View Full Version : Rat f-cker double crosses Kasich

28th April 2016, 12:15 PM
Now that Kasich has fully pulled out of Indiana, and there is no time left for him to compete there, the Cruz people are saying there was no agreement or alliance, and that Kasich should drop out.

Alliance Over: Carly Calls for Kasich to ‘Get Out of Race’

http://media.breitbart.com/media/2016/04/carly-fiorina-john-kasich-ap-640x480.jpgAP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

by Dr. Susan Berry (http://www.breitbart.com/author/dr-susan-berry/)28 Apr 2016557 (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/04/28/alliance-carly-calls-cruz-partner-kasich-get-race/#disqus_thread)
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’s vice presidential pick Carly Fiorina is calling for John Kasich to exit the Republican nomination race following a supposed alliance (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/04/28/cruz-kasich-alliance-stumbles-politically-election-law-experts-say-legal/) made between the Cruz and Kasich campaigns in which they would focus on competing against frontrunner Donald Trump in the Indiana, Oregon, and New Mexico primaries.

Fiorina told conservative host Mark Levin Wednesday that Kasich – not Cruz – should get out of the race:

There is somebody in this race who oughtta get out – his name is John Kasich. Ted Cruz can and will win this nomination. Donald Trump, as I said, the very week he announced his candidacy, in June of 2015, Donald Trump does not represent me, does not represent my Party, and the majority of Republicans agree with me. And so that’s why Ted Cruz and I are going to go fight this fight for the soul of our Party and for the future of our nation.

The Cruz and Kasich campaigns had supposedly made an agreement that Cruz would compete against Trump in Tuesday’s Indiana primary, while Kasich would compete against him in the Oregon primary on May 17 and the New Mexico primary on June 7.

The Kasich campaign said it would “pass” on Breitbart News’s requests for comment on the status of the supposed alliance. The Cruz campaign did not respond.
However, the Washington Post’s Sean Sullivan tweeted:

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1495637156/seanphoto_bigger.jpg Sean Sullivan Verified account ‏@WaPoSean (https://twitter.com/WaPoSean)

Cruz now downplaying the arrangement with Kasich. Says both sides acting in their own interests. "There is no alliance."

Retweets 8
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8:54 AM - 28 Apr 2016

The Kasich campaign’s chief strategist John Weaver tweeted the following, but the Kasich campaign did not respond to Breitbart News’s attempt to clarify whether the reference was to Cruz or the supposed alliance.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2407126606/m5jd75738daqezoqpzpw_bigger.jpeg John Weaver ‏@JWGOP (https://twitter.com/JWGOP)

I can't stand liars.

Retweets 37
Likes 63

8:57 AM - 28 Apr 2016

28th April 2016, 12:19 PM

The rat fuckers eating each other.....so perfect!

midnight rambler
28th April 2016, 12:21 PM
You just can't make this shit up.

28th April 2016, 12:23 PM
Caitlyn Jenner filmed herself using Donald Trump's bathroom
New York Magazine
Apr 28th 2016 9:56AM


What really happens when a trans woman uses a public restroom? Caitlyn Jenner will show you.

After mentioning her Trump Tower bathroom break at the Time 100 Gala this week, she posted a video of the visit to Facebook on Wednesday night, directly addressing Ted Cruz (who thinks trans people shouldn't be able to use public bathrooms at all) and discriminatory "bathroom bills" like North Carolina's.

"Oh my God, a trans woman in New York," she says, walking near Columbus Circle. "I gotta take a pee." The Trump International Hotel appears on her right. "Last week, Donald Trump said I could take a pee anywhere in a Trump facility, so I am gonna go take a pee in the ladies' room."

She does, with a triumphant nod to the camera: "Thank you, Donald. I really appreciate it. And by the way, Ted: Nobody got molested."


28th April 2016, 12:26 PM
Caitlyn Jenner filmed herself using Donald Trump's bathroom
New York Magazine
Apr 28th 2016 9:56AM


She does, with a triumphant nod to the camera: "Thank you, Donald. I really appreciate it. And by the way, Ted: Nobody got molested."

Umm... Bruce... you were molested.

28th April 2016, 12:33 PM

28th April 2016, 12:36 PM

What a piece of useless trash. This idiot is a microcosm of what America has become. Once great, accomplished and respected, now a disrespected, despicable shell of what it once was

28th April 2016, 01:33 PM
This thread took a disgusting twist...

