View Full Version : Why hillary will not be elected

5th April 2016, 10:49 AM
By Attorney Jonathan Emord
Author of "The Rise of Tyranny" and
"Global Censorship of Health Information" and
"Restore The Republic"
April 4, 2016

Media attention focuses on the internecine battle to gain control of the Republican Party’s nominating convention, to the neglect of a far greater story affecting the Democratic Party’s nomination of a presidential candidate. That media coverage is a form of tunnel vision, because it is virtually certain that the Democratic Party will experience an implosion this election cycle, while it is but a possibility that a floor fight will occur at the Republican National Convention.

The FBI is trying to schedule interviews with Hillary Clinton and her top aides, as the probe into Hillary et al.’s violations of the Espionage Act and the public corruption laws reaches its zenith. Based solely on the information publicly revealed to date, the evidence of unlawful conduct is overwhelming. It is hard to imagine either FBI Director James Comey or Attorney General Loretta Lynch not proceeding with a bill for indictment before a federal grand jury within the next several months. The Democratic National Convention will take place July 25 to 28. The issue is increasingly not whether Hillary and her top aides will be indicted but when. Will it occur before she gets her party’s nomination or after?

With over 150 FBI agents completing their evaluation of Clinton’s emails and of the association between her actions as Secretary of State and the receipt of foreign funds by the Clinton Foundation, it is likely that recommendations for the indictment of Clinton and her aides will soon be given by the FBI to the Attorney General. Interviews with those who are the targets of the investigation, including Clinton and her aides, is a necessary prelude to completion of that investigation. In those interviews, Hillary Clinton will be obliged to tell the truth and avoid withholding material information or face additional charges of false statements. She must either take the Fifth or answer, so too must her aides. If she answers in a way consistent with her public pronouncements, she will violate the False Statements Act and that crime will be added to the list of crimes for which she can be indicted.

It appears increasingly unlikely that Attorney General Lynch will stand in the way of a bill for indictment of Hillary Clinton. Lynch’s reputation for faithful adherence to the rule of law is considerable; moreover, her assurances to Congress that politics would not sway her actions make any move in the other direction one that would likely destroy her reputation on the Hill, in the Department, and with the FBI. To refuse to allow a bill of indictment to proceed to the Grand Jury, Lynch would have to be willing to sacrifice her future for the sake of a Clinton presidency. Moreover, if she were to refuse to indict Hillary, she would also likely have to refuse to indict all of Hillary’s aides who likewise violated the Espionage Act. The original error would thereby be compounded, and immediate calls for congressional investigation and an obstruction of justice probe would reach a fever pitch. Suddenly Lynch would be just as much a focus of congressional and public acrimony and attention as Clinton. A refusal to permit a bill of indictment to proceed to the Grand Jury would also likely cause several top level, career FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers with high integrity not only to protest loudly but to resign rather than be associated with the obstruction of justice. Word of the failure of Lynch to indict and resulting conflicts with the FBI and among Justice Department attorneys would reach the media, and even if the indictment failed to proceed, Hillary Clinton would soon become an enormous liability, a candidate not electable.

If the charges go to Justice before Hillary is nominated, word of those charges may well cause the nomination to go to Sanders (with Clinton supporters and super delegates jumping ship). While the mainstream media avoids that hypothetical, it is really the only way Sanders can win, and it is a very real prospect, one no doubt Sanders privately counts on as a path to secure the nomination. It certainly makes it inadvisable in the extreme for Sanders to drop out of the race. Rather, he should go through the entire convention, even if the charges are not brought before it concludes, and he should not concede thereafter but could well run as an independent (remember, Sanders was elected to the U.S. Senate as an Independent from Vermont). If the charges are not brought before Hillary wins the nomination, they most certainly will be brought during the general election (and therein lies the hope for Sanders).

If Hillary becomes the Democratic Party nominee and is indicted during the general election, the temptation for the Democratic Party to schedule a second nominating convention and discharge Hillary and endorse Sanders or Biden will be great. Moreover, even if that does not happen, Hillary financial supporters will likely bolt from her and promise support for a third party run by either Sanders or Biden. If Biden is pulled out of the wings and agrees to jump in, Sanders and Biden will split the vote, making neither electable.

