View Full Version : whatever happened to Joshua Ryne Goldberg

12th May 2016, 06:28 PM
what up?


Dec 14, 2015

A judge found an Orange Park man accused of terrorism incompetent to stand trial due to multiple mental health issues.

U.S. Magistrate Judge James Klindt ruled that Joshua Ryne Goldberg will not stand trial and ordered Goldberg sent to a mental health institution for at least four months to undergo an evaluation.

That evaluation will determine whether Goldberg is completent, and if he’s not will attempt to restore him to competency. Psychologists will also attempt to determine whether Goldberg was insane at the time he is alleged to have committed the crimes he is charged with.

Klindt issued his ruling after forensic psychologist Lisa Feldman with the Federal Detention Center in Miami testified by Skype that Goldberg likely suffers from schizophrenia, depression and likely has other mental health issues that have not yet been diagnosed.

“At this time he’d incompetent to proceed with any legal proceeding, Feldman said.

A progress report will return to the court in four months.

Authorities say Goldberg conspired to have a pressure-cooker bomb detonated at a 9/11 memorial event in Kansas City, Mo., in September. He is charged with distributing information related to explosives, destructive devices and weapons of mass destruction.

If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

No bomb was ever made. An affidavit filed in the case said an FBI informer was in contact with Goldberg on Twitter and was given instructions to fill a pressure cooker with nails, metal and other items dipped in rat poison.

The FBI informer posed as a college student living about an hour away from Kansas City who expressed an interest in making a bomb, according to the affidavit.

Goldberg told investigators he provided the information but hoped the person would kill himself trying to make it, according to the affidavit. He said if the person successfully created the bomb, he would have alerted authorities before the attack and would be a hero.

The criminal complaint against Goldberg said he had many different personalities online, at different times claiming to be an Australian militant who’d joined the Islamic State, a Jewish attorney, a news reporter, a feminist and a free-speech advocate.

12th May 2016, 06:30 PM

Published: January 25, 2016, 6:12 pm

JACKSONVILLE, Florida (AP) — A man accused of helping an undercover FBI agent posing as a terrorist plan a bombing at a 9/11 commemoration has a long history of mental illness, according to court documents unsealed Monday.

A mental competency evaluation performed by a federal prison psychologist shows Joshua Goldberg, 20, had been diagnosed previously with schizophrenia and anxiety disorder before his arrest last fall at his parents’ home by federal authorities.

The document was unsealed by a federal judge after The Associated Press, Florida Times-Union newspaper and other media challenged the judge’s ruling to seal it.

The FBI said Goldberg claimed to be a radical with ties to the Islamic State group and that he used online aliases including the moniker “Australi Witness.” The government has said Goldberg sent bomb-making plans to an undercover agent who claimed he wanted to attack a 9/11 commemoration in Kansas City, Missouri. No bomb was ever produced.

Goldberg, who lives in a Jacksonville suburb, initially caught the attention of authorities after online posts calling for an attack on the May 3 contest for drawings of the Prophet Muhammad in Garland, Texas, according to the complaint filed against him.

Goldberg is charged with distributing information relating to explosives and weapons of mass destruction.

In December, a federal judge ruled Goldberg mentally incompetent to stand trial, and ordered a second psychological evaluation to see if he could be treated.

Goldberg’s thinking “contained delusions of persecution, as well as delusions of grandeur,” wrote Dr. Lisa Feldman, a forensic psychologist with the Federal Detention Center in Miami. She added that he had an “exaggerated notion of his importance, power or identity.”

Feldman said at a hearing last month that Goldberg, while in the federal detention center in Miami, stopped bathing and was briefly put on suicide watch.

Goldman’s attorney, Paul Shorstein, has indicated to the court that he plans to argue an insanity defense should the case proceed to trial.

12th May 2016, 06:34 PM

January 28, 2016 5:03pm

A MELBOURNE teenager has formally pleaded guilty to planning a terrorist attack in what authorities had feared would be a Mother’s Day massacre.

The 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty in the County Court to a charge of preparing for or planning a terror attack.

Two further charges had previously been withdrawn by prosecutors.

The teen was caught with deadly bomb components and was known to be engaging with two overseas extremists who authorities believe may have radicalised him.

But it remains unclear whether the teen’s bomb plot was aimed for Australia or overseas soil.

