View Full Version : With 20 WaPo journalists on him, Trump leaks "dirt" on himself. Grandmaster troll.

13th May 2016, 11:16 PM
So he leaks this "dirt" on himself then gets evasive whenever the media asks him about it. He hung up on Washington Post journalists when they asked about it, and he's claiming it's not his voice and that the media shouldn't be asking him these questions.

I'm never seen a troll operating at this level. And I'm not new to the internet.




Washington Post recently announced they were gathering 20 reporters to dig up dirt on Trump. The Washington Post anonymously receives a recorded phone call between a "John Miller" and People magazine. Trump and the interviewer only have the tapes, she claims she lost it. Trump has had it lying around just for laughs, baits WP into reporting on a prank call and distracts entire media for more shits and giggles

Trump is doing several things,
Killing the cred of the Washington post and downstream media, probably by revealing at the peak new cycle and detailing why he did it.
This is probably going to reach fever pitch around tuesday/wednesday before the big reveal.
The most significant thing though is that he is additionally poisoning the fuck out of the leak/dirt well, he is making those 20 muckrakers redundant.
Not a single journalist is going to trust a source after this, and no one is going to trust anything the journalists come out with.
He is pretty much turning the whole historical leak/dirty news cycle into a giant ass pit of centipedes that will bite the moment a journalist puts their hands in.

13th May 2016, 11:20 PM
Home run! Donald is out now because of this dirt.


3 Million and this is what they find? Pathetic.

13th May 2016, 11:22 PM
Wow - brilliant. Trump is one silver-tongued fellow. His stock went up 20% with this information for at least all of his supporters. Some on the fence will flip to Donald just from this supposed sordid revelation. Why? Because the guy is a fricking winner and a lucky bastard to boot. Sure as shit I'll take a president like that over some metrosexual closet Marxist bathhouse boy anyday.

13th May 2016, 11:23 PM
3 Million and this is what they find? Pathetic.

You don't understand. Trump leaked this tape himself.


And now everyone is under the impression that the only thing 20 reporters can dig up on him is the fact that he has to fight models off everywhere he goes.

The trolling is so high level you can't comprehend it until after the fact.

13th May 2016, 11:44 PM
You don't understand. Trump leaked this tape himself.


And now everyone is under the impression that the only thing 20 reporters can dig up on him is the fact that he has to fight models off everywhere he goes.

The trolling is so high level you can't comprehend it until after the fact.

Right now you are 100% correct. I just can not digest it now. Back after a rest.

13th May 2016, 11:58 PM
There's another angle on this as well. He did this so things that happened over 25 years ago will be fair game. This is what allowed the child rapist stuff to be fair game. If Hillary ever mentions it he will blast her with both barrels.


yup, Katrina just brought up the Hillary child rapist tape on CNN.




14th May 2016, 12:50 AM
Lets just summarize what happened today:

The Washington Post announces it is dedicating 20 journalists to research dirt on Trump and make a book about it
Trump makes it a Trump vs Bezos issue, because Bezos is running a monopoly and avoiding taxes Trump claims
Trump releases audio tape from 25 years ago about how every model is after him and baits the Washington Post to release it
Trump and his people vehemently deny that Trump is speaking on the tape, making it blow up in the news
Trump uses the excuse of the controversy to bring up the time Hillary defended a child rapist and joked about it
Trump makes a fool of the Washington Post because 20 journalists could only dig up a ridiculous tape about how successful Trump is with women
The media looks ridiculous and petty.

This is happening in real time folks. They're playing checkers and Trump is playing korean starcraft.

14th May 2016, 01:26 AM
This is happening in real time folks. They're playing checkers and Trump is playing korean starcraft.

Trump is just exposing these people and making them a laughing stalk. He's getting them to chase carrots, and they are doing it! Unbelievable, but happening. Trump, is just brilliant. And, the whole time, getting more and more supporters because of it.

14th May 2016, 03:44 AM

14th May 2016, 05:04 AM

Comes with a picture, from today: