11th April 2016, 10:09 AM
The title alone is negative. Donald Trump 'THE DISRUPTER'
In case you didn't get to see this Fox News/Bret "the scumbag" Baier hit piece.
Watch how scumbag Baier and Fox news sneak in partial video clips and all his mistakes. Also, they let his haters get a crack. FIpr5TtWDteUslCN7pFL-rm1cXUFA&nohtml5=False
In case you didn't get to see this Fox News/Bret "the scumbag" Baier hit piece.
Watch how scumbag Baier and Fox news sneak in partial video clips and all his mistakes. Also, they let his haters get a crack. FIpr5TtWDteUslCN7pFL-rm1cXUFA&nohtml5=False