View Full Version : Evalion Shut Down!
18th May 2016, 01:15 AM ( (
Top YouTube Nazi female Evalion has had her channel shut down after yesterday’s crusade by some weird faggot on YouTube (
This guy:
@Onision (
It was pretty much bound to happen. Hopefully you all did as I advised and downloaded the videos and are right now posting them all over YouTube on various channels.
She still has a twitter.
@evalion88 (
On it I can see she created a new channel six hours ago, and it’s already shut down.
Alas, she most likely will not be able to keep a channel on the site again. She got big very fast and they very quickly shut it down.
Hopefully she finds another place to host her videos.
This speaks to the issue I wrote about yesterday ( – that we need our own platforms to host our own content. (
Mirror channel here:
18th May 2016, 01:23 AM
Evalion did a good hour with JFriend a couple weeks ago; smart girl with angelic voice; should be voiceover for cartoons! :) Much of it discusses her online activism & censorship.
18th May 2016, 01:31 AM
We need to do everything we can to spread this around. People will want to listen to someone who is actively being censored by the ruling class.
We should expect more and more censorship as more people start listening to our message. I call it "The Shuttening".
18th May 2016, 01:47 AM
Fuck the Jew
<a href=""> (
George Carlin - The Rothschilds Control America
18th May 2016, 02:02 AM
The Jew by Joseph Goebbels
18th May 2016, 02:36 AM
18th May 2016, 02:41 AM
Top10 Nixon Quotes
18th May 2016, 05:28 AM
anon declares cyber war on her - cites hate speech as reason
Anonymous Evalion Exposed A Message To Evalion
Published on May 16, 2016
Evalion you should have expected us & now its time for you to learn your lesson.
18th May 2016, 05:32 AM
Published on May 16, 2016
You are allowed to have an opinion, you are allowed to think whatever you like, but when you turn that opinion into hate speech against a group of people recognized as a race by the person who ordered their deaths during WWII... and on top of that express chronic LGBT-phobia? It's 2016, we have no room for racist/homophobic hate speech. Both Twitter and YouTube have policies that specifically state the type of racist/phobic content is not permitted, racists like her do not belong here.
18th May 2016, 05:35 AM
streamed 7 hours ago
she's pretty hot for a rayciss :cool:
midnight rambler
18th May 2016, 07:41 AM
If anonymous hates her then now we know who controls anonymous.
18th May 2016, 07:44 AM
^ dat interview is 1hr 40m !!? Maybe I'll skip through when it's boring :)
18th May 2016, 10:42 AM
^ dat interview is 1hr 40m !!? Maybe I'll skip through when it's boring :)
I sampled a few minutes, then moved on. didn't seem like it was going anywhere
18th May 2016, 05:36 PM
If anonymous hates her then now we know who controls anonymous.
And if that video wasn't from the REAL Anonymous, then we should see the real Anonymous make a video supporting her right to free speech.
Interesting how a group that is all about free and open communication, calls out for the censorship of a person talking about history and giving her opinions
18th May 2016, 05:44 PM
And if that video wasn't from the REAL Anonymous, then we should see the real Anonymous make a video supporting her right to free speech.
Interesting how a group that is all about free and open communication, calls out for the censorship of a person talking about history and giving her opinions
"Anonymous" has always been a Leftists/Pro-Establishment group since the original ones became the Alt-Right or /pol/.
20th May 2016, 09:23 AM
Angel-faced Youtuber, 18, is kicked off the site after sharing racist views
Girl, known as 'Evalion', condemned Jews and called black people 'niggers'
Said she denied Holocaust and dubbed Hitler 'brilliant and compassionate'
Another Youtuber called her 'The most racist girl on the entire Internet'
Disturbingly, she boasted 40,000 followers before she was kicked off (
20th May 2016, 09:53 AM
as long as mentalities can be kept "extremely polarized", it is all good.
us vs them = NWO wins, always
20th May 2016, 10:03 AM
us vs them = NWO wins, always
Goldissima constantly reminds us that she is not one of us.
20th May 2016, 11:42 AM
Goldissima constantly reminds us that she is not one of us.
20th May 2016, 12:15 PM
Angel-faced Youtuber, 18, is kicked off the site after sharing racist views
Girl, known as 'Evalion', condemned Jews and called black people 'niggers'
Said she denied Holocaust and dubbed Hitler 'brilliant and compassionate'
Another Youtuber called her 'The most racist girl on the entire Internet'
Disturbingly, she boasted 40,000 followers before she was kicked off (
Easy to fix, call up Godaddy, get a domain name, stand up a website. Then you're free to say whatever you want
20th May 2016, 12:30 PM
Easy to fix, call up Godaddy, get a domain name, stand up a website. Then you're free to say whatever you want
You kidding? Godaddy is jew owned and they will boot a site at will for no reason.
20th May 2016, 12:35 PM
You kidding? Godaddy is jew owned and they will boot a site at will for no reason.
Find one NOT jew owned then. My point is build your own platform
20th May 2016, 01:01 PM
My point is build your own platform
I'm not smart enough for that.
20th May 2016, 02:03 PM
"Anonymous" has always been a Leftists/Pro-Establishment group since the original ones became the Alt-Right or /pol/.
Prepper Girl ( Mod • 20 minutes ago ( Off topic, but I have been catching some things that are not coincidences. I have been suspicious of Anonymous for some time, and noticed their Logo is similar to the UN logo. Compare the 2. Hummmmmmm (
20th May 2016, 02:06 PM
prepper girl ( mod • 20 minutes ago ( off topic, but i have been catching some things that are not coincidences. I have been suspicious of anonymous for some time, and noticed their logo is similar to the un logo. Compare the 2. Hummmmmmm (
son of a bitch!!!
20th May 2016, 04:09 PM
Mike Delaney ( ostensibly built & maintains for this reason; but my guess has long been that he's kosher-compromised so the plug will get pulled on (honeypot) TruTube at some point, memory holing all dinjoo-wise content with it. :(
21st May 2016, 05:55 PM
Anyone have another link? How to identify the jew? Wanted to enlighten the family...
21st May 2016, 08:42 PM
Anyone have another link? How to identify the jew? Wanted to enlighten the family...*
^ I get 1 relevant result atm,
Evalion How To Identify A Jew
but it'll likely get shoah'd soon so the above search should continue to deliver new emerging copies.
Theoretically a search should yield results from across YT, dailymotion, vimeo, hulu, FB etc... not sure about dinjoogle might pretend they don't know trutube exists? I believe Evalion mentioned trutube somewhere in the portion I watched of that long interview; so trutube's own search engine ought to pull it up.
21st May 2016, 09:28 PM
Noticed this from Sinead McCarthy-- the YT vlogger & Renegade hostess whose constant divisiveness & drama-magnetism contributed to my shunning Renegade.
Evalion is a jewish shill and she SHOAH'd Sinead - 1.5 min:
22nd May 2016, 04:40 AM
This be it.
22nd May 2016, 06:05 AM
15 mins
4th June 2016, 08:54 AM
Evalion guest on radio 314 with hostess Lana
mick silver
4th June 2016, 03:42 PM
We're winning so hard right now, I can't feel my face.
4th June 2016, 05:00 PM
interesting case - the wiping software, etc..
Former DEA Agent Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charges
HOUSTON - A Massachusetts man who formerly resided in McAllen has entered a guilty plea to one count of access with intent to view child pornography, announced U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson. James Patrick Burke, 39, was a former special agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Burke came to the attention of law enforcement after investigators found evidence he was accessing files from a website known to contain child pornography. A search warrant was executed at Burke's McAllen residence on Aug. 14, 2015, at which time investigators seized a laptop computer and a desktop computer. Burke admitted downloaded and viewed child pornography from the Internet, but would use forensic wiping software to delete the images and movies.
The forensic examination revealed remnants of the TOR browser which Burke had used to access the child pornography website as well as forensic wiping software. Agents also found remnants of the movie titles that are suggestive of child pornography.
An examination of what was collected from the server side of the website showed that Burke had accessed a total of 77 threads which contained 345 contact sheets with approximately eight images of child pornography per sheet. These images included children under the age of 12, bondage and acts of violence. Some of the images are of known victims as identified through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Burke entered his guilty plea before U.S. District Judge Alfred H. Bennett who set sentencing for Oct. 20, 2016. At that time, Burke faces up to 10 years imprisonment and a possible $250,000 maximum fine. He was permitted to remain on bond pending that hearing.
