign. She was a communications adviser for the PAC "Make America Great Again", but her little PAC was disbanded in October, after TRUMP (not her) disavowed Super PACs. It is Only now she's "coming out" using words that speak to bleeding heart liberals.
She's literally a nobody, not even someone who worked with the official campaign, let alone someone who worked directly with trump. Her words are meaningless.
It's pretty funny how pathetically weak their attempts at trying to "convert over trump supporters" is.
Pretty sure she's doing this for her little 15 minutes of fame, so she can gain attention and land a new Job in politics (since the Super PAC paid her $74,000 for the short time she was with them)
or maybe she's a paid shill to try and make trump look bad

If you read that piece she made, she acts as if she knows Trump personally and worked with him. That is obviously complete BS, since she was NEVER even part of the Trump campaign and thus probably doesn't know him very well if at all.

She doesn't know him, her words literally mean nothing. She shows no proof of any of the figures she claims in the article. She made $74,000 working with the PAC for the short time it lived, then Trump shut them down as he wanted to keep things self funded.

It's very fishy. She is looking to get another position working with PACs or political organizations, look at her LinkedIn. She wants attention, and this is the quickest way to get that attention, by tacking her name on with "trump" in the title.

When I read the letter critically, it is full of self-inflating innuendo, and a bare minimum of "inside gossip" to accredit herself. "Let Donald be Donald" sounds a likely phrase, and likely that philosophy has led to his great success. It mirrors how Andrew Jackson answered the sculptor, when asked how he would like to be portrayed;"Make me as I am". One cannot improve upon such humility.

the letter:
Snopes vetting it:

In other words, there is nothing here.

30th March 2016, 03:21 PM
A couple of these themes have been written before, so I would wonder if the neo-fags wrote this for her.

Theme #1

I don't think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.

Theme #2

And he has no problem abusing your support the same way he cheated hard-working men and women out of millions of dollars, for which he is now being sued.

midnight rambler
30th March 2016, 03:22 PM
I think the best term in this case is "top defector".