View Full Version : Trumps crowds are dwindling!

7th May 2016, 02:05 AM


7th May 2016, 02:27 AM
Reminds me of the days of the fuhrer.........ah those where the days

They are doing the nazi salute .......holding out there mobiles to film him.......haha

7th May 2016, 06:01 AM
The fuhrer got a bad rap. He actually had a good plan but didn't listen to his generals. He also fucked up by not exterminating the jews. He was much too slow killing them off and wasn't ruthless enough. If the Hoaxocost were in fact real (which it wasn't) and done right they'd all be gone. Maybe Trump can learn a little something from the fuhrer and from history. This time wipe out the Democrats and the jews

7th May 2016, 10:12 AM
The fuhrer got a bad rap. He actually had a good plan but didn't listen to his generals. He also fucked up by not exterminating the jews. He was much too slow killing them off and wasn't ruthless enough. If the Hoaxocost were in fact real (which it wasn't) and done right they'd all be gone. Maybe Trump can learn a little something from the fuhrer and from history. This time wipe out the Democrats and the jews

Including his daughter and grandchildren...

7th May 2016, 11:21 AM
The fuhrer got a bad rap. He actually had a good plan but didn't listen to his generals. He also fucked up by not exterminating the jews. He was much too slow killing them off and wasn't ruthless enough. If the Hoaxocost were in fact real (which it wasn't) and done right they'd all be gone. Maybe Trump can learn a little something from the fuhrer and from history. This time wipe out the Democrats and the jews

Points taken, Hitler was a complete and total fuckup no matter which way u look at him.

I wouldn't expect too much more from Trump.

Twisted Titan
7th May 2016, 11:55 AM
Expect more then you would from kankles or the dirty perv.

7th May 2016, 01:21 PM
If the Hoaxocost were in fact real (which it wasn't) and done right they'd all be gone.


Oy vey! Horn wouldn't be here posting Zappa music videos.

7th May 2016, 01:28 PM
Points taken, Hitler was a complete and total fuckup no matter which way u look at him.


7th May 2016, 01:42 PM
He also fucked up by not exterminating the jews

Proof from your own mouth that YOU are NOT saved.

This means YOU are on your way to hell (and you'll burn, forever)

No SAVED person would EVER say such a thing.....EVER!


7th May 2016, 01:47 PM
This means YOU are on your way to hell (and you'll burn, forever)


7th May 2016, 06:46 PM
Proof from your own mouth that YOU are NOT saved.

This means YOU are on your way to hell (and you'll burn, forever)

No SAVED person would EVER say such a thing.....EVER!


There is no saved ya fool....there's life then ... there's death. All that 'saved' fantasy bull shit was indoctrinated into you by your parents because it was indoctrinated into them by the church every damn Sunday, the bible and all that other guilt ridden, fear mongering, money grabbing bullshit stories they were fed as kids. Wake up and smell the coffee

If there was a God I highly doubt he's let the shit storm called the human race get away with the shit they have for thousands of years

8th May 2016, 12:03 PM
He also fucked up by not exterminating the jews. He was much too slow killing them off and wasn't ruthless enough. If the Hoaxocost were in fact real (which it wasn't) and done right they'd all be gone. Maybe Trump can learn a little something from the fuhrer and from history. This time wipe out the Democrats and the jews

"Kill jews and niggers!"


Twisted Titan
8th May 2016, 12:17 PM
2 Peter 3:9King James Version (KJV)

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance

There is no saved ya fool....there's life then ... there's death. All that 'saved' fantasy bull shit was indoctrinated into you by your parents because it was indoctrinated into them by the church every damn Sunday, the bible and all that other guilt ridden, fear mongering, money grabbing bullshit stories they were fed as kids. Wake up and smell the coffee

If there was a God I highly doubt he's let the shit storm called the human race get away with the shit they have for thousands of years

8th May 2016, 12:21 PM
2 Peter 3:9King James Version (KJV)

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance

With all due respect for your beliefs....

Those are the words of men, not the words of 'God' My opinion...

Without religion, millions of people over the centuries would not have been slaughtered 'in the name of God'

8th May 2016, 12:46 PM

Israel is a state formed by the United Nations beast. Not all Jews are anti-christ. To praise or desire the annihilation of any mass group of humans is not normal. It is demonic.

10th May 2016, 08:22 PM


11th May 2016, 06:18 AM
. Not all Jews are anti-christ. .

Who are these Jews that are not anti-christ? Do they follow the Talmud or have they renounced it? Have they accepted Jesus as the messiah and do they follow his teachings?

11th May 2016, 07:55 AM
Who are these Jews that are not anti-christ? Do they follow the Talmud or have they renounced it? Have they accepted Jesus as the messiah and do they follow his teachings?

There are many jews who are saved in Messiah, and many who are of the Abrahamaic blood lines are primarily scattered through the civilized nations. Invisible to the eyes, but everywhere.

Talmudists are devil-worshippers.

11th May 2016, 09:08 AM
There are many jews who are saved in Messiah, and many who are of the Abrahamaic blood lines are primarily scattered through the civilized nations. Invisible to the eyes, but everywhere.

Talmudists are devil-worshippers.

Do these Jews you speak of trace their blood line through Esau and Isaac to Abraham?

11th May 2016, 09:19 AM
Do these Jews you speak of trace their blood line through Esau and Isaac to Abraham?

Some do, but I don't care about geneaologies or family lines.

Gal 5:6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.