View Full Version : What 300 Million Americans Need to Know . . .

2nd May 2016, 08:05 PM
This is for Monty, as this guy is using Nevada code.

"You can fool all the people some of the time,
and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
- Abraham Lincoln


All American InfoWhat 300 Million Americans Need to Know . . .


FREE Download
How the New Deal was implemented.

#1 Who Do You Think You Are?
(subtitle: Are you a U.S. citizen?)
#2 Where Do You Think You Are?
(Are you in a federal territorial place?)
#3 What Do You Think You Are Doing?
(Are you engaged in commerce?)
#4 Who Do You Think You Are Dealing With?
(Is it soveriegn government, or a private actor?)
#5 Who Do You Think You Are, Part II?
(Subtitle: Are you a resident?)
#6 Where the Rubber Meets the Road

People wonder what has gone wrongwith our country.

(First, 3 things:

One cannot understand the legal system in America today, without first understanding what is in these handouts;
One cannot understand society in America today under therule of law of that legal system, without first understanding what is in these handouts;
Some people will read the following paragraph, will think it preposterous, and will read no further. These are "some of the people that you can fool all the time".)

See how 300 million native born Citizens of America abandoned their Citizenship, their nationality, their constitutional protections (State and National) and contracted away their unalienable Rights.
These White Papers go a long way toward explaining what passes for government in our country today.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Download the FREE one-page SUMMARY below showing what passes for government today. Here is WHY Americans are having such trouble today, having to overcome all of this that was done, without their knowledge or consent !



Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in his 1935 State of the Union speech, described the "New Deal" as "to substitute the appearance of reality for reality itself."
This is a sleight-of-hand trick! It's a double-bag move! Parse this statement out . . . .
The New Deal ... substituted (i.e. REPLACED) ... reality (i.e., the REPUBLIC) ... with some mere appearance of a Republic.
The Republic ... was replaced ... by something else; by some NEW Deal, that merely LOOKED LIKE the Republic, BUT WAS NOT the Republic!
SO WHAT WAS IT? How was the New Deal implemented? It was not just a few legislative acts and some work programs that came and went, back in the 1930's. This "substitution" is still with us today (!), and is at the root of what is wrong with our country today. (Can you name even one way that the New Deal affects your life today ??? The New Deal is essentially hidden from you (by deception (a.k.a. fraud)), because you would certainly rebel against it if you knew about it.) (☺ And thus, most of the people are fooled all of the time!)
BIG HINT: Today some 300 million Americans, one by one, but en masse, have:

abandoned their individual sovereign character,
abandoned their native born Citizenship,
abandoned their native born State,
abandoned ALL of their constitutional protections, State and National, and
contracted to waive ALL of their unalienable Rights.