The charges are the result of an investigation by the FBI.
This case, prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Kimberly Ann Leo, Linda Requenez and Alexandro Benavides, was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by the United States Attorneys' Offices and the Criminal Division's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state and local resources to locate, apprehend and prosecute individuals who sexually exploit children, and to identify and rescue victims. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit<>. For more information about internet safety education, please visit<> and click on the tab "resources."
4th June 2016, 05:53 PM
We're winning so hard right now, I can't feel my face.
“We Will Have So Much Winning That You Will Get Bored With Winning” -Donald Trump
Fixed it.
4th June 2016, 06:50 PM
Evalion is a young Canadian woman who has become e-famous after producing dozens of videos on Youtube, conducted from a standpoint of using trolling, Truth and lulz to attack Jews, Niggers, Muslims and other degenerate plagues upon the white race; all for for great justice and for shits and giggles. Her channel quickly became notable, even gaining 16,000 subscribers within a day, and infamous among the jewtube community. She started to get attacked and mass-flagged by kikes, which resulted in her eventual termination from YT. This story has made international headlines and has raised debates about Free Speech and Censorship, and has dramatically increased the amount of normies getting redpilled and joining the 4th Reich.
1 Background
2 Evidence
3 SJWs Attack
5 Videos
5.1 Her Videos
5.2 Reactions
6 Gallery
7 See Also
8 Mirrors
9 External Links
The confessions of an attention whore
Veronica/Elegon/Evalion is an 18 year old girl with a troubled life. Her parents had a bad divorce when she was young. She was raised by a single mom, and if you know anything, kids raised by single moms are often raised and end up worse than those raised through a strong nuclear familial unit. A lot of the time, children raised by single parents grow up to become criminals, Serial Killers or worst of all: Furfags. It is believed that she is mixed race and possesses some Injun and Kike blood. This is believed to have caused her an identity crisis, as having mixed blood does for most of the lot. She could never get a job because of all the fucking immigrants coming in and takin aour jawbz. She couldn't speak of her life problems, as it would be politically incorrect and she would get v& due to Canada's faggy Hate Speech laws.
The only boy friend she ever had was a 34 year old man from Germany(lol) that she met through the internet. So Evalion, the unhappy teen that she is, made the mistakes that most other similar people made; She ran away from home. She went to the train yard and jumped on a train to take her as far away as possible. She picked the first train that left off and it just so happened to be the Trump Train! This train has no breaks, and the train is crashing with no survivors!
She was still little known until she put on a rabbit fursuit and bawwwed over her now ex-boyfriend. She literally looked just like this. She started to make videos a few years ago, but after having limited success, came back in march 2016 under the alias 'Evalion' and produced the 60 videos we all know about today; the evil naizi bigoted Fasist videos that triggered so many faggot leftists and got her b&.
She was being used by a group of people that idle in the #chimpire irc to eventually boost their own e-celeb careers after a manufactured fall from youtube and later resurgence (she's already taking over some parts of Reddit), taking advantage of the "alt-right" phenomenon. They are a bunch of faggots from reddit that moved over to a le reddit alternative known as, which doesn't censor free speech and has thus become overrun by trolls and /pol/lacks; although the two are one in the same.
Essentially, she is a political stunt for fame and shekels; and previously came to a small degree of notoriety in the past, following drama that occurred between her "online boyfriend", Michael Constantine, a fellow Youtuber (Jewgle hangout [1]). The image of a Skype conversation to the right, shows that she camwhored for some random guy. An audio clip is also rumored to exist, however, Constantine appears to have made amends with her, inviting her for an interview on his channel. A sex tape also exists in which she pleasures herself in both orifices with bowling pins and other assorted objects; however, this is rather sensitive information as she was likely underage b& at the time, and could possibly get you v& IRL. So.. we're gonna avoid showing you this shit.
