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1st May 2016, 09:27 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?fref=nf)April 29 at 4:26pm (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1011695815546165) ·

Which Is The Real American Government --- Unanswered Letters 2 -- Reply for Pat Anderson
There has been a LOT of confusion in this process, Pat---- unavoidably so, with the meanings of words being deliberately obscured and many facets of our history buried in reams of the most boring verbiage on Earth.
But....here is the skinny of it all, as delved out from the public records we have.
The Forefathers established nation-states in each of the colonies. Nations are political entities composed of members of Jural Assemblies--- unincorporated associations of people who join together for the purpose of defining and enforcing local law--- and in our case, that means the Common Law of the land, because our nation-states and our jural assemblies are all land-based and this is the form of law that our Forefathers chose to operate the land jurisdiction.
States are also political entities "standing for" those nations, created for the purpose of administration of public works and trusteeship of public resources. So you have the nation, a political entity structured as an unincorporated association of free people acting as a Jural Assembly to define and enforce the law, and you have the state, which is entrusted with providing public services and trusteeship of public property which is owned "in common".
The word "state" has another meaning, too, which is the geographic territory in which the members of the state jural assembly lives and over which their authority extends.
A "county" is similarly structured. The word can stand for the organization charged with administration of public works and trusteeship of public resources within the boundaries of the geographic territory, or it can mean the literal geographic territory in which the county jural assembly lives and over which their authority extends.
In the American System, generally speaking, townships make up counties, counties make up states, and the political power vested in these organic states and their living people forming their jural assemblies flows upward---- from the bottom up, not the top down.
These American nation-states which occupy the land mass of our country are all organized as--literally-- separate countries within the "perpetual" Union of States created by The Articles of Confederation (1781). This is how the nation-states on the land are organized and how they have always been organized. There has been no change in this basic concept and structure since 1781.
Contrary to popular misinformation, the adoption of The Constitution(s) nearly a decade later had nothing to do with and did not destroy, amend, or replace The Articles of Confederation nor affect the Union of States created by The Articles of Confederation.
The Constitution adopted by the States of America just described is called, appropriately enough, "The Constitution for the united States of America".
A "constitution" is by definition a "debt agreement or contract", and in this case, it memorialized a contract for services between the States and the new "Federal Government" they organized as means to provide these "services in common" and which acknowledged the debt that the original States incurred as a result.
The States farmed out some of their work to the federal entity they created, and in exchange, those services were standardized within all the participating States. The agreement resulted in establishing a common defense, a common form of money, a common trade policy, and so on. ALL of the duties assigned to the new "federal government" were international in nature. The States retained all authority related to their land jurisdiction. Period.
Please note that the "federal government" created was a voluntary association of independent nation-states and was never a sovereign government at all.
Once this new association of the States of America was created and adopted--on top of and in addition to and not in any way competing with the Union of States created by The Articles of Confederation--- the service contract became operative and the "federal government" began providing the mutually agreed-upon "governmental services" the associated States contracted to receive and pay for.
The Federal Government was and is a subcontractor of the States of America. It has no other business being here, and since we and our States of America created the "Federal Government" we retain the right to amend its service contract, renegotiate its service contract, or terminate its service contract at will.
As part of its services contract, the Federal Government is required to protect and defend our National Trust, known as the United States Trust. This is set forth in the Preamble of The Constitution and was further elucidated by the Bill of Rights.
The organization thus created and popularly known as the Federal Government has no duties related to the land jurisdiction of the United States, except the "Interstate Commerce Clause" provision which exists merely to "regulate" and expedite free trade between the independent nation-states in the same way that the Federal Government is supposed to regulate and expediate American free trade with and among all the other nations of the world.
Please note that because the Federal Government's duties are all international in nature, it functions naturally in the international jurisdiction of the sea and under the Law of the Sea-----not the Law of the Land. The only form of "common law" available to the Federal Government is international Martial Common Law. When federal officials and agencies refer to The Constitution as the "Law of the Land" they mean that literally, as in the foreign law of our separate and natural jurisdiction on the land---- it's our Law that they have to respect when they come ashore on our soil. Please also note that the Federal Jurisdiction created by The Constitution is operated from the top down, not from the bottom up. It depends on executive power being exercised to direct all of its activities.
What has occurred here has been a gradual usurpation by the Federal Government which is now operated via two huge international "governmental services corporations" ---- THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. fronted by the FEDERAL RESERVE, INC. and the UNITED STATES, INC., fronted by the IMF.
Various semantic deceits based on similar or even identical names being used to promote fraud against the States of America and the American People have been employed by these corporations and their managers. Chief among these frauds have been the creation of "federated states, counties, and municipalities".
The two giant federal service corporations made a successful bid to co-opt the organizations that were providing us with State and County level services. They promised the State and County organizations a cut of "federal revenue sharing" in exchange for all of them incorporating as franchises---- like Dairy Queen franchises. This was done as a "private business deal" without public announcement or permission or plebiscite, and it has had profound adverse results.
