View Full Version : Jews, the children of Satan
6th May 2020, 10:58 PM
I have been trying to find a page detailing a letter from the Jews of Spain to their prince in Constantinople asking for support during the inquisition. I thought I ran across it in this thread. Any pointers would be appreciated.
woodman what was the subject of the letter you're looking for? The only thing that comes to mind for me may have been from a Rabi instructing the jews to pretend to be christian so they could remain in Spain when Queen Isabella told them they had to convert or leave the country. That was a huge mistake on her part.
In "The Talmud Unmasked" by I. B. Pranaitis I believe it tells of a Rabi that tells the jews to lie and become fake christians if that's what they needed to do to survive.
There was a good thread about Queen Isabella here.
The story of Queen Isabellas troubles with the jews is at this link.
7th May 2020, 04:44 AM
woodman what was the subject of the letter you're looking for? The only thing that comes to mind for me may have been from a Rabi instructing the jews to pretend to be christian so they could remain in Spain when Queen Isabella told them they had to convert or leave the country. That was a huge mistake on her part.
In "The Talmud Unmasked" by I. B. Pranaitis I believe it tells of a Rabi that tells the jews to lie and become fake christians if that's what they needed to do to survive.
There was a good thread about Queen Isabella here.
The story of Queen Isabellas troubles with the jews is at this link.
thanks for the links Tumbleweed. When I can get back to my computer I will try the history function.
7th May 2020, 07:31 PM
thanks for the links Tumbleweed. When I can get back to my computer I will try the history function.
Found it.
In 1492 CE, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion (after the fall of Muslim rule in spain).
This was the reply:
” Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. [Emphasis mine]
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
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The reply is found in the sixteenth century Spanish book, La Silva Curiosa, by Julio-Iniguez de Medrano (Paris, Orry, 1608), on pages 156 and 157, with the following explanation: “This letter following was found in the archives of Toledo by the Hermit of Salamanca, (while) searching the ancient records of the kingdoms of Spain; and, as it is expressive and remarkable, I wish to write it here.” ~ vide, photostat facing page 80. ~ The above was quoted from Waters Flowing Eastward by Paquita de Shishmareff, pp. 73-74
From the same page:
From Jews Must Liveby Samuel Roth, pg. 22. “The organ is diseased. This disease is a sort of moral gonorrhea known as Judaism, which, alas, seems to be incurable. If you have any doubts, look at any Jew ridden country in Europe. If you need to be further convinced, take a look at what is happening in the United States.”
9th May 2020, 04:19 AM
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. [Emphasis mine]
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
The snippets and snappits blog spot exposes some pretty interesting and dark things about the jews.
They've been successful in doing everything they were told to do and that's why we're in so much trouble now with them wanting to destroy us. The book of Revelation tells us that they don't win in the end though and that they will all be destroyed.
In part four of "Beginnings and Ends" William Finck and Don Fox discuss what is to become of them in the end times. It's easier for me to download it to my computer and listen to it there rather than just listen to it at the podcast site and It sure looks to me like we're in the end times of Revelation.
9th May 2020, 07:36 AM
The snippets and snappits blog spot exposes some pretty interesting and dark things about the jews.
They've been successful in doing everything they were told to do and that's why we're in so much trouble now with them wanting to destroy us. The book of Revelation tells us that they don't win in the end though and that they will all be destroyed.
In part four of "Beginnings and Ends" William Finck and Don Fox discuss what is to become of them in the end times. It's easier for me to download it to my computer and listen to it there rather than just listen to it at the podcast site and It sure looks to me like we're in the end times of Revelation.
This book along with the letter from constantinople that we just discussed should clear things up and bring everything into focus.
Fully half the Jews of Europe at one time embraced this ideology, that redemption must be obtained through sin. Sabbataenism and Frankism; Sabatea Levi and Jacob Frank were two of the supposed Jewish Messiahs who espoused this twisted idea. Black is white, bad is good, the profane is sacred. It also goes into the teachings of the Kabbalah and how the Kabbalah is the foundation for the Jewish culture, especially the thinking of the elite. Supposedly a more recent interpretation of the Kabbalah is now used and is far more profane than the older. Rape, murder, debauchery are not only acceptable, but the worse the transgression, the higher the possibilities of redemption. I guess in their twisted ideology, it is only by debasement, that one may attain the heights. They do not believe that there is such a thing as evil, but that which we see as evil is just another side of God and therefore may be approached by the aspirant.
According to the author Christians are anathema to Jews although they will play along just long enough to ensnare them. They really do plan on exterminating Christianity and the bulk of the non-Jewish population.
The book explains how the Illuminatti and Freemasonry are an integral part of the whole plan against us.
9th May 2020, 07:58 AM
I recall that letter contained a phrase suggesting Jews become Doctors so they could "treat" the goyim.
25th May 2020, 08:13 AM
William Finck did an article on one of Bertrand Comparet sermons that is about the end times. It's an interesting article from a biblical perspective.
Birth Pangs of the Coming Age, a Review of a Sermon by Bertrand Comparet
Here I am going to present and critique a sermon by Bertrand Comparet, titled Birth pangs of the Coming Age ( While Comparet had excellent insight in many respects, in others it would be difficult to miss the proverbial handwriting on the wall. Yet none of us can really ever know exactly what lies over the horizon, so sometimes even the most visible trends don’t always result in the conditions or outcomes that we may have imagined beforehand. As I have said many times in the past, prophecy does not exist so that we can see the future, but rather, so that once it unfolds we can look back and know that God is true.
Like most of Comparet’s sermons, it is difficult to know exactly when this was written or delivered. But here he has helped us by mentioning a 1967 event in its last paragraph. His remarks on the struggles between the interests of capital and organized labor remind me of the newspaper headlines relating to that same thing, which were ubiquitous throughout the early 1970’s. So if I had to guess, I would date this sermon around 1974 to 1976, right around the same time that former Teamster’s union leader Jimmy Hoffa had disappeared.
Aside from the visible trends, who could foresee things such as the so-called coronavirus pandemic? Not that we believe in the pandemic, since in my opinion it is a hoax, or at the very least, the hype is a hoax, which I had first stated here well over two months ago. Several years ago Bill Gates “predicted” such a pandemic, at the same time that he was investing billions of dollars in pharmaceutical companies and giving large grants to certain scientific research institutions to create it for him. So Gates really isn’t a prophet, but a conspirator. Now the pandemic which his cabal had created is being used to decimate small businesses and the personal finances of tens or even hundreds of millions of people, to test the effectiveness of population control, and certainly the level of population obedience not only to government, but also the level of compliance with what they are told by mainstream media. In the aftermath of all this, we will know for sure that most people will comply even with the poisoning of their own bodies.
Now most of the populations of what was formerly known as Christendom, the White nations of the world, are stricken with fear. But what they do not know, and what they will not hear in churches even if they go to churches, is that fear itself is a punishment from God for disobedience to His word. In the warnings of punishments for disobedience found in Deuteronomy chapter 28, we read “66 And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life: 67 In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.”
If a virus can make people agree to give up their very livelihoods and stay locked up as prisoners in their own homes, going out-of-doors only to obtain the basic necessities, if they can even find them, while hiding their faces behind masks and avoiding contact with their own neighbors, what would they do in the face of a real, tangible enemy? They are defeated even before the sound of a trumpet calls them to battle. Now it appears that they may remain defeated, as society is being reengineered in nefarious ways whereby they may all be permanently enslaved to international corporations, and forced to eat artificial fodder while submitting to the chemical manipulation of their own bodies. But because of their fear and their faith in the false gods of media, science and government, they will be happy to do these things. That is a punishment that even the prophets of God did not have words to fully describe.
So now we will hear from Bertrand Comparet, and add many of our own comments, as we discuss his sermon:
Once again, this was taken from Jeanne Snyder’s transcription of Comparet’s sermons, which she originally titled Your Heritage, and digitized by Clifton A. Emahiser, who had also added some of his own critical notes. Comparet begins:
Very few people are satisfied with the present age, even the materialists want to change it. Consequently, they are easy prey to communism, because they have no ideals or principles. Their motto is, “Let’s get all we can, by any means possible.”
The way I see it, there are two groups in Society. The one, the tares, represent most of the materialists. But White Christians, or wheat, who are without Christ can also fall into this group, because they are Judaized and only have a marginal understanding of the Gospel, if they have not forsaken Christ completely. This group naturally pushes Society down the brink into the abyss of Sodom and Gomorrah. They are never satisfied with the present age until they get there, but once they arrive they will still not be satisfied because there is never any true satisfaction in lasciviousness or materialism, or the accompanying idolatry that comes with it. When a man is on the path of sin, the sins must get more and more grievous, the toys must be bigger and bigger, the perversions greater and greater, until finally he is destroyed in his lusts. The other group, the Wheat, which are White Christians who at least seek to be marginally faithful to the gospel of Christ, are also not satisfied with Society, but for different reasons. However their satisfaction will not come either, until Society itself is destroyed, but with different results than what may be expected by the tares. With two groups, polar opposites, wheat and tares, the destruction of society – which is the proverbial fall of Babylon -- is inevitable.
Comparet is right about the first group, although many Christians are also materialists. They are easy prey to Communism because their principles have been compromised. Today that is perfectly clear, observing their response to the so-called pandemic and their blind willingness to follow the media and submit to totalitarian government control of their lives, and even of what flows through their very veins. The life is in the blood, and science and government cannot give life – only God can do that. As he continues, Comparet is correct about the second group as well, White Christians, even if he said it only a in few words:
We want something better, not just more pay for the unions, more time to watch worse television, more money to buy synthetic whiskey, or bigger and more deadly traffic jams. We want the true liberty, the real good, which can come only in the kingdom of Yahweh.
I honestly do not know much about whiskey, and I don’t drink much of it. I can say that in the 1970’s, much of the industry was controlled by Jewish families with criminal histories, such as the Bronfmans, so I would put nothing past them. However Comparet passed on in 1980, and making a quick search I could find nothing about the commercial production of synthetic whiskey for sale until 2018. But since the concept was the subject of a paper ( produced by the U.S Treasury Department in 1936 (, and even in articles dating to as early as 1906 ( hAB#v=onepage&q=synthetic%20whiskey&f=false), it was probably done much earlier than recent times. So Comparet seems to have known something about that. This is a digression, so we shall continue with Comparet:
There is no way to bring in the true good while the forces of evil of the present age, still rule the world. What chance has any good, while our country is in the hands of stupid or traitorous politicians? There is no political party left in these United States which even pretends to represent the majority of the people.
Of course this is true, but in America it has probably been the prevailing predicament since the days of Andrew Jackson, and often even earlier. We will never see the Kingdom of Heaven so long as we have any king other than Yahshua Christ. The American empire stands as a bar to the Kingdom of Heaven, so it shall never become manifest until it and whatever attempts to replace it falls. We cannot rule out the fact that there may be attempts to replace it. Continuing with Comparet:
Both labor and capital would gladly sink the ship of state, if only they can steal a larger piece of the wreckage for themselves. It has reached the point where man alone can’t clean up the mess he has made, only Yahweh’s strong hand will suffice.
While it might be a study which takes years, if it has not already been done, it seems that in the 1960’s and 1970’s so-called labor interests and capitalists did sink the ship of state, colluding to destroy industry so that it could all be moved to China. By the time Comparet gave this sermon, most of the formerly industrial Northeast was already deindustrialized, the factories and mills rotting in decay, and the industries were sent to Southeast Asia or Japan.
Fifteen years ago I was following the bankruptcy and closing of a steel mill in western Pennsylvania. It was reported to have had 4 pensioners for every employee. No venture, capitalist or Christian, could function profitably under those circumstances. At the same time, there were auto plant closures, mostly because the unions had forced the auto manufacturers to agree to maintain a designated number of workers at each plant, whether or not automobiles were being manufactured and sold. No business could function under those circumstances either. They could not change the unions or the contracts, so when they became unprofitable they simply closed the plants. While I despise Jewish capitalism, to me it is obvious that organized labor was complicit in the deindustrialization of the West, which was also the objective of jewish capitalism for many other reasons.
Continuing with Comparet:
In the past, Yahweh has allowed evil to destroy itself. He has used different groups of evil men to overthrow apostate Israel and Judah. Somewhat the same thing may underlie the present grouping of the pagan and godless nations of the world, against the Christian nations. These nations have allowed the aliens, who hate Yahshua, to come in. They have infiltrated every activity, business, churches, government, and turn our people away from their loyalty to Yahshua and our racial way of life.
Of course, Comparet is speaking of Jews. But even he did not quite see that the Jews, the Satan which crawled out of the pit of the ghettos of Medieval Europe, would exacerbate the situation by opening the floodgates to the brown hoards of Africa, India, Southeast Asia and Mexico and Central and South America. The Immigration Act which encouraged that was signed in 1965, but the results were not fully manifest for quite some time. If they had been, perhaps Comparet may have mentioned them frequently. Now there is something else he did not fully foresee, where he continues and says:
Individually, the great majority of our race are still Christian. However, we have allowed control of all phases of our lives to slip out of our hands until our nations have lost their proudly Christian character.
In 1975 this was more true than it is today, that a majority of Whites were still Christian, but these past 15 years the Jewish media has virtually trumpeted the creation of a “post-Christian” society in America. However Europe and other nations formed from its colonies have been post-Christian, or secularized, much longer, and now few modern Europeans even profess a belief in God, or a god. We are still in a pattern where Whites are moving away from Christianity, and therefore it may be some time before the pendulum swings and a sufficient number of them realize a need to return to Christ and to repent of their immorality. Even so-called Christian churches have now accepted the progressive agenda, symbolized by the prevalence of both mixed-race and sodomite marriages, so they are not even Christian. Therefore, where Comparet continues, it may be a long time before, as he says:
Such conditions must be corrected, Yahweh’s protection is given to those who are loyal to Him, and the rest must be purged away. Hence, the terribly destructive conflict now approaching will be Yahweh’s means of separating the wheat from the tares. The evils of the present time must go before the new age can come in, this will be a continuing process over a period of time. The death agonies of this present age are the birth pangs of the new age.