The boy has been in custody since his arrest on May 8 last year.

The teen, from Melbourne’s outer north, had been in communication with 20-year-old American Jewish radical Joshua Ryne Goldberg.

The FBI is investigating Goldberg for posing online as a jihadist promoting terrorism despite having no link to a terrorist organisation.

Improvised explosive devices — similar to pipe bombs — were detonated in a park opposite the boy’s home hours after his arrest earlier this year.

Other materials, bought from Bunnings, were also found in the house, which was searched for days.

Federal agents seized an instruction manual along with a pressure cooker, found under the boy’s bed, along with nails and screws to be used for shrapnel in his possession.

Scrapings from match heads and a switch from a set of Christmas lights were also seized.

Police also seized al-Qaeda and Islamic State propaganda instructing followers how to launch terrorists attacks, including one titled Pressure Cooker Bomb Back-Pack.

The teen, who had been kicked out of school, believes non-Muslims are “akin to animals”. “Their destiny is the hellfire,” he wrote.

The teen, who will be tried as an adult, will return to court on June 6.

He will be held in a youth justice centre until that time.

12th May 2016, 06:42 PM

Neo-Nazi, radical feminist and violent jihadist - all at once

Among the alleged victims was Ben Garrison, an artist living in Montana. Around the time of the 2008 financial crisis he started drawing libertarian-themed political cartoons, lamenting what he saw as the rise of "big government." But he soon found that his work was attracting people he vehemently disagreed with - who seemed to be extremists and white supremacists.

"There was a page on Facebook using my photographs, and all my cartoons, but they were all vandalised with hate and anti-Semitism," he told BBC Trending radio. Fake accounts set up in Garrison's name posted racist messages, and his family was targeted as well. "When I went on there and saw what they were doing I was just abhorred."

The lies about Garrison online spread out of control - a Google search of his name brings up pages of lies and misinformation, and his work as a commercial artist has dried up.

The abuse led him to hire investigators from the Online Hate Prevention Institute who looked into the white supremacists spreading the hate against him online.

And this is what they found: one of the key puppet masters who was rallying the extremists to bully Ben Garrison seemed to be a 20-year-old man living in his parents' house in Florida. His name was Joshua Goldberg.

Garland attacks

It seems Goldberg wasn't just posing as a racist neo-Nazi. Earlier this year an Australian journalist, Elise Potaka, discovered that someone was impersonating her, and one of her sources, online. Potaka enlisted the help of another journalist, Luke McMahon, and together they started chatting with Goldberg's online personalities.

"It was immediately apparent to me that I was dealing with like a classic Internet troll, but one that was obviously quite sophisticated," McMahon says. "When I first started engaging with him… I thought I was dealing with a member of the far right. But as the conversation progressed and I worked out this wasn't about any kind of ideological crusade, but it was something much different."

One of Goldberg's alleged identities was called "Australi Witness" - a persona that claimed to be a supporter of the the so-called Islamic State, living in Australia. Improbably, "Australi Witness" also claimed to have worked for human rights organisations and to have links with liberal Muslim human rights activists.

Australi Witness took online abuse even further than other aliases attributed to Goldberg, stoking up Islamic extremists and encouraging real-world violence. After two men were shot dead attacking a controversial "draw Muhammed" contest in Garland, Texas in May, it emerged that they had retweeted messages from the Australi Witness Twitter account.

Goldberg hasn't been arrested or charged in connection with the attempted Garland attack, but the Australi Witness persona started to claim credit for it. And his statements started to get the attention of the FBI. Reality was about to descend.

Garland attacks

It seems Goldberg wasn't just posing as a racist neo-Nazi. Earlier this year an Australian journalist, Elise Potaka, discovered that someone was impersonating her, and one of her sources, online. Potaka enlisted the help of another journalist, Luke McMahon, and together they started chatting with Goldberg's online personalities.

"It was immediately apparent to me that I was dealing with like a classic Internet troll, but one that was obviously quite sophisticated," McMahon says. "When I first started engaging with him… I thought I was dealing with a member of the far right. But as the conversation progressed and I worked out this wasn't about any kind of ideological crusade, but it was something much different."

One of Goldberg's alleged identities was called "Australi Witness" - a persona that claimed to be a supporter of the the so-called Islamic State, living in Australia. Improbably, "Australi Witness" also claimed to have worked for human rights organisations and to have links with liberal Muslim human rights activists.

