View Full Version : Smooth Gentleman Arrested Because His Dog is a Nazi

9th May 2016, 11:56 AM

The UK has officially crossed-over into the realm of self-parody with this 1984-type stuff.
A Nazi dog?


Yeah, can’t be a joke – because dog Nazism is an actual threat to the Jews.
Many of the gas chamber operators at Auschwitz were dogs.
At least the BRO is having fun with the arrest.
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/aaaaaanazidog2_2850716a-618x376.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/aaaaaanazidog2_2850716a.jpg)
You created all of this nihilism, Jews.

You really should have foreseen that it would eventually lead to IRL gas chambers.

People are going to be LOLing like mad when they literally gas you.

As they’re throwing you in the ovens, they won’t stop and ask themselves “am I doing this to be ironic or because I actually hate the Jews?” because they are incapable of understanding there is a difference between seriously believing something and ironically doing something.

If you would have asked about it, someone could have told you this would happen.

9th May 2016, 02:21 PM
Police said the arrest should act as a warning that offensive videos would not be tolerated.

Detective Inspector David Cockburn said: “This clip was shared online and has been viewed almost one million times.

“I would ask anyone who has had the misfortune to have viewed it to think about the pain and hurt the narrative has caused a minority of people in our community.

Did they bother to ask how many of those viewers were actually offended? I didn't think so!

10th May 2016, 03:57 PM
Paul Joseph Watson:


10th May 2016, 06:14 PM
Was the Pug arrested? He seems to be in charge of the tee vee.

10th May 2016, 06:18 PM
Dog must have a cat cross in him somewhere in its family tree.. Tho those pooches are so dam ugly they can not help to seem cute to many, tho I suspect that is part of that breeds plan for world domination, we all got a small hint from that movie, dam dog actor looked good in that black suit.