Comparet only saw the “evils of the present time” as they began to unfold, which were manifest in things such as the trends which are symbolized by Woodstock or the hippie movement in California. Yet he was certainly correct, that the cultural divide which he was implying would begin the separation of the wheat and the tares, if our current observation of the slow balkanization of America continues into a broader trend. So now he continues with part of a description given by Christ in answer to three questions, where in Matthew chapter 24, as He told His apostles that Jerusalem was soon to be destroyed, they had asked Him: “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” They themselves could not have known at the time that His answer would ultimately describe events which would occur at different times, in different ages, as they seem to have had a mistaken impression that all three questions were connected to one answer. So Comparet continues in reference to the last of their questions, seeking to understand the signs if the time of the end:
Matthew chapter 24 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. It gives Yahshua’s description of the warning signs of the end of this age, and of His return. In Matthew 24:37 Yahshua tells us, “As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
The answers of Christ were recorded in a somewhat different manner in Luke chapter 21, but putting the two chapters together helps to clarify the meaning. We will instead focus on Comparet’s comments concerning the answer. Comparet continues by going back to Genesis to see how it was in the days of Noah, but today we are much closer to those times than he could have observed in 1975:
I need not belabor the point that today we are living in conditions much like those of Noah’s day. It is all told in the daily newspapers, so it is easy to see. Genesis 6:5, 11 tells us, “And Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.... The earth also was corrupt before Yahweh, and the earth was filled with violence.”
But Comparet leaves it here, without further elaboration. Continuing from where he left off in Matthew 24, Christ had said: “38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Going back to Genesis chapter 6 and the days of Noah, a proper study reveals that the descendants of Adam were eating and drinking with the so-called “sons of God”, properly the “sons of Heaven” or the fallen angels, and giving their daughters to them in marriage.
This same sort of race-mixing, while it was happening on a much smaller scale in 1975, is absolutely ubiquitous today, and its frequency seems to increase exponentially with every passing year. But while this was the sin of the children of Adam in Genesis chapter 6, it is also a punishment from God for disobedience to Him in other ways, as we see in the punishments for disobedience that the children of Israel were warned would come upon them in Deuteronomy chapter 28. However as we discuss that, we will also discuss a few other recent developments.
First, there is the advent of so-called “no fault divorce”, oppressive property seizures and alimony and child support payments. Not to single out women alone, as just as many modern men are sinners, but today a woman can cheat on her husband, win the house and children in a divorce case, have her husband put out in the street, and continue to have him support her while she sleeps every night with Bubba, Jody and Sancho.
That is a punishment from God for disobedience, and if not against the particular individual, then as a punishment against the wider community, as we read in Deuteronomy 28: “30 Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof.” The enemies of our race have accomplished this not by defeating us in war, but by enslaving us through wicked legislation.
Then two verses later in that chapter, we read: “32 Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand.” This is exactly what is happening as our young men and women go off into so-called marriage, which is not marriage at all, with Jews and Negros and all sorts of other beasts that we by the constructs of our Liberal society are forced to pretend are “people”. These are the offspring of the same Nephilim which the ancient children of Adam had mingled with in Genesis chapter 6. Our children are race-mixing, destroying their own heritage, and there is nothing we can do about it because our own national sin has created the very circumstances which made it possible, and we are compelled to comply.
There are other punishments for disobedience, but we shall consider one more before proceeding with Bertrand Comparet. Just a few verses later in the same chapter: “43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. 44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.” Of course, there never was such a thing as “White privilege”, as most Whites have worked very hard for what they have acquired throughout history. But if one builds a nation or a society, one would expect to enjoy the benefits provided by that society, and that is not privilege. However now, with so-called “equal opportunity” laws which have led to institutionalized anti-White racism, to minority preferences, the aliens who have been admitted to White nations everywhere have all the privileges and protections, and Whites are being disenfranchised. So that too is a punishment from God.
Clifton Emahiser offered two notes at the end of his publication of this sermon, and the first one refers to what Comparet had said here about the days of Noah. So Clifton wrote:
Comparet made the statement in this presentation that “Matthew chapter 24 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible.” I have to agree with him on this point, but not entirely as he has presented it here. He then went on to quote Matthew 24:37, “As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Yes, this is definitely an important sign for the end of the age, and had Comparet lived a little longer to witness the great amount miscegenation that is going on today, he would have simply been astounded. For my views on Matthew chapter 24, get my paper Death Of A Kingdom & Rebirth Of Another ( The first 30 verses deal with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, then the subject changes to the signs of Christ’s Second Advent, and verse 37 surley applies to our day!
25th May 2020, 08:15 AM
Continuing with Comparet:
There is another important likeness here, Noah received two warnings of the impending judgment. The first came a century before the flood, telling him to build the ark.
Here Comparet refers to the 120-year period mentioned in Genesis 6:3, and his interpretation is correct. Many people, including many so-called pastors, misread this passage to imagine that from that time men would live for only 120 years, when previously they had lived longer. But while lifespans did indeed shorten over the generations following the flood of Noah, that is a separate phenomenon and the statement in Genesis 6:3 has nothing to do with how long men would live. That is a common misconception. It only had to do with how long it would be until Yahweh destroyed the race of sinners in the flood, from the time that He began to instruct Noah on building the ark. Now Comparet refers to Genesis 7:3 and he says:
The second warning to finish the ark, finish loading and get aboard, was just seven days. We also can expect to receive two warnings. The early warning was to give us time to prepare. The second and last warning, given at the last moment, let us know that it was time to seek shelter. It would be well for us to examine these warnings, so we can recognize them when they come.
I do not know why Comparet thought we should receive two warnings in the same pattern that Noah had, and over the course of the horrible events of the last 120 years, where over a hundred million Christians have been slaughtered on the altars of Moloch by the high priests of international Jewry, we may think that we have had many warnings, but not yet is the end in sight. Nevertheless, Comparet proceeds with the signs that Christ had said we would have:
In Matthew chapter 24 Yahshua also lists seven signs which would be warnings of the approaching end of this age. These were the following. (1) False Christs and false prophets. (2) Wars and rumors of wars. (3) Famines, pestilence and earthquakes. (4)Persecution of Christians. (5) Widespread lawlessness. (6) The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached. (7) The abomination that maketh desolation stands in the holy place. We have already seen all seven of these.
Now the last part of Comparet’s sermon is a brief discussion of each of these seven signs:
False Christs. There have been several false Christs, beginning with Simon Bar Kokba, in Judea in the year 135 A.D.. In our own days there was Barabba Baha, who claimed to be the Messiah of all religions, even to those religions which don’t have any Messiah! Then there was the negro who called himself Father Divine and claimed to be God. To add to the list, there was the Hindu boy, whom the Theosophists introduced as the reincarnation of Christ. As to false prophets, one of our large organizations, The National Council of Churches offers them in quantity.
While there have been many false prophets claiming to be “Messiah”, the word can be used generically, as the Jews use it, so they do not all qualify as a fulfillment of this prophecy. Where Christ had said in Matthew 24:5 “For many shall come by My Name saying ‘I am the Christ’, and they shall deceive many”, He seems to be informing us that there will be false Christs who specifically claim to be Him. We also have that situation today, although I will not name the impostors, but perhaps it is not yet on the scale which His words seem to imply. Moving on to the second sign, Comparet says:
Wars and rumors of wars. These rumors have come through the centuries. Yahshua told us not to become prematurely alarmed at these. “See that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” However, wars were listed as one of the signs, so there must be something recognizable in them. In our own times, we have seen the first world war, in which every major nation of the world was involved, for the first time in history. Then there was the second world war, again involving every major nation, plus the introduction of a previously undreamed of weapon, the atom bomb. Now the third world war stands at our elbow. Surely these are significant enough to be the second sign.
Once again, Comparet expected the Cold War to end in global armed conflict, but that did not happen. Eventually the American empire prevailed as the favored vehicle of the International Jew, but now there are signs that may be changing and once again there are rumors of large-scale conflict. While we should not make predictions, we can only hope to see the end soon, and as Christians, act as if the end is upon us. Proceeding to the third sign:
Famines, pestilence and earthquakes. The last several decades have seen major famines, killing hundreds of thousands of people in Russia, India and China. As to pestilences, only the black death of the middle ages can compare in deadliness with the influenza epidemic of 1917-18. We can only try to imagine the results of bacteriological warfare in the next war. As to earthquakes, all previous recorded history can show few if any, more major earthquakes ruining cities and killing great numbers of people, than have occurred in this century. So the third sign has occurred.
Now I must say, that until recently, and in spite of the 1930’s Dust Bowl experience, widespread famine in America and Europe seemed very unlikely short of a disastrous global weather event. However with this so-called coronavirus pandemic, it seems that Society very well has the capacity to self-destruct its own food supply, and at least in many aspects, that very thing is happening now. Many farms and ranches, and especially the smaller family operations, have suffered tremendous losses of both livestock and crops in the wake of the pandemic-related economic shutdowns, and all of it is for naught. Now for the fourth sign of Matthew chapter 24:
Persecution of Christians. I need not remind you how Christians have been persecuted in every land behind the iron curtain. Far over thirty million Christians have been murdered in Russia alone, in persecutions greatly exceeding anything under the pagan Roman empire. Persecution of Christians goes on today, much nearer home than in Russia. In New York state, while it is permissible to advertise “Kosher food served here”, any hotel keeper who advertises that his hotel is near churches, is heavily fined and sent to jail. They are trying to get this same law passed in California. So don’t think you are safe as long as you stay away from Russia. The same Canaanite/Khazar Jews, who brought communism to Russia, are trying to install it here also.
The so-called “free” world has certainly trended towards communism these past 100 years., But I do not know what law to which Comparet refers concerning hotel advertising, although I did check the websites for various hotels in New York City, and often they do indicate that they are near one church or another, mixed in with the lists of attractions in related pages of their websites. But they do not feature that in their advertising, and today most of their clients would probably not even care.
In the United States and in at least most of Europe, denominational Christians should not expect to be persecuted, as their doctrines are now regulated and formulated in a way that satisfies and conforms to the secular governments and their agents. But true, Bible-believing Christians who seek to be obedient to God, those who reject State schools, sorcery, sodomy and other sins, are already being persecuted. There is no more respect of any right to freedom of religion or association, and practically everywhere in the West it is already difficult to function as a Christian. The so-called coronavirus pandemic can only exacerbate this situation, and in many respects it already has. Moving on to the fifth sign:
Widespread lawlessness. If you read the daily newspapers at all, you already know more about this subject than I could tell you in many hours. Never has the world seen crime on such a scale. There have always been hardened criminals among the adults and in some criminal gangs. Today, the average age of criminals in the state prisons is in the early twenties. Juvenile delinquency, a polite name for every kind of vicious crime, is increasing rapidly. While there has always been a certain amount of crime, the sudden great increase of it in our time, like the change in character of warfare coming at the same time as the other signs, makes this lawlessness recognizable as a sign.
Crime has escalated exponentially since Comparet wrote this. Although it was indeed ubiquitous in the mid-1970’s, it was mostly contained in certain areas of the big cities. Now it is everywhere, since the hoodlums, the thugs, have been purposely redistributed into all of the small towns and rural areas in the country by State Social Services agencies. In Europe, the same thing is happening as waves of criminal arab and black immigrants from Africa and the Middle and Near East are being settled in every town and village. The end of the age need not come with an armed conflict. Every nation gathered against Christendom by Satan (the Jew) is already looting and pillaging White Society in acts of war purposely mislabeled and disguised as “crime”. Now for the sixth sign, Comparet said:
This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. For almost twenty centuries, the churches have preached a different gospel, the gospel of personal salvation. Many ministers have even tried to deny that there is any other gospel, yet Yahshua preached only the gospel of the kingdom of Yahweh. Now, after almost twenty centuries, we who follow the Bible are preaching the gospel of the kingdom. In itself, this is a sign that the end of the age is at hand. It is interesting to note that in the Greek, the word used here means, “then shall the end come”, meaning the very end.
Now this is the portion of Comparet’s sermon for which Clifton Emahiser had written his second of two critical notes, so Clifton said:
Then Comparet rightly stated: “Now, after almost twenty centuries, we who follow the Bible are preaching the gospel of the kingdom.” Yahshua Christ called his apostles to be fishermen, but Jeremiah 16:16 also spoke of a time for the hunters thusly: “Behold I will send for many fishers, saith Yahweh, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.” The “hunters” are no other than the archaeologists who have found Israel’s footprints. The hunters started their work in the early 1700’s, and because of their findings over a period of time, the Gospel of the Kingdom began in earnest. Thus the history of the lost tribes of Israel is recorded in the rocks rather than the Bible.
Comparet is correct, that the gospel of personal salvation is not the gospel of the Kingdom, and Clifton is correct, that the period of the hunters eclipsed the period of the fishers several centuries ago with the advent of archaeology by which we can establish the identity of the true people of God. But once that is established, and it has been, there is one other phenomenon which must become manifest, and that is the Elijah ministry.
Christ had explained to His apostles, in Luke chapter 11, that the coming of Elijah prophesied in Malachi chapter 4 was fulfilled in John the Baptist. But in Matthew chapter 17, where Christ once again discusses Elijah, He informs us that the prophecy of Malachi has more than one fulfillment, where we read: “10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? 11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. 12 But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them.” This was after the death of John the Baptist, so there is another fulfillment of Elijah yet in the future at the time when Christ had spoken those words.
We read in Malachi chapter 4: “4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: 6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
It was not possible for messengers of the Christian gospel to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” until the advent and understanding of what we know as Christian Identity. Of all Christians, only Identity Christians seek to know and to keep the commandments which are found in the laws of Moses which Yahweh God had given to the children of Israel at Horeb. Therefore Christian Identity fits the qualifications of the prophesied Elijah ministry where Christ said “Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.” The restoration of all things in the context of that prophecy is a restoration of all things between Yahweh God and the children of Israel, and that is also what Christian Identity properly seeks to do.
But not yet has its message gone out through every nation, “preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations” mostly because the Jews and their agents have demonized it. When the time comes, it will be preached in that manner, and they will not be able to stop it. For that, we must be prepared.