After all of this, she disappeared off of the internet for a while and has now come back under the name Evalion, (just like we told you a few minutes ago) which was then terminated because of a flagging campaign headlined by one of the most despicable human beings of all time, Onision. Since Evalion is a young, ignorant fool who doesn't know how to stay anonymous, it has been concluded that she lives in Pickering, Ontario. Living in a cucked up country like Canada probably explains why she is retarded enough to publicly describe herself as a National Socialist. As she is still young, hopefully this is just an edgy phase and she will eventually realize how stupid Socialism and its forms are, as she grows up.
She had her scripts written by Suspook who is hoping to gain power and shekels from the resurgence of the right. Supporting this camwhore means you are supporting this hand-rubbing kike. We cannot allow people like this to gain power early on. It will only mean trouble for us later.
SJWs Attack
After her channel gained massive attention, the SJW faggots quickly took notice and launched countless attacks against her; calls to arm to shut it down like the filthy fucking kike scum they are.
The faggot LeafyIsHere, who has around 3 million autistic subscribers, made a video on her which hit 4 million views. Leafy goes on a butthurt autistic rage against her using countless elementary-grade insults such as ad hominems and being a whiny little kike bitch for 10 minutes. The emo cocksucker Onision made a video on her that's reached around 200k hits.
The Shutdown begins.
b& by der jude
After the leftist faggot degenerates waged war on her, they got the kikes who control jewtube to terminate her account after a two day long e-war. The leftists rejoiced in victory, proud to be fighting against Free Speech, differing opinions / thought, and most of all, common sense. She recreated her channel after a few hours, but it was quickly shut down - again.
You can often find fucked up shit on jewtube, like gore (medical purposes), borderline child porn, furry porn flashes, etc; however, a young woman expressing how the jews had a hand in 9/11, are a filthy fucking piece of shit race that needs to be fucking wiped off the face of the earth, and control the mind, money, and morality of the masses, is going way too fuckin' far. Fuckin' holocaust #2 right there.
Woman hater Onision saw that this girl was getting attention, so he didn't want none of that, so he sent his braindead 13 year old subscribers to her channel in order to flag it. Turns out it worked.
Info non-talk.png A full Backup of her youtube videos can be found in a Youtube "Flash" Archive, Powered by Free Speech and Teknikata Hosting Solutions.
Youtube "Flash" Archive
Her Videos
Please keep in mind that these are all mirrors. They could easily be shut down so in the event that any of the videos go down, please add another in.
Previous Video | Next Video
A Evalion Tribute Video
Previous Video | Next Video
Evalion About missing Pics
Trump will make Canada great again.
Conversion to Islam
Evalion youtube statistics before she got suspended, with 62 thousand subscribers
Totally legal
[Expand Gallery]
See Also
Liberals - Those who fight against her
Daily Stormer - her white knights
Jews - The Enemy
Canada - Where she's from; she'll probably get v& for hate speech.
Any mirrors of her videos can be found below; if you have a site with mirrors for her videos, add it to the list. We encourage you, the viewer, to archive and mirror what you can; this is one of the only ways we can continue to fight for free speech. We haven't conducted a virus scan on any of these, so you take your own risk by viewing or downloading from the following links; you have been warned.
Full Backup of Her Videos | Youtube "Flash" Archive
Cheekyvideos mirror
MEGA mirror
BitTrorrent Sync key: BV7Q2BF6YPOU73ZNBONKA5SP5S2GDK4US
Torrent mirror on mirror
Dropbox mirror 1
Dropbox mirror 2
External Links
Her Twitter
DailyStormer article about the fags trying to shut her down
After she was shut down.
Imgur showing (unverified) evidence of a sexual / romantic scandal?
Drama with Constantine's perspective article "Angel-faced Youtuber, 18, is kicked off the site after sharing racist views and singing Happy Birthday to Hitler - with swastika CUPCAKES"
IRC CHATROOM: [// Their base of operations | #chimpire]
Portal trolls.png
Evalion is part of a series on
Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.
Portal yt.png
Evalion is part of a series on
Visit the YouTube Portal for complete coverage.
4th June 2016, 08:03 PM
Encyclopediadramatica is an impressive truth-satire-mockery site. More than once I've opened an article there and ended up reading 5 other linked articles coz they're so entertaining.
Is there one main writer & webmaster? The writing style is so similar in just about everything I read there. But it seems one person wouldn't have enough hours in the day!
