View Full Version : building 7 video - closeup of charges going off

7th April 2016, 07:54 AM
this is best vid i've seen - at link scroll down a little bit to vid


7th April 2016, 09:07 AM
Pretty compelling although this is the only place I've seen a video where the flashes are so evident. I'd need to see this pop up in other places from other sources before I think it's real footage rather than a doctored video

7th April 2016, 09:11 AM
Pretty compelling although this is the only place I've seen a video where the flashes are so evident. I'd need to see this pop up in other places from other sources before I think it's real footage rather than a doctored video

i've seen other videos that show same - this one is closer to the scene and shows MUCH more detail

this vid needs to go viral

7th April 2016, 10:35 AM
I believe this is the same video on youtube in 2011.


7th April 2016, 10:41 AM
I believer this is the same video on youtube in 2011.


That's it. People have already made up their minds about this.....most are in denial and the rest are termed conspiracy theorists. The government has done a fine job dummy-ing down the masses sufficiently.

Down believe your eyes, believe what we tell you!

7th April 2016, 11:15 AM
That's it. People have already made up their minds about this.....most are in denial and the rest are termed conspiracy theorists. The government has done a fine job dummy-ing down the masses sufficiently.

Down believe your eyes, believe what we tell you!

the more building 7 = the more minds are changed. it's quick and deadly

ask a dupe about building 7. they dont even know about it...so curiosity sets in. a few minutes of research and BAM

midnight rambler
7th April 2016, 02:34 PM
Anyone with common sense doesn't need a video to comprehend that an asymmetrically framed building with an asymmetrical footprint cannot possibly fall at free fall speed PRECISELY into it's own footprint "due to some scattered, localized, nominal, 'office contents' fires" without some outside *help*.


7th April 2016, 02:46 PM
Anyone with common sense doesn't need a video to comprehend that an asymmetrically framed building with an asymmetrical footprint cannot possibly fall at free fall speed PRECISELY into it's own footprint "due to some scattered, localized, nominal, 'office contents' fires" without some outside *help*.


Common sense doesn't exist in sheep

7th April 2016, 04:34 PM
Common sense doesn't exist in sheep

It's the power of the MSM media.

mick silver
7th April 2016, 04:38 PM
the building are till there ,,,,, get over it

7th April 2016, 06:07 PM
Don't think i've seen this one before. I have however seen another video where one could see flashes, which turned out to be a doctored video from a guy that clearly had some psychological issues. Some former conspiracy theorists that supposedly wanted to prove how easy it was to dupe conspiracy theorists... a disgusting creature.

7th April 2016, 07:08 PM
Anyone with common sense doesn't need a video to comprehend that an asymmetrically framed building with an asymmetrical footprint cannot possibly fall at free fall speed PRECISELY into it's own footprint "due to some scattered, localized, nominal, 'office contents' fires" without some outside *help*.

It is absurd to think that it would collapse in that manner, unless you actively and simultaneously take out its entire support structure. NIST investigators found no such thing, which is clear evidence they are in collusion with the real perpetrator...

7th April 2016, 08:59 PM

7th April 2016, 09:40 PM
........................first clip.......great clip , shows the charges going off.....................conclusive evidence..............the 9/11 commission(decommission) must of missed it.....haha

jump 7min in for the one above

7th April 2016, 09:44 PM

This one confirms the previous video, IMO, fast forward to 8:00 minutes aproximately...

7th April 2016, 11:07 PM

What I see is the rear left of the backside starts collapsing (look at the roof, left side starting ~ 7:25), then the holes start appearing (by 7:26) on the front upper left side as the building starts to fall (~7:32). Simultaneously holes start appearing lower right side as the whole building starts coming down (~7:32). Then the right side of the building follows quickly and as it is collapsing, the holes on the upper right side appear.

Half Sense
8th April 2016, 05:39 AM
9/11 should have put every demolition company out of business. Now when anybody wants to bring a building down, instead of hiring engineers to place charges on key support systems, just send a few teenagers into the building with a gallon of gasoline. We now know that a few random office fires brings a building down in a perfect symmetrical collapse.

8th April 2016, 12:24 PM
We KNOW this was a controlled demolition, the problem is that we the people don't have the power to do a damned thing about it

midnight rambler
8th April 2016, 12:59 PM
We KNOW this was a controlled demolition, the problem is that we the people don't have the power to do a damned thing about it

Apparently you've fallen into the trap/illusion created by the money powers/Death Cult that you're powerless. Nothing could be further from the truth.

8th April 2016, 01:08 PM
Apparently you've fallen into the trap/illusion created by the money powers/Death Cult that you're powerless. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I remain open to suggestions