Now to finish Comparet’s sermon, as this is his final paragraph, he concludes with the last of the seven signs of Matthew chapter 24:
The abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place. This seventh sign was fulfilled in early June of 1967, when the Jews treacherously seized the old city of Jerusalem and the site of King Solomon’s temple. Detailed proof that this is the abomination of desolation, is much too long to be told here. I have a recorded tape on this subject. (We have posted side A ( & side B ( of a cassette containing two sermons) Beyond possibility of error, this is the abomination of desolation. Remember Yahshua spoke of this as our final, short term warning of the coming of the end of this age. The wise will recognize this and be ready.
Bertrand Comparet is correct, in the aspect that this is a very lengthy subject which is difficult to summarize. But we do not necessarily agree with his interpretation, and we certainly do not agree that it is infallible. Perhaps it is in my commentary on Matthew chapter 24 ( that I had written in the greatest detail my own opinion of the fulfillment of this prophecy.
To correctly interpret what Christ had meant by “abomination of desolation” one must turn to the Old Testament prophets where that same phenomenon is mentioned. In the prophecy of Daniel, he uses the same language to describe a phenomenon that can be connected to both the advent of Mohammed, or Islam, and to the founding of the Israeli State in Palestine. Both of these events are ultimately the product of the same people whom we now call Jews, and they have both caused much desolation. Daniel gives two periods of time in relation to this, one of 1,290 days and another of 1,335, and they are described to run concurrently, in Daniel chapter 12. Comparet himself admits elsewhere in his sermons that in Daniel, a day is a year in prophecy. Understanding that, the two periods can be interpreted as to mark the space between significant events in the beginning history of Islam, which was then used by the Jews to destroy much of Europe, and significant events in the history of Zionism, such as the founding of the United States Federal Reserve which has given the International Jewish banking families of Europe, and now also of America, global financial supremacy, and also the founding of the Israeli State in 1948.
Jerusalem was left desolate in 70 AD, according to Christ Himself. The Dome of the Rock was indeed an abomination of that desolation. But Daniel also used a slightly different term, referring to an abomination that maketh desolate. The world’s central banking system has made the entire Christian world desolate! Then the founding of the Israeli State is another abomination of desolation, but also fulfills another prophecy, which is the time that Esau would return to rebuild the desolate places described in Malachi chapter 1. Yahweh has promised to throw them down. However Comparet tried to very subtly make a prophecy of his own, tying the events of 1967, when the Jews in Palestine seized the whole of Jerusalem and the West Bank, to the seven days warning made to Noah in Genesis chapter 7, and I would certainly avoid any such venture.
Now, over 50 years later, the same cabal of Jews has the whole world lying prostrate before something that nobody can even see, that they therefore cannot be certain even actually exists, and the desolation continues. We can only pray that Christ comes quickly, lest there be no flesh left – meaning the flesh on earth which has in it the Spirit of God.
Comparet had called this sermon Birth Pangs of the Coming Age, but he never explained the title. He only made an allusion to “The death agonies of this present age [being] the birth pangs of the new age.” In Scripture, the dawn of new and better things is often described as coming after a time of darkness, a time of anguish and pain compared to a woman in childbirth. Christ said this of His Own death and resurrection, in John chapter 16: “20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. 21 A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.”
Today we are entering into an era in which we as a race may indeed weep and lament. It must happen, as that prophecy must be fulfilled. Today only a very small number of Christians even know what is transpiring so that they perceive a reason to lament. But seeing the very reasons why we should do so, we must also understand that the dawn is coming. Satan will not have his way.
7th June 2020, 05:46 AM
20th June 2020, 06:02 AM
New DNA Study Confirms Jews And Arabs Share Up To 50% Canaanite Genetic Ancestry
May 29, 2020 (
Just as the discovery of genetics undermined the theory of evolution, the same can now be said for the Jewish contention that they are “God’s chosen people,” the legitimate descendants of the Israelites, as a new DNA study has revealed that both Jews and Arabs share common ancestry with the Canaanites, the ancient enemies of the biblical Israelites (
The people who lived in the area known as the Southern Levant — which is now recognized as Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and parts of Syria — during the Bronze Age (circa 3500-1150 BCE) are referred to in ancient biblical texts as the “Canaanites.” Now, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) reporting in the journal Cell have new insight into the Canaanites’ history based on a new genome-wide analysis of ancient DNA collected from 73 individuals.
“Populations in the Southern Levant during the Bronze Age were not static,” shared Professor Liran Carmel, who researches Ancient DNA and Human Evolution. “Rather, we observe evidence for the movement of people over long periods of time from the northeast of the Ancient Near East, including modern Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, into the Southern Levant region.”
“The Canaanites, albeit living in different city-states, were culturally and genetically similar,” Carmel added. “In addition, this region witnessed many later population movements, with people coming from the northeast, from the south, and from the northwest.”
Carmel and colleagues came to these conclusions based on an analysis of 73 new ancient DNA samples representing mainly Middle-to-Late Bronze Age individuals from five archaeological sites across the Southern Levant. To these new data, the researchers added previously reported data from 20 individuals from four sites to generate a dataset of 93 individuals. The genomic analysis showed that the Canaanites do represent a clear group.
“Individuals from all sites are highly genetically similar, albeit with subtle differences, showing that the archaeologically and historically defined ‘Canaanites’ corresponds to a demographically coherent group,” Carmel explained.
The data suggest that the Canaanites descended from a mixture of earlier local Neolithic populations and populations related to Chalcolithic Iran and/or the Bronze Age Caucasus. The researchers documented a significant increase in the proportion of Iranian/Caucasus-related ancestry over time, which is supported by three individuals who are descendants of recent arrivals from the Caucasus.
“The strength of the migration from the northeast of the Ancient Near East, and the fact that this migration continued for many centuries, may help to explain why rulers of city-states in Canaan in the Late Bronze Age carry non-Semitic, Hurrian names,” explained Dr. Shai Carmi. “There were strong and active connections between these regions through movements of people that help to understand the shared elements of culture.”
The researchers also studied the relationship of the Canaanites to modern-day populations. While the direct contribution of the Canaanites to modern populations cannot be accurately quantified, the data suggest that a broader Near Eastern component, including populations from the Caucasus and the Zagros Mountains, likely account for more than 50 percent of the ancestry of many Arabic-speaking and Jewish groups living in the region today.
Carmel reports that they are now working to extend their sampling, both geographically and over time. “We wish to analyze Iron Age samples from different areas of the southern Levant,” Carmel said. “This may shed light on the composition of the populations in the Biblically-mentioned kingdoms of the region, among them Israel, Judah, Ammon, and Moab.”
This new DNA study explains why a so-called “Jew” from Israel can be so closely related to an Arab that he is a perfect genetic match for a bone marrow transplant, as we recently reported (
It also confirms that today’s Jews do indeed have racial admixture from that area of the Caucasus formerly part of the ancient kingdom of Khazaria.
The warning of Revelation 3:9 couldn’t be more true, “Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
Jews themselves have revealed the truth about who they really are ( — and who they are NOT — in their own writings, and yet the world — and the true descendants of the Israelites ( — remain oblivious to this grand deception.
Importantly, this study validates the Book of Genesis 36:2 where Esau, the race mixer and progenitor of today’s Jews, took Canaanite wives.
No wonder today’s Jews are the greatest purveyors of racial diversity in the world, especially in the White nations they are intent upon destroying — they do as their father Esau did, mongrelizing the bloodline of true Israel.
16th July 2020, 08:16 PM (
18th July 2020, 04:12 PM
A collection of reports on Bolshevism in Russia 1919
Russia No. 1 (1919) -- A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia (1.ed.)
by UK Govt. -- HMSO Cmd. 8 (
This is the original unexpurgated version issued in accordance with a decision of the War Cabinet made January 1919. Contains condemnatory report by Oudendyke about Bolshevism being of an internationalist, Jewish tendency. This Cmd. Paper was priced 9d. but soon was suppressed and an edited version priced 6d. omitting the Oudendyke remarks appeared in its place. (Rev. Denis Fahey, 'The Rulers of Russia' (American edition revised and enlarged, 1940, page 23)).
[Cmd. 8] HMSO: Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty. April 1919.
link to the .pdf file
6th August 2020, 10:31 AM
pasting first few paragraphs of this latest Russ Winter, up until the first jootube embed:
A Prima Facie Examination of Satanism
August 6, 2020 ( Russ Winter ( Articles by Russ Winter (, Culture (, Media (, US News (, Winter Watch Articles ( 10 (
Even some loyal regular readers may dismiss Winter Watch’s focus on Satanic forces and our use of the term satanists. But that’s how this spectacle manifests itself. Although there are more avowed satanists than most could possibly imagine, others may not be satanists openly, but they endorse inverted principles and, in most cases, without really knowing it. They dwell in a Satanic mindset and world view. Thus, they are, at minimum, defacto untermenschen Satanists.
The defining theme of the satanist, defacto or otherwise is extreme selfishness, psychodrama and gaming. The BTK killer Dennis Rader spoke openly about “demons within” and admitted his issue was lack of restraint and extreme indulgence selfishness. Serial killer Israel Keyes relished in it.
Vicious Serial Killer Israel Keyes and the Insane Clown Posse (
The gaming psychodrama aspect of satanists is what we write about constantly. In our article on dark triads we highlighted three personality traits, narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. This is the ticket to be a member of the lording ruling caste, or what we call the Crime Syndicate or organized New Underworld Order.
Gaming aka black magik is feigned theatrics, feuds and shit storms. Satanic dark triads attract flying monkeys and cultish bootlickers. Satanists describe themselves as members of a “meta-tribe.”
Satanism’s main target is the human ego. Most people are drawn and remain committed to satanism or defacto Satanism because it feeds their ego. One practicing satanist even critiqued “that if you’re told that you’re special or elite or some other warm fuzzy idea when you embrace a philosophy, then you are more apt to buy into it and be blind to its shortcomings. The result is an over-rated and inflated sense of oneself (aka no accountability).
The satanists often employ some kind of revenge and grudge psychodrama going on against real and imagined slights. And it’s mostly imagined. A prime example of this is “virtue signalling” and the peddling of the “whiteness” or “white privilege” narrative.
What you are witnessing is effectively the Matrix in action. This works to brainwash and warp those who can’t see through it. Here is a prime example of grudge game psychodrama mind warping practiced by the high horse multibillionaire snake oil saleswoman Oprah Winfrey and her handlers.
6th September 2020, 05:51 AM
From 'The World Conquerors' by Marschalko:
The peril was foreseen earlier by great Americans such as Benjamin Franklin who, on one occasion, said:
" There is a great daoger for the United States of America, this great danger is the Jew." If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than 100 years they will stream into this country in such numbers they will rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews while they remain in the counting-house gleefully rubbing their hands."
30th September 2020, 05:03 AM
Judaism is Communism
Quotes Proving Communism is Judaism
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” — (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).
Robert Wilton, a longtime Russian news correspondent for the London Times, said in his book, The Last Days of the Romanovs:
”Out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State, there were, in 1918-1919, 17 Russians… 457 Jews, and 82 others.”
“Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. THE BLOODTHIRSTY JEWISH TERRORISTS HAVE MURDERED SIXTY SIX MILLION in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Patriot.
“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of Jewish Bolshevism (Marxism).
“The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
In 1935, the most famous rabbi in America, Rabbi Stephen Wise, a friend of President Roosevelt, boasted: “Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism.” (The American Bulletin, May 5,1935)
“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” -Bobby Fischer
The following is from article written by Sir Winston Churchill that was published in the Illustrated Sunday Morning Herald on February 8, 1920:
This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews, it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd) or of Krassin or Radek — all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.
“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935
“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250
“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936
“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64
“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143
“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11
“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51
“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106
“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31
“The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix
“The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”
The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11
“Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement”
The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20
“Jewry has come to wield a considerable power in the Communist Party.”
Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 37
“The East-Side Jew [Trotsky] that Conquered Europe”
The liberator (New York), March 1920, pp. 26-27
“The real East Sider [New York Jew Trotsky] is at the head of things in Russia.”
M. L. Larkin, in The Public (New York), November 23, 1918, p. 1433
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this is in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 148
“Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.”
L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31
“Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.”
Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“The peculiarly Jewish logic of his [Karl Marx’s] mind”
Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“Mr. Wickham Steed lays the rise of Bolshevism at the doors of Jewry.”
The Jewish Guardian (London), November 28, 1924, p. 4
“The Bolshevik Revolution has emancipated the Jews as individuals”
Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 33
“There are many Bolshevik leaders of Jewish extraction”
D. L. Sandelsan, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 20, 1920, p. 22
“There is no Jew who does not hope with all his heart that the Soviet Union will survive and be victorious”
Zionist Review (London: Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland), September 26, 1941, p. 7
“Communism and internationalism are in truth and in fact great virtues. Judaism may be justly proud of these virtues”
Harry Watan, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 80
“If the tide of history does not turn toward Communist internationalism … then the Jewish race is doomed.”
George Marlen, Stalin, Trotsky, or Lenin (New York, 1937), p. 414
“The [Jewish] Commissaries were formerly political exiles. They had been dreaming of revolution for years in their exile in Paris, in London, in New York, in Berlin, everywhere and anywhere. They saw in the Bolshevist Movement an opportunity of realizing the extreme ideas of Communism and internationalism to which their fate had compelled them.”
Dr. D. S. Pazmanik, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), September 5, 1919, p. 14
“The Jewish people will never forget that the Soviet Union was the first country – and as yet the only country in the world – in which anti-Semitism is a crime.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), January 1942, p. 16
“Anti-Semitism was classed [by the Soviet Government] as counter-revolution and the severe punishments meted out for acts of anti-Semitism were the means by which the existing order protected its own safety”
The Congress Bulletin, (New York: American Jewish Congress), January 5, 1940, p. 2
“There is no official anti-Semitism in Russia; anti-Semitism in Russia is a crime against the State.”
