View Full Version : Chomsky: US Republicans ‘Most Dangerous’ Threat in ‘Human History’

mick silver
21st May 2016, 03:52 AM
Chomsky: US Republicans ‘Most Dangerous’ Threat in ‘Human History’By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/gordonduff/) on May 20, 2016
He just figured this out?

Political dissident and noted US scholar Noam Chomsky is warning that the Republican Party may be “the most dangerous organization in human history.”
Fear the Bern: Noam Chomsky Blames Anti-Sanders Sentiment on US Politics’ Rightward Shift (http://sputniknews.com/us/20160229/1035537462/chomsky-us-politics-right-shift.html)

The world-renowned author, philosopher, and social critic told DemocracyNow’s Amy Goodman about his concerns on the state of the American right wing and the 2016 election.
“If we were honest, we would say something that sounds utterly shocking and no doubt will be taken out of context and lead to hysteria on the part of the usual suspects,” Chomsky stated, “but the fact of the matter is that today’s Republican Party qualify as candidates for the most dangerous organization in human history. Literally.”
When Goodman asked Chomsky about the rapid rise of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, Chomsky explained that, traditionally, when a very extreme candidate has appeared on the scene, the establishment would beat them back down and install their own candidate—which they have failed to do during this election.
“Every time a candidate came up from the base—Bachmann, McCain, Santorum, Huckabee, one crazier than the other—every time one rose from the base, the Republican establishment sought to beat them down and get their own—get their own man—you know, Romney,” he explained. “And they succeeded, until this year. This year the same thing happened, and they didn’t succeed. The pressure from the base was too great for them to beat it back.”

Chomsky noted that both parties have shifted so far to the right that the current Democratic Party is essentially indistinguishable from what moderate Republicans used to be.
“This has been going on for a generation. And while this has been happening, there’s a kind of a vicious cycle. You have more concentration of wealth, concentration of political power, legislation to increase concentration of wealth and power, and so on,” he remarked. “[T]he parties have shifted so far to the right that the—today’s mainstream Democrats are pretty much what used to be called moderate Republicans. Now, the Republicans are just off the spectrum.”
“[T]he fact of the matter is that today’s Republican Party qualify as candidates for the most dangerous organization in human history,” Chomsky said. “Just take their position on the two major issues that face us: climate change, nuclear war. On climate change, it’s not even debatable. They’re saying, ‘Let’s race to the precipice. Let’s make sure that our grandchildren have the worst possible life.’”

21st May 2016, 03:53 AM


22nd May 2016, 06:01 AM
Chomsky noted that both parties have shifted so far to the right that the current Democratic Party is essentially indistinguishable from what moderate Republicans used to be.

So much fail in that statement

22nd May 2016, 06:52 AM
noted US scholar Noam Chomsky


22nd May 2016, 08:17 AM
‘Most Dangerous’ Threat in ‘Human History’

I would welcome the complete annihilation of humanism in order to return to a society governed by REASON!!!

22nd May 2016, 10:43 AM
republicans lacing medical gear with poison


A chemical used to make plastic IV tubes and catheters has been linked to attention deficit disorder in children who received treatment for a serious illness, according to a new study.

The tubing and catheters contain plastic-softening chemicals, called phthalates, which have been banned from children's toys and products such as teething rings and soft books because of their potential toxic effects. The chemicals are known to disrupt hormones and have been implicated in everything from asthma to autism.

[Phthalates may be out of toys, but they're still in food]

"We found a clear match between previously hospitalized children's long-term neurocognitive test results and their individual exposure to the phthalate DEHP during intensive care," lead researcher Soren Verstraete, from Leuven, Belgium, told the Endocrine Society.

Verstraete and his colleagues tested 449 children, newborns to age 16, who were treated in pediatric intensive care units and whose care involved between one and 12 medical tubes. They found high levels of phthalates, even among those admitted with only catheters in place. Until the young patients' discharge from the ICU, those levels remained 18 times higher than in a control group of healthy children.

Four years later, the once-critically ill children underwent neurocognitive tests. Adjusting for other risk factors, the scientists found a strong association between high exposure to phthalates and development of attention deficit disorder. The research was repeated with an additional group of more than 200 pediatric ICU patients, and the findings were similar.

22nd May 2016, 11:03 AM
all ideals based on killing, enslaving, exploiting lead to same... humanism or not. Those are ANTI-reason

terminology doesnt matter but the means to achieve the goals.

‘Most Dangerous’ Threat in ‘Human History’

I would welcome the complete annihilation of humanism in order to return to a society governed by REASON!!!

22nd May 2016, 11:08 AM
The repukes are only one side of the political control force in Washington. They all are working towards the same goal....the reduction in the number of people on the planet

23rd May 2016, 08:37 AM

Some years ago his criticism of Israel was measured at best. Now he rips the living shit out of Israel. I've been watching some of his recent speeches on Youtube.

23rd May 2016, 09:38 PM
Some years ago his criticism of Israel was measured at best. Now he rips the living shit out of Israel. I've been watching some of his recent speeches on Youtube.

if you call defending israel from 9-11 truth 'rips the living shit out of' them...then okay he does

Twisted Titan
23rd May 2016, 11:01 PM
Some years ago his criticism of Israel was measured at best. Now he rips the living shit out of Israel. I've been watching some of his recent speeches on Youtube.

The best way to control the opposition IS TO LEAD IT.
