View Full Version : UcucK Justice Secretary — Boycotting Israel ‘Worse than Apartheid’

31st March 2016, 03:41 PM
So don't do it Nazi Goon !
Be nice.

The campaign to boycott Israel is committing a “crime worse than apartheid” UK Justice Secretary Michael Gove said as he was honoured for his support of the country and Anglo-Jewry in New York.

The justice secretary was recognised at Algemeiner’s Jewish 100 Gala on Wednesday, alongside philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, at a dinner also attended by Rupert Murdoch.

He said: “Across the world, the new anti-Semites rally behind the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign. And the people behind it have the temerity to compare Israel with apartheid South Africa, even though Israel is a country which gives all its citizens — whatever their background, whatever their ethnicity — a vote and a say. A country with Arab politicians in the Knesset and an Arab lawyer on the Supreme Court.

1st April 2016, 07:42 AM
Bernard Henri-Levy, no-one has done more to destroy the once great state of Libya! Together with Hillary and Sarkozy!