Dr. Chalm Weizmann, The Jewish People and Palestine (London: Zionist Organization, 1939), p. 7
“Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941, p. 23
“The part which Jews play in the [Communist] Government of the country [Russia] does not appear to be declining”
Harry Sacher, in The Jewish Review (London), June-August 1932, p. 43
“The Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. This is the historic destiny of the Jews”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), pp. 99-100
“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do, will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own.”
Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 155
“The Russian intelligentsia . . . saw in the philosophy of Judaism the germs of Bolshevism – the struggle of … Judaism versus Christianity.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York, July-September 1932, p. 105
“Soviet Russia has declared war on Christianity, and on those who profess this faith. In the Russian villages today Bolsheviks and Herbert H. Lehman . . . were called the ‘secret government of the United States’ and were linked with ‘world communism.’”
Dr. Louis Harap, in Jewish Life (New York), June 1951, p. 20
“The decision to nationalize this library (in 1917) was made by the first Soviet Government, whose composition was the 80-85 percent Jewish. These government bureaucrats were guided by the ideological considerations and supported… arrest and suppression.” -President Vladimir Putin. In June 2013, in a courageous speech before the Jewish and Tolerance Center in Moscow
For more read THIS (
3rd November 2020, 11:55 PM
Since the jews are the children of satan I thought I'd post an article by Anton LaVey on the hierarchy of the church of satan. MAGA is the highest level. I believe many in our government are satanists. Something to think about that may be hidden in plain sight.
Hierarchy in the Church of Satan
Anton LaVey formulated a system of degrees during the early years of the Church of Satan, as such was a general practice in many prior social and esoteric organizations. However, the criteria for elevation in our Church were based not on mysticism or occultism, but on knowledge of practical subjects beyond Satanism, and even more than that, on the application of such wisdom towards measurable ends. Dr. LaVey experimented by mandating the specific colors for medallions which could be worn by each member according to degree. And, for a time, written exams were given to assess a member’s readiness for a particular level.
In the mid 1970s, it became clear that many members had become obsessed with “jockeying for position”—being overly concerned with their place in the organization rather than working towards advancement in the world “outside.” This was contrary to our carnal philosophy’s emphasis on tangible personal progress and so, after that point, the existence of the degrees was de-emphasized in Church literature, and formulaic methods for recognition were jettisoned.
The First Degree denoting Active Membership is only for members who seek more involvement with the organization and other local members.”
Today, we maintain our traditional degrees, but these should not be seen as “initiatory steps” which are expected of our members. The Church of Satan is not an initiatory organization. It is our position that, for those with awareness, by living fully you will have plenty of authentic initiatory experiences through the many avenues you explore, hence there is no need for such artificial posturing in our Church. In fact, no member is required to move beyond Registered Membership. The First Degree denoting Active Membership is only for members who seek more involvement with the organization and other local members. The remaining degrees (from the Second through the Fifth) are not open to application or to request. Our specific standards for them will not be publicly released. The administration watches the progress of qualified members, and may choose to grant recognition to outstanding individuals based on demonstrated excellence in the understanding and communication of Satanic Theory, coupled with significant potent practices in the arena of the real world which have produced superior achievements. People naturally and quite organically rise to particular levels, and we may take note at our discretion. This is meritocracy at work. So, if you are so inclined, keep us updated on your accomplishments so that your progress may be noted.
Registered Member (no degree)
Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)
Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)
Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)
Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)
Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)
“Administrator,” “Agent,” and “Grotto Master” are descriptive titles for what people do, not levels of rank, thus they can can be held by members with different degrees. “High Priest”/“High Priestess” are the top administrative titles, and can be held only by Fourth or Fifth Degree members.
Those who hold the Third through Fifth degrees are all members of the Priesthood of Mendes and individuals with these titles may be called “Reverend.”
Unlike most other religions, our members are not subject to any form of expected obedience to the members who might have been given degrees—those are bestowed as tokens of appreciation for accomplishments, not a means for the establishment of rank and authority that commands submission.
An important point of re-emphasis: Our protocol for member interaction is based on the paradigm of a “mutual admiration society,” and this is applied across all levels of our hierarchy. Our members may earn each other’s admiration, and general respect is preferred behavior. While we do not expect our highly individualistic members to like each other, we encourage them to behave with courteous decorum when dealing with one another. Interaction is never required. In the case of extreme disagreement, wherein civility apparently cannot be maintained, we advocate that the involved members should cease such negative interaction.
An individual who demonstrates a thorough grasp of the philosophy of the Church of Satan, skills in being able to communicate it, and would like to be trained as a contact for local media and other interested parties may be chosen to serve as an Agent for the Church of Satan.
When you fill out your application for further involvement, let us know if you would like to be considered to be evaluated as a qualified contact point in your area or for media representation. You should then include material which demonstrates your qualifications, such as samples of your writing and video (via DVD) of yourself in a public speaking mode. Those who are appointed as Agents must demonstrate that they have already been making well-reasoned efforts to publicly clear-up misconceptions regarding our philosophy.
These are the individuals who act as spokespersons for the philosophy of the Church of Satan, which include the titles of “Priest”/“Priestess,” “Magister”/“Magistra,” “Magus”/“Maga.” Members of the Priesthood make up the Council of Nine, which is the ruling body of the organization, appointed by and responsible to the High Priest/Priestess. The Order of the Trapezoid consists of the individuals who assist in the administration of the Church of Satan. Members of our Priesthood are people of accomplishment in the real world—they have mastered skills and have won peer recognition, which is how they have attained their position—“as above, so below.” They are “movers and shakers” who are the core of our movement. While expected to be experts in communicating our philosophy, they are not required to speak on our behalf and they may even choose to keep their affiliation and rank secret, in order to better serve their personal goals, as well as those of our organization. Thus, you may (even as a member), encounter members of our Priesthood and never know it.
Membership in the Priesthood is by invitation only. The old truism “If you have to ask, you can’t afford it” is certainly highly pertinent to our Priesthood. Words to the wise: Do not ask “How do I become a Priest?”
5th December 2020, 07:40 AM
14th December 2020, 08:30 PM
17th December 2020, 06:46 AM
Not sure if this has been posted and not sure where to put it. This thread seems best.
They are tightening the noose. This was back in January by our old buddy Barr: Jewish U.S. Attorney General William Barr Makes Slapping A Jew A Federal 'Hate' Crime | Christians for Truth (
27th December 2020, 06:50 AM
The video at this link is pretty good at explaining what's going on with the Catholic Church. It's been infiltrated by jews for a long time and the creator of the video doesn't name the jew but calls them "the left". I agree with the creator of this video that to turn around what's happening to white christians and their nations it will take divine intervention.
21st January 2021, 05:31 AM
Below is a story of divine intervention that can be a guide for us with the take over of white European nations by jewish communists that's happening now. The Boers in South Africa did what it took for God to intervene in their situation.
They separated themselves from those who weren't keeping the laws of god, promised to keep the laws of God and prayed fervently to God for help and guidance.
2 Chronicles 7:14. if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
The Battle of Blood River
December 16, 1838
by Pastor Mark Downey
I get frequent inquiries from believers as well as mockers and doubters as to where God is these days. Where is He? They ask, “Why isn’t He performing supernatural miracles like the ones we read about in the Bible?” And of course I answer with the affirmation that He is the same yesterday, today and forever; that where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is in the midst of them.
There are some phenomenon’s that defy explanation, unless you’re a Bible-believing Christian and pray in faith knowing that that prayer will be answered and that everything will be well. In spite of all the terrible things that surround us, there is still hope and proof of deliverance. Our God delivers. I remember a lady back in our home state of Washington that gave a testimony of praise that I will never forget. She was going through a rough winter and even rougher economic times and couldn’t afford to fill her propane tank. And yet she unceasingly prayed and praised God that He wouldn’t let her freeze. And for some strange reason, her furnace kept firing up even though the tank’s gauge was reading empty. This phenomenon continued until Spring, when the outside temperatures got warmer and she didn’t need the furnace turned on. If God can replicate fish and bread in a little basket to feed 5,000 people, He can do the same with propane. I dare say that there most likely are over 5,000 testimonies of divine intervention today – right now, waiting to be witnessed, because God knows the needs of His people. But, you have to have eyes that see the hand of God and know that miracles are not dumb luck or coincidences. Those that can’t see are blind and they lead other blind people into a ditch.
Today, I’m going to be a storyteller and the narrative is about overwhelming odds that Las Vegas bookmakers would lose their shirts on. Gamblers are not faith orientated. They play the numbers and statistics. So the following Scripture wouldn’t have much credibility in their pursuit of making wagers and hitting the jackpot.
"Five of you shall chase a hundred and one hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight, and your enemies shall fall by the sword" (Lev. 26:8). Can you believe such a lopsided ratio? I got into this story at the behest of Pastor Blanchard about ten years ago and I am as honored today as I was then, with extreme prejudice, to tell you the story of Blood River. Before my research began, I only had a cursory knowledge of this event from a couple of pages in Richard Kelly Hoskins' book, "Vigilantes of Christendom". Researching this subject was a joy. As I collected information, I noticed some of the details had been sanitized from a variety of politically correct sources. There are those who would reduce Blood River to secular history, but the Holy Spirit will not permit me to ignore the divine ramifications and the miraculous destiny that our Lord has planned for His people, Israel.
We don't hear too much about the tribe of Nephtali, but its heraldry of the hind parallels to that of the South African gazelle. However, it is not just coincidence of coat of arms where we find the identity of the White man in South African history. Before we look at Blood River, it's important to know what happened before that, just as circumstances were critical to the Christian foundations of America.
One of the marks of Israel would be that we become explorers, having command of the seas and would colonize the desolate places. In 1498, Vasco daGama would sail his flagship around the Cape of Good Hope, the southern tip of Africa for a commercial trade route to India. The only civilized people
who spent much time ashore were the survivors of shipwrecks. In 1662, the Cape
settlement numbered about 250 White people, whom nearly half were servants of the Dutch East India Company. The company made a serious effort to encourage immigration, and by 1707, the population was about 1800 people, owning about 1,100 slaves (White). The modern Afrikaners are descended from this servant class who were freed at that time, along with about 200 French Huguenots, and being discharged from the Cape, were sent out into the frontiers to settle the land. The commercial interest had no vision of a New Netherlands in South Africa, nevertheless, during the 18th century that's exactly what was happening to the predominate Dutch Calvinists, realizing another mark of Israel: possessing great natural resources. By 1795, they increased to 1500 and regarded South Africa as their only home. Half of these people were the Trekboers living further into the interior, and within a few years, it became possible to take occupation of 6000 acres for semi-nomadic farming and ranching. The result was a continuous expansion twice as large as England. Some officials expressed concern over their isolation. But, like their counterparts, the American pioneers of the Old West, they were rugged individualists preserving a sound domestic morality from the Bible. They also traveled in covered wagons and formed defensive circles called 'laagers'. They were a humble, salt of the earth type of Israelite entering the wilderness that would transform into a promise land of challenges and blessings.
During these years of prosperity, South Africa was attracting the attention of British evangelicals, who were pushing to free the nonwhite races. In 1835 the damnable Brits passed an insane piece of civil rights legislation called Ordinance 50, in which all policies of racial segregation were banned, the Negro was given full citizenship to vote, severe taxes were imposed, the prohibition of their native language, Afrikaans, and the stipulation that any repeal or amendments could only be done in England. This law of race traitors left the Afrikaners (the White Christians) feeling that they had lost control over their lives and destiny to a foreign power arrayed against them on the side of those who were not of their race.
Missionaries from the Anglican Church, headed by the Queen, preached a radical pro-Negro policy advocating interracial marriage. As an example to others, many missionaries and demented Whites in the Cape Colony married Black women and founded interracial schools. They urged the Black and White children to socialize with each other. They brazenly paraded the children through the streets with signs saying 'we are of one blood'. The Voortrekkers or Boers knew that the blasphemy of institutionalized miscegenation would doom their culture. They defied the demands of the British to return to the coastal cities, and those within proximity to the Cape Colony, unable to survive or comprehend these liberal ideas, abandoned their businesses and farms, which were quickly pilfered by wandering free Negros and British carpetbaggers grabbing property for their own use. Negro tribes were now pouring into South Africa to take advantage of the British order that no retaliation be taken against Blacks who raped, looted and murdered Whites. The colonial magistrate actually ordered that the rampaging Blacks be considered innocent because, if they were treated with tolerance, they would behave properly.
Anna Steenkamp recorded that the British had placed the Negros on an equal footing with the Christians, contrary to the laws of God so that it was intolerable for any decent Christian to bow down beneath such a yoke "wherefore we withdrew in order thus to preserve our doctrines in purity. " Imbued with this spirit, some 12,000 Afrikaners packed their bags and loaded their covered wagons and left the colony, and started the famous 'Great Trek' into the unknown desolate lands of the north. At the same time, the Zulus were moving south into the same area. Being that they were not indigenous to this area, the land could not have been stolen from them.
The fierce Zulu warriors were at the peak of their power and knew no mercy. Often the Zulus would pretend friendship or ask for a truce, and then would brutally slaughter the emissaries. They would surround White farming communities and attack with spears and hatchets. Women and children would be raped and then tortured to death. The most famous of massacres, which prompted Blood River, was February 5, 1838, when the Voortrekkers tried to negotiate a land settlement with the Zulu king, Dengane. As the treacherous savages received Piet Retief and 70 unarmed Boers in their encampment, that evening, while feasting and celebrating the signing of a treaty ceding land to the Whites, the Zulus butchered every single man. In the months to follow, the Zulus went on the warpath, attacking and killing as many as 500 men, women and children at several other locations in the Natal area.