If Sanders runs as an Independent against Hillary and the Republican nominee, there will still be die hards who will vote for Clinton but most will shift to Sanders, yet the split in Democratic vote will likely prevent either Sanders or Clinton from winning the election.

In short, the notion that Hillary Clinton will be our next President is premature in the extreme. Beyond beating the ultimate Republican nominee, she has an insurmountable problem confronting her: per se violations of the Espionage Act and possible violations of the public corruption laws that are about to come to a head. Whether indicted before or after the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton will likely never become President of the United States, regardless of which Republican challenger she faces. Only a minority of Democrats will vote for Hillary Clinton rather than Sanders or Biden, if Hillary has the prospect of becoming a felon convicted under the Espionage Act or the public corruption laws during her first term in office, both unquestionably High Crimes for which impeachment would likely follow.

So, the most likely outcome is for a Republican to be elected President, because the prospect of indictment now hanging over Hillary Clinton like the sword of Damocles will likely fall before November 2016 and will fracture the Democratic Party in ways that prevent its chosen candidate from ever winning the White House.


5th April 2016, 10:59 AM
So, the most likely outcome is for a Republican to be elected President, because the prospect of indictment now hanging over Hillary Clinton like the sword of Damocles will likely fall before November 2016 and will fracture the Democratic Party in ways that prevent its chosen candidate from ever winning the White House.


Hence the reason for such a panic to remove Trump, it's already been decided an establishment republican is to take the helm.

5th April 2016, 11:02 AM
Hence the reason for such a panic to remove Trump, it's already been decided an establishment republican is to take the helm.

They are definitely pulling out all the stops to try. If Trump didn't have such a large turn out it would make it a lot easier for them.

guess who
5th April 2016, 11:06 AM
Hence the reason for such a panic to remove Trump, it's already been decided an establishment republican is to take the helm.

But then Trump will pull a Ross Perrot #2, split the vote and make his longtime friend Hillary win, which was his plan all along.

5th April 2016, 11:11 AM
But then Trump will pull a Ross Perrot #2, split the vote and make his longtime friend Hillary win, which was his plan all along.

How is she going to win while she is in court fighting to stay out of prison? The FBI doesn't put 150 agents on a task just for the hell of it.

5th April 2016, 11:14 AM
But then Trump will pull a Ross Perrot #2, split the vote and make his longtime friend Hillary win, which was his plan all along.

He's out of time to register to run 3rd party. That passed like a month ago.

5th April 2016, 11:19 AM
He's out of time to register to run 3rd party. That passed like a month ago.

Another good point, no way he can even get on the state ballots at this point even if he wanted to run 3rd party.

5th April 2016, 11:24 AM
Another good point, no way he can even get on the state ballots at this point even if he wanted to run 3rd party.

Only one option, like Trump always says "you always have to be ready to walk"

I hope he calls them all a bunch of criminals on the way out the door.

5th April 2016, 11:25 AM
I think the OP is based on the notion that things will work according to the book. This is not how America has been working lately (the last couple of decades at least), increasingly the book has been cooked, and it just needs to be cooked a bit more to allow Clinton a free pass for her crimes. The media and the judicial won't do their duties, they didn't do so before, the author seems to think they will do so now. Sanders will not run as an independent, he'll get promised the vice presidency and his part of the White House gets cordoned off, or he dies soon enough with blue lips of natural causes.

mick silver
5th April 2016, 11:26 AM
hillary will not go to jail ..................

5th April 2016, 11:28 AM
How is she going to win while she is in court fighting to stay out of prison? The FBI doesn't put 150 agents on a task just for the hell of it.

Why not? Maybe they put 150 agents on it to figure out how she could avoid being charged?

5th April 2016, 11:35 AM
Why not? Maybe they put 150 agents on it to figure out how she could avoid being charged?

Insider information that has been leaking out indicates they are going after her for the crimes she has committed. Whether that stands true or not, only time will tell. The author makes a good point to show that a lot of the bad actors have a lot to lose if they do not indict.

