View Full Version : Where is Ted Cruz?

6th May 2016, 10:41 AM
3 days and not a peep out of him. The loss must have really hurt his feelings.

Could he be plotting revenge?


6th May 2016, 10:47 AM
3 days and not a peep out of him. The loss must have really hurt his feelings.

Could he be plotting revenge?


Afraid to show his face is my bet.

6th May 2016, 10:48 AM
3 days and not a peep out of him. The loss must have really hurt his feelings.

Could he be plotting revenge?


Every time I see that clip I wanna puke!

6th May 2016, 11:20 AM
I just wanted to say thank you. Up until now I managed to avoid seeing the footage where he ate his own booger, and now you've taken me by surprise so I've seen it and I want to kill myself.

6th May 2016, 11:21 AM
I just wanted to say thank you. Up until now I managed to avoid seeing the footage where he ate his own booger, and now you've taken me by surprise so I've seen it and I want to kill myself.

It ain't pretty

6th May 2016, 11:22 AM
I just wanted to say thank you. Up until now I managed to avoid seeing the footage where he ate his own booger, and now you've taken me by surprise so I've seen it and I want to kill myself.

It's probably a cocaine rock he didn't have time to chop up in haste to get on stage. How else can someone talk that long without saying anything?

6th May 2016, 01:19 PM
He is in hiding applying preparation H to his orificia.

He needs to meet with Goldman Sachs & Citi to talk about paying back money. They called him and said: Tedddy, you got some splainin to do.

6th May 2016, 04:25 PM
Where is Ted Cruz?!?

Who cares!!

6th May 2016, 04:44 PM
Where is Ted Cruz?!?

Who cares!!

It is interesting that he just disappeared though...

6th May 2016, 04:46 PM
It is interesting that he just disappeared though...

He probably is doing what your or I, or most folks would do. Admit defeat, resign, and just take a vacation and relax. No point in being in the spotlight crying and complaining. I actually respect that.

6th May 2016, 04:50 PM
He probably is doing what your or I, or most folks would do. Admit defeat, resign, and just take a vacation and relax. No point in being in the spotlight crying and complaining. I actually respect that.

No he's probably not doing what you or I would do. I picture him angry, bitter, kicking the dog, yelling at the kids and plotting his revenge.
He most likely has no one to hang out with, because no one likes him.

Ted Cruz's college roommate is glad he can finally stop tweeting about him
May 4, 2016

Ted Cruz's freshman roommate at Princeton, screenwriter Craig Mazin, has been closely following his presidential campaign, dropping bits of information here and there on Twitter that you never wanted to know.

To say that Mazin isn't a fan of Cruz's is an understatement, and now that Cruz is officially out of the race, Mazin is celebrating.

Craig Mazin ✔‎@clmazin
Hey guys. How's your day going? Mine's good so far. Got some writing done, Ted Cruz lost Indiana, seeing a friend for dinner... the usual.

Craig Mazin ✔‎@clmazin
Ted Cruz kept saying God wanted him to be President, and this is what happened. So either there is no God, or he reeeeally doesn't like Ted.

Craig Mazin ✔‎@clmazin
AMERICA WINS. I am extremely happy to return to being completely irrelevant. Honestly, it was my most fervent wish. https://twitter.com/KevinScrivano/status/727657148432277505 …

Craig Mazin ✔‎@clmazin
Ted Cruz quits the race. Up next, the other GOP senators give him the soap and pillowcase treatment.

One of Mazin's followers asked him if he will take on a new target, like Donald Trump, but Mazin said he focused solely on Cruz because of their history.

Craig Mazin ✔‎@clmazin
My opinions about politics are no more relevant than anyone's EXCEPT when it comes to Ted, whom, alas, I know. https://twitter.com/MetroNorth_hell/status/727639478114865152 …

Unfortunately for Cruz, just because he's out of the presidential race doesn't mean Mazin is completely finished with him. Catherine Garcia

Craig Mazin ✔‎@clmazin
To all the many well-wishers: it was truly my pleasure, and as long as Ted Cruz is in office...
...I will be watching.

6th May 2016, 04:59 PM
He probably is doing what your or I, or most folks would do. Admit defeat, resign, and just take a vacation and relax. No point in being in the spotlight crying and complaining. I actually respect that.