Dengane was bestknown for murdering Shaka and developing a highly mobile army reputed to cover as much as 40 miles in one day, and ruthlessly known for his scorched earth actions. His bloodstained reputation was personified in wanton cruelty. On November 18, 1838, the Voortrekkers undeterred by the massacres, were reinforced by timely supplies brought up by a charismatic Dutch farmer, Andries Pretorius, of which the city of Pretoria was named in his memory, becoming the capital of South Africa. However, under the Mandela-ANC regime, the city has been renamed to Tshwane, meaning Apetown. The Boers were without a leader and immediately elected Pretorius as commander general of the wagon trains. Pretorius was a combination of George Washington and Nathan Bedford Forrest and proceeded to avenge the White settlers' hell by defeating the Zulu presence in Natal and the organization of a Christian government. Pretorius developed a commando militia of 468 men in short order and began reconnaissance, scouting for the ideal logistics in which to secure the best possible advantage. (
He received reports that the Zulus were on the hunt to find them. The numbers of Zulus were estimated to be between 10,000-15,000 savages who were born and bred for the purpose of warfare, which was half of their total population. Their weapons were lethal also; arrows with an accuracy of up to 60 meters away, spears, clubs, machetes and hatchets in the hands of trained killers. In contrast, the Boers were farmers, and all they had were primitive, inaccurate, muzzle-loaded flintlock muskets, and 3 old cannons loaded with any kind of scrap metal they could find to serve as shrapnel and, their most valuable military asset . . . God.
The Holy Spirit must have led them to the perfect spot for a fortified position, a stronghold with a deep erosion channel (what Americans in the southwest call an arroyo, and what the Boers call a donga).
It was a 14 foot deep trench on one side and the Ncome River into which it flowed on the other side; on the remaining sides were open plains to easily rake with gunfire. The laager was ingeniously configurated with 64 covered wagons drawn up close to one another with the shaft of one tied firmly to the deck of the one in front and the wheels were joined with chains. A large gateway in the middle of the crescent allowed for last minute access for their animals and an exit for their cavalry. A straight wall of wagons ran parallel with the donga about 20 meters from the edge. The other wagons were arranged in a wide crescent from one end of the wall to the other end, resembling a capital D.
Pretorius' inspiration, however, was not in the art of war; no, it was the way he forged and fortified the spirit of his men prior to the battle with a covenant made on December 9th and repeated every evening up to the 16th. They not only knelt down to pray, they were also making a solemn vow to our God in Heaven, as Sarel Cilliers, Pretorius' deputy commandant led the 464 commando pledging these words:
"My brothers and fellow citizens, here we stand in the presence of the Holy God, creator of heaven and earth, to make a vow unto Him, that if His protection shall be with us and He give our enemy into our hand so that we might be victorious over him, that this day and date every year shall be spent as a memorial and a day of thanksgiving, just as a Sabbath is spent and that we shall erect a temple to His honor wherever it will be pleasing to Him and that we shall also instruct our children that they must also share in it, as well as for our generations yet to come. Because the Honor of His name shall thereby be glorified and the glory and honor of the victory shall be given Him. " (
The trekkers arrived at Blood River on December 14th and set camp. Within the laager were their 900 oxen, 500 horses and other livestock. On the 15th, Pretorius sent out a patrol to entice the thousands of Zulus to attack, but they retired, hoping to lure the Boers into an ambush. Pretorius, of course, declined and the Zulus' fate was that they then had to attack. One of Dengane's war leaders planned to follow the Boer horsemen, cross the river and attack them that night, but the distance was further than they thought and they kept getting lost in a thick mist on a moonless night. Many Zulus reached the laager during the night, but they had no civilized infrastructure and there was confusion. It wasn't until dawn that the dense fog began burning off and most of the Zulu army was still crossing the river. The Zulus could have laid siege to the laager by waiting until the remaining two-thirds of their forces crossed over. Instead, some of the Zulu warriors who had crossed over attacked impulsively, being cut down, charge after charge. This first wave was successfully repulsed as the morning sun began to heat the terrain.
The atmosphere must have been incredible to the White Christians as the beating of war drums escalated. Hissing like a snake, the Zulus would dance and then begin their charge, decorated with necklaces made of human skulls and bones, screaming faces painted grotesquely. If you can imagine a thousand boom boxes playing rap music full blast at a Bloods and Crips convention, it doesn't come close to the blood curdling sounds of these maniacal aborigines. By noon the infernal temperatures could not beat back a second wave of attacks until it had almost reached the wagons. Inside the laager, a herd of cattle was threatened to stampede into the donga because of the smoke and roar of gunfire, so men were dispatched to that side and went outside the laager engaging in bitter hand to hand combat as reinforcements arrived to a few yards to the donga where the Zulus were packed solidly like sardines, and every one of them was shot dead. In spite of the downpour of spears and arrows that the spear chuckers chucked, all of the animals miraculously remained calm.
The Zulus now attacked with even greater ferocity, crossing the river in droves. The Boers would fire and reload again and again for hours, making each
shot count. When the Zulus retreated to about 500 yards, they hesitated to launch a third attack. The frenzied Blacks were in fear of what was happening to them. Where was the Zulu god that day? By this time, the slaughter was so great that the waters of the river turned red with blood. Ammo was running low, so Pretorius sent men out on horseback to draw the Zulus out. Two charges brought little results, but a third assault and counterattack of 300 horsemen split the Zulu army in half. The Boers displayed such bravery that the Zulus were terror stricken and fled with the Whites in pursuit. A late charge by the most elite of the Zulu warriors was of no avail as they became entangled with retreating cannon fodder. The Boer horsemen were able to pick off the Zulus lining the banks of the river. The final attack lasted almost an hour and, when it began to weaken, Pretorius put the Zulus to flight as his cavalry pursued them for hours. Towards midday, the pursuit was called off.
Three to four thousand Zulu impis (the best of their warriors) lay dead. Not one White man or any of his animals were killed. There were only three minor wounds, including Pretorius himself. As the dust settled from battle and victory was realized, the men did not have a big party, but rather a solemn thanksgiving service was held. The plain and simple fact of the matter is that it was a miracle of God. According to the historical record, not hysterical antichrist propaganda, there were surviving Zulus of that day of battle and testified to witnessing an army of White soldiers firing from a white cloud that hovered above the laager all day. It sounds like the shekinah cloud of glory with the host of heaven. "Let them be as chaff before the wind, and let the angel of the Lord chase them" Ps. 35:5.
From our own church website,, there’s an article by a descendant of the Boers who makes this commentary:
“After the first shots, they had to wait for the smoke of the gun powder to clear. Then the second wonder happened when the smoke cleared. Something made the Zulu regiments hesitate in bewilderment. The regiments consisting of the younger warriors started fleeing, only to be slaughtered by the older veterans as they fled. Now these younger regiments knew that if they fled, they would be killed by the older warriors. The survivors related after the battle that they saw thousands of glowing giant men all around the laager that scared them into panic and scared them so much that they fled into the arms of the waiting indunas who slaughtered the younger warriors. Just around the laager three thousand corpses of dead Zulus was counted. The third wonder was that the hundreds of oxen stood quietly while the guns roared around them. In ordinary circumstances these animals would have stampeded, trampling everyone in their way to death. And the fleeing Zulus did not stop running. When Dingaan got the message of what happened, he burnt his capital and ran with them to present day Swaziland where they were killed by the Swazis. The mighty but evil reign of the Zulu nation was finally broken.”
The Afrikaners know their survival is completely dependent on divine intervention. Blood River has been called the mythical underpinnings of apartheid rule. The Christian Boers did not ascribe the military victory to their armaments; they interpreted the battle as a sign from God. With the battle behind them, they believed even more strongly that White predominance over Blacks is the will of God. Indeed, it is their mandate; it is OUR mandate to take dominion of the earth. And to that, we should all say amen.
December 16th is still observed by some Boers as a Sabbath called ‘The Day of the Vow’. On that day their pioneer ancestors made a pledge to God, which He honored by ordering His angelic legions to assist in the battle between the forces of light and the powers of darkness. South Africa is again facing fearful odds, who like their forefathers, will be forced to bend their knee and renew themselves as God’s covenant people.
We in America are likewise under an oppressively dark antichrist adversary, because we have fallen away from being a Christian nation and been a whoring after strange gods. Our Blood River is coming and we will lose the battle if the Lord of hosts is not our Commander in Chief.
I received an email from a brother in Christ and would like to close with his comments:
“I am a 27 year old Afrikaaner (White South African), having just read your page on the Battle of Blood River. Several of my ancestors took part in that very battle. I would like to confirm that what you wrote is absolutely correct and happened just as you wrote.
I would like to add that my great great great grandmother, Anna Smit, who was married to Jacob Smit was in the laager aiding the men by ensuring that their ammunition was supplied at the correct rate. She has written in her diary a very interesting event of which I would like to share with you:
Women were not allowed to fire weapons or actively participate in battle unless their husbands were killed. Anna, in angst, prayed openly as the battle progressed. She asked God to use her as He saw fit to ensure His will was done.
As she prayed, she saw a great mist above the laager with a searing light shining through. She immediately knew that although she could not fire a weapon, she could supply the men with the ammo they needed as supplies of ammo were not evenly distributed around the laager. As she moved around, she was quite open and a target for spears from the Zulu warriors. However, every time a spear was thrown towards her, the shining Presence above the laager would protect her. Not a single spear even landed within 10 feet of her. This, despite the fact the Zulu's could throw a light spear and impale an animal from 100 feet away.
What touches me about this is what happened next.
As she moved the ammo around, she prayed over the ammo. She writes in her diary that (translated), "I could move the crates and boxes of ammunition but I could not open them for when they were opened by the men and the ammunition removed, I witnessed the blood of Christ on it".
Anna lived to the good age of 97 (in 1899 when she died that was an exceptional age). She had 13 children - all of whom were raised in a strong Christian home in the middle of a savage continent. It shows that nothing, NOTHING, can stand in the way of God's will. I will always honor her. Thank you for reading my email. I pray God blesses your ministry.” Johan van der Berg
Today there are all sorts of deniers and skeptics of divine miracles and the supernatural power of God. But that is only because He is under constant attack to undermine His sovereignty; and people who are gullible enough to believe antichrist propaganda. Irrespective of all the darkness that envelopes our society, there is still hope, because Christians believe the Light of the world shineth in darkness, even though mongrel mentalities may not comprehend that it is multicultural communism that is destined for destruction by the one true God of the Holy Bible. Our race, whether in South Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand or this North American continent, will be saved from our enemies when we honor the God who has always covenanted with only one people. God addresses the White race, His holy nation, in Amos 3:2 by saying, “You only have I known of all the families [races] of the earth.” May we, as a people, once again, come to know Him as our Savior and sing ‘it is well with my soul.’
Additional Reading on South Africa: Pray for Naphtali (
‹ The Battle of Blood River ( up ( Vow of the Voortrekkers, Battle of Blood River › (
21st January 2021, 10:48 AM
That is inspiring. The 1960’s was when Americans began to lose sight of God and Jesus Christ. In a short 60 years our people have nearly turned their backs on godliness and embraced evil.
22nd January 2021, 06:34 PM
English Ancestor's song from 1260.
The writer is anonymous.
Our Ancestors are calling to us.
24th January 2021, 05:12 PM
Song: The rod of Jesse has blossomed. _rel_end
The rod of Jesse has flowered,
of which he wanted to be born,
as was pleasing to him,
the Lord made man because of the sin of the world.
Today Christ is born.
She who had known not man bears the one born for us,
as before Gabriel had said, Emmanuel is born from Mary.
Today Christ is born.
Virgin mother of nations, who, for the salvation of all,
gave birth to a son, lady, make that our crimes might be taken away.
Today Christ is born.
Virgin bringing healing, remove our crimes.
We seek the kindness of the lactating breasts which we believe to have given suck to God.
Today Christ is born.
Beloved assembly, who has heard these, so great and such wonderful things, may that joyful chorus bless the Lord.
May you, our assembly, come together; may that chorus sing on this birthday with such devotion that you may return thanks to God.
31st March 2021, 06:38 PM
19th May 2021, 10:20 AM
I saw this posted on Telegram, I think it is perfect for this thread.
26th May 2021, 12:12 AM
Below is a link to the Goyim Defense League site. Lots of links to videos exposing jews, the children of satan and what they've been up to through the years.
19th June 2021, 01:39 AM
15th July 2021, 02:37 AM
15th July 2021, 04:48 AM
"Jew" dates from 12th century. The word "Jew" as a noun does not go back to biblical times although that is your perception.
"Jew" has an action context as well.
jew (v.)
"to cheat, to drive a hard bargain," 1824, from Jew (n.) (compare gyp, welsh, etc.). "Though now commonly employed without direct reference to the Jews as a race, it is regarded by them as offensive and opprobrious" [Century Dictionary, 1902]. The campaign to eliminate it in early 20c. was so successful that people also began to avoid the noun and adjective, using Hebrew instead.
"Jew" probably includes most if not all used car dealers. The word also encompasses all politicians and government employees as well as officers of the State. There are several alternatives to "Jew". One alternative is INSOLVENT. Another alternative is BANKRUPT. When people reach these higher planes of moral existence though they tend to view these statuses as disabilities and fight to regain their Jewish-ness (solvent, non-bankrupt).
PLAINLY STATED -- If you aren't a Jew you are bankrupt or insolvent. If you are a Jew you have a pocketful of money and a handful of insurance policies.
What's in YOUR wallet?
My guess is that 99% of people complaining of Jews are upset at other Jews.
A Christian State is a Bankrupt State. It turns out that most countries in the world these days are Christian (aka BANKRUPT).
15th July 2021, 05:21 AM
My guess is that 99% of people complaining of Jews are upset at other Jews.
There is a fine line between complaining and open discussion of predations and spreading knowledge. Sometimes you cannot dissever the three. I came across a quote fromTolle....
To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.Eckhart Tolle (
So Tolle is pointing out three courses of action; change the situation, leave the situation or accept the situation. I agree but not entirely. I would point out that complaining can be an integral part of changing and even eventually accepting the situation. Also, one can accept a situation and simultaneously change it, leave it or even accelerate/ strengthen it. It eventually comes down to this: If a situation is morally intolerable, we can accept that it exists but spread the word about it's workings to our fellows (which is an attempt to change it through education) while realizing that the point has been reached when the situation cannot be escaped by fleeing it. There is nowhere to run. Sometimes one or society as a whole is a victim and that cannot be denied nor changed by acceptance. We may as well complain and point out the intolerable conditions that these world destroyers have foisted upon humanity as they largely point to us as the perpetrators of what they themselves are culpable for.