As a result, they are now treated as foreigners in their own country! See White Papers 1 through 6 below.
Art. IV, Sec. 3, Cl. 2 of the Constitution of The United States of America grants unlimited Power to Congress to operate the territories. CLEARLY this unlimited Power could be used to do anything, including to fabricate and operate such an "appearance of reality" "substitute" for the Republic. Butthis Power, and the resulting "appearance" could only operate on federal citizens (i.e., U.S. citizens) (wherever they reside) and/or within federal territory. It would be unlawful (indeed, it would be unconstitutional) to exercise Art. IV Power within the several States, or to make such a resulting "substitution" within the several States, or upon native born Citizens of the several States withintheir respective States.
The above FREE DOWNLOAD, and the supporting White Papers, explain a great deal of the historical, political and legal state of affairs that operate around us and upon us (and against us) today.
Here is a perfect EXAMPLE, and a brief one, illustrating how the substitution of just a couple of words can lead to catastrophic legal consequences (every man is presumed to know the law).
The Constitution of Nevada was drawn up with Art. I, Sec. 16 as:
"Foreigners who are, or who may hereafter become Bona-fide residents of this State, shall enjoy the same rights, in respect to the possession, enjoyment and inheritance of property, as native born Citizens."
SO, ARE YOU A FOREIGNER, in your own State? OR, are you a native born Citizen? Are you aresident? [i.e., a resident foreigner (a resident alien)], or are you a native born Citizen? You can't be both. The two "persons" are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Foreigners are NOTmembers of "the People", and have no Rights except what are granted to them (by the People). (as for example, in the Constitution of Nevada)
Indeed, foreigners that reside in the country are to be controlled, for the protection of the native born Citizens.
"It is an accepted maxim of international law that every sovereign nation has the power ... to forbid the entrance of foreigners ... or to admit them only ... upon such conditions as it may see fit to prescribe." Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 149 U.S. 698, 706 (1893)
Residents can be deported at will ! (see Fong Yue Ting) (Frankly, you should read this entire case. The whole illegal immigration issue has already been solved, 120 years ago, ... but who knows about it ?!)
"upon such conditions" means that ANY conditions can be enacted and enforced upon foreignerswho are residents within the State. (This is literally a recipe for totalitarian government (as long as government keeps up the appearances of a Republic, and can fool the native born Citizens into going along, and being treated like mere residents).
The term resident is referred to some 5,000 times in the Nevada Revised Statutes. The term native born Citizen is referred to ZERO TIMES !
The near universally demanded "government issued identification" cards ARE ONLY ISSUED by the State TO RESIDENTS ! (see Fong Yue Ting) Issuance of an ID card to someone who is "not a resident" is PROHIBITED in the Nevada Revised Statutes! (at NRS 483.250 (7.))
Sounding familiar ?
And so, year after year, generation after generation, the controls upon resident foreigners get stricter and stricter, all in accordance with international law and the law of the land. (... what happened to the native born Citizens ??)
Here's the question again. "Are you a resident?" Do you really know who you are? Historically? Politically? Legally? (The public school system (i.e., the government school system) does not teach this. Even the law schools do not teach this!)
This is a part of what has gone wrong with our country (and which, indeed, has been deliberately done).
And, all the whoopla on television about Democrats and Republicans is all part of "the appearance of reality" and is designed to distract you from ever learning about what's on this web site.

White Papers

All White Papers are in .pdf form.

Who Do You Think You Are?

Subtitled: Are you a U.S. citizen?
If you are a native born Citizen of one of the several States, and you answer, Yes, to the question, "Are you a U.S. citizen?", then you have literally just expatriated! You have just contracted away allof your unalienable Rights, and abandoned your native born State (your nationality), and all of your Constitutional protections (both State and National) thereunder.
By your conduct (so it must be your intent), you have just adopted a federal citizenship, founded in the District of Columbia (which is NOT one of the several States), owing direct and immediate allegiance thereto, and agreed to become completely subject to the exclusive legislative jurisdictionof Congress, wherever you may reside, with only the privileges granted to resident foreigners! . . .



Where Do You Think You Are?

Do you live within an "administrative division" of a federal territorial "place", which is under theexclusive legislative jurisdiction of Congress? (for example, "Nevada")
Or do you live within one of the several sovereign States of The United States of America? (for example, "Nevada")
What ? You mean there are two "places" with the same name !!?? How can this be ?? . . .



What Do You Think You Are Doing?

Are you engaged in commerce? which is under the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of Congress?
Are you passing negotiable instruments (notes (i.e., Federal Reserve Notes)) from hand to hand in ALL of your daily transactions? . . .



Who Do You Think You Are Dealing With?

Is what passes for "government" today operating in sovereign capacity, where you owe a duty of allegiance to it?
Or is it operating privately, and commercially, doing business with "residents"?
Do you have a duty of obedience to a purely private organization, no different than "Sears Roebuck", that is deceiving you into believing that it is "government"? . . .



Who Do You Think You Are, Part II?

Subtitled: Are you a resident?
Are you a resident foreigner, with only the privileges granted by government?
Or, are you a native born Citizen, with unalienable Rights and the constitutional protections of "the People" of the State where your were born and of "The United States of America"? . . .


#6 Where the rubber meets the road!

Driver's License - Are you really required to have one?
Registration - Are you really required to register your vehicle?