28th April 2016, 02:12 PM
You have to admit it's humorous to have a tranny supporting Trump so vocally in the middle of all this. "Thanks for letting me take a piss in your bathroom," really is that what we're about now??

By the way, I fully believe in the separation of bathroom and state. Why is bathroom access even a concern for the government?

28th April 2016, 02:53 PM


28th April 2016, 03:22 PM
Why Ted Cruz Loves to Be Hated

By Jack Shafer (http://www.politico.com/staff/jack-shafer)
April 28, 2016
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Last night, former Speaker of the House John Boehner captured the nation’s attention by calling (http://www.stanforddaily.com/2016/04/28/john-boehner-talks-election-time-in-office/) presidential aspirant Ted Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh” in an appearance at Stanford University.

Having established his Satanic theme, Boehner continued. “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

Any other politician would have winced at the characterization, especially coming from a fellow Republican. But given his long-term success at extracting vitriol and bile by the barrel from those who should be his ideological comrades, we can only assume that Cruz craves the hatred and condemnation, and regards Boehner’s Lucifer comment as an endorsement.

Ordinarily, decorum prevents politicians from making overt comments like this—even about the members of the opposing party. But Cruz has a way of producing the uncensored, blunt and ugly from his fellow party-members. This week, Complex (http://www.complex.com/life/2016/04/ted-cruz-is-bullied-by-his-peers-lol) collected some of the choice rips dealt to him by other Republicans. “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” Sen. Lindsay Graham said (http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/26/politics/lindsey-graham-ted-cruz-dinner/) in February.

“Nobody likes him,” Bob Dole said (http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2016/01/20/bob-dole-warns-of-cataclysmic-losses-with-ted-cruz-and-says-donald-trump-would-do-better/) in January. “Classless, tasteless and counterproductive,” said (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/09/28/bad-blood-john-boehner-and-the-tormenter-he-called-jackass-ted-cruz/) Rep. Tom Cole late last year. “I just don’t like the guy,” said (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/jeb-bush-george-bush-donors-ted-cruz-214933) former President George W. Bush in October.

“I hate Ted Cruz,” said (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/peter-king-cyanide-ted-cruz-nomination-article-1.2607073) Rep. Peter King, who isn’t exactly likable himself, recently. “I’ll take cyanide if he ever got the nomination.”

Of course, Cruz isn’t the first prick to inhabit politics. Lyndon Johnson, for example, famously enjoyed (https://books.google.com/books?id=wBE-34_KfcAC&pg=PA1019&dq=lyndon+johnson+toilet&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwieyaa79bHMAhVI8z4KHW2QCEkQ6AEIUTAH#v=on epage&q=lyndon%20johnson%20toilet&f=false) humiliating secretaries, senators and aides by summoning them into the bathroom for conversations while he was seated on the presidential throne. Richard Nixon could be nasty, too, but he resented the hatred his actions elicited. All would agree that Donald Trump is a wicked man, but he has his sensitive side, too, as proved by his emotional reaction to charges that he’s short-fingered.

If not the first prick, what is Cruz? He’s the first American politician who strives to be despised. If waterboarded, Johnson, Nixon and Trump would confess that they prefer love to hatred. Not Cruz, whose premeditated rudeness, self-righteousness, backstabbing and name-calling (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2015/jul/25/ted-cruz-senate-majority-leader-mitch-mcconnell-liar-video) have inspired a dozen recent pieces exploring the question of why Washington hates Ted Cruz (Atlantic (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/01/why-dc-hates-ted-cruz/426915/), New Republic (https://newrepublic.com/article/128808/everybody-hates-ted), Mother Jones (http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/01/ted-cruz-jerk-hated), New York (http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/12/why-everyone-in-congress-hates-ted-cruz.html), Vanity Fair (http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/05/ted-cruz-election-2016-political-goat), Vice (https://news.vice.com/article/ted-cruzs-biggest-challenge-to-know-him-is-to-hate-him), The Week (http://theweek.com/articles/592719/why-even-people-who-agree-hate-ted-cruz), et al.). He wants to be hated. He draws strength from the attention it delivers and he has sought the hatred of others since high school (“He was not well liked,” said (https://news.vice.com/article/ted-cruzs-biggest-challenge-to-know-him-is-to-hate-him) former high school classmate Laura Calaway). His pursuit of other’s hatred continued through college (“Ted’s style was sneering, smirking, condescending, jabbing his finger in your face,” said (https://news.vice.com/article/ted-cruzs-biggest-challenge-to-know-him-is-to-hate-him) former college classmate Geoffrey Cohen) and has extended into his political career, where last year he gained notoriety (and more hatred) calling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2015/jul/25/ted-cruz-senate-majority-leader-mitch-mcconnell-liar-video) on the Senate floor.