15th July 2021, 06:09 AM
"To complain is always nonacceptance of what is."
Complaints are not driven by logic but by emotion.
15th July 2021, 07:28 AM
Our Eruv
The Rabbi Philip Rabinowitz Memorial Eruv covers the majority of the portions of the District of Columbia within walking distance of Kesher Israel. All of downtown Washington, including the National Mall, memorials, The White House, Capitol, the Smithsonian museums, and the National Gallery of Art, are inside the Eruv.
Eruv is a wire surrounding an area to permit Orthodox types to do things not permitted.
Seems odd that this concept is permitted in Bidens' capital.
30th July 2021, 11:06 PM
part 1
The Jewish Conspiracy
"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a "Jew" or to call a contemporary Jew an "Israelite" or a "Hebrew." The first Hebrews may not have been Jews at all," The Jewish Almanac (1980) ([1].jpg)\
Origin of the Word "Jew"
Many people suffer under the misapprehension that Jesus was a "Jew," moreover, that he was "King of the Jews." Thus, by inference, that the "Jews" were the "Chosen People" of the Holy Bible and so ancient possessors and modern inheritors of the Bible Covenants gifted by Yahweh to their forebears Abraham, Jacob and Judah. However, this is not the case. In fact, during Christ's Mission and Passion no such people existed called "Jews" nor indeed did the word "Jew." In short: Jesus was NOT a "Jew" nor was he "King of the Jews."
In fact, Jesus is referred as a "Jew" for the first time in the New Testament in the 18th century; in the revised 18th century English language editions of the 14th century first English translations of the New Testament. The etymology of the word "Jew" is quit clear. Although "Jew" is a modern conception its roots lie in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. That is, the modern English word "Jew" is the 18th century contraction and corruption of the 4th century Latin "Iudaeus" found in St. Jerome's Vulgate Edition and derived from the Greek word "Ioudaios." The evolution of this can easily be seen in the extant manuscripts from the 4th century to the 18th century, which illustrate not only the origin of the word "Jew" found in the Latin word "Iudaeus" but also its current use in the English language. Littered throughout these manuscripts are the many earlier English equivalents used by various chroniclers between the 4th and the 18th century. Thus, from the Latin "Iudaeus" to the English "Jew" the evolution of these English forms is: "Gyu," "Giu," "Iu," "Iuu," "Iuw," "Ieuu," "Ieuy," "Iwe," "Iow," "Iewe," "Ieue," "Iue," "Ive," "Iew," and then, finally, the 18th century, "Jew." Similarly, the evolution of the English equivalents for "Jews" is: "Giwis," "Giws," "Gyues," "Gywes," "Giwes," "Geus," "Iuys," "Iows," "Iouis," "Iews," and then, finally, in the 18th century, "Jews."
For example: two of the best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition and both contain the word word "Jew." Yet, when the English language version of the Rheims (Douai) New Testament was first printed in 1582 the word "Jew" did NOT appear in it. Similarly the King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English (begun in 1604) and first published in 1611, here too the word "Jew" did NOT appear. That is, the word "Jew" first appeared in both these well known editions in their 18th century revised versions. The combination of the Protestant Reformation, the publication of the revised English language 18th century editions and the printing press (allowing unlimited quantities of the New Testament to be printed) meant the wide distribution of these English language Bibles throughout the English speaking world. That is, among people who had never possessed a copy of the New Testament in any language but who were now in possession of one in their native tongue. And, although these 18th century editions first introduced the word "Jew" to the English language the word as it was used in these has since continued in use in all the editions of the New Testament in the English language.
Numerous copies of these revised 18th century English editions ( especially the Rheims (Douai) and the King James translations of the New Testament) were distributed to the clergy and the laity throughout the English speaking world. And so, the new readers of these 18th century editions were introduced to a new word both to them and the English language, the word "Jew." For, these readers did not know the history of the origin of the English word "Jew" and accepted it as the legitimate modern form of the ancient Greek "Ioudaios" and the Latin "Iudaeus." Thus, these new readers did not understand or care to question the meaning and use of the word "Jew" since it was a new English word to them. Consequently, the use of the word "Jew" was not only stabilised by these 18th century editions but also its anachronistic application to people and places fully established.
The original chroniclers used the Greek "Ioudaios" to denote people who lived in Judaea, that is, in English, for "Judaeans." Thus: "Ioudaia" in Greek is, in English, "Judaea" ( or "Judea") while "Ioudaios" in Greek is, in English, "Judaeans" (or "Judeans") Moreover, when the word "Jew" was first introduced by the redactors into the English language in the 18th century they intended its one and only application was to denote "Judaeans" (or "Judeans"). That is, they deemed them cognates (conveying identical implications, inferences and innuendoes) and so interchangeable. Thus, they meant that it makes no difference which of these two words is used when referring to the inhabitants of Judaea during the time of Christ's Mission. However, since this time the implications, inferences, and innuendoes conveyed by these two words have radically changed and are now as different as black is from white. In short: today, the word "Jew" is never regarded as a synonym for "Judaean" (or "Judean") nor is "Judaean" regarded as a synonym for "Jew." The word has taken on a far different meaning, one wholly divorced from the original conception of the 18th century redactors.
This is its "secondary meaning" that has been carefully nurtured among the English speaking peoples of the world by a secret power intent upon exploiting its ancient power of association. This so-called "secondary meaning" for the word "Jew" has been assiduously cultivated during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries and bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word "Jew." It has succeeded to such a degree, that now most people in the English-speaking world can not comprehend the true nature of the word "Jew," its literal sense, and do not regard a "Jew" as a "Judaean." That is, understand the correct and only meaning of the word known to the 18th century redactors of the New Testament. In short: the word "Jew" in modern usage is a misrepresentation. The etymology of the word "Jew," first used in the revised 18th century English language editions of the New Testament, is uncomplicated: the original Greek word "Ioudaios" was derived from the Aramaic "Jehudhai," which referred to Judaeans, the residents of the Babylonian province of Judaea, and not as a reference to members of the tribe of Judah. That is, the modern English word "Jew" is a transliteration of an abbreviation or slang word coined by Babylonian conquerors for the enslaved Judaeans without any due regard to the race or religion of the captives. This indiscriminate use of the word "Jew" to refer to the diverse mass of races and religions then resident in Judaea is the application of an incorrect, modern colloquial idiom without regard or recognition of the true and Biblical meaning of the original words.
"The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be." (Gen. 49:10)
The meaning of the word "Jew" in the Bible is not the same as the commonly held modern view. In the Bible the word "Jew" is meant to refer to a resident of the land of Judaea. Moreover, it is a reference regardless of tribe, race or religion. Anyone who was an inhabitant of Judaea was a "Jew" and need not be a member of the tribe of Judah (Judahite) or one who followed the Judaic religion. Thus, "Jews" and "Jewry" in the Bible not only refer Judah (i.e. Jehudah or Juttah) but also a part of (or place in) Palestine and any other peoples who dwelt there. In the modern, colloquial idiom "Jews" are descendants of Judah while in the Bible it means anyone dwelling in Judaea regardless of lineage or ethnicity. Now, Judah was the largest and the most influential of the Twelve Tribes of Israel with the governing right whose sons where to provide the rightful kings of Israel. That is, they were the inheritors of the Bible Covenants but especially the Davidic Covenant. In short; the Chosen People of Yahweh. However, Jacob prophesied (Gen. 49:10) the tribe would only maintain its pre-eminence until "Shiloh," came who would then assume headship and receive the allegiance of true spiritual Israel as Isaiah 9:6-7 foretold. That is, when the Messiah arrived. This is why Jesus' lineage was established in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 to David, Judah, Jacob and Abraham. So that when He took the sceptre from Judah all who receive Him as Messiah give Him their allegiance.
At the time of Christ's Mission, in the days of His flesh, few of the citizens of Judaea were Judahites, that is, direct descendants of Judah and so the "Chosen People"; the true recipients of the Bible Covenants. Following the destruction of David's Kingdom (its dismemberment first by Babylonians and then by Assyrian's) the forced depopulation of Israel and its people in Exile and bondage, their release by Cyrus the Great and their return and restoration of the Temple, the population of Palestine was very mixed. Although some did indeed belonged to the tribe of Judah and others to one of the other tribes of Israel, many others were descendants of other patriarchs, but, especially, of Esau. These were the Edomites who had been conquered and now assimilated and become co-religionists with the Judahites and remnants of the other tribes of Israel. Moreover, this mixed race were melded together by a hybrid religion developed during the captivity in Babylon. This is the religion of the Pharisee .... Pharisaism ... the man-made religion of the Talmud that is today called Judaism. This man-centred, man-made religion was the religion vehemently condemned by Christ since it is the antithesis of the Mosaic Law and the prophets and makes the Word of God of no effect (Matt. 15:1-9).
"After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for He would not walk in JEWRY, because the JEWS sought to kill Him."(John 7:1)
Here, the English word "Jewry" was translated from the Greek word "Ioudaia", which denoted the land of Judaea. This was acknowledged by modern redactors who chose not to use the word "Jewry" but the correct translation "Judaea." For example, in the New American Standard Bible:
"And after these things Jesus was walking in Galilee; for He was unwilling to walk in JUDAEA, because the JEWS were seeking to kill Him."(John 7:1)
Thus, Christ was unwilling to walk in Judaea – Jewry - because the Jews - the Judaeans - were seeking to kill Him. That is: Judaea = Jewry and Jews = Judaeans. A Jew is properly a Judaean and Jewry properly Judaea.
A modern misconception is that "the Jews" are direct descendants of Jacob and so the people of Israel, the true, biblical Israelites. However, by the time of Jesus, because of wars, enslavement, migrations and miscegenation, a Jew may or may not have descended from Jacob. He could have been descended from a number of patriarchs, especially Esau, since Edomites were then dominant in the racial mix. However, although a disparate racial mix the Jews by this time all recognised Pharisaism as their personal and state religion and NOT the Law of Moses. And so, a point of uttermost importance: someone who is called a "Jew" in the Bible is not necessarily a member of the tribe of Judah, a true Israelite, or even a Semite nor are they an essential part of the Yahweh's Chosen People, a follower of Moses and the prophets. In the Bible, a Jew is simply a resident of Judaea .... he is simply a Judaean ... with or without the special status arising from blood of the Covenant People. Yet, this fact of historical identity has been subverted by a secret force whose aim is to use the ancient yet special status of the true biblical Covenant People, the true Chosen People of Yahweh, for their own very dark designs. That is why this incredibly well organised and well-financed secret force created a "secondary meaning" for the new word "Jew," which is not the understanding intended by the 18th century redactors of the New Testament. That is, those who today call themselves Jews and arrogate the special status as God's Chosen People and all its privileges by claiming to be direct descendants of the tribes of Israel and of David, Judah, Jacob and Abraham. Millions claim this yet few of them are "Jews" in the proper sense as they are not "Judaeans" or residents of Judaea. That is: the so-called modern day Jews -the Modern Tribe of Jews- are not "the Jews" of the Bible. In other words, the Modern Tribe of Jews claiming the territory in Palestine that was Once the Holy Land are not the biblical Jews, they are not the true biblical Covenant People: they are not "returning" to their "Promised Land" because they were never there in the first place ...
Introduction of the Word "Jew" into the Hebrew Bible
When, in 1604, James VI, King of Scotland became King James I of England, the first ruler of Great Britain and Ireland, he ruled a nation in religious and political turmoil. And, when a leading Puritan spokesman, Dr John Reynolds, proposed that a new English Bible be issued in honour of the new king, James, saw this as an opportunity to bring about a unity with the church service in Presbyterian Scotland and Episcopal England. The redaction began in 1604 and was completed and published in 1611 and this the new English Bible became known as the "Authorised Version" because its making was authorised by King James. This "Authorised Version" became the "Official Bible of England" and the only Bible of the Anglican church. There have been several revisions of the King James Bible in 1615, 1629, 1638, 1762 and 1769 with the most substantive changes occurring in the eighteenth century. Then, Dr Thomas Paris (1762) published an extensive revision at Cambridge while Dr Benjamin Blayney did the same at Oxford (1769). Blayney's redactions included much modernisation of spelling, punctuation, and expression, but, in which the exact words in the 1611 Bible first edition are used. It is this 1769 update by Blayney that is the basis of the modern King James Bible. Also, since 1885, 14 books representing the Apocrypha were "officially" removed from it. These Apocryphal books were included at the insistence of the king and, unlike the Rheims-Douai and other Roman Catholic Bibles that scattered them throughout the Old Testament, were placed between the Testaments.
Consequently, any modern, so-called "1611 Authorised King James Version" available today is NOT a facsimile of the original 1611 "Authorised Version" but a copy of the 1769 revision. Even those editions that may even proclaim "1611" in the frontispiece to promote sales are deceptions, for, they too are simply modern print runs of the Blayney's 1769 edition. These are editions in which the original text and words of the "1611 Authorised King James Version" have been altered with spellings revised and some words changed in almost every printing done since 1769 and, also, with fourteen entire books plus extra prefatory features removed from almost every printing done since 1885. To get an original, un-redacted "1611 Authorised King James Version" is more problematic and far more expensive. Originals are rare and eminently collectible and fetch huge prices while facsimiles and exact photographic facsimile edition are less exorbitant but still expensive.
There are 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and not now nor was there ever an equivalent letter "J"; nor is there any Hebrew letter that carries even an approximate sound of the consonant letter "J." Furthermore, there is there not a letter "J" in the Greek alphabet. In fact, although the letter "J" is firmly established as the tenth letter and seventh consonant in the English alphabet it is a recent addition to the English script. It was inserted in the alphabet after "I," from which it was developed and credited to Petrus Ramus (1515-1572) who first distinguish "I" and "J" as representing separate sounds. John 19:19 refers to the inscription Pontius Pilate had posted over Jesus' cross that in the Greek is "Ieous Nazoraios Basilius Ioudaios," which in modern Bibles is rendered: "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews" In the fourth century, Jerome translated the Bible from the Greek into Latin and his treatment of this verse in the Latin Vulgate was: "Iesus Nazerenus Rex Iudaeorum." The acronym of this verse used on Catholic statues, icons and imagery is "INRI" .... because there was no "J." The Wiclif, Wickliff or Wycliffe Edition published in 1380 is the earliest version of the New Testament in English from the Latin Vulgate Edition and in it Jesus is there mentioned as One of the "iewes." That is, the 14th century middle English version of the Latin "Iudaeus" pronounced "hew-weeze," in the plural, and "iewe" pronounced "hew-wee" in the singular.