SUPPOSE that the only way to get a driver's license, is to go to the DMV and declare yourself to be an alien!
Well, that's what you did! ... when you told them you were a "resident".
A Driver's License or a state ID Card are some of the lowest common denominator government documents. But the state only has authority to issue these documents to:
a) persons making a use of the highways for a "gainful purpose"; that is, making money on the highways (i.e., commerce),
- OR -
b) aliens who "reside" (i.e., resident aliens) among the People; among the native born Citizens, commonly called "residents".
So, the statutes have to deceive the People into making a self-declaration that they are mere "residents" instead of native born Citizens or members of the People.
This handout examines the details of how this deception is perpetrated in the Nevada Revised Statutes. (You will find that other states have similar schemes, although the language is different in every state).
This deception is nothing short of the Biggest Con Game in History . . .


Disclaimer: This web site and these White Papers are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this web site or these White Papers is to be construed as legal advice. The reader should go to a law library and check every fact and citation for themselves, and form your own conclusions. The reader should get assistance of counsel, if you think you need it.
If you need help understanding these documents, please contact us at info@nativebornCitizen.com.

31st May 2016, 07:13 PM
Courts are administrative, not constitutional, jurisdiction, land patents . . . . . . .

Ron Gibson: The Federal Government is a Foreign Entity

http://northwestlibertynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Ron_G-696x464.jpg (http://northwestlibertynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Ron_G.jpg)
Constitutional Law expert, Ron Gibson joins Jim and Tim to break down who we really are.
James White NorthWest Liberty News (http://northwestlibertynews.com/)

If we are truly a government of the people, for the people and by the people, then why does the Federal Government exercise so much control over our lives? A couple glaring examples of this would be the TSA inspired, mile-long lines at most major airports, and the “law” that we are required to buy health insurance from a private company; otherwise known as Obamacare. Throw in all of the un-elected alphabet agencies whose sole purpose is to extract us, the American National, from our property, and you can see that the magnitude of tyranny has reached red-level status. Ron Gibson is aware of all of this and has been battling these criminals for over 4 decades.

Ron is quite the “Renaissance Man,” as will be evidenced by his bio below, and we were delighted to have him on NorthWest Liberty News for an entire broadcast. Please click the audio or video below to hear this extremely important and informative interview.
Ron’s Bio
Ron Gibson is a former US Marine and VietNam veteran who currently works as a professional consultant, Counselor at Law, with over 45 years of experience on the subjects of land patents, mining law, right of way, contracts, water rights, and Constitutional Law. Raised on a ranch in Southern Oregon, his BA in Engineering and cattle ranching background has helped him to tackle many of the issues facing rural America today.

Ron has several gold and industrial mineral projects throughout the US. He currently serves as Vice President of the South West Oregon Mining Association and is the chairman of the Jefferson Mining District located in southern Oregon.

A licensed pilot, Ron has a helicopter business and is the inventor of two environmental clean-up products. Additionally, he is also involved in turbine engines, marine boat power plants and turbine propulsion projects for helicopters and airplanes.

His love of history and lifelong experience in cattle and horses has also served him well for his land, hay, alfalfa and high quality beef operations. In his spare time Ron enjoys collectible auto restoration, raising quarter horses and paint horses, flying, and teaching classes on Constitutional law, mining law and land patents.


http://northwestlibertynews.com/wp-content/plugins/powerpress/play_audio.png (http://traffic.libsyn.com/learningforliberty/05_23_16_Ron_Gibson.mp3)

Podcast: Play in new window (http://traffic.libsyn.com/learningforliberty/05_23_16_Ron_Gibson.mp3) | Download (http://traffic.libsyn.com/learningforliberty/05_23_16_Ron_Gibson.mp3)


31st May 2016, 07:20 PM
This is for Monty, as this guy is using Nevada code.

"You can fool all the people some of the time,
and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
- Abraham Lincoln

Thanks Bigjon, I missed this when you posted it. I just noticed it tonight, May 31.

