View Full Version : Iran ‘preparing another Holocaust,’ Netanyahu charges

mick silver
16th May 2016, 06:41 AM
Iran ‘preparing another Holocaust,’ Netanyahu chargesBy Ian Greenhalgh (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/iangreenhalgh/) on May 16, 2016
After meeting French FM, prime minister calls on world to condemn Islamic Republic for ‘denying and mocking’ the Shoah
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Netanyahu-640x350.png (http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Netanyahu.png)Is there any more disgusting lying creature in the world today than Bibi?

Here’s a quote from London-based Jamie Stern-Weiner who co-founded the New Left Project. In a recent article published by Mondoweiss he wrote this:
“If Benjamin Netanyahu hadn’t gone into politics he’d be on Broadway, hamming it up as a pantomime villain. Israel’s hawkish prime minister is theatrically obnoxious to the point where even Israel’s staunchest allies in the American Jewish community are urging him to tone it down. He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t just show up to your house uninvited but brings along his dirty laundry, empties your fridge, urinates in the sink and then abruptly storms out, complaining about poor service”.

Times of Israel
Iran ‘preparing another Holocaust,’ Netanyahu charges (http://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-preparing-another-holocaust-netanyahu-charges/)Minister Benjamin Netanyahu railed at Iran Sunday for holding its annual Holocaust denial cartoon contest, charging that the Islamic Republic was “preparing another Holocaust” against the Jewish people.
Iran “denies the Holocaust, mocks the Holocaust, and is preparing another Holocaust,” he told ministers at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, “and I think all the countries of the world need to stand up and condemn this unequivocally.”
Israel’s problem with Iran, he said, “isn’t just its subversive, aggressive policy in the region. It’s the values on which it’s based.”
Iran’s annual international cartoon contest lampooning the Holocaust features around 150 works from 50 countries. It began Saturday and is running for the next two weeks.
The contest secretary said Saturday it was not denying the Nazi genocide and wasn’t “ridiculing its victims,” but then went on to equate Nazi crimes with Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.
Netanyahu also said that France’s support for a UNESCO resolution that neglected to mention the Temple Mount’s Jewish history casts a pall over Paris’s impartiality in attempts to resuscitate peace talks.
He was speaking shortly after meeting with visiting French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. Ayrault traveled to Ramallah to convene with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after his tete-a-tete with the Israeli prime minister.
The prime minister said that he told Ayrault that France’s “scandalous decision” to vote in favor of a UNESCO resolution “which doesn’t recognize the millennia-old connection between the Jewish people and the Temple Mount casts a shadow on France’s evenhandedness in any forum it’s trying to convene.” Netanyahu wrote a furious letter to President Francois Hollande last week protesting the French support for the decision.
Ayrault reassured Netanyahu that France maintains complete transparency regarding its relations with Israel, and reiterated Hollande’s assertion that the UNESCO vote was a “misunderstanding.”

“The only way to advance real peace between us and the Palestinians is through direct negotiations… with no preconditions,” Netanyahu restated.
Ayrault is promoting a bid to persuade Netanyahu to accept France’s efforts to engineer a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, based on a two-state solution.

mick silver
16th May 2016, 06:43 AM
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Iran ‘preparing another Holocaust,’ Netanyahu chargesAfter meeting French FM, prime minister calls on world to condemn Islamic Republic for ‘denying and mocking’ the ShoahBy Times of Israel staff (http://www.timesofisrael.com/writers/times-of-israel-staff/) May 15, 2016, 11:45 am 33 (http://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-preparing-another-holocaust-netanyahu-charges/#comments)

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http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2016/05/netanyahu-cartoon-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2016/05/netanyahu-cartoon.jpg)An Iranian woman looks at an anti-Israel cartoon of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the second international exhibition of drawing and cartoons on the Holocaust in Tehran on May 14, 2016 (AFP PHOTO / ATTA KENARE)


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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu railed at Iran Sunday for holding its annual Holocaust denial cartoon contest, charging that the Islamic Republic was “preparing another Holocaust” against the Jewish people. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email
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Iran “denies the Holocaust, mocks the Holocaust, and is preparing another Holocaust,” he told ministers at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, “and I think all the countries of the world need to stand up and condemn this unequivocally.”

Israel’s problem with Iran, he said, “isn’t just its subversive, aggressive policy in the region. It’s the values on which it’s based.”
Iran’s annual international cartoon contest (http://www.timesofisrael.com/head-of-irans-holocaust-cartoon-contest-its-not-a-denial/) lampooning the Holocaust features around 150 works from 50 countries. It began Saturday and is running for the next two weeks.
The contest secretary said Saturday it was not denying the Nazi genocide and wasn’t “ridiculing its victims,” but then went on to equate Nazi crimes with Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.
Netanyahu also said that France’s support for a UNESCO resolution that neglected to mention the Temple Mount’s Jewish history casts a pall over Paris’s impartiality in attempts to resuscitate peace talks.
He was speaking shortly after meeting with visiting French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. Ayrault traveled to Ramallah to convene with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after his tete-a-tete with the Israeli prime minister.
http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2016/05/000_AO97Q1-635x357.jpg (http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2016/05/000_AO97Q1.jpg)Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) shakes hands with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on May 15, 2016 during a meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem (AFP PHOTO AND POOL / MENAHEM KAHANA)

The prime minister said that he told Ayrault that France’s “scandalous decision” to vote in favor of a UNESCO resolution “which doesn’t recognize the millennia-old connection between the Jewish people and the Temple Mount casts a shadow on France’s evenhandedness in any forum it’s trying to convene.” Netanyahu wrote a furious letter (http://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-reprimanded-hollande-over-unesco-spat/)to President Francois Hollande last week protesting the French support for the decision.
Ayrault reassured Netanyahu that France maintains complete transparency regarding its relations with Israel, and reiterated Hollande’s assertion that the UNESCO vote was a “misunderstanding.”
“The only way to advance real peace between us and the Palestinians is through direct negotiations… with no preconditions,” Netanyahu restated.
Ayrault is promoting a bid to persuade Netanyahu to accept France’s efforts to engineer a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, based on a two-state solution.

Times of Israel staff contributed to this report

16th May 2016, 06:54 AM
Iran ‘preparing another Holocaust,’ Netanyahu charges

To have 'another' holocaust you need to have a 'first' one.

16th May 2016, 08:30 AM
20 years of this crap

you would think people would get wise to it

16th May 2016, 09:23 AM
The only harm that they will get is the one that they will bring upon themselves.


16th May 2016, 11:24 AM
Iran ‘preparing another Holocaust,’ Netanyahu charges

To have 'another' holocaust you need to have a 'first' one.

Regarding the Jews, the three major genocides include, the Holodomor, the Palestinian genocide and the White European genocide that is taking place till this day.

So yes, another Jewish Holocaust is being prepared by the Jews.

16th May 2016, 11:29 AM
Regarding the Jews, the three major genocides include, the Holodomor, the Palestinian genocide and the White European genocide that is taking place till this day.

So yes, another Jewish Holocaust is being prepared by the Jews.

Good point!