I think I heard a few years ago that they're based in scandinavia... or am i mixed up with metapedia? Coz I read some stuff at ...dramatica that seems USA-centric.
4th June 2016, 08:13 PM
More than once I've opened an article there and ended up reading 5 other linked articles coz they're so entertaining.
Some of their articles go very deep with supporting fact links. They can "Dox (" their target in great detail going back many years.
5th June 2016, 03:26 AM
The #FreeSpeechForEvalion campaign has made it all the way to French television!
My French isn’t great. Would be nice if someone reupped it with hard subs.
But we know what these women are saying, without speaking the language:
American girl shut down on YouTube for being a Nazi! Oh my, 18-year-old girl is pure 1488 Nazi! Maybe she’s confused?
But now people are saying she should have freedom of speech to spread her views!
Oh, well, everyone should have free speech, but not people who hate others.
Hate speech is not free speech.
This is a script, and it’s the same all over the world, because the same people wrote it.
I wonder who? (
5th June 2016, 06:03 AM
^ the usual suspects wrote the script... damn jesuits! :(
Eval's Canadian but... anyway I was hoping they'd do a webcam interview with her-- sweet voice speaking french, oh la la. :D
I understand France has highest dinjooz per capita ratio in the EU. It's evident in their Orwellian dinjoo problem coverup "HATE™ Speech" laws; ask Darryl B. Smith.
5th June 2016, 07:14 AM
We're winning so hard right now, I can't feel my face.
Time to stop drinking then... ;D
19th June 2016, 05:17 AM
I really don't follow Molyneux at all but just saw this. Not at his channel; begins looking like a vid he created but by the middle/end it looks more like a patchwork of Molyneux + other clips?
ETA it's a patchwork made by a 3rd party YTer- the name 'Evalion' never rolls off Molyneux' tongue; only some stock clips of his past musings on race mixing. YTer made clever click-bait out of it, riding the coattails of both Evalion & Molyneux' names & images (IE the YT thumbnail image).
14 mins:
Ashkenazi Jews and the Murder of the White Race - Is Evalion Right?
Aaron Kasparov (2976) 24,060 views
Published on May 24, 2016FDR:
Red Ice:
TRS Radio:
Daily Stormer:
Counter Currents:
DS Radio:
Chris Cantwell:
27th October 2016, 10:56 PM
2 hrs, just started listening
Firestarter Radio: Evalion – Special Emergency Broadcast (10-27-16)
Evalion and Sinead get together to discuss the relentless activism she and other activists are experiencing at the hands of Christian Picciolini. They also discuss her and her boyfriend’s detainment and humiliation by Canadian customs, which also resulted in her laptop and personal diary being confiscated. Calls are taken.
Listen + comments
28th October 2016, 05:39 AM
^ listening, reminded me of her angelic pre-pubescent sounding voice, and her mischievous laugh cracks me up :D
This blog someone pointed to in renegade comments has a bunch of resources where her latest stuff is.
Her vids
Find these titles there; unfortunately no lengths, descriptions or pub dates given:
Cheeky Videos
Channel Trailer - You came to the right place
10 Facts About Gays That Activists Don't Talk About
A Tribute To My Fallen Comrade
ADL Jews vs Evil Nazi Dr William Pierce
Are all serial killers white men
Ask me anything for the 10k subs Q&A!
Banksy The Leftist Graffiti Fraud
Buzzfeed tells us How it's Like to be an Androgynous Faggot
Celebrating Hitler's Birthday!
Fat acceptance is bullshit
How Extreme is the 'Moderate' Muslim
How Feminists Supported Rape by Causing the Migrant Crisis
How Radical Feminists and SJWS Control Reddit
How To Identify A Jew
How To Identify a Feminist
How To Watch Blocked Youtube Videos
I have a twitter now!
Incest is Halal in Islam.
Its anudda shoah!! Facts are hate speech!