10th June 2016, 12:32 PM


Published on Jul 1, 2013
The source material is listed on the last slide.
A narrated Power-Point presentation that exposes the Matrix. How the original status sovereign American nationals were over-layed and duped into the Federal jurisdiction of the District of Columbia, re; the Social Security franchise contract, Re-defining of the word "state" (Union) into a term of art "State" (District of Columbia), use of the voluntary Zip Code (Federal Area), use of the capital two-letter STATE identifier on mail addresses, and information about the Drivers License. There are remedies offered in the articles listed at the webpage on the last slide. Best viewed in full screen. Please share with your friends.

11th June 2016, 07:17 PM
https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Thomas+Clark+Nelson% 22

Date Archived


Affidavit Properties
Nov 23, 2013
Thomas Clark Nelson


The fifth Commercial Maxim is a fundamental aspect of commercial law: “Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit.” See Thomas Clark Nelson, Q&A (Purging America of the Matrix), “Maxims of Commercial Law,” 25, https://archive.org/details/PurgingAmericaOfTheMatrixQA.
Topic: Affidavit Properties

Legal Notice
Dec 29, 2013
Thomas Clark Nelson


Notice to all State and Federal Officers, Employees, and Agents.https://archive.org/details/PurgingAmericaOfTheMatrixQA
Topic: Legal Notice

25 Damning, Indisputable Facts..
(https://archive.org/details/25DamningIndisputableFactsAboutWhatPeopleFalselyBe lieveIsTheUnitedStates)
Jan 15, 2014
Thomas Clark Nelson


Due to technical difficulties in the latest upload, the latest article is posted here: "25 damning, indisputable facts about what most people falsely believe is the United States"(Click here.) This is part of a series. See the following master link to all documents: Purging America of the Matrix.
Topic: District of Columbia

Why the 14th Amendment is a political Trojan horse
Jan 25, 2013
Thomas Clark Nelson


To access this treatise, click on the PDF hyperlink in the “View the book” box in the left-hand margin.
Topics: unalienable rights, 1776, July 4, 1776, remedy, sovereign, nontaxpayer, non-taxpayer, liberty,...

Purging America of the Matrix
Jan 25, 2013
Thomas Clark Nelson


Now available:"25 damning, indisputable facts about what most people falsely believe is the United States"(Click here.) Please read this first:The most fundamental aspect of every form of law is jurisdiction. Here is a short quiz to see if the documentary evidence and practical remedies offered in this webpage can be of use to you or not: Which section of the Constitution does the federal government (NSA, FBI, DOJ, etc.) use as authority to exercise personal jurisdiction over (spy on,...
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 2 reviews )
Topics: unalienable rights, Liberty, 1776, July 4, 1776, remedy, sovereign, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit...

25 damning, indisputable facts about what most people falsely believe is the United States
(https://archive.org/details/25DamningIndisputableFactsAboutWhatMostPeopleFalse lyBelieveIsThe)
Mar 31, 2014
Thomas Clark Nelson


25 damning, indisputable facts about what most people falsely believe is the United States This is part of a series. See the following master link to all documents: Purging America of the Matrix.
Topic: District of Columbia

Why the 14th Amendment is a political Trojan horse
Aug 26, 2013
Thomas Clark Nelson


This is part of a series. See the following master link to all documents: Purging America of the Matrix.
Topics: unalienable rights, 1776, July 4, 1776, remedy, sovereign, nontaxpayer, non-taxpayer, liberty,...

Sample Handling Of A Demand From A Tax Collector
Mar 17, 2013
Thomas Clark Nelson


This is part of a series. See the following master link to all documents: Purging America of the Matrix.
Topics: unalienable rights, 1776, July 4, 1776, remedy, sovereign, nontaxpayer, non-taxpayer, liberty,...

"Purging America of the Matrix" Doc
Jan 25, 2013
Thomas Clark Nelson


This is part of a series. See the following master link to all documents: Purging America of the Matrix.
Topics: unalienable rights, 1776, July 4, 1776, remedy, sovereign, nontaxpayer, non-taxpayer, liberty,...


