View Full Version : trump leading in swing states, now favored to win it all

10th May 2016, 11:56 AM
if nyc media/polls are spewing 'tie' you can bet your last dollar that trump is stomping killary's ass

prez is won/lost in the battleground states - and these three are always key


Buckle up for the next six months: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are effectively tied in the swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University survey released Tuesday.

10th May 2016, 12:09 PM

Start with the best-case scenario map for Trump and Republicans in which he holds every state Mitt Romney won in 2012 and adds Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania to the GOP column.

Trump wins 273 electoral votes -- and the White House -- under that map

10th May 2016, 08:33 PM
if nyc media/polls are spewing 'tie' you can bet your last dollar that trump is stomping killary's ass

One reason is that Trump's supporters are more energized and inclined to go to the polls, whereas Hillary's supporters are less enthusiastic.

10th May 2016, 08:52 PM
I think Trump can win. I suspect the Repub party in California is up to something though.

10th May 2016, 09:14 PM
I think Trump can win. I suspect the Repub party in California is up to something though. I hope he does!

Now can he get anything done?

I highly doubt it, because most entrenched political critters on both sides will be against him.

But I can not think of a better message from the masses in this county that says we are pissed at the political system as it has been and is!

Both party's are entrenched and controlled, by big business and special interest types. Trump is a breath of fresh air that may shake up the status quo.

Which is or can be a very good thing!

Besides that , he can be voted out before his first term, if he really pisses off enough of the people, (I think?)

The congress and senate will both be against him but if he is elected is a message from the people that they are tired of the same old same old..

Now to make his election work, would take voting out on the local levels the critters that want to fight him. And that will take time, can vote some out this cycle, then the others on the midterm elections.

If they are not voted out, not a dam thing will change which will = griddlock as it has been for the last several years 8 comes to mind.

Then get rid of the frigging lobbyists with their money.

Very steep mountain to climb.

Loving it !

Trump can get elected, but unless he has both houses on his side, he will only be a paper tiger!


10th May 2016, 10:13 PM
copy/paste not working

article cites numbers that say west Virginia Bernie voters (he won in landslide over killary) will support trump over Clinton in general election


11th May 2016, 03:11 AM
My god Trump is going to slay her early and then they panic .......

11th May 2016, 03:30 AM
Bernie is setting his idiot voters up to help Hillary. His latest campaigns are turning his idiot voters against Trump.
Hillary needs these idiot voters badly to win. In the end, Bernie will deliver his merry band of idiots over to the wicked lesbian witch.

By Bernie staying in and turning on Trump, he's keeping his idiot voters engaged and enthused to vote after he drops out. If he would drop out now, a lot of his idiot voters would probably go home, spark a fatty and forget about the whole thing.

As far as Trump getting anything done as president. I personally would get any member of congress against me voted out. I'd hire a team of investigators/FBI to dig up any dirt on them and where/how they got rich while being public servants. Once I collect enough dirt damning them. I as president would negotiate (blackmail) them to get what I want.

If they don't play along, I'd publicly out them and let the voters remove them. The people hate them already, it wouldn't take much to get them lynched.

That's how I'd roll.



11th May 2016, 05:41 AM

11th May 2016, 08:06 AM
Trump's "favored to win" will make (gambling) bets placed on Hilary (who will win) PAY OFF BIG

It's like a PUMP and DUMP only in this case it's a TRUMP and DUMP!

11th May 2016, 09:19 AM
never killary is stronger than never trump

except diebold

11th May 2016, 10:01 AM
A guy named Trump holds all the trump cards.

A shrill named Hillary holds nothing but Bill and baggage... Bill-Bo Baggins.