The Checks and Balances upon which our lawful government depends have been eradicated. Instead of the "State" and "County" organizations representing the interests of the States of America and the American People, they have been commandeered to represent the interests of the parent "federal" corporations instead. This has been done via the simple act of incorporating.
Whenever you incorporate anything, you take it straight off the jurisdiction of the land and out from under the Law of the Land and set sail in the international jurisdiction of the sea. This is how our Constitution has been side-stepped by these organizations and the way that improper fraudulent claims have been exercised against the land and the people of the States of America.
Now, finally getting to your question, Pat---- what about all these new organizations running around and claiming to "be" the legitimate government? We've got Tim Turner's "Republic of the united States of America (RuSA)" and we've got Russell Gould's "Unity States of the World" and we've got the French "Neu Republique" and it seems that absolutely everyone has "offered" to stand in for our government, but the fact remains that this is a government of the people, by the people and for the people---- and that means that we actually have to show up and do the work of governing ourselves.
The last few years have been like that old television show---- "Will the real United States of America please stand up?"
The problem with all the aforementioned groups is that they have all concentrated on seizing power from the criminally mismanaged governmental services corporations instead of concentrating on restoring the lawful government from the ground up. They all want to walk onto center stage, claim the baton, and continue to repeat the same mistakes with whatever variations. And that doesn't solve the real problem which is ignorance of who we are and how our government is supposed to work: from the bottom up.
The fact of the matter is that under international law, each and every birthright American State National IS the government. We are all nation-states, sovereigns, and a law unto ourselves. That is the true brilliance of our Forefathers. As long as we know who we are, we call the shots. As long as there is even one American left standing to exercise The Constitution against these rats, the Last Man Standing Rule applies. So, here we are, exercising the Last Man Standing Rule and forcing all this crap to be dug out from under the rug and dealt with once and for all.
Last November we entered a national crisis with hardly anyone being aware of it. Having failed to establish "exclusive legislative rule" and having no excuse for their fraudulent claims and criminal activities on our shores, the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES, Inc. let the governmental services corporation go insolvent and prepared to liquidate its assets. They did this without naming any Successor to contract. That led to the "federal side" of The Constitution being "vacated" for the first time in over 200 years.
They actually thought that they could pull this off. They thought they could come in here and "pull an FDR" and claim all the land and assets of the States of America and the American People as payment for their private corporate debts. They thought they could "dispense with" the actual Constitution and its guarantees and come in here and rape and pillage at will. The banks were in full hue and cry. Their operatives claimed before the UN Security Council and the UN Trust Committees that we no longer exist, that we no longer had "international representation", that we had no "national currency in circulation".
The banks meant to kill our nation, void our Constitution, and seize our "abandoned" assets to enrich themselves.
So, we formed a new contract agreement with the Native American Nations to represent the States of America and the American People in fulfillment of The Constitution for the united States of America. We issued new Sovereign Letters Patent in rebuttal of the banks and we issued a new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.
That instantly put the resources and people of the Indigenous Nations on the playing board and on our side. These nations, the Athabascan Nation and the Lakota Nation, are recognized internationally, are members of the United Nations, have more than 15 million members, are competent to fulfill the "federal" side of The Constitution contract, and have agreed to do so.
For the first time in more than three centuries, the American People as a whole have the opportunity to stand together and rule their own destiny on the land and on the sea. We stuck our fingers in the dyke, but it is up to everyone to now work to repair our lawful government and expose the fraud and mismanagement and breach of trust that landed our country in this situation.
All of this is heading toward an inevitable national plebiscite in which the facts are all finally disclosed to everyone and in which each one of us decides the fate of our nation. Meantime, the necessary work of restoring the lawful government on the land has begun. In every corner, township and county, Jural Assemblies are forming and the county level governments owed to the land jurisdiction are booting up.
This, finally, is our government coming from the bottom up, the government of the people, by the people and for the people. This is profoundly not an insurrection. It's a restoration.
What about the "STATE" and "COUNTY" governments presently operating as franchises of these huge multi-national banking cartels? There's no need to fight with them. They are just franchises like Dairy Queen franchises of an insolvent parent corporation on one hand (UNITED STATES, Inc.) and another governmental services corporation (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc.) that doesn't have a valid contract on the other.
Are we supposed to fight with Dairy Queen? Over what? New flavors of ice cream?
No, all that is necessary is that Americans wake up and remember who they are, and start operating their own government the way their government is supposed to work: unincorporated States and Counties operating the land jurisdiction of this nation as a check and a balance against the incorporated Federal Government charged with operations in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
As part of this process we will have the opportunity to call a Continental Congress and review The Contract. We now know, for example, that allowing the United States Congress to have plenary control of the District of Columbia was a mistake. There are several such "holes" in The Constitution that need plugging. Ultimately, the People and their States of America may see fit to amend, rewrite, restructure, or even destroy the existing Constitution in favor of a new consolidated structure that better protects and enunciates the sacredness of each Man and Woman and which provides less leeway for public employees to go astray.
Whatever happens, I know this much: the American People are now awake and thinking about all this like never before, and that process is not likely to reverse. God bless America