Search history for Cruz’s antecedent and you’ll come up empty. Scan the pages of literature. Scroll your Rolodex. Canvass the jails and prisons. Nothing. Perhaps only in the annals of psychiatry can you find anybody in possession of a masochistic narcissist profile like Cruz’s. But those people are crazy. Cruz is not crazy. He might actually be a member of an advanced but not yet recognized species that has determined thatspending effort on getting people to like you is a mug’s game. From the view from inside Cruz’s skull, once you get people to like you, your job has only begun.
Additional acts of kindness, consideration and fairness must be extended or your likability will fade into the background. But hatred is a much more efficient use of emotional energy. Often, a single dose of malice can seal the impression among most people that you’re a terminal prick. By acquiring as his enemies the Washington political establishment, Cruz figures he can inherit their enemies, and the 2016 campaign has proved him right. Nobody until Cruz had the stomach to build his political foundation on a bedrock of loathing.

This is essentially the view of the Atlantic’s Molly Ball, who in January wrote (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/01/why-dc-hates-ted-cruz/426915/) that Cruz deliberately offends and insults his Republican colleagues so as to appear to his tea party allies as the only authentic conservative in the arena.
Politicians have long campaigned for the White House by running against Washington, D.C. George Wallace was the first, doing it in the 1960 and ’70s. Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama followed the Wallace example, although each crafted his own technique. But these candidates were only play-acting their hatred of Washington, eager to join the governing class in the event they won the presidential derby. What makes Cruz’s jihad against Washington appear sincere is his willingness to fight a two-theater war—one against the Democrats and the other against his own party—to the death if necessary. His hatred is pure and honest.

Did Cruz decide to play the hateful political villain, or was it thrust upon him? I defy you to look at him and not associate his squinty-eyed, prehensile-nosed (https://www.google.com/search?q=ted+cruz&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwie95r7i7LMAhWMVz4KHcXqCfQQ_AUICCgC), whiny-mouthed demonic visage with the great villains of film noir (http://prettycleverfilms.com/movie-lists/top-5-film-noir-bad-guys/#.VyJnXHq8BqE) history. If looks are destiny, perhaps the answer to why Cruz works so hard to be hated can be contained in a snapshot: It’s the path of least resistance. But even film noir villains have deep soul-searching stretches in which they question their own badness. If Cruz has submitted to even a soul-searching once-over, I’d be surprised. Instead, he wears the hatred of his peers like a badge of honor, the way Lucifer and his fallen angels wore their Lord’s scorn.

If success is the measure, who can argue against the Cruz method? By antagonizing everybody in sight—by suppressing the standard-issue feelings of desiring love—he has taken his candidacy to unexpected heights. And he appears to be on the cusp of proving that hateful guys finish second.


“The only thing less popular on Capitol Hill than Cruz is a cash bar,” wrote (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/five-takes-on-2016-as-the-countdown-to-voting-begins-216244) Glenn Thrush (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/five-takes-on-2016-as-the-countdown-to-voting-begins-216244) late last year. Would you buy him (Cruz, not Thrush) a drink? Send your answer via email to shafer.politico@gmail.com. My email alerts (http://politico.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=26f1798168150c8a8ed512264&id=151813914f) think it’s a shame that Roy Cohn can’t play Ted Cruz in the movie version of his life. My Twitter (https://twitter.com/jackshafer) feed’s favorite film noir is Out of the Past. My RSS (http://www.politico.com/rss/jackshafer.xml) feed was killed by a hateful villain.

28th April 2016, 03:28 PM
Normally I am major non political type, and still am! But this election cycle I view as high entertainment watching the repubs actively destroy themselves, to the point that the Dem's ate starting sounding reasonable!

My politics are straight down the middle, I can see and mostly agree with both points of view. (Left, right) This nation worked when both sides met in the middle , each side not getting everything they wanted. Which worked because this nation is for dam sure not a monoculture, never was or will be!

Personally loving the fireworks, watching the hardliners get slowly schooled, which I think the fights ARE maybe wakeing the mom and pops that normally stay in their bubbles up to the corruption (which has been part of the system forever, nothing new). Mainly because the Republicans are acting like monkey's on LSD.

