View Full Version : Does anyone know what Pro-Life Fox News conservative views are?

3rd April 2016, 08:22 AM
Fox people keep saying Trump should learn more about this issue before speaking about it.

I wish Trump would go right to the source, anyone on Fox News, to ask them what the party views are.

Should abortion be illegal?

Do you consider abortion murder?

If a women willfully seeks to end her fetus's life, is she a victim?

If the answer to 1 and 2 are yes...should women be punished for breaking abortion laws and committing an act of murder?

These are simple questions that anyone on Fox News should be able to answer, since they've had these pro-life views for decades.

I sure don't see anyone stepping forward to state the party views.

3rd April 2016, 09:25 AM
Fox people keep saying Trump should learn more about this issue before speaking about it.

I wish Trump would go right to the source, anyone on Fox News, to ask them what the party views are.

Should abortion be illegal?

Do you consider abortion murder?

If a women willfully seeks to end her fetus's life, is she a victim?

If the answer to 1 and 2 are yes...should women be punished for breaking abortion laws and committing an act of murder?

These are simple questions that anyone on Fox News should be able to answer, since they've had these pro-life views for decades.

I sure don't see anyone stepping forward to state the party views.

He did turn the table on Chris Matthews on his Catholic views on abortion, and it was quite effective. Showed what a slime Matthews is.

3rd April 2016, 09:57 AM
Aren't you Catholic, JohnQPublic?

3rd April 2016, 02:43 PM
Here's a basic outline of the abortion laws. Laws state there are penalties, or punishment for breaking these laws. I'm still not sure why Trump didn't stay with his first answer.

Gestational Limits

Most states ban abortions after a certain gestational time period - such as after "fetal viability" or when a fetus might potentially survive outside the womb. The time period of fetal viability varies among the states. The most stringent gestational limit is 20-weeks (Nebraska and North Carolina). Other states limit abortions to under 24-weeks (Florida, Nevada, and New York).

You can check laws in your state here: http://statelaws.findlaw.com/family-laws/abortion.html

3rd April 2016, 03:28 PM
They say Trump hasn't fully thought out issues like abortion.

Here's a statement by a career politician, that has spent her whole life thinking about the same issues...listen to the very carefully worded statement of this lawyer, read on, this is precious!

Clinton ‘unborn person’ comments anger both pro-choice, pro-life sides
Outlines abortion views after Trump comments spark furor

By Bradford Richardson - The Washington Times - Updated: 5:01 p.m. on Sunday, April 3, 2016

Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an “unborn person” or “child.”

“The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights,” Mrs. Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t do everything we possibly can in the vast majority of instances to, you know, help a mother who is carrying a child and wants to make sure that child will be healthy, to have appropriate medical support.”

Mrs. Clinton also said “there is room for reasonable kinds of restrictions” on abortion during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Diana Arellano, manager of community engagement for Planned Parenthood Illinois Action, said Sunday that Mrs. Clinton’s comments undermined the cause for abortion rights.

The comment “further stigmatizes #abortion,” Ms. Arellano said in a tweet. “She calls a fetus an ‘unborn child’ & calls for later term restrictions.”

Describing the fetus as a “person” or “child” has long been anathema to the pro-choice movement, which argues the terms misleadingly imply a sense of humanity.

In addition, the specific term “person” is a legal concept that includes rights and statuses that the law protects, including protection of a person’s life under the laws against homicide. Pro-choice intellectuals have long said that even if an unborn child is a “life,” it is not yet a “person.”

Guidelines issued by the International Planned Parenthood Federation discourage pro-choice advocates from using terms such as “abort a child,” instead recommending “more accurate/appropriate” alternatives such as “end a pregnancy” or “have an abortion.”

“‘Abort a child’ is medically inaccurate, as the fetus is not yet a child,” the guide reads. “‘Terminate’ a pregnancy is commonly used, however some people prefer to avoid this as terminate may have negative connotations (e.g., ‘terminator or assassinate’) for some people.”

The guidebook also advises against the terms “baby,” “dead fetus,” “unborn baby” or “unborn child” when discussing what it is that’s being aborted. Instead, it recommends the terms “embryo,” “fetus” and “the pregnancy.”

“The alternatives are medically accurate terms, as the embryo or fetus is not a baby,” it explains.

The exchange with NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday came after Mrs. Clinton blasted Republican front-runner Donald Trump last week for saying that women should face “some form of punishment” for having abortions if they were illegal. He later reversed his statement, multiple times, after an outcry from both pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Conservatives also caught Mrs. Clinton’s words and drew implications. Commentary Editor John Podhoretz said the gaffe is comparable to those of Mr. Trump.

“This is Trump-level gaffery,” Mr. Podhoretz said in a tweet. “If you acknowledge personhood, then the unborn has every Constitutional right.”

Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro also said that Mrs. Clinton’s statement “demonstrates just how incoherent and evil the left’s abortion position is.”

3rd April 2016, 04:59 PM

mick silver
4th April 2016, 12:11 PM
murder is murder cant make this up if you wanted too , and we pay for this in a form of taxes ... murder