5th April 2016, 11:52 AM
Insider information that has been leaking out indicates they are going after her for the crimes she has committed. Whether that stands true or not, only time will tell. The author makes a good point to show that a lot of the bad actors have a lot to lose if they do not indict.

Loretta Lynch is the only one in the spotlight, they'll retire her, and the rest is just noise, drowned in mainstream media, going for the chaos at the republican convention...

mick silver
5th April 2016, 02:04 PM
ares it would be nice if they did then maybe we all could see the justice is not so one sided but again I will not hold my breath for this to happen . I still don,t know how it not all taken place all ready but again we see the gang that rule this country

12th April 2016, 12:35 PM
This FBI investigation into Hillary’s email server is one thing.

What I am watching and waiting for is the revealing who the contributors are to the Clinton Foundation. It may be then a leap to connect these contributions to leaked secret documents on Hillary’s email server. The timing of these secret documents with the timing of the so called contributions could be a blatant tit for tat (or a tattle for titillating payoffs).

Reconstructing the history of this event could go far deeper than mere care-lessness. Selling state secrets is called what ?

An old friend who was a police enforcer once told me that when someone got away with a crime, it only encouraged them to continue until they finally got caught. Also that this final crime would be much larger than the one they had originally gotten away with. And this would seal their fate.

All I want is for the truth to be revealed and the consequences paid in full. In other words, justice be done. Am I asking too much ?
So, time to break out the popcorn and watch the feathers fly.

Best wishes,
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson

These days, regarding the Constitution and Bill OF Rights, the reservation is off us.

“Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. … The power of the one needs the stupidity of the other. The process at work here is not that particular human capacities, for instance, the intellect, suddenly atrophy or fail. Instead, it seems that under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are deprived of their inner independence and, more or less consciously, give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging circumstances. The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed on April 8th, 1945, a few short weeks before Hitler’s own death.

12th April 2016, 01:08 PM


Hillary Clinton and her parents.

Hillary Clinton (Hillary Rodham) was raised first in Chicago and then, from the age of three, in suburban Park Ridge, Illinois.

Her father, Hugh Rodham was a curtain salesman.

"It seems that the family name of 'Rodham' was once 'Rodomski' and her father's family came from the Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland and settled in England before emigrating to the Chicago area."

tbrnews.org / pl.indymedia.org / tbrnews.org/index.htm

Hillary's mother was Dorothy Emma Howell.

Hillary's parents.

Hillary's father had been a chief petty officer in the Navy during World War II and trained recruits.

Hillary was raised in a politically conservative household.

Hillary and Bill.

Bill Clinton "spent much of his childhood in Hot Springs, the capital of gambling, drug-smuggling and organised crime in the central United States, where his powerful uncle and mentor, Raymond Clinton, was a member of the Dixie mafia."

Bill Clinton "was recruited by the CIA while at Oxford."

Student Bill Clinton 'spied' on Americans abroad for CIA.

Hillary Clinton with Giovanni Gambino, the son of heroin kingpin Francesco 'Ciccio' Gambino and the cousin of Carlo Gambino, one-time head of the American Mafia's governing body. dailymail.

After Oxford, Bill Clinton attended Yale Law School, where he met Hillary.

Hillary and mother.

Dr. Alma Bond, a psychoanalyst, has written a study of Hillary Clinton.

Dr. Alma Bond writes of Hillary's oppressive upbringing by her father Hugh Rodham.

'Hillary yearns for an intimate relationship with a powerful woman,' claims Dr Bond.

Hillary Clinton is lonely

Hugh Rodham, a curtain salesman, "was a combative, working-class man from eastern Pennsylvania who was riddled with prejudices against anyone who wasn't like him.

"He raged about minorities in derogatory terms when he was not subjecting his family to his own violent emotions."

Hillary Clinton is lonely

Hugh Rodham was "was a 'bullshit artist", a family member once said.

Hugh "excessively spanked the couple's three children. He verbally abused Hillary's mother, Dorothy, and Bond describes their relationship as 'sadomasochist'."

All three Rodman children were, in fact, abused children, Dr. Bond writes.