20th June 2016, 09:56 PM


The challenge confronting Americans across this country is how to restore proper management of our lands, so that they might be saved from the destructive policies being pursued by the federal government. Statehood, separation, coordination, legislation, and jurisdiction are different approaches being pursued with the same desired outcome.

Why Jurisdiction Matters

Of these, jurisdiction provides the quickest, cheapest, and most direct path. That is because Jurisdiction does not require consent of the federal government, the very source of our problems to start with. Rather, the exercise of Jurisdiction only requires the knowledge and conviction to uphold the Constitution.

The Restoration can begin immediately, starting at the county level. Counties have the authority and the duty to protect the health, safety, and welfare of their constituents.


In addition to the U.S. Constitution, Jurisdiction is supported by the federal government’s own admission. According to the 1962 Eisenhower Report (shown in the right margin), 95% of the two-thirds of the Western States commonly, but incorrectly, referred to as “federal lands” are already under our jurisdiction. Only 5% of lands that qualify as federal enclaves are under federal jurisdiction.

This viewpoint is also shared by Judge Napolitano. At time mark 9:55 in this interview dated April 23, 2014 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VENSIsrs0nY), he makes the following statement: “The Constitution simply does not authorize the federal government to own any of this land. All of it is being held unconstitutionally.”


1st July 2016, 01:29 PM
Where is the United States located?


1st July 2016, 04:42 PM

Linn County Auditor Joel Miller was presented with a unique scenario on Wednesday afternoon: hold a hearing to challenge a Linn County resident's voting eligibility, after learning that person had voted as a non-U.S. citizen in 2012.
Created by: MGN Published by: Taylor Eaton

The hearing never happened, however. In the minutes before the meeting was to start, Miller said he'd just been on a call with the county attorney's office. He'd been advised not to hold the hearing, because he would be acting in the same capacity as a judge in a courtroom, and he'd already taken part in some of the investigation. "It'd be like a district court judge seeing a robbery, calling the cops and saying, 'hey, I just saw this guy rob the store, and you need to go arrest [them],'" Miller said. "That judge can be a witness and report it, but he can't be the judge."

Miller says this all started earlier this year, when someone in Linn County sent his office an email saying this citizen had answered "no" to the question "are you a U.S. citizen" on a legal document. Miller said the citizen's name also showed up on voter registration rolls, which led to the investigation.

Miller said the unnamed citizen responded "no" to the first question on a jury summons form.

"It's a pretty unique avenue to find out if someone is a U.S. citizen or not," Miller told TV9.

However, by the time someone found that document and challenged the citizen's voting eligibility, Miller said too much time had passed for it to fall under legal action, at least in a criminal court. According to Iowa code 39A.2, voting as a non-U.S. Citizen is considered election misconduct, a Class D Felony in its first degree, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $7,500 fine.

"The statute of limitations had ran out on any crime associated with voting," Miller explained.

A non-U.S. citizen casting a vote that's counted undermines the integrity of the state's voting system, according to Linn County Republican Party chair Cindy Golding.

"We know there are illegal voters, just like we know there are people speeding down the highway," Golding said.

As someone who's served as a poll watcher in previous elections, she said more work needs to be done to prevent election misconduct before it happens, not prosecuting it after.

"We know that there are more cases of people attempting to vote who shouldn't," Golding explained.

She said there needs to be other ways to verify a person's voting eligibility like showing a photo ID at a polling location, something Iowa does not currently require.

"We either should have a different kind of drivers license for foreign nationals, or we should have some verification. We should have to show an ID," Golding said.

In the meantime, Miller said he doesn't know if the citizen he set up Wednesday's hearing for has been naturalized since 2012. That's a question that - for his office - may go unanswered.

"We will be watchful to see if this individual votes, casts an absentee ballot," Miller explained.

Miller said going forward, his office will be reviewing jury summons forms and checking those against voter registration rolls. He estimates his office only sees about a dozen cases of people ineligible to vote casting ballots during each election.

However, Golding said there's likely a lot more people out there who try to vote illegally or simply aren't caught.