Julius Streichers Political Testament Part 1 - Call To Destiny
Julius Streichers Political Testament Part 2 - A race question
Julius Streichers Political Testament Part 3 - The World Destroyer
Julius Streichers Political Testament Part 4 - The Struggle Begins
Julius Streichers Political Testament Part 5 - The Sturmer
Julius Streichers Political Testament Part 6 - Adolf Hitler Speaks
Lies of the white slave trade
Mein Kampf - Ford Translation - ADOLF HITLER'S FOREWORD
Mein Kampf - Ford Translation - Vol 1, Ch.1 - [Part 1 of 3]
Mein Kampf - Ford Translation - Vol 1, Ch.1 - [Part 2 of 3]
Mein Kampf - Ford Translation - Vol 1, Ch.1 - [Part 3 of 3]
Mimicry by Joseph Goebbels 'The Jews are Guilty!'
PROOF The Teletubbies is Communist Propaganda
RE - OwnYourVoice - Standing Up for Gender Equality
RE - Problematic Things
RE - Shaniqua the fat feminist with Kinky Hair, Brown Skin, & Queer Hearts
RE - response to an anti-gay person (me)
RE - the f word = feminism
Rambling About Death, True Friends and Future Plans
Rambling about an all girls group, patreon and videos
Rambling about future videos and getting a job
Banksy The Leftist Graffiti Fraud
Rambling about the most antisemitic video ever, shoahs, and videos
Rape Culture is a Myth
Reading TAY AI's Evil Genocidal Nazi Tweets
Reddit's Transgender Pedophilia Problem
Reddit's Transgender Pedophilia Problem
The Jew by Joseph Goebbels.html
Top10 Nixon Quotes
What Feminists Say vs What They Mean
Why Hitler Wasn't Evil
Why Thomas Jefferson Declared war on Islam
Why you shouldn't donate to the 3rd world
Many mirrored at
12th November 2016, 08:22 PM
4 mins
21 mins
Ev was also on this Sinead/renegade girly roundtable show last tues; talked about the above interview, she was also funny as hell sometimes:D
Firestarter Radio: Ladies Roundtable (11-8-16)
Tonight Sinead is joined by Joyster, B, Evalion, and Deplorable Princess to discuss the difference between “feminism” and women’s rights, the bogus elections, the importance of race and IQ, and the jewish problem.
13th November 2016, 09:56 PM
I guess this was done 11/9, the day Trump’s victory was known. But Ruhe just published it yesterday. 31 mins
14th November 2016, 04:11 AM
4 mins
21 mins
Wow I didn't know she was threatened with prison for up to two years. And as she points out for telling the truth...
14th November 2016, 09:48 AM
Oh yeah Canada is more fasci wrt "free speech"; check Brian Ruhe's channel for interviews with Monica Schaefer, or discussing Arthur Topham of
Ernst Zundel's experience there is infamous-- search it up if you're interested.
14th November 2016, 10:16 AM
Well she has a point Trump isn't anti-semetic 1/2 his inlaws are jewish.
He would need to be anti-family if that were the case and has nothing but praise for them.
14th November 2016, 05:03 PM
Well she has a point Trump isn't anti-semetic 1/2 his inlaws are jewish.
He would need to be anti-family if that were the case and has nothing but praise for them.
There are more than one type of Jew...
14th November 2016, 06:13 PM
I appreciate this new Trump I am seeing, he appears humbled by the office of the U.S. Presidency. This is how it should be for anyone contemplating the task that gives a hoot.
Most recent Presidents, knew they had a safety net for their decisions I think, you can tell Trump is going at it more or less alone, which is what the position requires. I hope he keeps it up that way.
15th November 2016, 05:43 AM
I appreciate this new Trump I am seeing, he appears humbled by the office of the U.S. Presidency. This is how it should be for anyone contemplating the task that gives a hoot.
Most recent Presidents, knew they had a safety net for their decisions I think, you can tell Trump is going at it more or less alone, which is what the position requires. I hope he keeps it up that way.
After all this is probably his biggest project and he really doesn't want to fuck it up infront of the whole world.
16th November 2016, 04:51 PM
18th November 2016, 10:00 AM
Ev's latest, 3 mins
NEW Evalion Video Rambling About Her Stalker & Nationalist Reddit Interview
15 hours ago
Renegade just posted this; desc says it touches a lot of related topics incl evalion's current woes. It's 2h 44m so not sure how much I'll listen to.