It was not until the middle of the 17th century that the use of "J" as an initial found common usage in English books. As such, all writers before this time were wholly ignorant of the letter "J." For instance, William Shakespeare never ever saw the word "Jew" never mind use the word it in any of his works. In the Merchant of Venice first published in about 1600, Shakespeare wrote: "what is the reason? I am a Iewe; hath not a Iewe eyes?" Even the great lexicographer, Samuel Johnson, was unusually ambivalent in his use of the "J" letter, for, in his seminal English Dictionary of 1755 and 1756 words beginning with ancient "I" and the new letter "J" are interspersed. Moreover, although he defines "To Judaize" as "To conform to the manner of the Jews" in both editions he finds no room to list the word "Jew." The 1933 edition of The Oxford English Dictionary is helpful in this respect and lists the first published usage of the word "Jew." In 1653, by Greaves in his "Seraglio," 150. "In the King's Seraglio, the sultanas are permitted to employ divers Jewes-women about their ordinary occasions." By Sheridan in 1775 in his play "The Rivals," Act II, Scene I: "She shall have a skin like a mummy, and the beard of a Jew." And in 1700 by Bishop Patrick in his Commentary on Deuteronomy 28:37: "Better we cannot express the most cut-throat dealing, than thus, you use me like a Jew".
The 1841 English Hexapla is a compendium of six English translations of the New Testament, which are: the Wycliffe version of 1380 (the first English Scripture, hand-copied prior to Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in 1455), The Tyndale version of 1534-1536 (the first English printed Scripture), and Cranmer's Great Bible of 1539 (the first Authorized English Bible); The Geneva "1557" (the English Bible of the Protestant Reformation); the Rheims (the first Roman Catholic English version of 1582); and the King James First Edition of 1611. In the Wycliffe version John 19.19 reads: "ihesus of Nazareth kyng of the iewes." Similarly, in the Tyndale Edition of the New Testament published in 1525 Jesus was likewise described as One of the "Iewes." Likewise, in the Cranmer Edition Jesus was again described as One of the "Iewes."; in the Geneva Edition Jesus was also described as One of the "Iewes." In the Rheims Edition Jesus was described as One of the "Ievves"; and in the King James Edition, also known as the Authorised Version, Jesus was described again as one of the "Iewes." That is, the word "Jew" does not appear in any of these Bibles. First references to Jesus as a so-called "Jew" (which He was most definitely not) are found in the 18th century redactions of the 14th century English editions of the New Testament. The first Bible in which the word "Jew" first appears is the 1729 Daniel Mace New Testament in Romans 2:13 – 3:21. Afterwards in 1750 in the Douai; the Catholic English Bible newly revised and corrected by Richard Challoner using the 1609 translation of the Latin Vulgate. In 1755 by John Wesley in his "New Testament with Explanatory Notes." Benjamin Blayney's 1769 modernised version of the 1611 edition of the Authorised King James Bible. And, in John Worsley's 1770 "New Testament or New Covenant of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" with notes as translated from the Greek.
The evolution of the Holy Bible – the story of how the Bible arrived to us in its present form – is testament to the working of Higher Hidden Hands in the historical process. How the revealed Word of God was preserved in the original languages of Hebrew and Greek and transmitted into the modern world via Latin from which it was released into common possession by its translation into the English language by John Wycliffe and others during the Great Reformation.
First Time the Word "Jew" used in the Bible
"At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day" 2 Kings 16:6
The word "Jew" is a relatively modern invention used, seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably, by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites, Judahites and Judaeans. It first appeared in these eighteenth century Bibles and it first appears within these redactions in 2 Kings 16:6 .... in an episode that describes a war between Israel and Judah: when Rezin, king of Syria and Pekah, king of Israel went to war with wicked Ahaz, king of Judah. The Syrians "drave the Jews from Elath" who were in possession of it and so here is the first time that the inhabitants of the kingdom of Judah are called "Jews" when more properly they should be called Judahites. However, the point here is this: the very first time the word "Jew" is found in the modern Bible, they are at war with Israel.
30th July 2021, 11:09 PM
part 2
The Edomites
"And Jehovah said to her [Rebekah] Two nations are in your womb, and two kinds of people shall be separated from your bowels. And the one people shall be stronger than the other people, the older [Esau] shall serve the younger [Jacob]" (Gen. 25:23)
"They [the Edomites] were hereafter no other than [non-Israelite] Jews." Flavius Josephus, The Antiquities of the Jews Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279
They [the non-Israelite Edomites] were then incorporated with the Jewish nation" Article entitled "EDOM, IDUMEA," The Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. V, p. 41(1904)
"In the days of John Hyrcanus [end of the second century BC] … the [non-Israelite] Edomites became a section of the Jewish people." Article entitled "EDOM," Encyclopaedia Judaica Vol. 6, p. 378 (1971)
"From then on they [the non-Israelite Edomites] constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants" Article entitled "EDOM (Idumea)," The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia p. 589 (1977)
The Edomites are descendants of Esau ("hairy, rough"), the eldest son of Isaac, and twin brother of Jacob, whose singular appearance at birth originated the name (Gen 25:25). Also, he was given the name of Edom ("red") from his conduct in connection with the red lentil "pottage" for which he sold his birthright (Gen. 25:30, Gen. 25:31).
Esau was much loved by his father and was, because he was first-born, his heir but was tricked into selling his birthright to his younger brother, Jacob, with the help of his mother, for a meal of red lentil pottage. Esau lost his father's birthright and his paternal blessing due to Jacob's subterfuge and thus raised the anger of Esau, who vows vengeance (Gen. 25:29-34; 27:1-41). Yahweh thereafter called Esau, "Edom" and the country subsequently settled by Esau/Edom and his brood was "the country of Edom" (Gen 32:3). Jacob, the grandson of Abraham and Sarah, the son of Isaac and Rebecca, is the ancestor of the Israelites. Later, Yahweh told Jacob that his name was no longer Jacob, but henceforth, Israel (Gen. 32:22-32; Gen. 35:10). Jacob's twelve sons were the ancestors of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and their descendants are described as the Twelve Tribes of Israel originally identified by the names of the twelve sons of Jacob: the Patriarchs Joseph, Judah, Issachar, Benjamin, Levi, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Simeon, Dan, Zebulun, Reuben. Later, Joseph's two sons, his eldest, Manasseh and his second son, Ephraim, were adopted by Jacob as his own and so those two tribes replaced Joseph and Levi among the Twelve of Israel. The patriarch Judah was the fourth son born to Jacob (Gen 29:35).
The Edomites were thus the progeny of Esau, whose name was Edom, so called from the red lentil pottage he sold his birthright for to his brother Jacob (later, at Yahweh's behest, called Israel). These Edomites were also separate from the Twelve Tribes of Israel and so were not true Israelites. They lived separately in a different land nurturing an enmity originating with their patriarch, Esau/Edom for Jacob/Israel and his descendants: a hatred born of a deep sense of injustice and betrayal that birthright and grace had been arrogated by trickery. Edom's violence against Israel (Jacob) was so intense not only due to a sense of betrayal but also because they both came from the same parents (Isaac and Rebekah); in fact, this great and enduring enmity began in Rebekah's womb, continued as the boys grew to manhood and endured until today in the phenomenon of the struggle of nations. Moreover, because of this enduring bitterness and jealousy, Esau would have destroyed Jacob had Yahweh not intervened
Ezekiel 35:1-15 describes Yahweh's judgement on, and devastation of, Edom who exulted over Israel's humiliation, who was their most bitter foe, and who "had a perpetual hatred to them, to the very name of an Israelite."
(thought I'd add here that Esau didn't lose his birthright due to trickery or selling it for a bowl of pottage, he took wives of the descendants of satan and that's why he lost his birthright)
Esau/Edom in his hate and anger pursued "his brother with the sword, and did cast off all pity, and his anger did tear perpetually, and he kept his wrath for ever." (Amos 1:11). Hence, the Edomites' "perpetual hatred" and "wrath forever" toward Israelites. That is, this seminal struggle of nations, which began in Rebekah's womb, endures today in the modern-day descendants of Israel (Jacob) and Edom (Esau) .... a great struggle between the Israelites and the Edomites.
The Edomites lived and prospered in a land separate from Israel but were later attacked and defeated by Saul (1 Sam. 14:47) and some forty years later, by David (2 Sam. 8:13-14). Later, in the reign of Jehosaphat, (c 914 BC), the Edomites attempted to invade Israel, but failed (2 Chron. 20:22). They later joined with Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Chaldea, in his invasion of Judaea, the Judaean kingdom of the Two Tribes, and helped in his destruction of Jerusalem as well as the subsequent deportation of the Judaeans to Babylonia (c 630-562 BC). The terrible cruelty displayed by the Edomites at this time provoked fearful denunciations by the later prophets (Isa 34:5-8; Isa 63:1-4; Jer 49:17). Afterwards, the Edomites invaded and held possession of the south of Palestine but they eventually fell under the growing Chaldean power (Jer 27:3, Jer 27:6). The Edomites were thus Semites since they are closely related in blood and in language to the Israelites but they had no claim on the unique Bible Covenant and Birthright Promises gifted by Yahweh to Abraham, then to Jacob/Israel and then to his descendants. However, for more than four centuries, the Edomites continued to prosper but during the warlike rule of the Maccabeans, they were again completely subdued, and even forced to conform to Jewish laws and rites, and submit to the government of Jewish prefects. Here, at this time, the Edomites become incorporated within the resurgent Judaean kingdom.
Edomites are therefore descended from Edom (Esau) whose descendants later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars. That is, most of today's Jews are descendants of this interbreeding that produced a race called Khazars who had once governed an empire called Khazaria. Furthermore, this hybrid race Edomite/Turk/Khazar who created the Khazar kingdom and who between the seventh and ninth centuries AD, adopted the religion of Judaism. And, it is these Khazar Jews who are the ancestors of the vast majority of today's Jewish people. That is, Edomite/Turk/Khazars are the ancestors of the modern "Jews" including the Torah-true and Zionist Jews who spuriously claim right to the land of Palestine claiming it it is theirs by biblical demands and ancestral rights.
Consequently, the majority of today's Jewish people are known as "Jews" not because they are Judahites and descended from Jacob/Israel but because their Edomite/Turk/Khazar ancestors in their Kingdom of Khazaria adopted the religion of Judaism, called themselves "Jews" and arrogated the Birthright Promises and Bible Covenants belonging to the Israelites, but especially those belonging to the Judahites.
Thus, "Jews" are not Israelites and certainly they are not Judahites. Hence, modern Jews are not heir to the Bible Covenants nor to the ancient Nation of Israel given by Yahweh to the Israelites and the Judahites and so have no Divine Right or biblical mandate to the modern Land of Palestine.
Similarly, Jesus of Nazareth was not a "Jew" he was a Judahite, and Jesus Christ was not "King of the Jews."
4th August 2021, 07:28 AM
Wasn't sure where to put this but this thread is probably a suitable place.
The “Secret” Covenant – An “illusion” it will be, so large, so vast it will escape OUR perception – it has escaped OUR perception . . . – StopTheCrime (
23rd October 2021, 11:40 AM
24th October 2021, 12:15 PM
I was going to put this in Trumed or Duped but can't post images there
5th November 2021, 08:29 PM
9th January 2022, 07:53 PM
A video here "A Divine Image Destroyed" by Christine Beadsworth that uses bible quotes to expose what the children of satan are up to with their DNA changing injections.
The Divine Image Destroyed
by Christine Beadsworth.
Learn how the Covid-19 vaccine destroys the image of God, your creator, in every strand of your DNA.
This is a divine warning on the war against mankind to destroy our DNA by injection of a witches brew so called vaccine. It's genocide and was predicted by Apostle Paul in
2Th 2:3 KJV Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
This is the falling away. Modern Medicine worship.
19th January 2022, 05:38 PM
28th January 2022, 05:38 AM LQu6l3B_8Hb6o-2-66LziAHaDf%26pid%3DApi&f=1
15th February 2022, 08:07 PM
Global jewish organization here to let immigrants into destroy the white race
The JQ, [2/7/22 9:01 PM]
[ Video ]
Journalist is Tim Pool.
"We're like a Jewish global organization
...and we're here to let immigrants in, refugees in to destroy the white race step by step, and spread cultural marxism.
So that's what we came out here for today..."
TP: "Are you being tongue and cheek right now?"
"No, none at all, thats what we really believe in"
..."One world government to rule the white race"
Full video: clip is in 28 min mark
27th March 2022, 11:23 AM Archaeologist claims to find oldest Hebrew text in Israel, including the name of God (
Mar 25 2022
Archaeologist Dr. Scott Stripling and a team of international scholars held a press conference on Thursday in Houston, Texas, unveiling what he claims is the earliest proto-alphabetic Hebrew text — including the name of God, “YHWH” — ever discovered in ancient Israel. It was found at Mount Ebal, known from Deuteronomy 11:29 as a place of curses.
If the Late Bronze Age (circa 1200 BCE) date is verified, this tiny, 2-centimeter x 2 centimeter folded-lead “curse tablet” may be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever. It would be the first attested use of the name of God in the Land of Israel and would set the clock back on proven Israelite literacy by several centuries — showing that the Israelites were literate when they entered the Holy Land, and therefore could have written the Bible as some of the events it documents took place.
“This is a text you find only every 1,000 years,” Haifa University Prof. Gershon Galil told The Times of Israel on Thursday. Galil helped decipher the hidden internal text of the folded lead tablet based on high-tech scans carried out in Prague at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic...
The majority Hebrew-language text, he posited, was written by Israelites as an internal legal document, a form of social contract, warning the person under contract what would happen if he did not fulfill his obligations...