If you choose to inestigate the matter and decide to proceed as a non-U.S. citizen you might want to check to make sure the statute of limitations on your last use of this privilege in elections has expired.

Looks like this guy might have just wanted to get out of jury duty though.

16th July 2016, 04:01 AM

Principal part of Social Security Act is income tax.

Uttumquodque est id quod, est principalius in ipso.
That which is the principal part off a thing is the
thing itself .

People have been carted off to jail screaming "Show me the law!" (that makes them liable to
income tax). If they had read the Social Security Act of August 14, 1935, they would have
discovered that they "volunteered" to pay income tax upon acceptance and execution of the
Social Security franchise and contract; to wit, in pertinent part:

In addition to other taxes, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon the income of every
individual a tax equal to the following percentages of the wages received by him . . . [n. 32, infra]

Whereas, Social Security is a "retirement program" wherein a franchisee contributes 6.2% of
his paycheck (12.4% if he works on his own) in payroll tax for the retirement of third parties
unknown to him and 0.0% for his own personal retirement, he is liable for as much as 35% of his
earnings in Federal income tax (plus income tax in most States). Wherefore, the principal part of
the Act of August 14, 1935, is liability for income tax, not payroll tax, and the Act is misnamed;
the Social Security Act of August 14, 1935, is rather the Income Tax Act of the same date.

14th August 2016, 03:56 PM
This is interesting . . . .


https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/c20.20.248.248/s50x50/968968_111225655752813_2140613799_n.jpg?oh=67fc85b 45982356e9f1617da5defd6cd&oe=5856566F&__gda__=1478387479_191c296e565788d7647efe414b1c2fb 0

Jaro Kole (https://www.facebook.com/jaro.kole.7?fref=nf)11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=560389377503103&set=a.114892145386164.1073741828.100005961372627&type=3) · https://www.facebook.com/rsrc.php/v2/ym/r/LXVsRcy6-H6.png (https://www.facebook.com/jaro.kole.7/posts/560389597503081#)

Here's a proof that citizens of the U.S.A. are called American citizens. Current passports show the nation as UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Older passports like this one from 1952, talk about American citizens, and real old passports identify the nation as "United States of America", and citizens as "citizen of the United States", NOT US citizen.
You all, you gotta be aware of all the abbreviations. For example a US citizen is different than U.S. citizen, as for example abbreviation of New York State, is N.Y., while NY is a federal postal zone.

https://fbcdn-photos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/13938540_560389377503103_891149016361163324_n.jpg? oh=eab350eca7e3f2b190e5692764d207da&oe=581F0BE0&__gda__=1482081938_e9e473ed459cebaad49421c3804cabe e

13 Likes1 Comment4 Shares (https://www.facebook.com/jaro.kole.7/posts/560389597503081?comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22 O%22%7D)

23rd June 2022, 10:29 AM
This is for Monty, as this guy is using Nevada code.

"You can fool all the people some of the time,
and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
- Abraham Lincoln


All American InfoWhat 300 Million Americans Need to Know . . .


FREE Download
How the New Deal was implemented.

#1 Who Do You Think You Are?
(subtitle: Are you a U.S. citizen?)
#2 Where Do You Think You Are?
(Are you in a federal territorial place?)
#3 What Do You Think You Are Doing?
(Are you engaged in commerce?)
#4 Who Do You Think You Are Dealing With?
(Is it soveriegn government, or a private actor?)
#5 Who Do You Think You Are, Part II?
(Subtitle: Are you a resident?)
#6 Where the Rubber Meets the Road

People wonder what has gone wrongwith our country.

(First, 3 things:

One cannot understand the legal system in America today, without first understanding what is in these handouts;
One cannot understand society in America today under therule of law of that legal system, without first understanding what is in these handouts;
Some people will read the following paragraph, will think it preposterous, and will read no further. These are "some of the people that you can fool all the time".)

See how 300 million native born Citizens of America abandoned their Citizenship, their nationality, their constitutional protections (State and National) and contracted away their unalienable Rights.
These White Papers go a long way toward explaining what passes for government in our country today.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Download the FREE one-page SUMMARY below showing what passes for government today. Here is WHY Americans are having such trouble today, having to overcome all of this that was done, without their knowledge or consent !



Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in his 1935 State of the Union speech, described the "New Deal" as "to substitute the appearance of reality for reality itself."
This is a sleight-of-hand trick! It's a double-bag move! Parse this statement out . . . .
The New Deal ... substituted (i.e. REPLACED) ... reality (i.e., the REPUBLIC) ... with some mere appearance of a Republic.
The Republic ... was replaced ... by something else; by some NEW Deal, that merely LOOKED LIKE the Republic, BUT WAS NOT the Republic!
SO WHAT WAS IT? How was the New Deal implemented? It was not just a few legislative acts and some work programs that came and went, back in the 1930's. This "substitution" is still with us today (!), and is at the root of what is wrong with our country today. (Can you name even one way that the New Deal affects your life today ??? The New Deal is essentially hidden from you (by deception (a.k.a. fraud)), because you would certainly rebel against it if you knew about it.) (☺ And thus, most of the people are fooled all of the time!)
BIG HINT: Today some 300 million Americans, one by one, but en masse, have:

abandoned their individual sovereign character,
abandoned their native born Citizenship,
abandoned their native born State,
abandoned ALL of their constitutional protections, State and National, and
contracted to waive ALL of their unalienable Rights.

As a result, they are now treated as foreigners in their own country! See White Papers 1 through 6 below.
Art. IV, Sec. 3, Cl. 2 of the Constitution of The United States of America grants unlimited Power to Congress to operate the territories. CLEARLY this unlimited Power could be used to do anything, including to fabricate and operate such an "appearance of reality" "substitute" for the Republic. Butthis Power, and the resulting "appearance" could only operate on federal citizens (i.e., U.S. citizens) (wherever they reside) and/or within federal territory. It would be unlawful (indeed, it would be unconstitutional) to exercise Art. IV Power within the several States, or to make such a resulting "substitution" within the several States, or upon native born Citizens of the several States withintheir respective States.
The above FREE DOWNLOAD, and the supporting White Papers, explain a great deal of the historical, political and legal state of affairs that operate around us and upon us (and against us) today.
Here is a perfect EXAMPLE, and a brief one, illustrating how the substitution of just a couple of words can lead to catastrophic legal consequences (every man is presumed to know the law).
The Constitution of Nevada was drawn up with Art. I, Sec. 16 as:
"Foreigners who are, or who may hereafter become Bona-fide residents of this State, shall enjoy the same rights, in respect to the possession, enjoyment and inheritance of property, as native born Citizens."
SO, ARE YOU A FOREIGNER, in your own State? OR, are you a native born Citizen? Are you aresident? [i.e., a resident foreigner (a resident alien)], or are you a native born Citizen? You can't be both. The two "persons" are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Foreigners are NOTmembers of "the People", and have no Rights except what are granted to them (by the People). (as for example, in the Constitution of Nevada)
Indeed, foreigners that reside in the country are to be controlled, for the protection of the native born Citizens.
"It is an accepted maxim of international law that every sovereign nation has the power ... to forbid the entrance of foreigners ... or to admit them only ... upon such conditions as it may see fit to prescribe." Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 149 U.S. 698, 706 (1893)
Residents can be deported at will ! (see Fong Yue Ting) (Frankly, you should read this entire case. The whole illegal immigration issue has already been solved, 120 years ago, ... but who knows about it ?!)
"upon such conditions" means that ANY conditions can be enacted and enforced upon foreignerswho are residents within the State. (This is literally a recipe for totalitarian government (as long as government keeps up the appearances of a Republic, and can fool the native born Citizens into going along, and being treated like mere residents).
The term resident is referred to some 5,000 times in the Nevada Revised Statutes. The term native born Citizen is referred to ZERO TIMES !
The near universally demanded "government issued identification" cards ARE ONLY ISSUED by the State TO RESIDENTS ! (see Fong Yue Ting) Issuance of an ID card to someone who is "not a resident" is PROHIBITED in the Nevada Revised Statutes! (at NRS 483.250 (7.))
Sounding familiar ?
And so, year after year, generation after generation, the controls upon resident foreigners get stricter and stricter, all in accordance with international law and the law of the land. (... what happened to the native born Citizens ??)
Here's the question again. "Are you a resident?" Do you really know who you are? Historically? Politically? Legally? (The public school system (i.e., the government school system) does not teach this. Even the law schools do not teach this!)
This is a part of what has gone wrong with our country (and which, indeed, has been deliberately done).
And, all the whoopla on television about Democrats and Republicans is all part of "the appearance of reality" and is designed to distract you from ever learning about what's on this web site.