In a way that would be the perfect anology but... he owes GS 500K for the sex scandel and who knows how much for Carlia to cover for him and lose big time. Shits in the fan with Cruz, just wish we had a clue. Personally I want him to crash and burn, no more senitor BS...

6th May 2016, 05:06 PM
In a way that would be the perfect anology but... he owes GS 500K for the sex scandel and who knows how much for Carlia to cover for him and lose big time. Shits in the fan with Cruz, just wish we had a clue. Personally I want him to crash and burn, no more senitor BS...


6th May 2016, 05:10 PM

Pretty much what I was looking for.

6th May 2016, 05:14 PM
Admit defeat, resign, and just take a vacation and relax. No point in being in the spotlight crying and complaining. I actually respect that.


6th May 2016, 05:26 PM

:rolleyes: :)

6th May 2016, 06:07 PM

Actually, I call your :rolleyes:

I raise you two.. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

6th May 2016, 06:58 PM

spot dog dosnt like pappi bush or the clintons..........

7th May 2016, 02:45 AM

spot dog dosnt like pappi bush or the clintons..........

Cliff notes version?

7th May 2016, 03:20 AM
Cliff notes version?

Going to be outed over JFK.........

9th May 2016, 05:23 PM
Ted Cruz Backers Seek to Control Convention Platform


Senator Ted Cruz’s supporters are mounting an effort to seize control of the Republican platform and the rules governing the party’s July convention, the first indication that Mr. Cruz will not simply hand his delegates over to Donald J. Trump.

In an email sent Sunday to pro-Cruz convention delegates, a top aide to the Texas senator wrote that it was “still possible to advance a conservative agenda at the convention.”

“To do that, it is imperative that we fill the Rules and Platform Committees with strong conservative voices like yours,” wrote Ken Cuccinelli, who was the campaign’s former delegate wrangler and a former attorney general of Virginia. “That means you need to come to the national convention and support others in coming, too!”

Mr. Cruz is planning a Monday evening conference call where, as Mr. Cuccinelli writes, Mr. Cruz’s former officials plan to “discuss what we can do at the convention to protect against liberal changes to our platform, and how we can right the wrongs in the rules from 2012!”

The “wrongs” Mr. Cuccinelli was referring to are the changes pushed through at the last convention by supporters of Mitt Romney that would have made it harder for a candidate’s name to be placed in nomination.

But Mr. Cruz’s supporters and other conservative activists are also deeply concerned about Mr. Trump’s general election agenda, and want to ensure that he does not alter the party’s platform. Since locking up the nomination last week, Mr. Trump has made clear he intends to run a populist campaign against Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, indicating he is open to higher taxes and an increase in the minimum wage.

The party’s convention rules and policy platform are determined every four years by temporary committees comprised of a select group of convention delegates. The rules and platform are then ratified or rejected by all the delegates at the convention.

With the assumption that the party’s nomination would not be decided on the first convention ballot, Mr. Cruz spent considerable time this spring electing delegates favorable to him to the July convention in Cleveland. So while he is out of the race, many of his supporters will still be delegates. And while many convention delegates are bound to support Mr. Trump on the first ballot, they are free to vote their conscience on matters relating to convention rules and the platform.

The email, which carries the “Cruz-Fiorina” logo, was forwarded to The New York Times by a convention delegate.

Reached by telephone, Mr. Cuccinelli authenticated the message. As for Mr. Trump’s rhetorical shifts in recent days, he said, “nothing I’ve seen since a week ago has been surprising to me.”

But Mr. Cuccinelli said Mr. Cruz, who has been silent since withdrawing from the race last Tuesday, had no intention of trying to rewrite convention rules in an effort to deny Mr. Trump the nomination.

“It’s important that this not appear as though we are pulling at stunt at this convention,” he said, adding that the goal is to advocate for policies preferred by the sort of hard-line conservatives who backed Mr. Cruz’s campaign.

“This is about protecting movement conservatism,” he said, pointing to party planks on abortion and saying the delegates should consider language regarding transgender bathroom access.