Countering Violent Extremism - CVE - A Jewish Planned Offensive
ThuleProductions 144 views
Published on Nov 18, 2016
The Z.O.G planned all out attack against the far-right spectrum in the US via the CVE program. Please spread the word, this concerns all of us in the WN/NS movement. The Video also explains what happened to Evalion and Crusader Girl.
Here are all the links:
I can't easily C/P these links here; most are truncated (...) and won't work here so check them at
Christian Picciolini’s Website
Fiscal Year 2016 Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Grant Program…
Life After Hate Facebook…
Freedom of Information Act 2014…
Life After Hate
Countering Violent Extremism C-Span…
Video Transcript: Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism Solicitation Webinar…
Strategic Implementation Plan for Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the USA…
CDC Coherent Logic Models…
Office of Justice Coherent Logic Models…
Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide…
A serious blow for PREVENT: Reactions to the CAGE report…
GCSP holds its first course fully dedicated to countering violent extremism…
Why Women Are the Missing Link in Countering Extremism…
Community-Level Efforts to Prevent Violent Extremism…
Turning Point – New Comprehensive Strategy Countering Violent Extremism…
6th July 2017, 05:32 PM
6th July 2017, 05:52 PM
GTA teen who called for ‘white’ Canada has laptops seized by CBSA
A current affairs television show in France recently took a hard look at Canadian Veronica Bouchard.
They had a heated discussion about the Greater Toronto Area teenager whose racist videos, posted under an alias, have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.
“I think it started the first time i saw my Führer, he’s just so handsome and lovely,” said 19-year-old Bouchard in a video shown as an example.
The commentators suggested nothing has been done in Canada due to weak anti-hate laws. But Bouchard believes she should be allowed to say what she wants.
READ MORE: Ontario teen who called for ‘white’ Canada has laptop seized by CBSA
Global News asked whether she understood that most people see her videos as spreading hatred.
“I believe they are wrong because I have the facts to back it up and it’s my freedom of speech,” she said.
Not necessarily, according to criminal lawyer David Butt.
He explained hate speech in Canada is the deliberate promotion of hatred to an identifiable group.
WATCH: GTA teen who called for ‘white’ Canada has laptops seized by CBSA
The difficulty is in proving something promotes hatred.
“What hate speech goes to is the extreme end of the spectrum, and it is demeaning and dehumanizing are other words the courts have used,” said Butt, adding he believes some of Bouchard’s content meets that criteria.
“There are a significant components where she particularly addresses themes of anti-Semitism and white supremacy that would qualify as hate speech.”
Bouchard said she was stopped at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport when returning from Germany, and that her laptop was seized by Canada Border Services Agency.
READ MORE: Accused in Abbotsford racist viral video now in custody
She was told it was for investigation of spreading hate propaganda. But is she doing it on her own?
Some of Bouchard’s, scripts are written by hate groups, using the teenager as a propaganda tool, according to one expert.
“She is just the voice of this,” said Christian Picciolini, Co-Founder of Life After Hate.
He showed an example, a Facebook post from one of them saying, “Looking for girls willing to read scripts for videos.”
READ MORE: Rodrigo Duterte apologizes for Hitler comments
“They’ve specifically sought out young, pretty girls to take this message online,” said Picciolini.
“We definitely need to be careful of personalities like Veronica Bouchard, because from what I’ve seen online there are thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of people who are supporting her and even willing to be violent for her.”
As for Bouchard, she claimed she does her own writing.
“Most of it is my own words,” she insisted.
But are they words to be proud of?
6th July 2017, 07:33 PM
What a twat!
6th July 2017, 08:09 PM
What a twat!
Big boobs are a waste besides titty fuckin and showing all the boob fed males what they think they want want. Joke. Hookers on 8 mile in Detroit probably be safer.
6th July 2017, 08:18 PM
Yeah, who cares about Evalion's big ole mommy mams when you can have a fidget spinner instead. :)
7th July 2017, 06:00 AM
What a douche!
7th July 2017, 01:59 PM
Yeah, who cares about Evalion's big ole mommy mams when you can have a fidget spinner instead. :)
Spinners are cool!
23rd February 2020, 03:58 PM
evalion is now judith starski....and added a 100 pounds of fat
pic of the new and improved evalion --
one of her vids:
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