The fun and games will continue until both sides cam relearn to work together again!

The boil (sore) is coming to a head, and I think will pop soon!


Get comfortable, have plenty of popcorn and your favorite beverage handy!

Kick back and enjoy the fireworks show.

The Dog!

Sent from my Nexus 7

29th April 2016, 10:56 AM


If somehow Cruz makes it to a contested convention, watch how quick he dumps the dingbat Fiorina. Carly who?
Rat faced Cruz will do anything/use anyone, no matter how dirty, to win power for himself.

29th April 2016, 11:14 AM
My politics are straight down the middle, I can see and mostly agree with both points of view. (Left, right) This nation worked when both sides met in the middle , each side not getting everything they wanted. Which worked because this nation is for dam sure not a monoculture, never was or will be!

Dead wrong. This country was destroyed by what you think is the way to go. Compromising on truth means accepting lies. If you like partial truths then meeting in the middle is your style.

America was set up for righteous people who would speak a common language- ENGLISH, and hold common beliefs. Among those beliefs were that a Creator is the source of our inalienable rights and the government is established to protect those rights. After many generations of meeting in the middle, people have come to believe that their rights are won at the cost of another's rights. That government should steal from one to give to another. That those who want to keep their foreign culture, language and laws should be allowed to override the responsibilities of the government to protect its citizens and their way of life.

Meeting in the middle still leaves you in hell.

29th April 2016, 11:27 AM
Back to the OP.... Kopulating Kasick was bumped out by copulating Carly.
The TedLuv partner outside Goldman Sachs is Carly now.


29th April 2016, 02:13 PM
Fucking loser Glen Beck wasted half a million on Rat face Cruz.

Glenn Beck: My Campaigning With Cruz Didn’t Cause Layoffs At The Blaze

11:35 AM 04/29/2016
Glenn Beck Really Glenn Beck Really 'Wants You To Know' It's Not His Fault The Blaze Just Fired 40 People (Reuters)

On the Friday broadcast of his radio show, Glenn Beck revealed that he has lost $500,000 campaigning with Ted Cruz 
97%, but said that has nothing to do with the recent firing of 40 of his employees.

“We are making the hard choices,” Beck explained. “We’re choosing principles over power. We’re staying true to the Constitution.” (RELATED: TheBlaze’s Editor-In-Chief Is OUTTA There)

“There’s a story maybe you have read, that came out yesterday, that is talking about how yesterday, my company The Blaze laid off 40 people, and my media empire is crumbling, and part of it is because I’m traveling around with Ted Cruz,” he said, referencing a Daily Beast story.

“Well, I want you to know,” Beck continues. “Yes, I’ve lost a lot of money traveling around with Ted Cruz. I’ve lost about half a million dollars. That’s my choice. I believe in something.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/29/glenn-beck-my-campaigning-with-cruz-didnt-cause-layoffs-at-the-blaze-audio/#ixzz47FhJADu0

29th April 2016, 02:20 PM
Beck believes in something - he believes that the Bushes run everything and that his support for one of their own was going to pay off. He saw Limbaugh's empire built by supporting Georgie and thought Cruz was his meal ticket - he was wrong

29th April 2016, 02:30 PM
Beck is a tool who has been exposed as such. This election is bringing all the roaches out into the daylight. Thanks Donald!

29th April 2016, 02:33 PM
Beck is a tool who has been exposed as such. This election is bringing all the roaches out into the daylight. Thanks Donald!

Let's hope this election stamps out cockroaches for good!

29th April 2016, 02:34 PM
You've got that right !!
He's got the same ethics as Fiorina at HP
Don't worry Glen, President Trump will create jobs for the employees that you're laying off while you buy your private plane


However shocking to the pink-slipped employees, this latest round of mass firings comes as no surprise to insiders at The Blaze and Mercury Radio Arts, which laid off dozens of employees last May on a day referred to internally as “Black Monday,” around the same time that Beck was purchasing a private jetliner and a $200,000 Maybach sedan.

29th April 2016, 03:27 PM
You've got that right !!
He's got the same ethics as Fiorina at HP
Don't worry Glen, President Trump will create jobs for the employees that you're laying off while you buy your private plane


However shocking to the pink-slipped employees, this latest round of mass firings comes as no surprise to insiders at The Blaze and Mercury Radio Arts, which laid off dozens of employees last May on a day referred to internally as “Black Monday,” around the same time that Beck was purchasing a private jetliner and a $200,000 Maybach sedan.

