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12th May 2016, 03:55 AM
Jews Fret Trump Candidacy Allowing Marginalized & Demonized Ideas Into Political Discourse
May 11, 2016 Realist Report 3 comments

Let’s be perfectly clear up front: Donald Trump is no “anti-Semite,” i.e., someone who openly recognizes the power and influence of the organized Jewish community and their anti-White, nation-wrecking agenda. Trump is also not a “racist,” i.e., someone who affirms the biological reality of race and understands its central importance in history, cultural and economic development, crime statistics, and related matters.

He is, however, allowing people with highly demonized ideas and political perspectives to inject them into mainstream political discourse. This alone has fundamentally altered American politics, hopefully permanently. And the organized Jewish community and leftist political establishment, not to mention the traitors and cuckolds in the GOP and Conservative, Inc., are not at all happy with this development, as I’ve pointed out here in the past.

The Jewish Daily Forward has published yet another article dealing with this subject, quoting a number of prominent Jewish ethnic activists fretting about how their monopoly on mainstream political discourse is being eroded and undermined thanks to Trump’s candidacy.

We’re gonna take our country back, folks,” Donald Trump tells an army of white soldiers as he battles, and ultimately kills, Barack Obama and two prominent American Jews in a clumsy parody of the movie “300.” The clip , which features recordings of actual statements made by Trump and has over half a million views on YouTube, is only one example of the large volume of anti-Semitic content produced by white supremacist Trump supporters.

Through statements and policy proposals tinged with racism — such as advocating a ban on Muslims entering the country, and saying many Mexican immigrants are drug dealers and rapists — Trump has become a favorite of white nationalist groups and provided an unprecedented platform for their views.

While other politicians – notably Pat Buchanan, a Republican presidential candidate in 1992 and 1996 who made statements questioning the scale of the Holocaust – have espoused racist beliefs, none of them are on the same level as Trump in terms of extremist supporters, said Mark Potok, an expert on extremism at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights advocacy group.

“Donald Trump has electrified the radical right in the United States – they think he is absolutely the cat’s meow. Trump comes closer to representing their own positions than any other politicians in memory,” Potok said. […]

“Donald Trump’s disavowal of David Duke is a day late and a dollar short – it seemed pretty clear that he did not actually want to do it,” Potok said. “Trump is playing a game in which he has worked hard not to too strongly disavow the white supremacists and neo-Nazis who like him so well.”

The denunciation would not affect white nationalist support for Trump, Potok predicted.

“In the white supremacist world, many people have pointed out that he simply has to disavow them to stay in the mainstream at all. They’re not upset in the least,” he said. […]

Trump also refused to distance himself from supporters who had sent anti-Semitic death threats to a Jewish journalist who profiled his wife.

Trump’s lack of disapproval has allowed Duke and white nationalist groups move from the fringes of the political discourse toward the mainstream.

“One of the interesting things is that white supremacist and white nationalist groups have usually been pretty marginalized in our public discourse,” Montgomery said. “Trump’s candidacy has been energizing them and bringing them out of the woodwork.” […]

Jonathan Greenblatt, the national director and CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, was also quoted in the article. “There have been bigots who have run for political office before; however, we have not seen the mainstreaming of this kind of intolerance at this stage in the game in our collective memory,” Greenblatt told the Forward.

Regardless as to what you think of Trump, one thing is certain: he has turned the tables on the political establishment and fundamentally altered the political discourse in America. That is why his candidacy is so important. He has injected so many marginalized ideas into mainstream public discussion, and has opened up space for even more marginalized ideas to gain traction.

At best, Trump is a civic American nationalist who wants to enforce America’s immigration laws, bring back American manufacturing and industrial jobs, and put American interests first when it comes to foreign and trade policy. And that’s fine – it’s certainly a step in the right direction.

Even more importantly, he has thoroughly exposed the corrupt political establishment, challenged the dishonest mainstream mass media (both of which are of course are entirely dominated by Jewish interests), and pushed the Overton Window in a direction that favors those of us with “racist” and “anti-Semitic” perspectives. That alone is a revolutionary development, and I aim to take full advantage of this development.


