View Full Version : 911 TRUTH a breath of fresh air with Ken O'Keefe

13th May 2016, 01:34 AM
We have finally arrived at the point were more people dis-believe the official government story of what happened on 911 (September 11th 2001), then believe it.
This is a milestone on the path to 911 TRUTH. We have many people to thank for this amazing turn-around.
Ken O’Keefe is one of them.

Ken O’Keefe in Berkeley - March 2016 - "Jewish Power" & World Citizen Solutions In this talk Ken rips into politically correct barriers and speaks frankly about the challenges we face in the cause of creating a better world. Ken is currently touring the USSA on his 'Fuck the TSA/Homeland Security Tour', for the latest dates and times of Ken's speaking engagements check the Facebook page set up for this purpose; https://www.facebook.com/events/59563... (https://www.facebook.com/events/595632617251877/?active_tab=posts)

13th May 2016, 02:10 AM
Got the 2nd vid in Berkeley in this thread http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?72955-PressTV-Western-Duplicity-Re-Izzy-(Ken-O-keefe)&p=824889&viewfull=1#post824889 with some commentary.

13th May 2016, 02:22 AM
Got the 2nd vid in Berkeley in this thread http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?72955-PressTV-Western-Duplicity-Re-Izzy-(Ken-O-keefe)&p=824889&viewfull=1#post824889 with some commentary.

the 2nd video in Berkeley is Very Good.

13th May 2016, 04:54 AM
^ re the san diego vid in ur OP, I just submitted at JFriend's (pending appoval atm)

Enjoyed M.King’s appearance. Can also check red ice for his recent interview re Churchill there as well.

OT re a guest idea: John, I’ve heard you more than once tell the story of your wake up catalyst being your first meet up with SD 911 Truth. But as time went on and you grew more 911/dinjoo wise, you found (the gatekept…) SD911T group didn’t want to go there, so you drifted away.

I just discovered that in K.O’Keefe’s March ’16 SD visit when you met & interviewed him; so too did SD911T, and they published this 26 minute video!

911 TRUTH a breath of fresh air with Ken O’Keefe

So what about finding an active SD911T participant or two who are 9/11 LIHOP MIHOP ZIHOP DinJooHop-friendly, and doing a show with them? You’d all reflect on your experiences waking up & with SD911T, and with its (former?) gatekeeping/resistance to 9/11-DinJooHop; the state of the 9/11-DinJooHop Movement today; how formerly scary speech/thought control scarecrows like the “anti-Shlomo-ite!” label have lost their potency, etc. :)