View Full Version : QUIZ: Only 1 in 50 People Can Identify These Close-Up Images

13th April 2016, 01:24 AM
http://www.sun-gazing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/7gg77g8g8g7g787g8g78g787g8.jpg (http://www.sun-gazing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/7gg77g8g8g7g787g8g78g787g8.jpg)

My results.................

Wow! You are 1 in 50 people who can tell what these macro photographs are of! You have a sharp eye and incredibly intelligent perceptive skills. You have excellent vision and an encyclopedia of knowledge in your brain. Well done!

13th April 2016, 03:46 AM
wish they told me the score...

My results also.

Wow! You are 1 in 50 people who can tell what these macro photographs are of! You have a sharp eye and incredibly intelligent perceptive skills. You have excellent vision and an encyclopedia of knowledge in your brain. Well done!

Saw in the comments that some people 'aced' it, that means we suck?

13th April 2016, 04:15 AM

Wow! You are 1 in 50 people who can tell what these macro photographs are of! You have a sharp eye and incredibly intelligent perceptive skills. You have excellent vision and an encyclopedia of knowledge in your brain. Well done!

13th April 2016, 04:26 AM
C'mon someone has to 'ace' this.

13th April 2016, 04:27 AM
What do I win?

13th April 2016, 05:54 AM
Hmm... changed 3 of my answers that I wasn't sure about and:

Amazing! You are 1 in 50 who can ace this!

13th April 2016, 06:22 AM
can you do it again and change another 3 choices?

Being an Ace is pretty cool.
You could be a flying ace.

You could be a rocking ace.

An Ace of Spades

well actually I'll stop there, because it just gets more demonic from here on out. Maybe being an Ace isn't so cool after all.

Ace Freely looks a bit like Davey Deals.

13th April 2016, 07:16 AM
http://www.sun-gazing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/7gg77g8g8g7g787g8g78g787g8.jpg (http://www.sun-gazing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/7gg77g8g8g7g787g8g78g787g8.jpg)

D) Mammary gland

13th April 2016, 09:14 AM
You are 1 in 50...blah blah...Actually, that's a sea urchin shell.

13th April 2016, 09:22 AM
I aced it too. Everyone aced it. Too simple

13th April 2016, 10:46 AM
IT's claiming I aced this... I'm thinking conspiracy...

I want a score chart with the other object identifications.

Amazing! You are 1 in 50 who can ace this! Amazing! Getty Wow! You are 1 in 50 people who can tell what these macro photographs are of! You have a sharp eye and incredibly intelligent perceptive skills. You have excellent vision and an encyclopedia of knowledge in your brain. Well done!

13th April 2016, 11:03 AM
I aced it too. Everyone aced it. Too simple

I had to try twice.

13th April 2016, 11:17 AM
This is what I got for picking all wrong answers. Nice that the test didn't want to hurt my feelings. Even losers get a trophy!

Not bad!

You did alright! You couldn't quite make out some of the trickier images in these macro photographs. You tend to see the world more abstractly, from an artistic perspective rather than literally. Even though you didn't quite ace the test, don't worry! Your brain works in a totally unique way helping you to see things from a much more interesting perspective than most.

13th April 2016, 12:09 PM
don't worry! Your brain works in a totally unique way helping you to see things from a much more interesting perspective than most.

In other words you will forever ride the short bus lol.

13th April 2016, 06:26 PM
Facebook is filled with tons of these ridiculous and relatively easy quizzes to give people undeserved ego boosts. For example, you'll see a math problem titled "only geniuses can solve this! 4 + 7 -2 +3" and then a million people commenting their answers, confident that they are geniuses. It's retarded.

13th April 2016, 06:34 PM
Facebook is filled with tons of these ridiculous and relatively easy quizzes to give people undeserved ego boosts. For example, you'll see a math problem titled "only geniuses can solve this! 4 + 7 -2 +3" and then a million people commenting their answers, confident that they are geniuses. It's retarded.

For most people tying a shoe lace or brushing teeth or basic toilet hygene makes them geniuses.

14th April 2016, 02:36 AM
wish they told me the score...

My results also.

Wow! You are 1 in 50 people who can tell what these macro photographs are of! You have a sharp eye and incredibly intelligent perceptive skills. You have excellent vision and an encyclopedia of knowledge in your brain. Well done!

Saw in the comments that some people 'aced' it, that means we suck?

N ot really ,my wife did it and got the same result, and I know she got one or two wrong.