The Clintons, like the CIA, have been linked to the trade in narcotics.

Don and Kevin were murdered.

In 1987, seventeen-year-old Kevin Ives and sixteen-year-old Don Henry were murdered in a rural part of Arkansas, south of Little Rock.

Kevin and Don had inadvertently witnessed a drug drop that was part of the international drug smuggling operation out of Mena, Arkansas. (Kevin Ives and Don Henry)

There have been allegations that the Clinton family are linked to the CIA and organised crime and murder.

Jorge Cabreras, 'a convicted drug smuggler', with Hilary Clinton.

In The Times of London, 19 February 2001, William Rees-Mogg wrote "When Uncle Sam was a drugs runner."

(On Mena: When Uncle Sam was a drugs runner)

Rees-Mogg was editor of the Times from 1967 -81.

Rees-Mogg explains that Mena, in Arkansas, was the centre for cocaine coming into the US in the 1980s.


Rees-Mogg quotes from a letter, believed to have been written by Congressman Bill Alexander:

“January 26, 1989.

"To Governor Bill Clinton, State Capitol, Little Rock, Arkansas.

"Dear Bill:

"... Deputy Prosecutor Charles Black... knows of witnesses who
will testify that planes loaded with guns went to South America
and returned loaded with drugs.

“Certain DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) agents have stated that
the late convicted smuggler Barry Seal was flying weapons to
Central America in violation of US foreign policy and, in return,
the federal government secretly allowed Seal to smuggle drugs
back into the United States.

"Congressman Bill Hughes’s Sub-Committee on Crime had learnt
independently that at the time Seal was working on the famous
Nicaraguan ‘Sting’ operation for the DEA and the CIA in 1984, he
was still running drugs. Sources in Mena indicate that smuggling
activities at Meana continued after Seal’s murder in 1986 and are
still continuing . . .”

CIA pilot Barry Seal who reportedly had links to the Bush and Clinton families and to drug smuggling.

Rees-Mogg makes the following points:

1. Seal was murdered by Colombian gunmen while in federal custody.

2. Barry Seal was a billionaire. According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in The Sunday Telegraph of October 9, 1994, one of Seal's associates claimed that between 1980 and his murder in 1986, Seal imported 36 metric tonnes of cocaine, three tonnes of heroin and 104 tonnes of marijuana.

3. A Little Rock private detective, Jerry Parks, was a friend of Seal. In the 1992 presidential campaign, Parks was Clinton’s security chief in Little Rock. In 1991, Mrs Parks discovered that the boot of her husband's car was full of $100 bills. Mrs Parks accused her husband of running drugs. Parks said that Vince Foster, Bill Clinton’s lawyer, paid him $1,000 in cash for each trip. In 1993 Parks was shot dead. In 1993, Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia.

The Bush and Clinton families reportedly have close links to the CIA.

4. The Seal operation was related to the policy of arming the Contras.

5. Clinton did not respond to the concerns that were expressed to him, by Congressman Alexander and others.

Some of Clinton's friends and financial supporters, such as Dan Lasater, the Arkansas bond salesman, were involved in the drugs business.

"There is ample evidence to support the charge that he (Clinton) neglected his duties as Governor to enforce the law."

The following is taken from: tbrnews.org / pl.indymedia.org / tbrnews.org/index.htm

Hillary Rodham Clinton

"It seems that the family name of 'Rodham' was once 'Rodomski' and her father’s family came from the Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland and settled in England before emigrating to the Chicago area.

"... Hillary was, according to a California State Police report, found naked in bed with a black woman! Wonderful but not a surprise to those who know her. This was written up, and published, by San Francisco ‘Chronicle’ columnist, Herb Caen. When Bill became President, he sent the FBI to seize the report but copies had been made and circulated."


Cathy O'Brien (born 1957) claims to be the victim of a CIA mind control program.

Reportedly, she has given details of being forced to have oral sex with Hillary Clinton.

12th April 2016, 01:15 PM
have to love her baphomet (upside down) flag stars


12th April 2016, 02:58 PM
Good catch! I wonder if all the flags around her are like that?