12th May 2016, 04:00 AM
Billionaire owner of Washington Post demands story blitz on every phase of Donald's life
Published: 13 hours ago


Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos, who is also a Democratic Party donor and controls a personal investment firm that owns the Washington Post, has ordered an army of 20 staffers to scour Donald Trump’s life for any dirt they can find on the presumptive GOP nominee.

“There’s a lot we don’t know,” Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward told the National Association of Realtors Convention in Washington on Wednesday. “We have 20 people working on Trump. We’re going to do a book. We’re doing articles about every phase of his life.”

Woodward specifically said he has been investigating Trump’s real-estate deals in New York, according to a report in the Washington Examiner.

“The New York real-estate world is more complex than the CIA,” he said.

Bezos, a Seattle billionaire and the world’s 19th wealthiest man, purchased the Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million.

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In February, Trump accused Bezos of buying the paper to increase his political influence.

“[Bezos] bought the Washington Post to have political influence, and I gotta tell you, we have a different country than we used to have. He wanted political influence so that Amazon will benefit from it – that’s not right,” Trump told supporters during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas. “And believe me, if I become president, oh, do they have problems. They’re going to have such problems.”

Later in the same speech, Trump said, “When they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money.”

Watch Trump call out the mainstream media and Jeff Bezos:

On Tuesday, the Post featured a story on Trump’s sex talk with Howard Stern when the billionaire was a guest on his show between 1990 and 2005.

Trump reportedly told Stern he could have had sex with Princess Diana and would have bedded singer Mariah Carey.

“Although Trump promises to be ‘more presidential,’ his past statements have contributed to high negative ratings from women,” the Post stated. “Democrats see Trump’s history as a potent weapon to use against him and other Republicans this fall.”

The paper continued, “The contrast between Trump’s past and present behavior underscores the extent to which he has shaped and reshaped his identity as he has moved between business, entertainment and politics. And it points to a fundamental question about his candidacy: Which version of Trump might America send to the Oval Office?”

“This isn’t about politics: Donald Trump’s misogyny, racism and outright bigotry are dominating the political news cycle,” shareholder group UltraViolet said in a letter to Bezos. The letter noted the continued presence of Donald Trump products “poses a risk to Amazon’s reputation.”

In his statement to the Washington convention, Woodward reportedly claimed the Washington Post is also seeking to get the “essence” of Hillary Clinton.

But Woodward dismissed any concern about Hillary’s use of a private email server to send classified information, according to the Washington Examiner.

“I don’t think anyone feels that there was intent on her part to distribute classified information in a way that was illegal or jeopardized security,” he reportedly said.

The Post echoed that sentiment in a May 5 story headlined, “Officials: Scant evidence that Clinton had malicious intent in handling of emails.”

However, Clinton’s intent doesn’t factor into the actual charges she could face. Statute 18 USC 793 focuses on “information respecting the national defense” that potentially “could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.” 793 (f) says it’s a crime for anyone “entrusted with … any document … or information relating to the national defense … through gross negligence (to permit) the same to be removed from its proper place of custody.”

The Examiner reported, “[Woodward] said that Bezos has urged the Post to run as many stories on Trump and the other candidates so that voters can’t say they didn’t know about the eventual president.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/05/amazon-ceo-orders-20-man-army-to-dig-up-dirt-on-trump/#PLJJpIoUrXz4VsYY.99

12th May 2016, 04:01 AM
it could be much worse for them - he's 90 percent friendly to ziocon

crying out in pain because import tariff and trying to put some kind of limit on the invasion

12th May 2016, 05:48 AM
America gets flooded with mexicans, Trump thinks muslims are the problem.

Oy vey.

12th May 2016, 05:56 AM
We'll be seeing a lot more of these Trump 'fluff pieces' all through the Summer. I laugh at their desperation!!!! Of course they'll find plenty of fodder but in the end, Trump is no worse than the established politicians and the Trump train will continue to chug forward. The gloves have come off, let the entertainment begin!

12th May 2016, 06:13 AM
Trump's crime is he doesn't appear to be an Israel Firster

12th May 2016, 06:14 AM
Trump's crime is he doesn't appear to be an Israel Firster

He's an America Firster....that offends and pisses a lot of people off. Fuck'em!!!!