You simply can't make up this shit.

29th April 2016, 03:55 PM
According to Trump Kasich was the first to bail on the deal because he wanted some Indiana delegates.

29th April 2016, 11:48 PM
Fucking loser Glen Beck wasted half a million on Rat face Cruz.

Glenn Beck: My Campaigning With Cruz Didn’t Cause Layoffs At The Blaze

11:35 AM 04/29/2016
Glenn Beck Really Glenn Beck Really 'Wants You To Know' It's Not His Fault The Blaze Just Fired 40 People (Reuters)

On the Friday broadcast of his radio show, Glenn Beck revealed that he has lost $500,000 campaigning with Ted Cruz 
97%, but said that has nothing to do with the recent firing of 40 of his employees.

“We are making the hard choices,” Beck explained. “We’re choosing principles over power. We’re staying true to the Constitution.” (RELATED: TheBlaze’s Editor-In-Chief Is OUTTA There)

“There’s a story maybe you have read, that came out yesterday, that is talking about how yesterday, my company The Blaze laid off 40 people, and my media empire is crumbling, and part of it is because I’m traveling around with Ted Cruz,” he said, referencing a Daily Beast story.

“Well, I want you to know,” Beck continues. “Yes, I’ve lost a lot of money traveling around with Ted Cruz. I’ve lost about half a million dollars. That’s my choice. I believe in something.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/29/glenn-beck-my-campaigning-with-cruz-didnt-cause-layoffs-at-the-blaze-audio/#ixzz47FhJADu0
The reason his media empire is crumbling is because he chose to attack Trump and support Cruz. Really, how many people want to hear that garbage on a daily basis?

30th April 2016, 08:39 AM
The reason his media empire is crumbling is because he chose to attack Trump and support Cruz. Really, how many people want to hear that garbage on a daily basis?

If I had a private business and wanted to keep my private business, I wouldn't have taken a position on something so personal to people.
Beck got too big for his britches and thought he had more power then he really did have. Now he can watch his projected millions wither away. At least he's still rich.

The funny part is, everyone I see in the political arena, can never get enough of it. None of them will retire to do other things with their life. They are all power junkies that need their fix of notoriety and your money, until the day they die.

Politics is a very lucrative business these days, especially during an election like this one. Billions are being spent. I see so many new faces and children of politician's trying to break into the business and get on this money train. It's one of the easiest ways to become a millionaire without having to really work for it.

30th April 2016, 01:07 PM

30th April 2016, 01:52 PM
Indiana Today: DefeaTED Cruz Speaks To Half Empty Room, Polling Affirms The Reason….
Posted on April 29, 2016 by sundance

QUESTION: When was the last time you heard anything joyful from the entire enterprise (including the Glen Beck/Mark Levin types), of those who support Ted Cruz?

Within that answer you discover the reality of their situation.

Desperation breeds anxiety; anxiety begets a specific strain of blame-casting, and that blame-casting creates visible anger manifested as misery and denial.

The denial is emotional, dangerously emotional. Intellectual honesty, logic and even reality itself must be avoided. This is the reason why we have warned everyone to stay out of the blast radius from the final stages of their rage. Quite simply, it’s toxic.

Donald Trump supporters are a generally happy bunch. Sure, there’s a number of us who are very highly tuned to the last decade of politics – and subsequently we are angry at the current disposition of the culturally Marxist environment. However, that’s a different type of anger – it’s purposeful, deliberate, narrowly-targeted and empowering.

Much like a battered spouse in the final hours before a long pre-planned exit, there is optimism hidden behind the seemingly ambivalent 1000 yard stare. Ours is a Cold Anger, not prone to act in spite of itself. Cold anger is purposeful, prudent and intensely strategic.

Those of us holding the long exasperated experience of betrayal (the cold anger), are also filled with joy to see the lesser-abused younger crowd cheer, sing and have a great time. Because they deserve it.

However, the type of anger held by our ideological opponents, is intensely toxic and dangerous – and they don’t care who gets damaged as they self-destruct. Avoid these voices at all costs.

Before getting to a recent poll, lets take a look at the current landscape. Senator Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina spoke at a campaign rally in South Bend Indiana. In a venue capable of holding more than 2,000 only a few hundred showed up:

cruz indiana 1

That’s the second actual ground report in the past 48 hours highlighting exactly the same thing. The first report we shared yesterday – SEE HERE.