Australi Witness took online abuse even further than other aliases attributed to Goldberg, stoking up Islamic extremists and encouraging real-world violence. After two men were shot dead attacking a controversial "draw Muhammed" contest in Garland, Texas in May, it emerged that they had retweeted messages from the Australi Witness Twitter account.

Goldberg hasn't been arrested or charged in connection with the attempted Garland attack, but the Australi Witness persona started to claim credit for it. And his statements started to get the attention of the FBI. Reality was about to descend.

"You might know me for inspiring the attack in Garland, Texas earlier this year," it read. "I would like you to know that, on September 11, a pressure cooker bomb is going to be detonated in a large Midwestern US city."

12th May 2016, 06:45 PM
wow, just wow...


Posted: January 26, 2016 - 12:45am | Updated: January 26, 2016 - 1:05am

About 90 percent of a psychologist’s report that led to an Orange Park man accused of terrorism to be declared incompetent for trial was released to the public Monday afternoon after media objected to efforts to seal it.

U.S. Magistrate Judge James Klindt ordered the nine-page report on 20-year-old Joshua Ryne Goldberg released but redacted some medical and private personal information at the request of attorneys for both sides.

Media attorney Timothy Conner argued that the entire report should be made public. Klindt said he needed to review the information that had not been made public more thoroughly before deciding whether it could be released.

Authorities say Goldberg conspired to have a pressure-cooker bomb detonated at a 9/11 memorial event in Kansas City, Missouri, in September. He is charged with distributing information related to explosives, destructive devices and weapons of mass destruction.

No bomb was ever made.

Forensic psychologist Lisa Feldman with the Federal Detention Center in Miami wrote the report and found Goldberg incompetent to go to trial.

The information that was released Monday said Goldberg was suicidal after his arrest. It also said he did poorly in multiple tests designed to judge his sanity, often displaying poor eye contact and being guarded, evasive and argumentative.

“His thought content was remarkable for grandiosity and paranoid delusions, including delusions of persecution,” Feldman wrote.

Goldberg’s insight into his mental health and legal status were impaired and judgment is poor, she said.

“Based on subjective clinical impressions, Mr. Goldberg exhibits disorganized thinking, significant social deficits and poor interactions with others,” Feldman said.

During a hearing that was open to the public in December, Feldman said Goldberg is on multiple medications for schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. But the medication doesn’t seem to help much, and a more thorough procedure is probably necessary to determine exactly what his mental health issues are, Feldman said.

Goldberg, who was not at Monday’s hearing, is being sent to the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina, for an evaluation that will take at least four months.

A progress report will be sent to Klindt, who will decide how to proceed.

At the time Goldberg was found incompetent, defense attorney Paul Shorstein said the entire report should be sealed. Prosecutors did not object, but the Times-Union, Associated Press and several Jacksonville television stations motioned to intervene, saying the public’s right to know trumped any claim of privacy.

Conner said Goldberg’s high-profile arrest and the fact that he’d been charged with terrorism meant the public had a right to know why he wasn’t facing criminal charges.

Shorstein said there was information in the report that had no bearing on the decision to find him incompetent. But Klindt said when Feldman testified, she cited things in the report that Klindt didn’t think had any bearing on Goldberg’s mental health.

Feldman said Goldberg told her that he was attempting to be a journalist and help the FBI by exposing terrorism. Feldman said that was another example of Goldberg’s lack of competence.

Klindt disagreed with that assessment and said trying to help the FBI or be a journalist sounded like a valid defense claim if Goldberg ever went on trial.

The criminal complaint against Goldberg said he had many different personalities online, at different times claiming to be an Australian militant who’d joined the Islamic State, a Jewish attorney, a news reporter, a feminist and a free-speech advocate.

If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

An affidavit filed in the case said an FBI informer was in contact with Goldberg on Twitter and was given instructions to fill a pressure cooker with nails, metal and other items dipped in rat poison.

The FBI informer posed as a college student living about an hour away from Kansas City and expressed an interest in making a bomb, according to the affidavit.

Goldberg told investigators he provided the information but hoped the person would kill himself trying to make it, according to the affidavit. He said if the person created the bomb, he would have alerted authorities before the attack and be a hero.