“We want to have girls go in girls’ bathrooms,” he said, highlighting an issue on which Mr. Trump has broken with social conservatives by supporting the rights of transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.

Mr. Cuccinelli’s plea to the delegates comes as Mr. Cruz’s own supporters appear divided over whether to get behind Mr. Trump. Some of his most forceful backers – such as Rick Perry, the former Texas governor, and the pollster Kellyanne Conway, who ran a pro-Cruz super PAC – have come out for the presumptive nominee they spent months deriding. But some of Mr. Cruz’s top aides remain bitter about a campaign that saw Mr. Trump mock the senator’s wife and float conspiracy theories about his father.

Even if Mr. Cruz had not intervened, platform-related tension between Mr. Trump and social conservatives was likely inevitable. Many Christian conservatives harbor deep suspicions about Mr. Trump’s true beliefs and how compatible they are with the long-held, hard-line stances espoused in the platform.

His supportive comments about aspects of Planned Parenthood’s work and his previous support for abortion rights are among the red flags that were been making social conservatives nervous, even before he professed support for letting transgender people use whichever bathroom they choose.

Tony Perkins, one of the platform committee members from Louisiana and the president of the influential Family Research Council, said that delegates like him will need to feel more reassured than they do now.

“One of the things that’s going to be required for people like me to be supportive of his candidacy is the platform,” Mr. Perkins said, insisting that he and others on the committee who would have preferred to see Mr. Cruz become the nominee will not tolerate any watering down in the language.

Mr. Perkins said that the platform is one way that Cruz delegates hope to still exert influence, despite having lost the battle for the nomination.

“This is where the Cruz factor comes in,” he said. “Ted Cruz has been vigilant and methodical in selecting and identifying conservative delegates who are not aligned with the party, per se, but aligned with the conservative ideology. And those are the people who will be at the convention and will be on the important committees.”


midnight rambler
9th May 2016, 05:26 PM
'conservative agenda' = more of the same ol' Death Cult bullshit

I see that now they're admitting that it was *wrong* to shut out Ron Paul in 2012, whereas in 2012 it was 'okay'. Piss on all of 'em.

Walter Mitty
9th May 2016, 05:33 PM
Reposing peacefully in His coffin at his castle in Transylvania? Until it's time for his re-election?

9th May 2016, 06:42 PM
Big fat cat Cruz supporters now dumping millions into the Hitlery campaign. Still think we're still a two party system? TPTB are getting desperate


9th May 2016, 07:28 PM
Reposing peacefully in His coffin at his castle in Transylvania? Until it's time for his re-election?

He does look like dracula now that you mention it.

9th May 2016, 08:59 PM
He does look like dracula now that you mention it.

Yeah...he does


10th May 2016, 12:25 AM
Yeah...he does


I like grandpa!

12th May 2016, 06:17 AM
These 2 Barrett show guests get 1/2 hour each. Find the player console to listen at http://noliesradio.org/archives/114040 << scroll down a ways.

Wayne Madsen on how he demolished Ted Cruz with JFK truth; Isa Hodge says Trump is an organ-grinder’s monkey shilling for Hillary

First half-hour: Did former NSA officer turned whistleblowing journalist Wayne Madsen just knock Ted Cruz out of the presidential race? Wayne published photos showing Cruz’s father Rafael with Lee Harvey Oswald and InfoWars picked up the story; the National Enquirer put it in every supermarket in America; and suddenly Cruz, who had been expected to go the distance and fight for a brokered convention, changed his mind and dropped out of the race.

In this interview, Wayne discusses Rafael Cruz’s likely role in the JFK assassination, as well as many other crimes of the deep state including pervasive election fraud; and opines that Trump is a wild card who could conceivably bust many of the bad guys and change the system for the better.

Second half-hour: Isa Hodge, host of “A Muslim and a Catholic Wake Up in ‘Merica,” disagrees. He thinks Trump is a blowhard buffoon, a calculated distraction, “an organ-grinder’s monkey” whose real role is to shill for Hillary Clinton and put her – and behind her the criminal deep state and other powers-that-be – in the White House.
Isa, a libertarian Muslim, also voices support for Will Coley, the first American Muslim to run for Vice President of the United States. (We hope to interview Will soon).