The Cruz campaign in Indiana is in a state of collapse and freefall. By the end of the weekend you can expect the narrative to shift, and the campaign will be pointing fingers toward California (June 7th) because their impending defeat is looming ever more dangerous.

All of the Cruz dependent sycophants will necessarily follow the same shift in talking points away from Indiana; they simply must if they are going to continue their denial phase.

A recent ARG POLL from Indiana shows Donald Trump leading the race with 41%, Ted Cruz 32% and John Kasich 21%.

Sample Size: 400 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of likely Republican primary voters living in Indiana (260 self-reported Republicans and 140 self-reported independents and Democrats. Sample Dates: April 27-28, 2016 -link-

3 candidate indiana ARG poll

This outcome matches almost identically with the Fox New Poll conducted a few days before.

After returning from California, Donald Trump will be in Fort Wayne Indiana on Sunday, and South Bend Indiana on Monday.

This Indiana poll data comes as CNN has now finalized their delegate counts to include the committed Pennsylvania delegates who are affirming their first-round convention floor vote. The CNN result is only one off from my own tabulation of current confirmed Trump delegates:

cnn delegate math 2

My post election night math had 1,003 as solid – but virtually identical. So you can see, the probability of Trump earning the remaining 235 (1237 – 1002 = 235), knowing 51 of those are easily won in New Jersey (winner take all June 7th) makes the outcome of Trump winning enough delegates to capture the nomination a very high probability.

That crossing of the ‘inevitability factor’ threshold is what we have outlined as the most dangerous time. The angriest moment in the denial phase is right before the ideologically entrenched accept an inevitable outcome.

Be of good cheer; enjoy the moments and cherish the associations. Walk with a light heart of joy.

Meanwhile ignore the screams, wailing and gnashing of teeth, and take the long way around the camps of the haters.


Crowd for Cruz rally less than expected
By Kaitor Kposowa
Published: April 28, 2016, 7:13 pm

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – Many people arriving at the Grand Wayne Convention Center for Thursday’s Ted Cruz Rally expected to see a lot of commotion when they got there. For someone just passing by, they might not have even known a presidential candidate was in Downtown Fort Wayne.

Brenda Mossbarger took a break from work to snap a few photos of the ‘hoopla’ outside the Grand Wayne Center. She said she didn’t see much going on.

“I guess I was just expecting to see some spillover, maybe people waiting to get in,” she said. “It seems to be pretty quiet.”

A half-hour before the event, which started at 11 a.m., one protester was marching outside of the convention center. His sign read ‘Hillary for Prison.’

“Well, I figure Ted Cruz fans will be on board with me as not liking Hillary because they’re probably going to be running against Hillary,” said Dan Carroll.

An NBC news truck was parked outside of the center. There were also five marked police cars as well as a couple of fire department vehicles. There were some cars being used to block off a sidewalk on the side of the building, but other than that nothing else stood out about the convention center from the outside.

Inside the center, about a 1,000 supporters came to see Cruz. Many people thought the turnout was underwhelming.

“I was surprised how few people there were,” Joseph Romary said.

Valerie Reynolds said she was surprised half the room was empty. It holds about 2,250 people.

“I mean it’s a big room,” she said.

People had different theories on the turn out. Some thought it was poorly publicized. Others thought it was Donald Trump, either that he has more supporters in the area or that he is just more of a draw than Cruz at this point.

“Trump has kind of sucked the wind out of his sails on Tuesday,” Reynolds said. “If Tuesday had gone a different way for Cruz, I think their might have been more people.”

There were supporters who found the turnout realistic.

“Because it was such short notice, I don’t think people really had time to plan and it is in the middle of the work day, but I thought it was a pretty good crowd,” Tara Greer said.

Cruz will be back at the Grand Wayne Center on Monday between 2:00 and 3:30 p.m.

30th April 2016, 02:10 PM
Cruz is just blatently lying in every show he goes on. Even worse now with Fiorina, she is his mouthpiece.

30th April 2016, 02:13 PM
Cruz is just blatently lying in every show he goes on. Even worse now with Fiorina, she is his mouthpiece.

Why people hate Cruz:


30th April 2016, 02:28 PM
Why people hate Cruz:


Cruz is a lying cunt!

30th April 2016, 05:58 PM