12th May 2016, 06:55 PM

Alternate name

Australi Witness, Tanya Cohen, Madotsuki the Dreamer, MoonMetropolis, European88

Goldberg made several online posts under a number of different pen names.[9] Websites he posted on include The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website;[10][11] a Daily Kos diary; and Feministing, a feminist blog.[

Australi Witness was an online persona, claiming to be an ISIS-affiliated jihadist from Australia, who was described by Rita Katz, executive director of SITE Intelligence Group, as holding a "prestigious position" in online jihadi circles.

Australi Witness urged an attack on the anti-Islamic event being held at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas, on May 3, 2015, suggesting that "brothers in Texas" to go there "with your weapons, bombs or with knifes [sic]" to "defend your Prophet".[16] The persona also posted maps to the event. Subsequently, two men, identified as Phoenix, Arizona residents Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were shot dead by police as they attempted to attack the contest.

The FBI found that Simpson retweeted a message from the Australi Witness Twitter handle on the morning of the attack.[5][6] Australi Witness claimed credit for having inspired the attack[9][17] and praised Simpson and Soofi as martyrs.[18] Australi Witness was interviewed by Fairfax Media and expressed support for the attack.

In addition, Australi Witness asked followers to target Australian cartoonist Larry Pickering, and repeatedly attempted to associate himself with anti-Islamphobia campaigner Mariam Veiszadeh.[12] He also posted a 50-page guide online on how to join ISIS

Australi Witness also posted pictures online of what he claimed to be a bomb he was building[3][18] and emailed the BBC warning that a pressure cooker bomb would be detonated in a "large Midwestern US city" on September 11, 2015.[9]

A 17-year-old who pleaded guilty to planning a Mother’s Day 2015 bombing in Melbourne, which was never carried out, is said to have been in contact with Goldberg.

White supremacist personas[edit]

European88 and Reddit[edit]

On Reddit, Goldberg made thousands of racist posts as a neo-Nazi and moderated many racist subreddits.

"Michael Slay"[edit]

Goldberg posted on the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer as "Michael Slay". Upon his arrest, the administrator of the site removed his posts

Other persona[edit]

Times of Israel blog hoax[edit]

In April 2015, an item was posted on a Times of Israel blog calling for the extermination of the Palestinian people. The article was ostensibly written by Josh Bornstein, a Jewish Australian lawyer, and triggered widespread condemnation. Bornstein immediately disavowed responsibility for the post, which was deleted by The Times of Israel.[7] It has since been accepted that Bornstein was the victim of a hoax.[23]

Initially, it was believed that the hoax was perpetrated by white supremacists.[23] In May 2015, Bornstein faced online threats from Goldberg's Australi Witness Twitter account,[24] and it later transpired that the hoax post was initially perpetrated by Goldberg.[12]

Philosophy of Rape[edit]

Goldberg has been identified as the person behind "Philosophy of Rape", a subreddit that advocated corrective rape against "whores and feminazis", and offered tips on how to do so without getting caught.

Australi Witness passed specific[17] information on the manufacture of a bomb targeting a September 11 memorial event in Kansas City, Missouri to an FBI informant, who was posing as a Muslim extremist. According to the FBI, Australi Witness suggested that the informant bomb the memorial in Kansas City after the latter claimed to live near that city,[28] and also encouraged the informant to make the bomb more deadly by adding rat poison to the shrapnel

12th May 2016, 06:55 PM
Forensic psychologist Lisa Feldman with the Federal Detention Center in Miami wrote the report and found Goldberg incompetent to go to trial.

At the time Goldberg was found incompetent, defense attorney Paul Shorstein said the entire report should be sealed.


12th May 2016, 06:57 PM
check out the one fuzzy picture available: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Joshua+Ryne+Goldberg%22&biw=1280&bih=929&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil--yd-dXMAhUG5SYKHcniARM4ChD8BQgHKAI#imgrc=_


12th May 2016, 07:01 PM
this entity should be facing a loooooong prison term....or worse

yet gets off with NOTHING

it's things like this that show what nyc.dc is really up to. and look at the team of people conspiring to cover this up

criminal complaint: https://www.justice.gov/opa/file/769556/download

12th May 2016, 08:38 PM
so the guy is an operative.

12th May 2016, 08:42 PM
so the guy is an operative.

yup, and the whole episode reveals a lot of their tactics