White Papers

All White Papers are in .pdf form.

Who Do You Think You Are?

Subtitled: Are you a U.S. citizen?
If you are a native born Citizen of one of the several States, and you answer, Yes, to the question, "Are you a U.S. citizen?", then you have literally just expatriated! You have just contracted away allof your unalienable Rights, and abandoned your native born State (your nationality), and all of your Constitutional protections (both State and National) thereunder.
By your conduct (so it must be your intent), you have just adopted a federal citizenship, founded in the District of Columbia (which is NOT one of the several States), owing direct and immediate allegiance thereto, and agreed to become completely subject to the exclusive legislative jurisdictionof Congress, wherever you may reside, with only the privileges granted to resident foreigners! . . .



Where Do You Think You Are?

Do you live within an "administrative division" of a federal territorial "place", which is under theexclusive legislative jurisdiction of Congress? (for example, "Nevada")
Or do you live within one of the several sovereign States of The United States of America? (for example, "Nevada")
What ? You mean there are two "places" with the same name !!?? How can this be ?? . . .



What Do You Think You Are Doing?

Are you engaged in commerce? which is under the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of Congress?
Are you passing negotiable instruments (notes (i.e., Federal Reserve Notes)) from hand to hand in ALL of your daily transactions? . . .



Who Do You Think You Are Dealing With?

Is what passes for "government" today operating in sovereign capacity, where you owe a duty of allegiance to it?
Or is it operating privately, and commercially, doing business with "residents"?
Do you have a duty of obedience to a purely private organization, no different than "Sears Roebuck", that is deceiving you into believing that it is "government"? . . .



Who Do You Think You Are, Part II?

Subtitled: Are you a resident?
Are you a resident foreigner, with only the privileges granted by government?
Or, are you a native born Citizen, with unalienable Rights and the constitutional protections of "the People" of the State where your were born and of "The United States of America"? . . .


#6 Where the rubber meets the road!

Driver's License - Are you really required to have one?
Registration - Are you really required to register your vehicle?

SUPPOSE that the only way to get a driver's license, is to go to the DMV and declare yourself to be an alien!
Well, that's what you did! ... when you told them you were a "resident".
A Driver's License or a state ID Card are some of the lowest common denominator government documents. But the state only has authority to issue these documents to:
a) persons making a use of the highways for a "gainful purpose"; that is, making money on the highways (i.e., commerce),
- OR -
b) aliens who "reside" (i.e., resident aliens) among the People; among the native born Citizens, commonly called "residents".
So, the statutes have to deceive the People into making a self-declaration that they are mere "residents" instead of native born Citizens or members of the People.
This handout examines the details of how this deception is perpetrated in the Nevada Revised Statutes. (You will find that other states have similar schemes, although the language is different in every state).
This deception is nothing short of the Biggest Con Game in History . . .


Disclaimer: This web site and these White Papers are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this web site or these White Papers is to be construed as legal advice. The reader should go to a law library and check every fact and citation for themselves, and form your own conclusions. The reader should get assistance of counsel, if you think you need it.
If you need help understanding these documents, please contact us at info@nativebornCitizen.com.

The site no longer exists, it has been saved numerous times on the wayback machine


I saved all the .pdf documents that are not on the Wayback Machine

4th November 2022, 11:18 PM
Some good stuff from Anna von Reitz.

The Law (http://www.paulstramer.net/2022/11/the-law.html)


Leaving Babylon.