According to the researchers, it reads: “Cursed, cursed, cursed – cursed by the God YHW./ You will die cursed./ Cursed you will surely die./ Cursed by YHW – cursed, cursed, cursed.”
1st June 2022, 09:58 AM
Israeli Forces shot a journalist entering a refugee camp and left her to bleed to death
Kevork Almassian
This morning Israeli occupation forces have shot journalist Ghufran Warasneh at the entrance of the Arroub refugee camp and left her bleed for 20 minutes without medical care till she passed away.
10th March 2023, 01:04 PM
Tjis article is too long to bring over here
Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?
Published on June 20, 2021
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
A year ago this month I published an article that exposed who was behind the Plandemic and the riots that were breaking out in major urban areas across the United States.
, I clearly showed how the Globalists who control the affairs of the world are Satanists, and that their plans to implement a “New World Order” were nothing new with the 2020 great COVID-19 Plandemic, but had been many years in the making. See:
This is an update to that article. Nothing has changed as to who is directing this march towards a New World Order, as at the top is a person named “Satan,” or “Lucifer,” or “the Devil,” and it doesn’t matter if your own belief system does not agree that this person exists, because the Globalists at the top of the power structure most certainly do, and they are active participants in Satanism.
But a year later now, we can flesh out more who these people are, as many of them practice their Luciferian religion in secret, and we also now have the excellent 5-hour presentation by the Australian Altiyan Childs exposing Freemasonry from an insider perspective, where he calls Freemasonry “the world’s oldest religion.” See:
After much research, I concur with this statement, and I believe that there is strong evidence that pretty much ALL of the world’s religions are either part of Freemasonry, or strongly influenced by it, which is just another term for worshipping Satan.
It is also time for me to more fully deal with the term “Jew,” quite possibly the most misunderstood word in the English language.
I will warn the reader right up front here that this article will most certainly upset the majority of people who read it, and almost everyone who reads it will find something to disagree with, but that’s OK.
As always, the primary goal of Health Impact News is to report on things that are routinely censored elsewhere, and to shine a light into the darkest corners of evil.
So while you are likely to read things you do not agree with, you are also very likely to learn some things as well.
Who are the “Jews”?
comtinued at the link
Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”? (
24th June 2023, 05:32 PM
This is an interview that is an hour long and I don't know if it's for real or not. It's so danmed interesting and entertaining that I listened to the whole thing. So much truth is spoken in a humorous and entertaining way I couldn't stop listening. It sounds like James Wickstrom and the jew Finkelstein. The truth is put out there over and over again. The interview at this link below.
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24th June 2023, 06:49 PM
I'm pretty skeptical about videos like that, but I watched most of it and it seems genuine to me. I think if we send that video to fence-sitters to demonstrate the Jewish attitude, most would say a "Nazi" spoke in place of Finkelstein to incriminate the poor Jews. I think Finkelstein may have gotten himself into a little trouble with his brethren by being so frank.
27th September 2023, 09:19 PM,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/147/253/422/original/e39930c8c5388292.jpeg
24th December 2023, 08:15 PM
Jews are always trying to get us in to a war.
24th December 2023, 08:22 PM
24th December 2023, 08:59 PM
25th December 2023, 11:18 AM
When discussing wars this is what I tell people:
I think our military is foolish to squander the defense budget on
childish toys like helicopters, aircraft carriers and tanks.
For a fraction of the money they could simply send front men into
hostile countries and buy up their television and radio stations,
newspapers, entertainment companies and other information sources. With
that influence we could tell the men to be women, the women to be men
and the children to choose their gender.
Within a short time the majority would stop having children.
We could run their stock market, tell them which politicians to support, run
their elections, omit any criticism of US policy, tell them the US is their greatest ally and promote a host of
bad ideas for them to follow.
We could tell them their ancestors were mean and evil and shame them
into accepting millions of refugees from the jungles of Africa and India
and if any of them complain we could label them racist. Then we could
offer them redemption from their guilt by suggesting they intermarry
with the refugees.
Eventually the people of that country would lose their national and
ethnic identity and be at each others throats and they would be in
complete confusion, then we could easily divide and conquer them.
20th April 2024, 03:43 PM
20th April 2024, 04:29 PM
This is an enormous thread and a very important one. I don't know if this article by Ron Unz has been posted here but I will post it. It is a very well written and illuminating article. Unz is himself Jewish and therefore it holds even more wieght. I read a lot at the Unz review and it is one of my favorite sites.
American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review (
20th April 2024, 06:36 PM
This is an enormous thread and a very important one. I don't know if this article by Ron Unz has been posted here but I will post it. It is a very well written and illuminating article. Unz is himself Jewish and therefore it holds even more wieght. I read a lot at the Unz review and it is one of my favorite sites.
American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review (
Same here, one of my favorite sites. And I always read Unz- all of his articles since the Gaza slaughter have been excellent
From the above article:
In 2010, Israel’s top Sephardic rabbi used his weekly sermon to declare ( that the only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews and do work for them. The enslavement or extermination of all non-Jews seems an ultimate implied goal of the religion.
Whereas pious Muslims consider Jesus as the holy prophet of God and Muhammed’s immediate predecessor, according to the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is perhaps the vilest being who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity in the bottommost pit of Hell, immersed in a boiling vat of excrement. Religious Jews regard the Muslim Quran as just another book, though a totally mistaken one, but the Christian Bible represents purest evil, and if circumstances permit, burning Bibles is a very praiseworthy act. Pious Jews are also enjoined to always spit three times at any cross or church they encounter, and direct a curse at all Christian cemeteries. Indeed, many deeply religious Jews utter a prayer each and every day for the immediate extermination of all Christians.
And yet the moronic Christian Zios worship these people!!!
21st April 2024, 08:16 AM
And yet the moronic Christian Zios worship these people!!!
This is the crux of the whole insane political landscape. It really is insane. If we cannot somehow overturn their programming/brain washing then there really is no hope for western civilization. The Christians hold as much responsibility as the Jews for the state of the world. The horrible truth is that the Jews may very well institute the Samson option rather than see their plans fail. True to form, they will simply take everyone else down with them.
23rd April 2024, 10:51 AM
This is a post from POL that I came across. It's a post by a Jew that knows they are parasites and is smart enough to know what's going to happen to them if they kill off the white people like they're trying to do. SOB's.
A Jew on /pol/ contemplates the self-defeating consequences of his elders’ long-term plans to “destroy the white race”, turn America into “an idea nation” and “a melting pot”, and “transform Europe into a multicultural mode”, and concludes that perhaps the results were not, in the end, desirable.
Have you ever played a video game where the Al just sat there and did nothing while you took it apart methodically?
We “won” in a game that nobody else was playing because they did not think anyone would be stupid enough to do so. Our” victory”? We killed our host, the survivors will hate us, they will eat us because we look white, the muslims will exterminate us the moment our goy slaves become too weak to protect us. not to mention we are giving the muslims nuclear weapons by giving them France and England.
Our daughters misceginate or are whores, my favorite niece married a “jewish” black who was 20 years older than her. She lived in a mixed-race neighborhood, her house was the only one that did not look like because she tried, ended up divorced with a half-black kid. Breaks my heart.
Brother is incel, can’t find a wife because all women are whores, almost all the men in the extended family are ruined, either marrying roasties or failing to marry at all. And why? Because the weapons we set on the goy cattle also affected us.
So yay, we “won” by default because nobody else was dumb enough to try for a game of lets destroy civilization, our victory is such that our host species is going extinct due to our actions, and the only two paths forwards are:
whites finally wake up and kill us all
whites finally die out and the blacks eat us for being white
Great victory.
Some on /pol/ have suggested that this lament is too self-aware to be genuine, but in the light of current events in the Middle East, I see no reason to assume that the average individual of modest intelligence, of any race or ethnicity, who would prefer to live in some reasonable approximation of civilized European culture, cannot observe that the consequences of the Kalergi Plan, or the Lerner-Spectre Plan, or the Celler Plan, all of which amount to exactly the same thing, have been utterly disastrous for everyone, including the descendants of those who originally conceived those evil plans and enacted them.
From a historical point of view, this shouldn’t be a surprise. In six thousand years of recorded history, there have only been a limited number of great civilizations, which collectively make up a very small percentage of the total number of peoples and societies across world history. And the preferences, customs, traditions, and laws of most societies are observably not capable of creating or sustaining any form of civilization, let alone one that approaches the heights of Western European civilization circa 1800 – 1950.
Everybody likes the idea of being in charge, in theory. The problem is that not everyone is capable of successfully being in charge. This is why it is so important to be careful what you wish for. Because you just might get it.
In addition to the time to civilization requirement that has been previously pointed out here on this blog, there is also a dyscivilizational values problem. No civilization that comes to be dominated by individuals from a society with dyscivilizational values can sustain itself in a functional manner over time. The more that Western Civilization is influenced by non-Western people from societies that never successfully established their own civilizations, the more likely it is that it will not become a post-Western civilization as expected, but rather, collapse entirely into a post-civilized state.
Atheists such as Richard Dawkins have already discovered that post-Christian society is worse for atheists than Christian society ever was. Other internal foes of the West will almost certainly come to the same conclusion in time.
There is an older version of the Russian tale of the scorpion and the frog. In the Persian tale, which dates back to 1487, the scorpion is riding the back of a turtle. Unlike the frog, the turtle survives the scorpion’s sting due to its hard shell, tells the scorpion that it is wicked, and drowns it in order to prevent it from harming anyone else.
So, this naturally tends to raise the question, which civilized societies are frogs and which are turtles?
1st May 2024, 03:32 PM
16th May 2024, 07:54 AM
Rick Wiles from TRU NeWs gives his opinion on how jews are able to control the world.
He pretty much nails it. You only have to start at the beginning of the video and watch from the start to the 1:40 time mark.
28th May 2024, 08:43 PM
Rick Wiles from TRU NeWs gives his opinion on how jews are able to control the world.
He pretty much nails it. You only have to start at the beginning of the video and watch from the start to the 1:40 time mark.
fwiw Rick Wiles is campaigning against Congressional whore for Israel, Brian Mast of FL
1st June 2024, 03:28 AM
A couple of videos that are pretty well done on Bitchute.
"The Origin of the Jews"
Part 1
Part 2
2nd June 2024, 09:47 AM
Mads Palsvig posted on X (Twitter)
The Armenians are afraid to talk about who genocided them just as the Germans are terrified of talking about who genocided 15 Mio of them from 1945-1949.
And Russians don’t talk much about who genocided 60 Mio of them from 1917-1957.
The Ukrainians has begun talking about the Holodomor but incorrectly blame Russian Russians for it.
It was not Russian Russians who murdered Ukrainians in the holodomor. The Russians were also murdered at the same time in the Russian Holdomor.
It is the same people who committed all three genocides.
The tribe we are not allowed to talk about and definitely not accuse of anything.
I am talking about the tribe that always plays the victim while they are the most horrible genocidal stark raving lunatics themselves.
They constantly use D A R V O:
And their motto is
By deception we shall fight war.
I am talking about the Talmud following Jews and their collaborators Freemasons and Jesuits.
2nd June 2024, 08:05 PM
Mads Palsvig posted on X (Twitter)
The Armenians are afraid to talk about who genocided them just as the Germans are terrified of talking about who genocided 15 Mio of them from 1945-1949.
And Russians don’t talk much about who genocided 60 Mio of them from 1917-1957.
The Ukrainians has begun talking about the Holodomor but incorrectly blame Russian Russians for it.
It was not Russian Russians who murdered Ukrainians in the holodomor. The Russians were also murdered at the same time in the Russian Holdomor.
It is the same people who committed all three genocides.
The tribe we are not allowed to talk about and definitely not accuse of anything.
I am talking about the tribe that always plays the victim while they are the most horrible genocidal stark raving lunatics themselves.
They constantly use D A R V O:
And their motto is
By deception we shall fight war.
I am talking about the Talmud following Jews and their collaborators Freemasons and Jesuits.
yes, and they control the USA and all other countries. It is a world wide tyranny of Jewish organized crime syndicates masquerading as legitimate governments. I have been looking for an appropriate name for it. Kakisto racy is rule by the worst but that doesn’t quite nail it down. Jewtocracy? Hebrewtocracy? Nothing has quite the ring to it that I am looking for. In any case it is not rule by the best and brightest but for certain the worst and wickedest.
3rd June 2024, 09:27 PM
Our Kabbalocracy?
Or we can just call it “our democracy” like they themselves do…
To avoid any confusion maybe best to call it “our demoncrazy”
3rd June 2024, 11:46 PM
4th June 2024, 01:40 AM
Our Kabbalocracy?
Or we can just call it “our democracy” like they themselves do…
To avoid any confusion maybe best to call it “our demoncrazy”
It always bothers me when people say we have a democracy. Benjamin Franklin when asked what form of government we would have, he replied "a republic if you can keep it". The jews are working hard to destroy it too.
4th June 2024, 11:34 AM
It always bothers me when people say we have a democracy. Benjamin Franklin when asked what form of government we would have, he replied "a republic if you can keep it". The jews are working hard to destroy it too.
I was just thinking that same thing while I was reading the article Neuro posted.
14th July 2024, 11:24 AM
25th July 2024, 07:04 PM
20th August 2024, 12:13 AM
A jewish woman explains what jews pretending to be White are doing and why.
They are mixed race mongrels and the genetic blood line of Lucifer. The seed of the serpent referenced in Genesis 3:15.
22nd August 2024, 06:24 AM
30th August 2024, 04:12 PM
5th September 2024, 04:09 PM
20th December 2024, 11:11 AM
Youtube will no doubt take this video down soon but it's pretty good.
Peirs Morgan interviews Dan Bilzerian an out spoken anti jew multi millionaire.
It's pretty entertaining and he doesn't cut the jews much, if any slack.
23rd January 2025, 12:45 PM
24th January 2025, 12:22 AM
Is this a real picture of an actual human or some AI rendering? If real, it would almost qualify as a subspecies itself but definitely the ugliest human I’ve ever seen.
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