12th May 2016, 06:34 AM
It is my number one criteria to identify the fake opposition.

12th May 2016, 06:52 AM
Sheldon Adelson backs Donald Trump, says he’s good for Israelhttp://www.jpost.com/US-Elections/Sheldon-Adelson-backs-Donald-Trump-says-hes-good-for-Israel-453328

12th May 2016, 08:08 AM
Trump’s lack of disapproval has allowed Duke and white nationalist groups move from the fringes of the political discourse toward the mainstream.

Or maybe they're getting more popular, you know, because the media is completely obsessed about it and giving David Duke millions of dollars of free coverage making an issue out of a non-issue.

You know that the KKK endorsed Hillary and even gave her $21,000, and yet she has never disavowed the KKK. Trump has disavowed many times despite not getting endorsed by them nor receiving any money from them.

These people are insufferable.

12th May 2016, 08:26 AM
Or maybe they're getting more popular, you know, because the media is completely obsessed about it and giving David Duke millions of dollars of free coverage making an issue out of a non-issue.

You know that the KKK endorsed Hillary and even gave her $21,000, and yet she has never disavowed the KKK. Trump has disavowed many times despite not getting endorsed by them nor receiving any money from them.

These people are insufferable.

Why the hell would klansmen endorse and give $21,000 to Hillary? Are they totally out of their mind?

12th May 2016, 08:34 AM
Fret? Really?
The Vatican ALREADY has planned to INSTALL Hilary as president.

Sorry, it's ALL Show and TRUMP is THE showman to keep you idiots occupied with BREAD and CIRCUSES

12th May 2016, 08:46 AM
Fret? Really?
The Vatican ALREADY has planned to INSTALL Hilary as president.

Sorry, it's ALL Show and TRUMP is THE showman to keep you idiots occupied with BREAD and CIRCUSES


12th May 2016, 09:09 AM
The Five Key Events After Trump Became the Presumptive Republican Nominee (http://http://www.renegadetribune.com/five-key-events-trump-became-presumptive-republican-nominee/)

12th May 2016, 09:34 AM
with Joseph Watson... explosive


12th May 2016, 12:30 PM

LOL, If you took every dollar a "joo" owns in this world it would not even count as POCKET CHANGE of the Vatican

Follow the money...................STUPID!!

TPTB = the Vatican (with Jesuit overseers)

Trump, (Jesuit trained) the pump and dump for the CHUMPS!!

12th May 2016, 12:39 PM
LOL, If you took every dollar a "joo" owns in this world it would not even count as POCKET CHANGE of the Vatican

Follow the money...................STUPID!!

TPTB = the Vatican (with Jesuit overseers)

Trump, (Jesuit trained) the pump and dump for the CHUMPS!!

The head of the Jesuits:

12th May 2016, 01:10 PM
TPTB = the Vatican

StreetsOfGoldberg = http://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1418/30/1418303730073.jpg


12th May 2016, 02:29 PM
StreetsOfGoldberg =



12th May 2016, 04:06 PM


That could be simply cropped down and banned from many places for resembling pornography.

13th May 2016, 09:28 AM
my last post about him... Trump

EXCLUSIVE: Trump insists Israel should keep building West Bank settlements as he says Netanyahu should 'keep moving forward' because Palestinians fired 'thousands of missiles' at Jewish state

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3571403/Trump-insists-Israel-building-West-Bank-settlements-says-Netanyahu-moving-forward-Palestinians-fired-thousands-missiles-Jewish-state.html#ixzz48YPCH86S
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

13th May 2016, 09:44 AM
Israel was created by the US, we own that mess

13th May 2016, 12:55 PM
my last post about him... Trump

EXCLUSIVE: Trump insists Israel should keep building West Bank settlements as he says Netanyahu should 'keep moving forward' because Palestinians fired 'thousands of missiles' at Jewish state

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3571403/Trump-insists-Israel-building-West-Bank-settlements-says-Netanyahu-moving-forward-Palestinians-fired-thousands-missiles-Jewish-state.html#ixzz48YPCH86S
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Truly idiotic statement!