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6th May 2016, 09:24 AM
Just watched Megyn McCain on 'Outnumbered' acting crazy with Trump hate, just livid, because her 80 year old (on August 28) father is in the fight of his life to keep his senator seat in Arizona.
I guess she wants Johnny to be senator forever? Don't they ever retire? WTF is with this senile old fart dinosaur?

John McCain Worries Donald Trump May Hurt His Re-Election Prospects
“The Hispanic community is roused and angry in a way that I’ve never seen in 30 years,” McCain said.
05/05/2016 01:53 pm ET

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) expects to face a tougher re-election challenge in 2016.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is concerned that having Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee may hurt his re-election chances.

“If Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket, here in Arizona, with over 30 percent of the vote being the Hispanic vote, [there’s] no doubt that this may be the race of my life,” McCain said at a fundraiser last month, according to audio obtained by Politico. “If you listen or watch Hispanic media in the state and in the country, you will see that it is all anti-Trump. The Hispanic community is roused and angry in a way that I’ve never seen in 30 years.”

Those remarks are at odds with what the senator has said publicly — that this election is not that different from past ones, and he will be able to withstand the Trump Effect.

When Trump launched his campaign last year, he called Mexican immigrants “criminals, drug dealers [and] rapists.” He’s promised to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Already, there’s been a backlash: Many immigrants are now trying to become U.S. citizens so they can vote against Trump.

Democrats have attempted to take advantage of the divisive business mogul’s nomination to hurt GOP candidates in down-ballot races. They’ve been tying his controversial, incendiary comments about women and communities of color to fellow Republicans, who must then decide whether to disavow their party’s nominee.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) recently said he had no doubt the GOP could retain control of the House after 2016 — until he saw how effective Democratic ads using Trump’s words against Republican candidates could be.

“This is a dangerous time,” he told Fox Business News.


6th May 2016, 09:28 AM
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) recently said he had no doubt the GOP could retain control of the House after 2016 — until he saw how effective Democratic ads using Trump’s words against Republican candidates could be.

The Republicunts won't lose the House because of Trump, they'll lose it because they sucked ass when they were handed it in '14 and have done nothing with it since

6th May 2016, 11:18 AM
Just watched Megyn McCain on 'Outnumbered' acting crazy with Trump hate, just livid, because her 80 year old (on August 28) Father is in the fight of his life to keep his senator seat in Arizona.
I guess she wants Johnny to be senator forever? Don't they ever retire? WTF is with this senile old fart dinosaur?

People keep reelcting these old dinosaurs, Mitch McConnell, McInsane, Dirty Harry, Schumer. . . . . . . .

7th May 2016, 02:36 AM
Clinton/Bush Cabal and cronies are outed basically ,they are history,people are waking up to whats been going on more and more..............its going viral.......

they know that once an idea hits over 10% in the public's mind then it can spread exponentially and fast.

Hillary is free because she said she will bring them all down if they take her down,and they all believe her.
So no matter what shes done they let her go because if they dont then they go down too....hahaha

At least if Trump gets in hes going to at least protect America as opposed to ..........killing everyone off everyone basically, except the very deeply fluoridated and brainwashed who can be of use................

..Obamas a homo, Hillary is a raging lesbian.............you can make this stuff up.........but know one would believe you.